𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐄 |short story (Mj)βœ”οΈŽ

By sellibeau

18.1K 651 5.3K

|won best short story 2020| Michael is the CEO of a successful business organization who earns millions annua... More

2| Rings
7|Sweet Wine
10| Arias Co.-the end

1| One Time

2.1K 90 563
By sellibeau

Sʜᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ɪ sᴍᴇʟʟ, ᴄᴏʟᴏɢɴᴇ


        Michael sat at his desk with authority early one Monday morning. He checked his gold watch as it was only 8am and nobody is here yet. His fingers tapped against his black ebony desk and his eyebrows raised as soon as he saw the silhouette of a familiar person in the doorway. He rolled his eyes far up his head as soon as the person turned the knob

"Big brother! It's great to see you again!" His sister Janet said, coming in with a smug smile. He eyed her as she set a stack of papers on his desk. "Your secretary told me to bring these up for you. You're welcome." She adds

"Janet what do you want? I'm busy." Michael sighed and she laughed, "Yeah okay. Anyway, how's your business going?" She asks and he glanced up at her, "Would be doing better if you didn't compete with my organization at this time."

She scoffs. "Nah Mike you just wont admit that the Janet Towers are better than your 'Jackson Towers'" she mocks and he scoffed back at her as he stack up the papers and licked his finger, beginning to proofread them

"So I heard you hired another one huh?" She asks, fiddling with the fake plants beside his desk and he shrugged, "And if I did?"

"Lemme guess, you fired Rivera right?"

He stopped looking through the papers and squinted at her, "How'd you know?"

"Y'all be fucking on the low. You thought I didn't know?" She laughs as he rolled his eyes at her and as soon as he turned his head towards his drawers to grab a paper clip, she saw the dark red hickey on his neck and she gasps with a grin

"You did it with the new girl didn't you?" She asks and he paused and followed her stare before covering his neck with his button up underneath his suit, "You can go now Janet."

She tsks, "My big brother; doesn't know how to keep that dinga ling to himself." She sighs blissfully, "Well done Mike."

"Shut up." He grunts and she just laughs at him again, "So who's the naughty little girl you did it this with huh? Is she pretty?"

"Fine as hell" he thought

"No comment." He said

As soon as she was about to continue her accusations, the door opens again and in came Destiny—juggling paperwork and a cup of coffee in her hands as she kicks the door closed

"Destiny you're late." Michael scolds her as she flashes that notorious nervous smile again, "Sorry Mr. Jackson I woke up late because I didn't set my alarm last night-"

"I didn't ask for an explanation." He interrupted her and she zipped her lips shut, "My bad." She laughed sheepishly before glancing at Janet who stared at her with squinted eyes and a forming evil grin

Destiny gasps, "Oh Ms. Jackson I didn't see you there! Nice to make your acquaintance!" She says and quickly does an awkward bow causing Janet to laugh

"So you're the one my brother fucked huh?" She asks and Destiny's cheeks became bright red as she stumbled over her words, "H-huh? I-I don't know what you're talking about I would n-never do that I just brought him coffee that's all hahaha." She said and began to nervously laugh as Michael motioned for her to stop

"Janet shut the fuck up you're frightening my workers."

"I'm frightening your workers or you-"

"Shut up."

"My apologies Destiny, I'm happy to meet you too. I was just pullin' your peach there." She winks, making Destiny just nervously smile again, "Riiight." She laughs and holds out her hand to shake it

Michael took a sip of the coffee Destiny brought for him and his face scrunched up, "Destiny did you put exactly 4 spoons of sugar with a teaspoon of cream and a dash of vanilla flavoring in it just how I like it?" He questioned her and she paused

"Uh...I m-might've put 3 spoons of sugar instead of 4..." she trails off and he makes that facial expression on his face that always makes her nervous

"It isn't sweet enough Destiny." He tells her and she dashed to his desk to take it back, "Y-yes sir I'll make you a new one." She says and rushed out the room as Michael sighed shaking his head and stood up checking his watch: 8:15. They should be arriving now

He walked towards the door as he adjusted his suit and Janet followed, "Where you going?" She asked

"Who let you into my building knowing you're the enemy?" He asked his sister as she followed him down the shiny marble hallway on their way to the Jackson meeting room and Janet shrugged nonchalantly, "I bribed Karen with 500 dollars in cash to let me in here whenever I want."

