Green Ball Of Fury | Angry Iz...

By Umi642Yrys

8.2K 497 421

Izuku Midoriya can be many things. He can be a ball of sunshine, he can be a stuttering mess, and he can be a... More

Grape Juice

Green Ball Of Fury

6.6K 386 355
By Umi642Yrys

Izuku Midoriya's birthday was coming up. Everyone was coming up with plans to surprise the green cinnamon roll. Izuku is always there when they needed him the most. He's always ready to serve and help them whenever something was troubling them. They've grown dependent on Izuku. They knew that. That's why they rarely help Izuku out. To thank him, they decided to throw him a birthday party! Who doesn't like birthday parties? Exactly. No one! Everybody loves it and they all agreed with the plan they have in mind for Izuku. 

Bakugou snickered, rolling his eyes as a devilish smirk made its way up to his lips. "Dumbasses." he laughed, excited for their so called full-proof plan to fail.

He was trying to tell them somethings about Izuku. He was trying to warn them. Izuku may be a cute little fluff, but, he still hate somethings. Not one, no, sir. A lot of things. 

Izuku Midoriya can be many things. He can be a ball of sunshine, he can be a stuttering mess, and he can be a fucking murderer if you pushed the right buttons. 

Unfortunately for Bakugou, he had to learn that the hard way. The experience way. Shivers ran down his spine whenever he remember the green bean chasing him around the hallway with a freaking knife on his hand. Not a kitchen knife, no, that's lame. It was a butcher's knife. 

Bakugou grimaced, shaking the memory off his mind. He stood up from the couch, walking his way out of the living room. "Goodluck." he said, leaving his group of classmates confused. 

The class shrugged, not giving a single thought about what the blonde pomeranian had said. Then, they proceeded with their plan. 

Izuku woke up, his mouth wide open as he breathes for air. He was sneezing non-stop. His eyes were red and watery. His face flushed as he notice the various bouquet of flowers around his room. 

His brows furrowed, "What the—" he sneezed. He was about to grab the extra pillow beside him when he noticed his medicine along with a sticky note and a face mask on top of it. 

  Keep your allergy to yourself, shitty nerd. 

He smiled, taking the medicine before putting on the face mask. He has to thank Bakugou later for that. But, he has to know one thing. Who in the right mind would put flowers around his room?  

He groaned, he's grateful for the bouquets, but, he can't possibly admire it without him sneezing every damn second. So, like a normal person, he threw all of it away. He wasn't going to let these pollens kill him. No, sir. That's just a terrible way to die. 

After throwing all of it away, he changed into his uniform. His head was aching, he was still sneezing. That's not a good sign. 

He left his room, going straight to the kitchen to prepare his coffee. He likes his coffee sweet, so, he added a full spoon of sugar to his coffee. Normally, he would add only a half-full spoon for his coffee. But, he's allergies we're being a big huge of shit. He doesn't want to fall asleep during class periods. No, he doesn't want that. He's a good moral student.

He went straight to the refrigerator, his coffee on one hand. He opened the fridge to grab some eggs to cook. But, to his surprise, the eggs were wrapped with thick layers of tape with various words written on it, like: 'Eat Me!' 

He blinked, closing the fridge as he walks away. "That's weird…" he muttered, walking his way out of the dorms. He'll just eat later. Besides, he wasn't feeling well. He didn't really much have the appetite to eat. 

When he reached their classroom, he was shocked to see some of his classmates already there. Everyone froze on their spot. They were wrapping Izuku's desk with a Christmas season wrapping paper. 

Izuku rose his eyebrow, confusion visible at his face. "Good morning…?" he greeted, his words coming more like a question rather than a greeting. 

Kirishima bolted up, "G-Good morning, Izuku! Wow, you're early! Did something happen to the dorm?" he asked, his forehead sweating as his eyes shake nervously. 

Izuku nodded slowly before turning away to sneeze. "Sorry, bouquet of flowers woke me up and—" he sneezed again, "—triggered my allergies." he continued, wiping his nose with a handkerchief. 

His classmates frowned, guilt flashing through their eyes. This made Izuku suspect them. But, he didn't question it. He just walked his way towards his seat and slumped his head on the desk. He didn't mind the small noises it created. Well, not until later. 

"Ahm, Izuku, don't you want to remove that?" Denki asked, pointing at the paper wraps surrounding Izuku. 

Izuku shook his head, "Maybe, later." he murmured, closing his eyes and accidentally falling asleep. 

His classmates immediately grabbed their phones and texted the rest of the class. Their first plan failed. Their plan was to cover Izuku's stuff with wrapping papers and add small gifts as a surprise. Unfortunately, it failed. But, there's always plan B. Now, their plan was to continue plan A and ignore him, so he won't have any idea about the party they're throwing for him. They still have three more days before Izuku's birthday, after all. 

