
Por minnielikesbooks

350 46 0

Aliza is 18 with a dream and about to finish high school soon. Will problems at home stop her? Or will she re... Más

Chapter 1-The Race
Chapter 2-Pressure
Chapter 3-Music
Chapter 4-Sacrifices
Chapter 5-Official
Chapter 6-Occupied
Chapter 7-Dinero
Chapter 8- Let loose
Chapter 9- Be a teenager
Chapter 10- Mom
Chapter 11-Prada You
Chapter 13- Disheveled
Chapter 14- Toxic
Chapter 15- Apologies and Confessions
Chapter 16-Chemistry
Chapter 17-Over it
Chapter 18-Fast forward
Chapter 19- Once more
Chapter 20-Bad Time
Chapter 21-So in "love"
Chapter 22-L.B.I.F.D
Chapter 23- The facts
Chapter 24-One last time?
Chapter 25-Time jump
Chapter 26- WHAT?
Chapter 27- Lost
Chapter 28-ups and downs
Chapter 29-Secrets
Chapter 30- Farewell

Chapter 12- Not enough

6 1 0
Por minnielikesbooks

Chad took me home later that night, and I hate to say it but I was upset that the night ended so briefly.

I walked inside and mom was knocked out as usual, I went into my room and unpacked and texted Gravity letting her know that I was home.

Maybe I needed a break from the other side of my life for just a while, I felt like Gravity and I friendship was slowly slipping away.

I didn't want that to happen so I was going to start hanging out with her more.

The next morning
Gravity👭: "Ari is having a party tonight, you wanna go?"

I looked at the phone with blurry vision, I had just woke up from my deep slumber and Gravity was wide awake apparently.

I honestly didn't know why she asked me did I wanna go because she knew I hated public outings.

Plus it was an "Ari" party and everybody knew what happened at those, many people got pregnant, did drugs, broke name it.

Ari was one of those rich white girls who's parents barely cared about what she did.

She hosted these parties at least once a year and her parents were out of town every time.

These parties were so legendary that maybe my kids will hear about it but every time she threw a damn party the police always showed up.

Gravity was my friend though so I couldn't chicken out like I always did so I guess we were going to this Ari party.

I texted her back saying that I'll go, lord knows I didn't want to but for her I will.

Gravity👭: "yessssss I love this energy!!! I'll be there soon because we need to go shopping ASAP!!!"

She responded, I have to admit I was a little excited about tonight all because I was spending time with her.

I got up out of my bed and went to freshen up for the day because clearly when Gravity texted me it was the crack of dawn.

I put my hair in a messy bun and threw on a Nike sweatsuit.

"Good morning mom, feeling okay?" I asked as I walked into the living room

"Yeah I'm fine honey, what's planned for today?" She asked

"Gravity is suppose to come by today so we can go shopping for this party she wants to go to" I told her

"You're going to a party?" My mom asked rhetorically as she laughed

"Right, I cant believe it either but I decided to because Gravity always does what I want and I never want to do what she wants soooo here we are" I replied

"Well I'm glad that your being a good friend. Besides I think it's a start that you're getting out of your comfort zone. It's good to have fun and I know taking care of me is a lot on you but I still want you to go out and be a teenager." She told me

"Thanks mom, I love you so much and I don't care what it takes I'll make sure you get that surgery so everything can be okay" I replied

"J'aime trop beau, vers la lune et le dos" she smiled at me and kissed my forehead
Translation: I love you too beautiful, to the moon and back.

"au soleil, à la lune et aux étoiles et retour" I laughed and said
Translation: to the sun,moon and the stars and back

"Go get ready for the mall crazy girl, teach you French and you won't stop speaking it" she said

"I am ready and it's your fault" I chuckled and went to my room to grab my phone to text Gravity

She told me she just left the house and that she was on the way.

"No no no! That one is ugly as hell! Put it back" Gravity said as I tried on the 100th outfit

We had been in the store for at least 45 minutes leading up to an whole entire hour.

All because she wouldn't agree on anything that I was picking up.

"Oh my god! At this point I might as well just wear what I'm wearing right now to the party because this is exhausting" I told her

"Ali...this is an Ari party you must show out!" She said

"Oh whatever" I voiced out of frustration

We finally was finished shopping, I was tired and to know that, that wasn't the ending of the day just made me want to fall out.