His eyes widened at her but he wasn't surprised. Everyone that works for him are money hungry anyway

"You can go now." He muttered and she laughed again, "You're so grumpy on Monday mornings."

He scanned his card and walked into the room which smelled of air freshener. He looked around the place and set his stuff down on the long dark brown fine wood table and tapped his fingers impatiently against the table again as Janet wandered around trying to steal ideas off of him as she flipped through his notes, "Clever." She muttered

The door opened and revealed Geneva coming into the room with a cup of coffee—for herself— and wore dark grey dress pants and a blazer today

It caught Janet's attention as she squinted her eyes and exchanged looks between them

"Ms. Arias, you're early." Michael said, as his brows were raised at his new worker and she grinned, "Well Mich-Mr. Jackson, you like your workers on time don't you?" She asked him as her eyes relentlessly gazed into his and he nodded his head

"Right." He said and Janet clapped her hands from the corner of the room, "So it's her huh? Ms.-" she squinted and read Geneva's name tag, "Geneva eh? I see what's going on here." She smirked and Geneva only grinned back, "What exactly do you mean?" She asked

"Janet get out of my office." Michael gritted and she raises her hands up to surrender, "Alrighty big bro. Catch me on TV and the magazines."

"My building's in the magazines too." Michael bragged back at her and she wiggles her brows up and down, "But is it on the cover?" She challenged and Michael gritted his teeth at her and she laughed again leaving the room

Geneva sat down in her seat which was almost next to Michael, "So Michael," she starts but he cut her off, "It's Mr. Jackson when we're working Ms. Arias." He corrected her and she continued anyway, "You did me good in that closet." She teased

"Won't happen again." He muttered clearing his throat and she chuckled, "Yes sir." She said and sipped on her coffee again, "You have a big di-"

"Mr. Jackson I'd like to discuss something with you." Rocky came storming into the room along with the rest of the coworkers as they lazily came in sitting in their seats

"Why the hell did you use Lucas' advertisement idea instead of mine?" He argued and Michael blankly looked at Rocky, "Because his was better."

Lucas smiled his charming smile as he sat down next to Ysenia who had her legs crossed sophisticatedly. "Better?!" Rocky squeaked, "I'm a much better writer than Lucas and you know it. You're givin' him special treatment and you know that too."

"I know a good writer when I see one because you're standing amongst one right now. Take a seat Mr. Smith." He said and Rocky rolled his eyes doing so. Geneva solemnly sipped on her coffee as Michael glanced at her many times. The tension was awkward after they hooked up in the janitors closet previously and she thinks it's the funniest thing in the world

"We have things to discuss." Michael said

They now were on their break as Geneva and Linda walked over to the refreshments table which just had donuts of various flavors, coffee cakes, apple pies, sugar cookies, etc. "So how you liking work so far?" Linda asks as she grabbed a napkin and filled it with cookies

Geneva shrugged nonchalantly as she picked up a blueberry muffin and bit into it but didn't like the taste so she put it back-

"It's alright." She vaguely answered

Linda raises a brow at her as she bit into her cookie, "You saying Mr. Jackson doesn't completely scare you?" She asks and Geneva scoffs, "Nope. It takes a lot to scare me." She replies, "He's pretty easy on me if you ask me." She said and Linda squinted her eyes as Geneva wiggled her brows up and down

Then she loudly gasped causing some people to stare. "That mark on your neck...you fucked the boss?!" She whisper yelled and Geneva put her hand over her mouth

"Who fucked who?" They heard Rocky's voice say as him, Lucas and Ysenia walked around the corner planning on getting some snacks for themselves

"Nothing. Get lost Rock." Linda dismisses him and he kissed his teeth, "I love you too Linda." He smirked and she sneered at him, "Oh go to hell." She laughed

"They haven't taken out the trash I see." Ysenia muttered as she reached over the table to grab a dark chocolate cookie. They furrowed their brows and amongst each other

