A Forgotten Life

By Shinedownlover560

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Trunks and Rosamoona are back in the stunning second book in the Trip Through Time trilogy. Growing up is tou... More

Author's Note
Part I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Part II
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Twenty

304 8 1
By Shinedownlover560

Despite the evil that loomed over the world that morning, one could say the day was peaceful. The sky was baby blue with fluffy clouds that were stung out it. A light breeze blew them lazily, breaking some up and bringing others together. The sun shone brightly on the inhabitants, masked only by their impending sense of doom for the end of the week. All in all, the day was peaceful. The same, however, could not be said for the Look Out and the beings that where standing there.

For them, the sun was dull compared to the large explosion of light in front of them. The wind was far from calm, blowing so hard inches were lost from where they had been standing seconds before. They had to shield their eyes to keep dust and other debris from blowing in.

"What's going on?!" Chi-Chi demanded, having to shout over the wind. "Where's all this coming from?!"

"Inside! It's the kids! They must have fused!" 18 replied. They all tried to move towards the door that would lead them to the children, but the wind would not let them. So they stood there, fighting against the breeze that kept them from their fused children.

Meanwhile, inside the spacious room that Goku and Piccolo had deemed worthy to train in, the light and the wind were even stronger. They both had to throw up energy shields in order to stay in the room and not be tossed out into the light of the afternoon.

"That's it! I think they got it!" Piccolo yelled, even though he knew that Goku could not hear him. 

Finally, the light died down and the wind stopped trying to blow them around like rag dolls. Slowly lowering their arms, the two saw before them not six children, but now only three.

Standing in a line, the three kids looked around at each other and their new bodies, moving different parts as if testing them out. Goku and Piccolo looked at them in awe and surpirse.

"Whoa! Check them out!" Krillin said, suddenly standing in the doorway. The rest stood behind and around him, all looking at the children.

 Goku grinned largely. "Good job, you guys! And all on the first try!"

One of the girls - the fusion of Bulla and Marron - smirked, crossing her arms. She had mainly blond hair, from Marron, but with blue streaks, from Bulla, that was pulled into a pony tail. Red ribbons held together two front pigtails. She appeared to be wearing a combination of the two girls' outfits. Bright blue eyes were filled with amusement.

"That was a piece of cake!" she said. Surprised gasps were heard throughout the group. 

"I can hear Bulla and Marron at the same time!" Bulma says. 

"Are they all like that?" wondered Videl, looking between the other two. They shrugged.

"Probably," the fusion of Rosamoona and Aki answered. She, much like the other girl, had an outfit that seemed to be born of both the Saiyans that made her up. Her hair was an equal amount of red and brown and it was pulled into a sloppy bun with strands handing loose. Her facial features also appeared to be divided evenly; she had Rosamoona's freckles and Aki's peculiar eye color. Swaying behind her was a tail, just like both girls had had.

"Who cares?" the combination of Trunks and Goten said, slightly bored. With his arms crossed, he looked like a miniature version of Vegeta. The hair on top of his head stood up in a black flame with lavender highlights favoring Trunks. His eyes were the dark ebony color most of the Saiyans harbored and the held the same light that Goten carried around in his eyes. He was the only fusion to have an entirely new outfit, and not one made from his fuser's.

"Do you have names?" Chi-Chi asked, looking at them all curiously. The boy smirked.

"Gotenks! That's my name, and don't wear it out!"

The girls shared a look before rolling their blue and gold eyes. 

"I'm Marlla," the blond and blue headed girl said polietly, but with pride.

Finally, with a type of maturity you wouldn't expect to find in an eight-year-old, the second girl spoke. "I am Roski."

"Just like their appearences and voices, their names are a combination of both kids," 18 observed. Roski smiled and nodded while Gotenks rolled his eyes.

"Enough already! Let's go kick some Buu booty!" he said, half getting into a fighting stance. Marlla frowned and hit him upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" 

"For being a baka! We can't just go out and fight Buu!" she protested. Gotenks crossed his arms.

"And why not! That pink blob won't know what hit him!" 

"Marlla is right, Gotenks. This is your fist time fusing! You need to get used to things, like using your Ki and fighting," Goku said.