We were now in my room getting ready for this party, my room consist of a huge mess and the blow dryer was melting my ear.

"Gravity can you please be a little gentle SHEESH!!!" I yelled out as she was blowing my hair out

"if you stop moving then yeah I can, now hush and stay still crybaby" she replied

I just rolled my eyes and held my ear to protect it from the heat.

"Okay, all look like a new women best friend" she told me

"Yeah a new women who's head is on fire" I said with sarcasm

"Ohhhh get over it, I did it nice though" she said as she fixed the hair that was sticking up

"I guess you did now can we get ready?" I asked

"Yup lets get to it" she replied

We started to get dressed and blast music while we were at it.

"What shoes are you wearing?" Gravity asked me as I was putting on my lipstick in the mirror

"Those" I responded as I pointed toward the closet shelf which my Christian Louboutins were sitting on.

"Who brought you these?" She asked me out of shock

"Chad of was a gift" I said

"Oh wow, he must really like you" she replied nonchalantly

"He does" I said

I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my Chanel bag and we headed out the door.

"See you later mom, love you" I said

"love you too, you girls be safe and be home before the sun is in the sky" she told me

"Okay we will, and here's your medicine" I said as I handed her pills to her

"Thanks baby!" She said

I made my way out the door quickly and we were off to Ari's party.

When we got there the party had already begun and honestly it was early as shit but people were already drunk and high off whatever. I was disgusted I'll have to say.

"Come on lets get some drinks" Gravity said as she pulled my arm

(Aliza's outfit)

(Gravity's outfit)

Gravity was drinking up the spiked punch and I just watched her as I sipped on my virgin lemonade.

I wasn't the party type and I wasn't about to start, besides I didn't think getting drunk at this party was ideal.

"Gravity I think you should slow down a bit" I told her trying to grab the cup away from her

"Oh please Ali, you need to live a little" she said

Her words were slurred and that's when I knew she had enough.

"No Gravity! Give me the cup! I demanded

"No, leave me alone" she said

She walked off and I didn't bother to chase her, I sat there by myself and just finished the lemonade.

I took a couple pictures and videos and then made my way outside to catch a breather from all these crazy ass kids.

I was sitting by the pool with my feet dipped inside, when Kairo sat next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"Aliza let me talk to you"

So everybody was just getting fucked up huh?

The alcohol from his breath reeked and it kind of made my stomach turn.

"What is there to talk about Kairo? You made me feel worthless but now I don't care about that anymore because I've moved on now leave me alone" I said

I grabbed my shoes and started to walk away but he pulled me back toward him.

"I'm not done talking to you" He said

"KAIRO LET ME GO!!" I told him as I tried to pull away but failed

"Not until you let me talk to you!" He demanded

His grip was getting stronger and stronger and he was starting to hurt me.

"Let me go, you're crazy!" I shouted

"Let me talk to you!"

"NO!" I nudged him in the stomach and started to run away from him

I slipped out the side door that was attached to the backyard.

I was fearful, so I called Chad. I had no idea where Gravity was and I didn't care to look.

"Hello?" Chad said into the phone
I felt so relieved to hear his voice, it calmed me down just a bit

"Can you come get me please" I said as I breathed loudly

"Yeah, where you at? You straight? What's going on?" He asked me

"West lake, 1854 post oak " I responded ignoring all his questions

(Ari's house)
I'm sorry I just had to flex how beautiful Texas is☺️

"Alright calm down babygirl, I'll call you when I'm outside"

"No! Can you just stay on the phone with me please" I begged him

West lake was one of the richest neighborhoods in Dallas but I didn't care because right now I felt like the most unsafe person in the world.

"Alright, tell me what happened?" He said

"My ex was trying to talk to me and I wouldn't let him so when I tried to walk away he grabbed me tightly" I answered, now sobbing hysterically.

"He still there?" He asked me

"No please, don't do anything just come get me" I told him

"Alright I'm not but I don't make no promises, you good though? Got any bruises?" He asked

"Yeah my arm has a little bruise but I'll be okay" I told him

"Alright, who you went there with anyway?" He questioned

"My friend, she wanted me to come with her so I did" I replied

"Mannnnn, don't go nowhere like that without telling me cause if something happen to you I don't know what I'll do" he told me

"I'm sorry, I'll just start sharing my location with you" I voiced

He finally arrived and I practically ran to the car, I hugged him tightly and thanked him a million times.

