Water & Flames [One Piece ~ A...

By BrightSpark4

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I won't spoil anything! Ace x OC Luffy x Nami Sanji x OC Zoro x Robin Usopp x Kaya & Many more! As found in m... More

[Chapter One]
[Chapter Two]
[Chapter Three]
[Chapter Four]
[Chapter Five]
[Chapter Six]
[Chapter Seven]
[Chapter Eight]
[Chapter Nine]
[Chapter Eleven]
[Chapter Twelve]
[Chapter Thirteen]
[Chapter Fourteen]
[Chapter Fifteen]
[Chapter Sixteen]
[Chapter Seventeen]

[Chapter Ten]

464 10 4
By BrightSpark4

I know I have not been sticking to things as they exactly happen in canon much, but that's because I have two OC in the Straw Hat Crew in this fanfic. So yes, i'm sticking to canon as best I can but I also have to change somethings for the story to flow better. So be patient. I promise it will be at least a decent read!


Thriller Bark and The Jouney To Sabaody!

{No POV}

After meeting the ever interesting and amusing Brook, the straw hats soon found almost all of themselves shadowless, except for Mia who had refused to live the women's quarters all day claiming she couldn't step outside looking so fat!

Of course, this was the hormones and mood swings talking but when she finally stepped out and was caught up to speed everyone was thankful and concerned all at once to see her so pissed.

Concern grew into down right terror for her and her unborn triplets' wellbeing as she suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke running without any trouble the castle breaking down the doors and heading straight for Morria.

They chased after her only to find anyone who had obviously tried to get in her way drowned to unconsciousness or physically beat to a bloodly pulp all except for about 10 blatantly powerful enemies she had left for them on purpose. So they got to work fighting all the while hoping that their pregnant nakama was alright.

-With Mia-

[Surprise Ahead In A While For You All! ENJOY!]

When Mia finally reached Morria she quickly got to work pummeling him to a pulp.

It was difficult for her as she was pregnant now, but she kept fighting carefully. Having fun playing around with the stupid Shichibukai making sure to slowly but carefully get all the shadows he held within him out. After she finished that she finally smiled victoriously as he froze in realization.

"SAYONARA YOU UGLY BASTARD!!!!" Said Mia in a loud shout that was heard all over Thriller Bark as she finally knocked him out.

Then she took deep breaths, calming herself, and then walked leisurely to the Sunny to rest her pregnant body.

-With Luffy-

Luffy ended up facing a man that had tried to spy on his beloved wife while she bathed.

He was pissed at this bastard.

Thus he proceeded to pummel his ass to near death.

Quickly winning and joining Zoro in the Crow's Nest of the Sunny to train together for a while.

-With Franky and Chopper-

Franky was annoyed but Chopper? Chopper was beyond pissed the fuck off. It took a lot of encouraging from Franky to get the reindeer to calm himself enough to not use the trump card he used in Sabaody against the bastard Dr Hogback.

But they soon conquered the bastard easily applying in battle what Mia had taught them with the help of Aisa, who had been training her and Luffy in Mantra all the while, and of course Luffy and Zoro. When he could Sanji would work with them as well.

However the best instructor they had at their side in their nakama was definitely Mia, who pregnancy and all, they all had to admit was definitely their strongest member.

Even stronger than their own Captain, but trusting her judgement and their Captain was easy for them seeing as they both were leaders along with Zoro in their rag tag crew.

So when Franky and Chopper finished their fight they headed to the ship and continued training while they waited for Usopp, Rena, Sanji, Midnight and Nami to come back to the ship.

-With Nami-

It was obvious now that Nami was pregnant. With twins on the way, being one month and maybe a week or so pregnant she looked like she was two months almost three.

Which is why it shocked her when she ran into a warthog woman calling herself Lola while she was running from Absalom that was now currently trying to kill her for 'stealing' the pervert from her.

"I bet that child you're expecting is his! I must destroy them!" Said the looney woman.

Nami was officially pissed the hell off at that statement and immediately pulled out her climatact and activated her Armament Haki and begant to pummel the woman to a bloody pulp.

"For your information I'm expecting twins! And these are the children of myself and the Future King of The Pirates Monkey D. Luffy, Captain of The Straw Hat Pirates! Don't you dare insult me with such slanderous idiotic assumptions!! I carry within my womb the first two future Pirate Royalty's Heirs! I'm going to be the Future Pirate Queen! I'd never stoop so low as to go for such a damned pervert!" Nami said to the bloody mess that was the now absolutely terrified warthog woman.

Then the female nodded and passed out prompting Nami to leave.

