Water & Flames [One Piece ~ A...

By BrightSpark4

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I won't spoil anything! Ace x OC Luffy x Nami Sanji x OC Zoro x Robin Usopp x Kaya & Many more! As found in m... More

[Chapter One]
[Chapter Two]
[Chapter Three]
[Chapter Four]
[Chapter Five]
[Chapter Six]
[Chapter Seven]
[Chapter Eight]
[Chapter Nine]
[Chapter Ten]
[Chapter Eleven]
[Chapter Twelve]
[Chapter Thirteen]
[Chapter Fourteen]
[Chapter Fifteen]
[Chapter Sixteen]

[Chapter Seventeen]

330 5 2
By BrightSpark4


No spoilers please!

Also I am extremely sorry for the super slow update. I had a lot going on recently in life since I last updated and I have not had much time to work on this story. I'm starting college very soon, and I have a full time job now too so ill be having very little time to update for some time now. Ill always try my best to keep updating but I do have to keep up with my irl stuff, and that takes time.

This IS a rewrite so keep in mind a lot changes with two ocs added to the mix.

Anyways, Enjoy!


Rescue Shanks' Family! Race Against Time and Marines!

{No POV}

Mia and Ace went to the Den Den Mushi and Mia dialed the number.

"Hello?" Answered a voice familiar to Mia.

"Hey Beckman, it's Mia. I heard about the situation and Luffy, my husband Ace and I have a plan to help you guys out." Mia said trying to remain calm and not cry.

"Hold on. Let me go get the Captain. We've all missed you lots kiddo, make sure to invite us to the official ceremony in the future." He said making Mia cry.

Moments later.

"What?! What?! Who the hell is this?!" Asked a blatantly frantic Shanks.

"It's Mia, Shanks. Luffy, my husband Ace, and I have a plan to help you guys out." Mia said still recovering from her emotional breakdown.

"Mia?!?! It's been for-WAIT YOU'RE MARRIED?!?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Asked Shanks obviously flipping out.

"Two Years or so ago in Alabasta. It was impromptu we'll invite all of you to the ceremony when we have one. Now, the plan?" Mia responded laughing.

"Oh! That's right. So what do you have in mind?" Shanks replied.

"Luffy, my husband, myself and four others will travel to collect your wife and son and give them to some of the men from your crews somewhere safe, probably in what is still Whitebeard Pirates' territory and send them to you." Mia explained.

"That sounds like a great plan but are you guys sure you want to do this, you could be chased and attacked by various marines along the way..." Shanks said.

"We're sure. Besides, those marines should be scared of US. Luffy, my husband and I still owe plenty of them a lot of pain from the Whitebeard War at Marineford two years ago." Mia said her tone turning dark at the end.

Shanks audibly gulped a bit before clearing his throat.

"Okay. So I imagine you already know who my wife is." Shanks said.

"Oh! Of course! We'll go get her immediately. Have some of your men at the location. We'll be in touch." Mia said.

Ace and Mia nodded at each other once she hung up.

They then walked out and met with Luffy and Everyone on deck.

"Rena, Brook, Franky, you three are coming with us and the captain. Nami, Zoro, and Sanji, you three are in charge while we are gone. We'll meet near Dressrosa. We have long distance Den Den Mushis on the boat so we'll be in touch. Be very careful." Mia said.

Then the rescue team rushed to the dock where the boat were at after the parents that were leaving said their goodbyes to their children.

Once in the Calm Belt that would get them to the East Blue, they were attacked every now and again by Marines but they handled them all swiftly.

After some time, they finally reached the East Blue, and soon thereafter, Dawn Island. They docked discretely and put on cloaks before going into Fooshia Village. Once in the village they were regarded with fear and worry, but noticing there were no marines here yet, they quickly took off their cloaks and were greeted warmly by the villagers.

"Mia! Ace!" The villagers greeted.

Mia and Ace smiled fondly.

"Hello mina!" Greeted the couple as they waved inadvertently showing they had married.

"YOU TWO MARRIED?!?!" They all questioned loudly falling over in shock.

