Babydoll (BWWM)

By savvv3

1.4M 49.8K 21.2K

Kinda meant to be cliche and corny "I never said that this life was going to be all sunshine and rainbows, ba... More

1 - Gunshots & Clubbin'
2 - Mansions & Trackers
3 - Babydoll
4 - More shooting & fainting
5 - Fuck off Luca
6 - Another day Another dollar
7 - My children
8 - Ansley
9 - Nothing dangerous
10 - Liam
11 - Amelia
12 - Jealousy
13 - You're fucking crazy
14 - Andrei
15 - Stay with me
16 - Deal
17 - Her words not mine
18 - Weird things
19 - Pretty fire
20 - I'm a bad bitch
21 - Pre date
22 - Me n you
23 - Date night*
24 - Embarrassing
25 - She's mine
27 - Pills
28 - Backstory *
29 - Graduation
30 - Research Purposes
31 - Nosy ass
32 - Nicholas and Trevor
33 - Daddy kink
34 - Love
35 - You look so sexy
36 - Apple
37 - Panorama Bitch
38 - I don't deserve her
39 - Distant
40 - Bitch!
41 - Childish
42 - Freak
43 - After*
44 - you fucking tease*
45 - Charity
46 - trending
47 - Usher's dick
48 - Vacation*
49 - Birthday
50 - Mama
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10
Bonus #11
hey guys

26 - You had one job

22K 784 508
By savvv3

Kiona's POV

+ not edited

"Babydoll, let's go." Jackson comes in my office two hours later with again him in a change of clothes.

"What's happening now?" I ask getting my stuff.

"You, babydoll, get to see my warehouse." He says telling me to catch. He threw some of my clothes at me. I had so many questions.

"But like why?" He was probably getting irritated that I was asking so many questions. I followed him to his car having to run to catch up.

"Business baby." He says but then I glare at him. "Some guy wants to talk." He says turning the wheel. Meaning some gang wants to test them. Kill Jackson to be exact, but he wasn't gonna let those words come out of his mouth.

"I literally graduate so fucking soon Jackson." I say folding my arms.

"Babydoll, I'm going to keep my promise. We've made it a month. We can go another day."


His whole facility was locked down, and like he said it was like two football fields long. I was now in some sweatpants and a jacket with just a tank top underneath and he was in something similar.

He took my hand walking down a path inside. Looking around it was bright as hell. Guards and people crowded every inch of the warehouse. Stuff was being packed up. Drugs and weapons. Crates and packages were being taken to trucks. Ok...

Jackson was obviously a king in here. Every little station we walked past they were saying hello and everyone moved out of his way without hesitation. We walk up some stairs and into a room with some guards outside.

I was intimidated by all the buff looking and fit people in the facility. Of course almost everyone had guns and I know it probably wasn't the best thing to think about but they were surrounded by gunpowder, with firearms. Not very smart.

He says a few words to the guards then pulls me in shutting the door behind us.

He sits down in a rolling chair pulling my waist to sit on his lap. This office or whatever it was, was painted white and it had a big window overlooking the whole warehouse. "Alright give me one second. You ok babydoll?" He asks and I nod silently.

He picks up a phone hitting a number and the P.A system comes on. "We have Derek's little gang coming here. I don't know what the hell they want, but I do know that they don't have a lot of people left and so they shouldn't try to pull any shit, so just be ready." He says and then ends it. The warehouse goes back to being as noisy as it was when we walked in.

I sigh moving back his hair just looking at him. I was calm surprisingly.

Some minutes went by of me laying my head on his shoulder and him rubbing my back. I was so close to falling asleep to be honest when a guard walks in and says they're here.

Oh yea with bad news, with another gang too. The two made a stupid alliance and I just wanted to scream at Jackson. He tenses up hearing this and mutters some curse words under his breath. He takes my hand walking outside with a whole lotta people. There were his men literally everywhere and the other gangs surrounded. A guy moves to the front and starts talking.

"Finally nice to meet you... what is it Kiona?" The fuck? They really be going they research or whatever because what the hell.

