Beautiful Goodbye

By eeisoptrophobia

894 16 3

“Be mine.” I asked her resting my forehead on hers trying to catch my breath. “What?” she asked me slightly c... More

Chapter One - Day 1
Chapter Two - Day 2
Chapter Three - Day 3
Chapter Four - Day 4
Chapter Five - Day 6
Chapter Six - Day 13
Chapter Seven - Day 14
Chapter Eight - Day 15
Chapter Nine - Day 16
Chapter Ten - Day 17
Chapter Eleven - Day 18
Chapter Twelve - Day 19
Chapter Thirteen - My Secret Place
Chapter Fourteen - Lovely Lunch
Chapter Fifteen - Movies with Bæ
Chapter Sixteen - Day 79
Chapter Seventeen - Turn of Events
Chapter Eighteen - Day 80
Chapter Nineteen - Day 81
Chapter Twenty - Day 83
Chapter Twenty-One - Party!
Chapter Twenty-Three - Day 147

Chapter Twenty-Two - Day 143

12 0 0
By eeisoptrophobia

It had been two months since Stacy’s eighteenth birthday. Things were starting to look good. She was happier and her mum was actuality trying to repair their relationship. I was gald, Debra seemed like she was turing into a good person. I was happy for her. Both of them.

It was Tuesday morning. I didn't have English today I had training. This weekend was the finals and we were all really pumped. I walked into the change room to find everyone already there getting changed. Darren was shirtless comparing his size to everyone else. There was no doubt that Darren was the biggest in the team but I didn't wish that I was his size. It was kind of gross to be honest.

“Alright princesses. Ive cut you some slack these pat few weeks. These are the grand finals. You are gong to work and train your asses off! I want to see sweat dripping from every inch of you. There are to be no excuses. If you break a bone I will snap it back into place, good as new.” The coach announced as he walked into the change rooms.

“Sir yes sir!” We all yelled in unison.

“Good. Now get out there and go hard or go home pussies!”

We all ran out of the change rooms to the oval. We straight away got started with stretches and went into push ups, sit ups, laps, then suicides. I was the team captain so it was my job to motivate everyone. The two periods went by so slowly, by the end we were all practically limping back to the change rooms. I got changed into my normal clothes after taking a shower.

When the bell rang for lunch I couldn't have been happier. The team and I made our way to the cafeteria and met all our girlfriends at the table. I went to go and get Stacy and I some food. When I retuned she was laughing with Marie and all the other girls talking abut this new kid. Apparently he was a huge junkie, not the type I want to get either Stacy or I caught up in. I was a football player, I couldn't do drugs, and I had seen first had what they had done to Stacy’s life. I gave Stacy a kiss hello and sat beside her intertwining our fingers and rubbing circles around her hand with my thumb.

“Wanna come over today?” Stacy whispered in my ear.

“Yeah sure.” I replied.

“Mark’s home, so you can meet him, he took today off.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan.”

She smiled lazily and started eating her lunch. The day went by all to slowly. I wanted to meet Mark, he seemed like an alright guy, even though I new Stacy disliked him. She wasn't quite sure why she didn't like Mark, I think it was just the fact that she tried so hard to get her mum to change and it didn't work and then this guy shows up and turns her whole life around.

When the bell rang to mark the end of school I shoved my book in my bag and bolted down the hall to Stacy’s classroom. Her class wasn't out yet so I could still catch my breathe and make it look like I had been waiting for ages. The class door opened and people started filing out of the classroom slowly. As Stacy was walking out i wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in front of me kissing her lightly surprising her and making her giggle.

“Hi,” She smiled.

“Hey you, you ready to go?” I whispered into the nape of her neck.

“Yeah sure.” 

We walked down to the school car park and jumped in the car. As soon as I had reversed out of the car space I started the drive to Stacy’s house. I had to admit, I was wildly exited to meet this bloke. I hope her was okay.

When we arrived out the front of her house Stacy had this blank expression on her face. She was completely emotionless, staring at her hands as if she was dead. Jesus don’t even think shit like that Tony! I dismissed the thought immediately. I put my hand on her thigh and gave her a small smile.

“Hey, its okay, Im here.” I reassured her.

She nodded and returned the small smile. I got out of the car and walked over to her side and helped her out. We walked to the front door hand in hand, she opened the door with the house key and lead me inside. It was so much different compared to the last time i was here. It wasn't covered in cigarette buds, things were put away, there wasn't a horrible smell of stale smoke anymore. We walked into the kitchen and there was a man sitting at the dinning table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. He looked about mid-forties.

“Hey son, Im Mark.” The now named man said to me as he peered up from the newspaper. “Hi Stace love, how was school darl?” He asked her with a small polite smile.

“Piss off, you don’t get to call me Stace or ‘love’ or ‘darl’. Never ask about school, its not like you even care. You just want to get into bed with my mum. Pervert.” Stacy hissed.

Mark was taken aback by her sudden outburst and put his head down to continue reading the paper. Stacy lead me into her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

“Agh! I hate him! How could he just come into this house, date my mum and expect to just suddenly become part of my family. Prick.” She groaned and fell onto the bed.

I chuckled as I laid down beside her and wrapped her in my arms. I kissed her forehead and started whispering loving things in her ear.

“I hate him, I hate her. I hate this house. I hate everything in it.”

“Wanna stay at mine tonight babe?”

“Agh I wish, but its grand final day tomorrow and you need to rest up.”

As much as I didn't want to admit it, she was right, I needed my rest and I wouldn't be able to if Stacy was there distracting me. After we watched a movie and cuddled for a while longer it was around 7pm. 

“I should get going. Mum will want me home.” I said sadly.

“Yeah, Ill see you tomorrow though right?”

“Well, I hope that my dear girlfriend will be at my game to cheer me on.”

“She’d be a fool not too.”

When I arrived home I was greeted by my loving mother yelling at me to go upstairs and go to bed seeing as though it was grand final day tomorrow and I needed my rest. I wasn't going to school tomorrow, I was going to be sleeping until 4pm then going to the school field at 5pm to start training. The game started at 6pm and I couldn't be more pumped.

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