Izuku woke up with loud noises surrounding him. He could hear his classmates loud chatters along with their pens tapping on the table. 

This somehow annoyed Izuku. He was still having a headache due to his allergy. His nose was still itchy, but, he wasn't sneezing. 

He sat up, rubbing his head slightly as he forces his eyes to open. Then, he saw the wrapping papers still around his desk. This time, he was able to look at it properly. It wasn't neatly wrapped. Hell, it wasn't even fully wrapped. 

This annoyed Izuku more. He shouldn't be annoyed. It's such a small and childish problem, he knows that. He could just remove the wrapping paper and it's done. The problem is the wrapping paper was surrounded by thick layers of tape. Who the fuck would even do that? Who the fuck does that? 

He growled, annoyed at every little thing around him. He grabbed his pair of scissors from his bag and violently removed the wrappers by slashing his scissors like a sword. 

This caused the whole class to grow quiet. They were amused yet scared at what Izuku can do with a merely pair of scissors. While Bakugou, on the other hand, was tense. The fear he had felt when they were on junior high returned all back to him. 

"Kacchan." Izuku spoke, his voice soft, calming the blonde teen from his tensed up state. Bakugou took a deep breath before looking behind him, "What do you want, shitty nerd?" he asked, fear consuming him when he accidentally called him a 'shitty nerd.'

He saw anger flash through Izuku's eyes before it softened along with his facial expression. His face turned pink, looking away from the blonde. "T-Thank you for bringing my m-medicine earlier!" he stuttered, his face turning to a darker shade of pink. 

Bakugou rolled his eyes, relief washing over him. "Whatever." he growled,turning his back on the broccoli headed teen. Lucky for him, Izuku still wasn't mad. Annoyed, but, not mad. Not angry. He can still prevent Izuku from getting mad. He just wish that their class would cooperate with him. 

But, nope. No, sir. Who said Class 1-A would cooperate with the blonde pomeranian? When Izuku woke up, they completely ignored him. Like he doesn't exist.

This caused Izuku to tear up. Scared that he turned into a ghost or some shit. Luckily, Bakugou was still talking to him. Hell, Bakugou's the only one talking to him. Even All Might was ignoring him. Everyone would text Bakugou to ignore Midoriya, too. But, Bakugou doesn't want to die young now, does he? Nope. Not a chance. 

This continued for three more days. Izuku would wake up with the smell of perfume, various fluffy plush toys covering his face, and scented All Might posters. Which all, triggered his allergies. 

He would go to the kitchen and find out that almost everything from their food to their kitchen appliances were covered with wrapping paper along with  thick layers of tape. 

This disabled him to cook food. Hell, he wasn't even able to make his morning coffee. Needless to say, he was going to school starving. 

Not only that, whenever he enters the class, they would ignore him. A new set of wrapping paper and thick layer of tape always awaiting him upon his desk. 

He's mad. He's angry. Call whatever the fuck you want to call it, his patience was going thin. He doesn't know when he'll snap. He wasn't able to get a good night sleep either due to his classmates endless loud muttering from outside his room. 

Today, Izuku woke up, relieved that nothing was around his room. Maybe he'll have a good day today. After all, it's his birthday. 

But, nope. Ha. Not today either, bitch. 

He was about to stand up when he felt something tight around his ankles. He growled, sitting up to see ropes tightly tied to his bed with a note attached to it. 

We're sorry, Deku! But, we have to! 

A tick mark appeared on Izuku's head. Have to what? Make his day a living hell? If so, they're fucked.

The whole Class 1-A panicked, worried that Izuku might wake up before they can finish preparing his birthday party. So, they tied Izuku on his bed. They already noticed how annoyed Izuku was these past few days. But, they were confident that he wouldn't get angry after surprising him.

But, this time, Izuku snapped. He finally had enough. He violently removed the rope around his ankles, not giving a single fuck whether he break his bed or injure his feet at the process. 

Across the hall, Bakugou felt it. The dangerous aura coming from Izuku's room. His body paled as red flags appeared before his eyes. 

Izuku stepped out of his room, too slow for Bakugou's liking. Izuku's head hung low, his hands and feet obviously hurt from the way his class tied him to his bed. 

Bakugou gulped, his body shaking violently when Izuku made eye contact with him. Bakugou saw his life flash before him as Izuku ran towards him. And like what a normal person would do, Bakugou screamed, running away from the green ball of fury. 

Unfortunately, he was stuck on a corner. Izuku was looking at him with murderous intent. He was smiling at him with a sadistic smile plastered across his face. 

"Remembered when this happened , kacchan ?" Izuki asked, his voice dangerously sweet. Bakugou nodded, thanking all Gods and Goddesses that Izuku doesn't have anything sharp along with him. 