"Goku's right," Piccolo said before Gotenks could interrupt. "There's a lot you still need to learn."

"Bah! We don't need to learn anything! Watch this!" Phasing out, Gotenks suddenly appeared in front of Roski, fist drawn back. Smirking, he started to attack her. 

However, the fused Saiyan was ready for this. She easily caught all of his attacks, using both her hands and feet. Finally, Gotenks tried a lunge for her tail. Sidestepping, she then twirled around, catching Gotenks in the butt with her foot. He flew forward before coming to a stop at the other side of the room.

Grunting, he got up and then charged Marlla. She gracefully dodged each attack, never once going on the offensive. Right as Gotenks was swinging a fist at her full force, Marlla leaped into the air, pushing off the floor, then the boy's head. He hit the ground with a small oof.

"Hmm... I believe Gotenks is right, Marlla," Roski said, tilting her head slightly and taking in the boy on the floor. "We don't need to learn everything. But I think that he could use a lesson or two in predictability." 

Marlla laughed as her feet touched the tiled ground, right back where she had been standing before Gotenks attacked her. "I think you're right, Roski. What do you think, Goku?" She turned to look at her mentor as she finished the sentence, waiting for his opinion. When there wasn't an answer right away, Roski turned as well to see that was the matter.

The adults all stared at them with open-mouthed shock. The girls looked back, confused.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Marlla asked, turning to the red and brown haired girl. Roski shrugged, inspecting herself to see if she had grown a third arm or something of the sort.

"Th-that was amazing!" Yamacha suddenly exclaimed. "They w-were so fast! I couldn't even see them! Wow, and guys, it's only been thirty seconds! That's incredible!" 

"It sure is," Goku agreed warmly, his face proud. "But, there are a few things left to practice. For example-"

"Hmph, well if it's so awesome, what are we still doing here?!" Gotenks interruped, standing up and brushing himself off. "We only have thirty minutes with this! Let's not waste it!" Before anyone could protest, he ran out past everyone standing in the doorway. Those who could sense energy felt his leaving the Look Out.

Chi-Chi and Bulma yelled their respective son's name at the same time, both with equal amount of anger and fear. The women looked at each other, then at Goku, worry written on their faces.

"Goku! Make him come back! Now!" Bulma demanded.

The Saiyan took an involuntary step backwards, his hands up in surrender.

"I-I'd love to, Bulma, b-but, uh..."

"Goku, you'd better bring him back right now!" Chi-Chi yelled. "I'm not losing another child!"

Roski and Marlla exchanged a look, their eyes locking onto one another. They nodded, understanding the silent message they sent.

"Hey, what are you-" Videl started to say, having seen the exchange between girls.

"We'll bring him back, Goku," Roski said, grabbing Marlla's hand.

"What?! Girls, no!" 18 said sternly. "You're not-"

"We'll be right back, 18," Marlla told her. "No biggie."

Before anyone could protest any further, Roski transported them from the room to outside the Look Out. The two girls didn't waste any time flying after Gotenks, ready to drag him back kicking if needed.

When they finally caught up with the boy, Roski and Marlla took up positions on either side of him.

"Gotenks, you need to turn around," Roski says on the right, the wind whipping her stray hair around.

"Why? We can take him! We're plenty strong!"

"We're not ready!" Marlla calls on the left. "We need to train more!"

"Psshh! We'll be fine! Trust me! Besides, this is the whole reason Goku made us do that stupid dance!"

Once more, Roski and Marlla shared a look. But they didn't argue with him as they continued to fly towards Majin Buu and Babidi. He was right, after all. Goku had taught them the fusion technique in order to fight Buu. 

In a matter of minutes, the children reached where the evil wizard and his monster were currently terrorizing a small town. Just as Buu was about to turn the entire populace into candy and eat them, Marlla formed a Destructo Disk and threw it at him before he could carry out his attack.

"Buu! Dodge!" Babidi cried, clutching his head in fear the pink being was going to be sliced in half. But Buu was already ahead of him. 

Smirking, Buu floated in the same spot until it was almost upon him. At the last second, he shuddered before forming a slit in his belly big enough for the disk to slide through without hurting him. It kept going until it hit a rock face behind them, slicing through the boulders before exploding.