I stare at him and he laughs. "Not a talker?" Bitch. This guy just keeps talking. "Cute, you kick ass like your boyfriend here? Do you kill people? Or like are you a gang groupie? That's pretty cool,"

Jackson steps closer to him starting to choke him and guns cock all around us. He was chubby, pale, and short. He looked older so I don't know why he was testing Jackson.

His action made everyone tense up immediately, everyone cocked their guns. My hand gun was in my hand cocking it with the rest. I surprised myself with my fast reaction.

"You're wasting my time Derek." Jackson says oddly calm.

"Well how can I say...if I can't breathe." The guy, Derek chokes out.

"Jackson baby," I say looking all around us still holding it up to the guy who was next to the person he was choking. I'm gonna assume it was Chaz.

I'm not gonna shoot anyone the hell I look like, but if I played the game like I was, then I'd be fine.

The guy I was pointing my gun at starts to speak. "Kill him we kill your family...and her." He motions to me with his gun, threatening Jackson.

"Bullshit Chaz." Jackson says turning back to the guy that was now turning a different color. All of this shit was the same empty threats that lead to gunfire, I'm calling it right now.

"Jackson, let him go." I say softly and he looks down at me dropping him and then kicks him backwards.

"So what do you want?" Jackson asks the guy thst threatened him.

"Territory dispute." Chaz smirks. "And just to let you know we're expanding our crew. Watch your back." He smirks sending creepy chills down me.

"Stay outta my way and we'll stay out of yours. None of us own territory." Jackson spits, completely ignoring the last part.

"Failure to comply, I'm sorry but I'll just have to-" He chuckles sinisterly. "Cut her."

Bitch me? Oh naw.

"Put your fucking hands on her and I will kill you." Jackson speaks clenching his jaw. It looked like his teeth were going to crush with all the pressure he was putting on them.

"Bullshit." He mocks Jackson's words from earlier. Chaz started charging at me, like a fucking horse. I kinda panicked so I shot his foot.

Awe fuck. Did I start the shoot out this time? I was surprised that I wasn't dead by now.

I pull Jackson down as other shots start to be fired. "Fucking hell," Jackson mutters grabbing his gun starting to shoot people. I noticed that he didn't aim to kill, unless there was a major threat.

"Only a few more days." I grumble and he just looks at me shaking his head, laughing quietly.

Jackson mumbles some things under his breath and that just meant that he was talking to people over his ear pierce. I was just glad that his guards had AKs and shit because I did not have it in me to kill someone, not yet.

"Fuck, babydoll we gotta move." He says pulling me up and running. There was literally nowhere to go. Running in gunfire, never sounded so fucking delightful. We ran until he saw a dumpster and he pulled me down once again. I was going to be sore. My heart rate increased and I hated this feeling.

"Come the fuck on just call your shit off already." He mumbles. We ran through so many bodies lying there on the ground it was gross.

I heard footsteps nearing and I hit Jackson to get his attention. Jackson aims up until the footsteps slowed down.

"Oh Adrian what the hell, I almost fucking shot you." Jackson groans going back to peaking out.

"Kiona why are your sweatpants red? Oh my god you're bleeding." Adrian's eyes go wide.

"No I'm not nigga what-?" I say with my eyes furrowed, looking up at him.

"Kiona you're fucking bleeding," he says as calmly as he could. He rolls up my sweatpants that were soaked in blood. My heart was alreading beating extremely fast from the gunfire but I really started to freak out when I saw blood coming out from me. A lot of blood, or so it seemed.

"JACKSON YOU HAD ONE FUCKING JOB!" I whisper scream at him and he starts to panic too. He had one job, to keep me alive til graduation. Mission failed.

"Babydoll listen to me." He says grabbing my face. "It's a graze, a graze okay? You're not going to die trust me. See you didn't even feel it." He says optimistically taking a bandana and wrapping it around my shin. My breathing shallowed and I started to hyperventilate.

"HOW'D I NOT FEEL IT? I THINK ITS MY TIME." I say as calmly as possible laying back putting my arms over my face. I couldn't cry, tears simply would not come out.