"What trash?" Lucas asked, munching on his food and Ysenia glanced at Geneva briefly, "That. Right there." She said pointing to Geneva and she squinted her eyes at her

"Settle down Yesnia." Linda chimes in as Geneva cocked a brow at Ysenia but still isn't fazed. "You talkin' to me?" She asked and Ysenia stepped up to her also, "That's right." She replied

"Ladies no cat fighting—save it for the streets." Lucas intervened and pushed them back from one another, "I wasn't gonna start anything." Ysenia said surrendering up her hands. "Then why don't you like me?" Geneva inquired as the evil grin appeared on her face again as she crossed her arms

"It's not that I don't like you." Ysenia started, "I just don't like you as much."

"Oh that's much better."


"We'll be going now." Linda said grabbing Geneva's hand and guiding her to another area with water fountains. "As I was saying—you had sex with Mr. Jackson?!" She exclaims and Geneva shrugs, "Never said that."

"Oh cut the bull you still have a hickey on your neck and you came back smelling like his cologne the other day."

She pursed her lips and leaned against the sleek walls. "Well it was quick. Nothing special."

"You little shit!" Linda laughed and started elbowing her but stopped and cleared her throat as soon as they saw Michael walking down the hallway

"Mr. Jackson." They said simultaneously and he nodded his head towards them

"Ladies." He replied and proceeded to walk down the hallway and as soon as he disappeared Linda squealed again. "How the hell did it happen?!"

Geneva took a piece of Linda's cookie and chewed on it nonchalantly again as she brushed her fingers on her blazer, "I honestly don't know. But it was good." She said and Linda smirked at her, "Ya know? I like you. You're one badass newbie." She said causing Geneva to laugh to herself as they walked down to their area with the computers to get some work done.

Meanwhile, Michael sat at his desk in his office again and runs his hand down his face as he sent an email—a threat to the Janet Towers.

His finger pressed down on the enter button and he sat back in his chair blowing out a deep gust of air as Destiny came into the room holding a muffin and his second cup of coffee for the day, "Mr. Jackson your wife called again." She says causing Michael roll his eyes sitting back in his seat

"What have I told you Destiny? She's my ex-wife."

"But you're not divorced yet so I think she's still your-" she saw that look of his and started stuttering again, "I-I mean ex-wife sir. That's exactly what she is." She laughs sheepishly again and sets his coffee and muffin down in front of him

"Destiny my sister's business is getting better and better each day and I can't have that. My building has to stay number one forever and always." He says and she nodded her head, "I agree sir."

"I want you to set up a conference immediately, but not now."

She furrows her brows, "S-so now?"

"No, immediately but not now."

"So soon?"


"So when's-on second thought nevermind Mr. Jackson I got it." She smiles and he nodded his head before sipping his coffee and she watches in dismay

"Uh ya know Sir," she starts and he raised a brow at her, "What Destiny?" He asked and she cleared her throat, "You shouldn't drink too much coffee Mr. Jackson. When was the last time you got sleep?" She asked him and he slowly set his coffee down on the table, "Are you implying that I look bad Destiny?"

"What?! No not all sir in fact you look quite spiffy today!" She winks with both eyes and he side eyed her as he just placed the coffee to his lips again

"But I just mean you should get more sleep sir. I'll take care of everything." She suggests and he shook his head, "Thanks for the offer Destiny but I needa work on growing my business."

"But your towers are on the top ten list of-"

"That isn't enough." He said and tapped his gold pen onto his desk as he brainstormed for a little while. "You're dismissed Destiny." He said. The day was getting darker already and 12 hours have gone by. He never likes to overwork his workers but since they have competition—things have to take a turn

They were beginning to close and everyone started going home. Geneva on other hand took a taxi here and wasn't able to get one in time to take her home for the night

"Neva," Linda's voice boomed through the building as she was about to leave the building. She had in a black trench coat despite it being a little warm in Cali all the time, "We're hanging out at my place in an hour. You should come. I'll text you the address." She said and Geneva nodded her head with a smile, "Got it."