"Ha! Nice job, Buu!" Babidi congratulated. Then, to the kids, "And just who would you three be?"

"We're the ones who're gonna kick your ass and kill your monster!" Gotenks answered, cracking his knuckles. 

"Oh, are you now?" Babidi laughed, placing his small hands on his hips. "Well, isn't that just sweet. Goku sends three kids in his place. Probably too upset about the death of his friend and son." A fresh wave of giggles over took the wizard.

For a moment, there was no sound but the maniacal laughter coming from the small, green man. Then, slowly, there was a sizzling noise. Babidi stopped laughing, opening his eyes and saw that lightning crackled around the kids. Their hands were clenched tightly into fists, and he saw that all their hair and eyes had changed colors. All three now had golden hair standing strangely on end and teal eyes filled with hatred. Babidi frowned.

"Well, if that's how you're going to be, why wait? Majin Buu, why don't you show these pipsqueaks what happens when you get into the adult's business?" Once again, Buu smirked.

"You all fight Buu! Buu kill you!" The blob's voice was high and squeaky, something that slightly surprised the kids. But they didn't ponder it too much.

Not waiting around for any further demands, Gotenks charged first, phasing out when he was halfway to Buu. He reappeared behind him. Forming a ball with his hands, the Saiyan swung hard and hit Buu right in back of the head. Buu flew forward, straight for the girls.

"I got it!" Marlla stated, cutting Roski off from her chance of getting at the creature. She bent back her leg, bringing it forward swiftly, punting Buu further up into the sky from where they were floating. 

Something between a scream and a yelp of surprise continually came from Buu as he came to a halt and started to fall back towards the ground. Roski took this as her chance and transported to right above Buu, placing her hands on his chest and firing an energy blast, propelling him faster until he struck the ground hard, creating a crater. The other two met Roski where she floated, a small smirk on her face.

"No! Majin Buu, get up!" Babidi cried, staring intensely at the spot where the monster had hit. Moments later, Buu pulled himself out of the hole. 

Small rocks and pebbles that had lodged themselves into his skin fell out as he stood, leaving indentations where they had been. Then, with a small popping sound for each, the indents sprang back until he looked good as new.

"Ew! Gross!" Marlla said, making a face. Gotenks rolled his eyes at her while Roski studied the creature. He was doing some sort of dance below them.

"This could be trouble," she said. "I remember this is what Piccolo said happened after Vegeta sacrificed himself. Buu fixed himself, making it seem as if he hadn't just been blown to bits. Or, in this case, had rocks stuck to every part of his body. We need to be careful. Otherwise this would have been for nothing."

"Oh, you're such a worry wort!" Gotenks told her. Smirking, he added. "So he can fix a few small bumps in his belly? In a few minutes, he'll be in pieces so small that won't mean a thing!" Once again, he charged Buu, punching and kicking every available surface area.

"Hey! Don't take all the fun!" Marlla said, pouting, flying after him. Sighing, Roski stayed where she was, watching the battle unfold.

"Ha! Your friends are fools!" Babidi said, watching the scene with glee. "Majin Buu is merely toying with them! Soon, you'll be the ones in tiny pieces!" Roski scowled, Lifting her hand, she fried an energy blast at him. 

The white Ki wrapped itself around the wizard's mouth, making it impossible for him to speak. Surprise showed on his face as he tried to rip it off.

"I'm tired of hearing you speak, little man," she mumbled. Then, without a second thought, she charged into the fight to help out her friends.

As she approached, Buu feigned a lunge to the left while fighting Marlla. She fell for it, moving to the right to avoid the attack, instead meeting Buu's knee with her gut. The air left her in a whoosh. Buu seized the opportunity and grabbed her by the hair, throwing her into the hole he had created earlier. 

"Marlla!" Gotenks and Roski shouted at the same time. There was a tense moment while they waited for her to respond.

Shooting from the chasm, Marlla flew back over to them. Her clothes were torn in different places and she had a few minor scrapes from the rock, but other then that, she looked fine.

"I'm good," she told them, her golden hair blowing gently from the force of her aura. Buu laughed giddily.