"Yep!" Answered Ace proudly.

Then they were quickly allowed to go to the tavern where they were greeted warmly by a tearful Makino holding a baby.

"Mia! Luffy! Ace! What are you three doing here? Who are those people with you?" Asked Makino.

"Makino..." The trio from the Island spoke up awkwardly.

"W-what's wrong?" Asked Makino now concerned.

"We got information that Marines are going to be searching all four seas for the wife of Shanks and their child. We need to get you and yours and Shanks' child to Shanks and his crew. It's no longer safe for you two at Dawn Island while the Marines all search for you. They are sending Admirals and Vice Admirals alike to capture you two to use you as bait. Before 'executing' the child.." Mia explained softly.

Makino nodded grimly after a few moments and prepared for the journey.

They soon all sailed off.

As they sailed, Mia and the other Straw Hats on the boats were shocked when the triplets suddenly popped out of their hiding place in a barrel and jumped into Mia and Ace's chests.

"Rouge?! Roger?! Seiji?!" Exclaimed Ace and Mia.

"Mama! Papa!" They exclaimed back at their parents as they hugged them.

"What are you kids doing in this boat, you three were suppoused to stay with Aunt Nami and the others! This is very dangerous..." Scolded an extremely worried Mia as her and Ace frantically examined their children.

Once they had made sure they were perfectly alright the two parents sighed and picked their children up gently and easily.

"You kids will be the death of me!" Ace said with a light chuckle at his daughter.

"You always say that Papa!" Rouge answered.

"Rouge your father says it because he's been predicting that even about me years ago. When we first started bonding to be exact." Mia said fondly as she and Ace put the children down to Navigate.

"Mia, Ace, you two married and had these beautiful kids?!" Asked Makino warmly as the kids began to play with the baby boy in Makino's arms.

"Yep!" Ace answered.

"Kids! Don't be rude introduce yourselves to Makino. She's a huge part of mine and your Papa's lives!" Scolded Mia gently taking the baby boy gently into her arms instantly soothing him.

"You've certainly got the hang of it huh?" Makino asked after the kids introduced themselves as she took her child back into her arms.

"With three babies... Both Ace and I had to get the hang of it quickly or we'd be overrun by our children. We're just thankful that the kids have always been well-behaved for the most part." Mia answered with an agreeing nod from Ace.

Makino giggled at the response.

"Hey Mama!" Called out Seiji.

"Yes Seiji?" Asked Mia.

"How did you and Dad feel when you first started to bond?" Asked Seiji curiously.

Mia and Ace shared a look and burst out laughing.

They reached the calm belts and let the others have fun with the Enemy while Makino, the baby, the triplets, and Ace and Mia sat inside.

"I guess we could describe it in a little tune." They said in unison.

"Something There, from Beauty and The Beast?" Asked Ace.

"Yes, but change the parts about physical features of the beast." Said Mia receiving a nod from Ace.

There's something sweet, and almost kind

But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined

And now he's dear, and so unsure

I wonder why I didn't see it there before

As she finished she smiled brightly at Ace.

She glanced this way, I thought I saw

And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my flaws

No, it can't be, I'll just ignore

But then she's never looked at me that way before

Ace sang smiling at Mia before grabbing her by the hand and kissing it gently on one knee.

Mia rolled her eyes but laughed lightly.

New, and a bit alarming

Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

True, that he's no Prince Charming

But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

Mia sang as she looked at him with love in her eyes. They hugged before he spun Mia in a little bit of a dance gently.

It's so peculiar, wait and see, i'll wait and see a few days more

There may be something there that wasn't there before

Ace then took that as his cue to sing

Here's a thought, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before

Mia smiled and took over the next line.

There may be something there that wasn't there before

Then they share very small and light kiss on the lips before laughing a bit.

"Oh! That was so beautiful Mama! Papa! I hope I fall in love like that someday!" Said Rouge.

The two parents shared a worried look.

"No way!" They shut down.

Mia then calmed herself.

"We just mean to say, Dew Drop, that you need to find your love your own way on your own time and pace... All three of you should find it your own ways." Mia explained.