Linda smiled back and left before Geneva got a chance to ask her for a ride home and she huffed stuffing her phone back in her pocket. She then heard Mr. Jackson's voice:

"Karen I swear if your hungry ass easily gets influenced by my sister's money again, you're fired." He said and paused as soon as he saw Geneva standing by the door

He let out a sharp breath as he dug into his pockets looking for his car keys. Geneva continued to stare at him as he glanced at her several times before he looked up sighing. "You need something Ms. Arias?"

"Well since you're asking, I need a ride home." She said and he cocked a brow. "Cars aren't a thing anymore?"

"Mines being fixed in the shop."

"Call a taxi or an Uber."

"Spending money on those things everyday is annoying. Just give me a ride this one time."

"What do I look like giving my workers rides home?"

"Well you did fuck me in the janitor's-" he covered her mouth and took her outside where outside where it's more loud with passing cars and traffic. "Don't bring that up to anybody you hear me?" His voice was tight and held authority

He felt something warm and wet against his hand and he quickly removed it from her mouth, "Did you just lick my hand?" He asks her and wipes it on her blazer in disgust

"Yeah, I did. And I'll tell the whole world what we did if you don't give me a ride home." She threatened with that grin stuck to her face as he glared at her for almost a hour before letting out a low chuckle, "So you wanna blackmail me now huh?"

"Right." She said back and crossed her arms as he inched closer and closer to her just like last time. "You're really pushing it for your second day of work Ms. Arias." He gritted as she felt his cool minty breath brush her face again making her grin wider. "Just being me, sir." She replies.

He glared at the sneaky manipulative woman some more and watched as she licked her lips erotically before walking off to his reserved parking spot secluded from the rest of the cars, "Follow me." He said

She followed him to his car and was immediately taken back as she stared at it with desire

Michael came from a rich family whose wealth defined them greatly. He had many siblings of whom are successful but not as success as him—with the exception of Janet—which annoys him greatly. How she caught up to his success despite being 8 years apart baffles him and he vows to be on top always

"Nice car, Mr. Jackson." She complimented him as he got into the driver's seat. "Yeah." He replied and she got into the passengers seat soon after

Everything about Michael was classy and expensive.

"I'll direct you to my place." She winks at him and he rolled his eyes as he glanced around just so no one would see him in the car with her. "This is only a one time thing Ms. Arias. You hear?"

"Understood sir." She replies. The fact that she always speaks to him with that unbothered attitude with a grin stuck to her face makes him just think she likes to do the opposite of what he tells her

He begins to drive and the car ride was quiet and smooth as he sped down the highway. Geneva glanced at him a few times and laughed to herself as he tried not to look back at him. "You look nice today Mr. Jackson."


"I like the color of your suit."

"Mmh." He says and raises the up the volume on the radio to drown out her soothing voice. She laughed at his gesture—thinking this whole situation is entertaining. "You're acting quit nervous Mr. Jackson." She points out as he takes a different way down the street. "And this isn't the way to my place."

"I feel just fine Ms. Arias and I have to stop by at my house for a second, I have some papers I need to personally give to you." He said as he kept his eyes on the road and never dared look elsewhere

She slowly nodded her head, "Oh...that's fine then." She said and rested her hand on his thigh and he stiffened. She easily noticed he had a hard on and being in the car with her wasn't making anything better

"Mr. Jackson I was pretty flattered the other day. You're one monster and you must be one in bed too."

He didn't answer as she proceeded to tease him more. "Being my boss is gonna be your advantage ain't it?" She asked and he lightly removed her hand from his thigh and right away she noticed the gold ring on his finger

She furrowed her brows about to say something but they were already outside of his house in the driveway:

His house had a black sleek theme just like his office building adding onto his classy persona. He checked the gold watch on his wrist and he got out the car as she did the same, "You can wait out here or follow me inside." He told her as she looked around the place in awe. He had a pool in the back and 2 other black cars. It's obvious his favorite color is black

She followed him to his front door as he unlocked it and the inside was more stunning than the outside:

It was nothing like she's ever seen before. The house had luxury and class. Two things she longed for

Her heels clicked to the kitchen where she met him getting a bottle of champagne from the cabinet, "Help yourself to a drink of this while I get what I wanted to give you." He told her and she nodded her head as her eyes wandered all around his house

He sensed her amazement as he went upstairs for a second.