"You not good! Buu make you die! All you die!" 

Gotenks growled. "Oh yeah? Bring it on, chubs!" But he didn't allow the creature to move as he once more attacked, this time with a string of Ki blasts. Smoke built up where Buu had been floating.

"Hmph! There's no way he'll survive that without some damage!" the boy said, crossing his arms and smirking. But as the smoke cleared, they saw that he couldn't be more wrong.

"What?! That's not possible!" Marlla exclaimed. Roski scowled.

"This is what I was talking about, you two. He's not going to take any damage unless we use strong attacks."

"Well, I guess it's time we stopped holding back!" Gotenks states, smirking and powering up. Raising both hands in the air, he yelled, "Bone Crusher!" A oval mass of teal Ki formed, swirling all around. Still smirking, Gotenks launched it at Buu. "Now! Marlla! Roski! Fire your blasts!" The girls wasted no time powering up as well and throwing their attacks into the mix.

For Marlla, she placed on hand on top of another, forming a bright pink blast. "Lenzil-Lu!" she says. It leaves her hands like a bullet, throwing them back over her head. The blast quickly rushes to meet Gotenks'.

Roski was the last the send her blast. Crossing her arms in an 'x' over her chest, she brought her knees up until they met her elbows. White energy encircled her body, radiating power. With a mighty yell, she uncurled, pushing the energy wave off her. It sliced through the air, meeting up with the other two and they converged and struck Buu.

Behind them, Babidi struggled and tore at his Ki restraint. Finally, he broke free of it.

"NO! MAJIN BUU!" he bellowed, fear starting to course through his veins. This couldn't be! No one was strong enough to defeat his monster, let alone three snot nosed brats!

The kids smirked, watching the smoke that furled around where Buu had been floating. 

"We did it!" Marlla said happily, fist pumping the air. Gotenks grinned largely, raising his hand for a high five. The blond and blue headed girl obliged. Even Roski allowed herself to laugh lightly. But the joy that they felt was quickly squashed as the smoke cleared. 

Majin Buu stood where he had been, holes blown all throughout his body. But, one by one, the holes closed up, leaving the pink being whole once again.

"Wh-what?! N-no! Those were out strongest blasts! He shouldn't be standing!" Marlla said, stunned, backing up a few feet. Gotenks' eyes were wide as he took in the monster before then. Roski cursed.

"I was afraid this would happen," she muttered. Laughter from behind caused them to turn and look.

"Well, it appears as if your puny attempts were no match for the mighty Buu! Now my pet, why don't you say you stop messing around and kill these pesky brats?" Babidi ordered, still laughing. Their eyes widened, for the first time feeling fear.

"Okay! Buu kill!" In an instant, Buu was upon them, swatting them all down with a simple flick of his wrist. Three new craters were made as each kid landed.

"H-holy crap!" Marlla coughed from her hole, pushing herself up. She rubbed the back of her head, wincing slightly. Suddenly, Roski was next to her, pulling her up and out of the hole. Gotenks joined them seconds later.

"We have to get out of here," she said. "We can't have more then minutes left with our fusions. We won't last after that." Gotenks started to protest, but Roski silenced him with a glare that she borrowed heavily from Chi-Chi. "I'm serious, Gotenks. We need to get-"

"Oh no you don't!" Babidi proclaims. "Buu, don't let them leave!"

Just as first as the first time, Buu was suddenly there, knocking the kids to the ground. As they got up, Marlla growled, forming a Destructo Disk, aiming it at Babidi. 

"This'll teach you to send your monster after us." Just as she was about to throw it, Roski stopped her.

"No! Don't kill him! If he dies, we have no one left who can send Buu back to his prison!" This information was courtesy of Aki, who had been with King Kai when all this was explained. 

Babidi frowned. "You're a little pest, y'know that, right? Majin Buu, kill the red headed one! Roski! She's obviously the leader! Once she's out of the way, the other two won't be a problem!" Buu nodded, making a noise of understanding. Then, turning to Roski, he smirked.

"You go die now!" he said, getting into a fighting stance. Roski scowled, quickly getting into hers.

