Peace Breakers

By lavnyah

8 0 0

SFTAA ( Starry Forest Titan Academy and Army) is a squad initiated by a group of teenagers from Talonia as a... More

A day at SFTAA

8 0 0
By lavnyah

   Suzie said, " The Pelnyu's mayor informed me that the number of titans per day is rising, that's not good. "
   " I heard that this city is the most open area for titans, it's near the Nyull Ocean and the titans always come from that side. Maybe they spawn in the Ocean, maybe that's a sign and we could stop them from multiplying. ", added Akasha.
   " I think Akasha is right. But we don't know how they multiply, we didn't see any reproductive organs. ", approved Shiho.
   "If they were spawned in the Nyull Ocean, then they would move in Pelnyu, how can you explain the titan invasions in Teclys, Bignay and Xerid, cities that are 500 miles far away from the Ocean? I think this is just a coincidence with the Nyull Ocean. Just think about it- ", fought back Suzie.
   "Suzie, they can walk, they have big legs and big foots and can walk 500 miles away from the Ocean, you thought about that?", intrerrupted Akasha.

    Suzie looked angrily at Akasha, sipped a mouthful of coffee and sat on the edge of the countertop, opened her "10 Things To Do When You Are So Angry At Someone" book and shouted "EVERYTHING YOU SAID IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE" and closed the book nervously.  

   "Yo ma'am open the book and calm down", said Casen
   " One: keep arguing", responded Suzie with an evil smile on her face and started laughing.

    Suzie is the SFTAA's leader and she thinks the world is revolving around her, but it's not like that. If she is the leader  it doesn't mean that she has control over everyone. She's tiny and very stubborn, but open-minded. A little white-haired girl with green eyes and a beautiful body shape, like a wasp, tiny hands but skilled. She spent her life researching titans and now she is the leader of an army and she is proud of herself and her teammates, but also a bit disappointed because in those years, no titan has stepped on the territory of her city. Sometimes she thinks that all the effort she made to get where she is now was a waste of time and all this time she could do something else.

   Suzie stands up, looks around and says: " Don't you think it's too late for these types of conversations? Go and sleep, rest your body, tomorrow you will have a lot of work at the Academy with those enrolled.", and she left the room and goes outside for a moment and she lit a cigarette. Ava sneaks behind Suzie with a clipboard in her arms, waiting for a perfect moment to intervene.

   "Uhh, Suzie, I have some statistics. The number of titan invasions is rising and some mayors are asking for help, they need some of our army members. I've found that these humanoid giants' body structure and power source are very mysterious and they apparently violate several known laws of science, seemingly capable of spontaneously generating both energy and mass. Their extremely high level of activity and body temperature indicates the need for a massive intake of energy to fuel them, yet they apparently never need to eat at all.They possess vocal organs and are able to emit simple sounds like roars and screams, yet they apparently do not need to breathe.  They do seem to become less active at night or if deprived of sunlight, and so it may be possible they draw their primary source of energy from the sun."
   "So, if they draw their primary source of energy from the sun, we need to defeat them when the sun sets.", said Suzie.
   "Yes, we can tell them these tricks and they will easily win. By the way.. How long have you been smoking?", asked Ava.
   "Some days ago I've started smoking, I don't know but I've been a little frustrated in the last few days.", answered Suzie.
   Ava asked if she could do anything and Suzie was silent and went inside telling Ava to prepare those who will leave at sunrise to help the other cities.

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