"Baby, baby, you gotta listen. Your adrenaline was high, hell it still is so you didn't feel it." He says holding both of my hands extremely tight. "You'll be fine, just stay with me a little while longer." I thought I got over my ass fainting but seeing it on my own leg, I don't know.

"Ki, don't fall out. Not now please." Adrian begs crouching down. "Call your shit off already you're leaving with less than half of what you came with!" Adrian shouts running out again.

"Hold it tight." Jackson instructs stroking my cheek. Standing he starts taking some shots at people looking even more serious than he has ever looked. It was almost scary. He looks down to check on me several times.

"Let's fucking go." I hear Jackson say to himself after 15 minutes. "Alright babydoll, lets go." He says pulling me up slowly. Hold on, I may be stupid but like if it was a graze why the hell was I limping like a bitch.

I groan to myself as we make it to the car slowly. He helps me in the car, hurriedly speeding home. The 25 minute drive here turned into a 10 minutes drive back, and if I wasn't going to die from the gunshot, I was gonna die due to his driving. He helps me out the car having someone else park it.

He picks me up and carries me down the stairs. I've never been in the basement before, but it was set up like a hospital almost. He places me on one of the beds.

I frown looking at him roll my sweatpants up after washing his hands. "Wait it's gonna hurt if you touch it." I flinch.

"I'm just gonna look babydoll, the doctor's on his way up now." He says softly lifting my leg up. I grimace glaring at him. I finally got a good look it it. It was like a deep cut but wider.

Soon enough the doctor comes running into the little area and starts to look at it. Jackson stands off to the side with his arms folded looking and listening intently.

"Well, it's not a flesh wound, which is good but, it's not just a skin wound. The bullets not in you, but it did break of surface of your skin badly." The doctor explains.

(lmaooo me being bad at explaining things and not knowing about this shit)

"So what's that mean?" I ask folding my arms. The pain from my shin suddenly hits me and it started aching. It felt like I had a heart beat in my shin.

"Stitches, not that many, and it won't take too long." The doctor says washing his hands again. I glare at Jackson the whole time, at least when I could. This hurt and I didn't even get shot!

He numbed my leg, but I could still feel him pull at the top of the skin and it really grossed me out. Props to me because I didn't faint. He told me what to take for x amount of days and told me I should stay off of it as much as I could. I wasn't going to listen though. I had places to be and things to get done.

"Sorry babydoll," Jackson apologizes coming to my side as I lift myself off the bed. I started limping to the steps and he chuckles from behind me.

"I'm in pain, I almost died." I say dramatically letting him carry me back up the stairs.

"You did not almost die, you're so dramatic." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm in pain."

"Yes you are drama queen."

"I hate you." I sing out.

"Ok Kiona."

"Get out," I push him out the bathroom as soon as he places me down so I could wash up. My lower leg was still numb so standing on one foot was the move.

I groaned to myself hobbling back to his room. I really considered crawling. "Well hello." He says coming out of the shower. I look at the time realizing I took a long ass time in there. I glare at him still hobbling to his bed.

"You owe me new sweatpants." I pout covering myself with the fluffy blanket he had. "I'm in pain Jackson." I whine out. I planned on staying asleep because then I couldn't feel the pain. I just think that's a top tier plan.

"Come here shin." He says making himself laugh. This motherfucker.

I turn over going to sleep. "Nigga I'll leave so you can't sleep." I threaten but he only laughs. He leans over making me move over some more and kisses my cheek.

"Oh no no no no! I'm sorry shin." He says laughing again. I close my eyes and try to sleep. He put towels on the bed so that if a stitch opened I wouldn't ruin anything. Smart move.

"Goodnight shin." He says turning over to kiss my shoulder.

"Shut the hell up Jackson."

I don't wanna scare yall, but shit goes kinda downhill, not much though because I don't feel like changing anything that I already wrote

I know I say this like every chapter but this book is growing so fast !! Yesterday we had 20k and now we have 24 🥺❤️

Also I didn't intend for the chapter to be that longgg sorry [2320] words

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