"No wonder ya ex was biting, look at you" he said

"Oh please! He was drunk and out of his mind" I replied

"You do look good though, straightened ya hair and everything" he said as he smiled at me

"Stoppp!!" I said as I blushed at his comments

He was trying to get my mind off the situation and I appreciated that.

"Then you wearing the shit I brought you too...WHEW! You look bad as hell in designer. When I put that Rolex on your wrist it's a wrap." He voiced as he picked up my arm to kiss my hand

"Yoooo what the fuck?" He said as he discovered the bruise on the back of my arm from Kairo's grip

"What?!" I asked him cautiously

"I thought you said the bruise was little, this shit huge bruh!" He sounded so angry and that's when I knew I had to calm him down

"No it's not just relax" I told him

"Bruh look at this shit!" He grabbed his phone and took a picture of it

The bruise was big but I didn't want him to make it a huge deal because I knew how he was when he got angry.

"What's his name?" He asked me

"Chad no, I'm not gonna let you do this. It's just a bruise it'll be gone before next week"

"WHAT'S HIS NAME ALIZA!!!?" He shouted

"Chad no! I'm not telling you! Just drop it" I replied

"ALIZA!" He started to drive faster and my heart was racing

I had no choice but to tell him his name because if I didn't he probably would've crashed the car so my life over his.

"Kairo! His name is Kairo...Kairo Greenleaf" I finally said

He didn't say anything but he did slow the fuck down...why the fuck niggas always wanna accelerate when they upset?

We passed my house so I guess I was going to his house...honestly I don't know why he would take me to his house if I didn't have any clothes.

He parked his car and we made our way upstairs. Yes his house was nice but I wanted to go home because when he was angry it was weird.

I didn't say anything I just went upstairs because my feet were tired and I had a crazy night.

I ran water in the tub so I could just soak into it and just try to feel at peace for a couple of minutes.

That was shortly lived though, Chad made his way into the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

I didn't feel like talking to him because I knew he was probably going to apologize.

"Ali I'm sorry for how I a-" he attempted to say but I cut him short

"Please...leave me alone" I quietly said

"Aliza I'm trying to talk to you!" He said with slight aggression in his voice


I was already aggravated...why couldn't he wait till the morning for this bullshit?


"Goodbye Chad and close the door behind you" I said

"YO! WHAT I SAID?" He grabbed me by my throat and I couldn't breathe...AT ALL

"You're hurting me! Let me go!" I weakly said

"NAH! TALK SHIT LIKE YOU WAS JUST DOING!!" He said as he squeezed harder

"Chad please!" I replied

I was trying to move his hand away from my throat but it wasn't working.

"APOLOGIZE!" He shouted

"Sorry!" He let me go and I took the biggest breath ever, It felt like somebody was holding me under water.

This was the first red flag but I was too blind to see that due to the forgiveness in my heart.

I cleaned myself and let the water down the drain.

As I was drying off I discovered that I had another bruise but it was from Chad. He bruised my neck harshly...this was ridiculous because I got bruised twice in one night.

Warm tears started to pour down my face, how did I let this happen? When I stayed to myself my life was okay but now it was slowly turning upside down.

I guess Chad must've heard me sobbing because he came in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry bruh, I let my anger takeover"


"I'm fine" I said as I walked pass him

"I'll be back I'm finna get go get you some clothes" he said as he grabbed his keys off the nightstand and kissed my cheek

I didn't say anything I just watched him walk out the door

I laid in the towel and watched tv until he got back with some clothes.

Later that night
Chad was knocked out cold and I was just laying next to him wide awake.

I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about what happened and how shit blew up in my face not once but twice.

My body wanted to rest but I couldn't shut my eyes, all I wanted was to sleep but it wouldn't happen.

Finally I caught a break and fell into a deep slumber around 4 o'clock in the morning.

When I woke up the bed was empty, I wasn't surprised though.

The smell of breakfast filled my nose and I suddenly got excited because Chad was downstairs making me breakfast.

When I walked downstairs I didn't see him, so who the fuck?