"Oh! Okay Mama!" Said Rouge with an excited look on her adorable little face.

Then the boats rocked shakily and the triplets fell down to the floor and Seiji got a splinter.

Mia then grew pissed off. She smiled at her babies and used her powers to take out the splinter and heal her son's skin before turning to Makino.

"Watch my children for me for a few moments I have to go... handle something..." She said softly before rushing out.

Several moments later, silence rang out as Mia came back inside with the rest of her and Ace's nakama following close behind sporting bumps on their heads.

"Now! The journey will be long since we've entered the Grand Line once more. So let's eat some dinner and everyone can go to sleep except myself and the Captain. We have watch duty tonight." Mia said cheerfully making everyone cheer up as she went into the kitchen and started cooking with Makino's help who offered after letting Luffy and everyone else play with her son.

-With Mia Makino-

"So... you and Ace..." Makino began with a gentle smile causing Mia to tense a moment before continuing as if nothing had happened.

"Have you told him?" Asked Makino softly.

Mia's smile dropped into a sad one.

"I... Haven't... I've been trying to since I found out I was pregnant with the twins. But I just haven't found the time..." Mia answered sadly.

Makino smiled sadly. "You need to tell him... Before it's too late or he finds out on his own." Said Makino before placing a gentle hand on Mia's shoulder.

"Anyway. Let's go and eat with everyone. If you want I will buy you two some time to yourselves so you can talk." Makino said with a smile.

Mia smiled and nodded, but as they made to move to join the others the boat shook, violently so, and Mia ran out.

When she reached the others she saw they were up against a Marine Admiral and that Rena, Luffy, Ace and Franky were struggling to knock out the lower ranks of the enemy because of numbers while Luffy also fought off the Admiral.

"Now, Now..." Mia began as she walked towards the admiral releasing light waves of Conqueror's Haki as she stepped closer to the big brute of a man.

"Hasn't your mother ever taught you it's rude to interrupt other people's dinners?"

"To me.." He said pausing to flare out his chest in a show of strength. "You pirate scum aren't people, you are mere insects that I have to exterminate." Said the Marine Admiral at last.

Mia sighed boredly as she gently took off her apron and mittens and handed them to Luffy.

"Take these inside, I would rather they didn't get ruined, keep her company with the others while Ace and I handle these rude people. Me and Ace need to have a private conversation after this as well, Dinner is almost finished it should finish cooling down in about 10 minutes." Mia said to Luffy who noting the tenseness in her body nodded.

They all did as said and soon enough, they had defeated everyone including the admiral and stood alone on the deck.

"Hey Ace..." Began Mia awkwardly.

"Yes Water Drop?" He replied.

"Remember that time we talked about having a fourth child?" Said Mia awkwardly.

"Yes, but.." He began to say turning to see her smiling awkwardly at him.

"We have two buns in the oven." Mia finished suddenly.

Ace shocked for several moments remained quiet before beginning to jump around in joy.

"IM GOING TO BE A DAD AGAIN!!!!" He shouted loudly enough that everyone inside heard and came out to find him jumping around excitedly while Mia chuckled quietly.

"How many this time? let me guess? Another set of triplets?" Joked Sanji.

"Actually.. This time it's twins." Mia admitted awkwardly.

"SAY WHAT?!" The others exclaimed.

"But you guys better believe im getting my tubes tied after I pop these two out. Five is far more than enough. And he's getting his ding ding tied pronto." Said Mia seriously.

"MOMMY'S PREGNANT!!!!!!" Exclaimed the kids in joy.

Mia laughed and then they all ate asthey sailed the rest of the way back to the main ship peacefully, following Nami's Vivre Card piece.

When they made it back they promptly met up with Shanks and Delivered Makino and Makino and Shanks' son to Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates before sharing the news and shortly after leaving to rejoin the others.

When they made it back they shared the news and celebrated the news after Mia and Ace went into the infirmary and had Chopper give Ace a vasectomy pronto.

Unaware of the craziness soon to happen in Dressrosa


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