"No! Roski!" Gotenks and Marlla yelled. Just as they started to move, Babidi waved his hand, freezing them in spot. 

"Enough with you! You'll get your turns!" the wizard said, annoyed. "Hurry, Majin Buu! We don't have all day!" Buu didn't reply or wait for another order. He charged the young girl, a smirk still on his pink face.

Right away, Roski was put on the ropes. She dodged almost every attack, but was only able to land a few of her own. A few attacks later, she wasn't able to do even that. The energy wave had taken more out of her then she had previously thought, leaving her weaker then before. And with the clock ticking down on the fusions, she didn't know how much of a fight she'd be able to put up.

I've got to get the others out of here, Roski thought. Disappearing, she reappeared behind Buu, about to attack. But the creature had been expecting that.

Whirling around, he brought a knee up hard into Roski's gut. As the air rushed out of her, Buu pummeled her with kicks and punches, knocking her further and further back. He paused for less then a nanosecond before transporting to below the girl, punting her high up into the air. Then, without hesitation, He phased out, appearing above her. He formed a ball with his hands, ready for when she got up to him.

Roski opened her eyes just in time to watch Buu's hands come down on her chest, hard, once more knocking the air from her lungs. She fell to the ground harder and faster then she had previously. As she struck the earth, the most peculiar thing happened: Roski split back into Rosamoona and Aki.


I skidded away from Aki, trying to catch my breath as I did so. When I finally stopped, it was because I bounced hard off a chunk of cement from one of the many chasms that now littered the ground. I whimpered, struggling to push myself back to my feet.

"NO! ROSKI!" I heard two voices - or, rather, on fused voice - yell. Lifting my head up, I saw the panicked and furious faces of Gotenks and Marlla. Gotenks, the one who shouted, was struggling desperately against the invisible bond that Babidi had on them.

"Rose..." I looked back down to see Aki crawling towards me. Blood ran from a wound on her head. Her halo shone brightly, floating above her. A reminder that she didn't belong here.

Pushing myself up, I used my adrenaline to get myself to her. I placed a hand on her shoulder, not wasting time to heal her.

"You need to get the others out of here," I told her quietly so Babidi wouldn't hear. "I'll distract Buu."

"No! You can't!" she sputtered. "You'll die!" Pushing me away, Aki stood up. I hadn't done a very good job healing my cousin, but she was better than before. "I'm already dead; let me stay instead."

"Get out of here. Now," I growled. "You're stronger than I am, being full Saiyan and all. You'll stand a better change getting Marlla and Gotenks out of here. When you do, get back to the Look Out, rest, and train like crazy. Then I want you to beat this creep and his monster so the world can be at peace again. Please, do this for me."

Just as Aki was about to protest again, Babidi interrupted.

"What are you two whispering about down there?" he demanded, scowling down at us. I pushed Aki away.

"Go! Now!" I told her. Then I transported to where Buu was floating, as if he were waiting for us to finish. 

"Where she go?" he asked. I didn't know if he was talking about Aki or Roski, but I answered as if he meant both.

"She's gone. I'm fighting you now."

"No! Buu, she's toying with you! Get them both! They're going to escape!" Babidi cried, pointing between Aki and I. I scowled. I wasn't about to let him mess this up again.

'Shield your eyes now and don't ask why,' I sent my cousin as I brought my hands up to my forehead.

"Solar Flare!" A bright flash of sunlight blinded everyone, save myself and hopefully Aki. As it faded, I turned my head just enough so I still keep an eye on Buu, but make sure Aki got Gotenks and Marlla out. 

Aki didn't hesitate flying up to the other two. Grabbing their hands, she gave me one last look before they transported out. Less then a second later, Buu's fist was lodged in my gut. I gasped, tears forming in my eyes. I knew that the flare wouldn't last long on him, but this was just ridiculous! 

"They gone! You pay!" Buu stated, punching me in the jaw. For the millionth time, I flew back into ruble of what used to be rocks. Groaning, I looked up to see a purplish pink light forming in Buu's hands.

This is it, I thought as it got bigger. I didn't have the energy to move. Laughing like a crazy person, Buu threw the blast. As it came closer, I closed my eyes. See you soon, Gohan.

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