When I entered the kitchen it was his fucking maid making breakfast...I never been so humiliated.

"Morning Miss Aliza, Chad went to run a quick errand but he'll be back soon. So would you like pancakes or waffles?" She asked me

"Waffles is fine" I replied with a dry tone

"Oh and Chad has a gift for you, it's in the living room" she told me

She was a middle aged women approximately in her 40's or in her 50's, her accent was somewhat thick so you can tell English wasn't her first language.

I walked over to the living room and it was a Rolex box sitting on the coffee table.

Trust I was amazed by the gift but I wasn't going to wear it because that wasn't the proper way you apologize to somebody.

If he wanted to be sorry then we'll have to talk it out because gifts wasn't going to cut it.

After a heated argument or an misunderstanding...I was showered with gifts and just because somebody buys designer to make up for their shit doesn't mean that their sorry and that isn't a proper apology.

After breakfast, I sat out at the pool and iced my neck with a cloth filled with ice, I was desperately trying to get rid of these bruises because what the hell would it look like if I showed up like this.

I didn't come home either and my mom told me to be safe...this was too much.

As I walked back into the house to put more ice in the cloth I saw Chad walk into the house.

"Where the hell were you all day?" I asked

"Well damn can I get in the door first? And I was out handling business" he said

I just rolled my eyes and continued doing what I was doing, I was in no mood to argue with him about where he was.

I continued to enjoy the breeze and ice my neck and arm until the bruises faded a bit.

"Why you ain't put on the watch?" He asked me as he slid the glass sliding door open

"Because I'll wear it later" I told him

I didn't even make eye contact with him, it was so sad that he really thought that shit was an apology.

"Tssss...I'm sick of this shit bruh" he slammed the door and locked it.

This motherfucker was crazy, now I'm outside with a sundress and no shoes and he live on the 5th floor.


"CHAD OPEN THE DOOR!!!" I yelled out
He ignored me and went upstairs to do god knows what.

I gave up about 10 minutes in of pounding on the door. I went back to doing what I was doing before then that's when I saw the maid cleaning the living room.

I stood up quickly and ran toward the door so she could open it for me.
She unlocked the door and I walked inside.

I headed upstairs to go grab my shoes because I wanted to go home and it was no way in hell I was staying here.

He was in the shower when I went to go get them, I grabbed everything that belonged to me and I left.

I called an lyft and took my ass home ...I was done with Chad's outrageous behavior, he was
Completely of out of control and I couldn't handle that.

I walked inside the house and my mom was up watching tv while eating a homemade salad.

Luckily Chad brought me a long sleeve shirt, and I put it on before I got home because I didn't want my mom to question the bruise on my arm.

I wasn't worried about the bruise on my neck though because it was almost completely faded.

"Hey mom, sorry I didn't come home. Gravity needed me so I stayed at her house" I lied and said

"It's okay just don't do it again" she said

"Okay I won't" I made my way to my room and pulled my phone out and blocked Chad.

I was writing in my journal when a text from Gravity appeared on the screen.

Gravuty👭: "we need to talk" it read

The fuck do we need to discuss? I thought to myself.

I just thumbs up her message and kept writing and my phone blinged again.

Gravity👭: "today" it said

I told her to come to my house because at this point I was already aggravated and wanted to get everything out the way.

"Okay so what you wanted to talk about?" I asked her

Gravity had pulled up to my house and we were now about to talk.

"Why'd you leave the party?" She asked me

She bullshiting right?

"Kairo was messing with me, so I left the party...hence the bruise on my arm" I said as I pulled up the sleeve to show her

"Oh my god! What the hell is wrong with him? I'm sorry Ali, I'm sorry for getting shit faced and leaving you alone this is all my fault" she said as she examined my arm

"Don't worry about it" I replied as I rolled my sleeve down

"No seriously, I know how you are in public and I just abandoned you like that" She Ranted

"It's cool I don't care about it anymore. I gotta go though" I told her

"Wait" she voiced

"What?" I said as I turned around

She didn't say anything she just went in for it...what the hell is happening?

Gravity softly kissed me.

"Um.." I started to say

"I- I'm sorry I did that...goodnight Ali" She said

I didn't reply I Just jumped back into my window.

Today was crazy as rid of Chad and my "best friend" kissed me.

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