His classmates fortunately heard his scream and immediately went to his direction. They all panicked. Sure, they always hear Bakugou scream. But, his scream was different today. It was fear. As if Bakugou had his nightmare come to real life. 

Then, there they saw Izuku surrounded by a black aura with a shaking Bakugou in front of him. Their mouth agape in shock. They never saw Izuku nor Bakugou like this. 

Bakugou looked at them, his eyes begging them to run and get help. Get all the pro heroes, he doesn't care! He doesn't want to die! He's still going to be the fucking number one hero! 

But, to his dismay, Izuku noticed the crowd behind him. He turned around, smiling dangerously at the new arrivals. His eyes closed as he spoke, "Ah, look at what we have here." he chuckled, freezing everyone from their place. 

Everyone paled, scared at the new Izuku in front of them. This time, Izuku opened his eyes, making eye contact to each one of them. 

This caused Uraraka and the others to tear up, they just saw their lives flash before their eyes with mere emerald eyes looking at them. 

"Hm, still ignoring me? That's fun. It just gives me more reason to murder all of you." he chuckled, neglecting Bakugou's presence behind him. 

This gave Bakugou the chance to escape. He wasn't going to stay there and watch his classmates get murdered by their fellow classmate. No, sir. He's going to flee and get fucking help from the other pro heroes. 

And just like that, he left. Muttering 'sayonara, fuckers' as he left. 

Izuku saw Bakugou escape at the corner of his eyes, but, he didn't mind. The person he hates the least right now was Bakugou. He doesn't see any reason to murder him at the moment. 

He chuckled, his green eyes glowing as he stared at his classmates in amusement. "Run." he said, allowing his classmates to scatter around the dorm with him closely behind them. 

Todoroki used his Ice quirk to skate his way around with some of their classmates following him. 

Others hid inside their room. Mineta sticking himself on the ceiling.

And well, some just running for their lives. 

He laughed, grabbing a kitchen knife from the kitchen. This caused a riot inside their dorm. 

"Izuku, please stop! Why are you doing this?!" Uraraka cried, grabbing a frying pan from the kitchen to defend herself. 

She heard Izuku giggled, stopping from her tracks. She turned around, revealing the sadistic smirk Izuku had on his face. "You see, I've been having a shitty day these past few days." Izuku grinned, admiring the knife between his finger. 

"My allergies are always triggered every morning. I was completely ignored by everyone. I wasn't able to eat." he counted, showing three of his fingers. "My desk is sticky as hell. I wasn't able to sleep." he continued, looking up to Uraraka. 

His smirk grew wider as annoyance and anger flash before his eyes, "And, oh, I was tied to my own bed." He finished before running again. She shrieked, "No, Deku!" she shrieked, accidentally hitting Deku with the pan she's holding. 

This caused the green headed teen to pass out. Izuku's eyes rolled as his body fell on the floor, unconscious. 

Uraraka's jaw drop. "Izuku! Are you okay?!" she exclaimed, letting go of the frying pan. The rest of the class ran to their direction. Some still scared, some laughing, some relieved, and some worried. 

"Don't worry! Why?!" A familiar voice boomed near them, "Because I am he— Son?!" All Might yelled, shock at the sight of Izuku on the floor. 

The rest of the pro heroes came with Bakugou covered in a light blue blanket with baby ducks printed on it. The whole class would've laugh at him if they weren't so scared at what just happened. 

They thought they were going to die. A cute cinnamon roll was chasing them with a knife on his hand. Izuku was cute. Izuku was a fluff. But, Izuku was never an angry mosquito begging for blood to be shed.

Bakugou saw Izuku unconscious on the floor. He was relieved, "Lock him in his room. Let him rant once he wakes up. Give him plush toys with red liquid acting as blood. That'll calm that shitty nerd down." he said, leaving everyone stunned. 

The pro heroes nodded, doing what Bakugou had told them. He sighed, shivering from the memory when Izuku almost stabbed him. That wasn't Izuku, at all. It was a whole new different person. 

Uraraka walked up to him, a frown visible on her face. "Are you okay, Bakugou?" she asked, worried. She felt like Bakugou had already experienced this before with Izuku. 

Bakugou closed his eyes and nodded, heaving a sigh as he answered. "Yeah, I'm fine." he said, looking at the weapon Uraraka used to stop the raging Izuku Midoriya earlier. 

"Round face, remind me to buy a frying pan later. We need that if we want to survive another day." Bakugou exclaimed, making Uraraka and his class to laugh at him. 

Unknown to them, he wasn't kidding. Because a few months after that, it happened again.

"Oh, Mineta. What were you saying about our female classmates again, huh?" Izuku giggled, a butcher's knife on his hand as Mineta run for his life.


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