"I'm at my boss' house." She thought you herself. First they fucked, and now she's at his house. Things sure are weird in Cali

She sipped on the small glass as she looked around some more. She hears his footsteps again as he approaches her and sets the papers down on the black countertop, "There." He said

She nodded her head. "Thanks." She simply said and he exhaled from exhaustion and opened the fridge behind her. "Nice house you have here Mr. Jackson." She said and he turned around nodding his head

"I know."

She grinned again and sipped her drink again. She looked down at his hand again and remembered the ring, "Whats that?" She asks and he paused and followed her gaze and his eyes landed on his ring finger, "A ring." He answered

She straight faced him and sipped her wine some more. "What kind of ring? Wedding? Engagement?"

He furrowed his brows. For some reason he expected her to be mad or taken aback at the fact that he had a ring but she seemed casual and nonchalant as always

"Wedding." He said and she nodded her head

"So you're married huh?" She asked and he sighed. "I'm getting a divorce. It was a mistake we were married for like a month."

"So I had sex with a married man" she thought and grinned to herself. "I'm caught up in an affair...this should be fun"

"When's your divorce?" She asks, swishing the drink in her hand back and forth

His eyes bored into here's as he brought out some frozen lasagna from the freezer and unwrapped it, "We haven't even signed any papers. I want a divorce but she refuses to divorce me." He said and Geneva nodded her head slowly again which annoyed him. "I shouldn't be telling you my business anyway. You work for me."

"You're right." She said and kept her eyes on him as she proceeded to sip her drink. "You're my boss. I listen to you." She said

He squinted his eyes at her. "Ms. Arias are you mocking me?" He questioned and she raised a brow as he started to preheat the oven. "Not all Mr. Jackson." She said but her tone said otherwise

He got closer to her, invading her personal space and he set her straight. "What happened between us must stay between us, is that clear Ms. Arias? I got caught in the heat is all, it won't happen again. You want one of us to get in deep trouble?" He rhetorically asked her and she returned his glare with a smirk, "No sir." She answered

"This happened once and only once." He said and the atmosphere became a little different suddenly—"Once?" Her voice asked him and right away she felt his lips against his again and her hands automatically wrapping around his neck as they sloppily kissed, knocking down her glass of champagne onto the table

He carried her on top of the island and spread her legs apart just so he can get in between them. He kissed down her neck and began unzipping the zipper to her dress pants as she undid his belt again like last time

"See Mr. Jackson? You can't keep your hands off of me." She moaned as the erotic feeling of his lips to her skin came back and he grunted as he got her shirt off and stared at her breasts with desire. "It's Michael." He corrected her

He felt around her lace bra as she felt up on his black satin boxers inside his pants and he grunted again. "Just take em off." He told her and she did so, sliding his pants off with her bare feet as her hands were currently now occupied—tangled in his hair from the feeling of his lips on her tits

She felt his erection against her crotch as her legs wrapped around his torso bringing him closer. Her hands clawed at his bare back as he had his way with her

But the atmosphere was weird as said before

Because none of this happened—headasses

He snapped out of it as she tilted her head to the side. "What'd you say?" He asks her and she cocked a brow, "I said once?" She repeated from his previous statement from before and he stepped back from her nodding his head as he now placed the lasagna in the oven

"This happened once and only once." He stated again and grabbed the bottle of champagne that was next to her glass—which never really spilled—and placed it back to where it was before

"Well Mr. Jackson," Geneva breathed as she stood up from her seat by the island, "I must get going. I have somewhere to be." She said and he cursed to himself, forgetting that he was supposed to take her home. "Right." He said and turned off the oven grabbing his keys

Things are about to get interesting in the office very soon. The love affairs, scandals and betrayal will soon question Michael's success—very soon

This chapter was lousy for the first one of the book but i wanted more character development but hopefully it'll be more interesting soon🤡🤡🤡

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