-With Brook, Zoro and Robin-

After finding Mia fighting Morria he stuck around nearby entranced by the scene before him.

Mia, who was quite visibly pregnant and angry-which he could tell was not a good combination- was easily and rather flawlessly taking down Gecko Morria, a VERY POWERFUL Warlord of the Sea, as if he was nothing more than a little helpless baby boy.

Robbing Gecko Morria of his valuables as she did so, too.

It was astounding to Brook and to the two Straw Hats. T

'If Luffy-san is the Captain of this woman... Just how powerful is he for her to let him be in charge of her. For her to let him move her as if she was the Queen Piece in his chess game's arsenal? How powerful even is this crew?!'

'They're conquering a band of pirates known to have a large sum of money wanted for their heads before their Captain became a Shichibukai as if they were mere children they were lightly scolding because they stole a cookie before dinner... It's absolutely terrifying how strong they are individually, I can't even imagine how much stronger they'll become given enough time to do so!' Brook thought in shock and nerve wracking fear.

Then he watched her finish defeating Morria without killing him and then stand up straight and dusting herself off, easily cleaning herself of the blood and dirts and sweat that had coated her body during the one sided victory of a battle.

She smiled down at her stomach as she turned to leave and gently caressed it starting to sing a little tune at her pregnant belly.

My little angels, how fast you grow

The world is full of danger that you dont know

But I will protect you no matter where we go

Your father and I will love you

So there's nothing you will need to do

Continue to grow as we hold you in our hearts

And when your day comes we'll hold you in our arms

Harm will never come to you my doves

She then continued humming for a few minutes before finally seeming to notice his presence and that of two of her nakamas.

"You're Brook, right? The guy our Captain wants to add to the crew as our musician right?" Mia asked warmly.

Then they began chatting as he accompanied her to the Thousand Sunny.

-With Usopp, Rena and Midnght-

Midnight and Rena stuck around nearby while Usopp made use of having an enemy to test out his new and improved skills out quite well.

After a little while he managed to defeat Perona and the trio finally left to the ship chatting amiably.

-Days Later, Out At Sea-

Everyone ate merrily as they all sailed away after Brook finally agreed to join the crew in order to one day see Laboon once more.

After a while of everyone having fun partying it up Mia and Nami sat around near the still heavily partying nakamas rubbing their pregnant bellies as they sat with Robin who they quickly noticed was refraining from drinking as well.

"You're pregnant too Robin?" Asked Mia with a soft smile.

"Yes... I didn't find out until two days ago and we've decided to wait a bit longer before telling the crew." Robin admitted.

Mia and Nami smiled.

"You guys have been together for how long now?" Asked Nami.

Robin giggled lightly.

"About since I joined the crew back in Alabasta... It happened pretty strangely but I wouldn't have it any other way." Robin answered.

They all laughed a bit.

"It's safe to say a lot of things happened in the crew's ranks after everything that went down in Alabasta. Say, have you talked to Ace-san Alabasta? Or Comet for that Matter?" Piped in Nami.

Mia smiled a bit sadly but still very happily as she spared a decently long glance at her nakama.

"I haven't... But they'll be okay, and If I learn they need my help, I'll go help them immediately... Pregnancy or not, I won't risk loosing any of the people I care about.. Especially not my husband and adopted son. Even if I have to murder a lot of people to protect them and get them to safety, I will... I am worried about the lack of contact seeing as he gave me a secret long distance den den mushi for us to be able to stay in touch. But I can't let my worry over run me and cloud my judgement. I won't step in unless I see the need to do so." Mia said softly.

"You are incredibly strong Mia... I don't think I could ever be as strong as you are being in that situation... It's got to be difficult..." Nami said.

Mia smiled and patter her hair affectionately.

"It's fine, I can manage.. In the meantime we should worry more about our next destination..." Mia replied her expression turning more serious.

Robin nodded her expression now grim.

"Yes... You're right Vice Captain-chan... It's a very dangerous place... Especially since the destination right after it is the first of many on the second half of the Grand Line known as the New World.." Robin said seriously.

"How dangerous is this place? What are you guys talking about?" Asked Nami now worried.

"The next destination is the island between the first half of the GrandLine and The New World which is the second half. It's called The Sabaody Archipelago. Its a group of Islands under the control of the Marines and World Government. It's also where Celestial Dragons roam all over. They are very obnoxious and moronic. But they are powerful. They have power over the marines unlike anything we have ever witnessed. They give the order to have yo killed just because they feel like it and the marines will do it on the spot. Because that's how high up the Dragons are in the world... Not to mention there is a Marine Admiral stationed near the Archipelago known as Borsalino. He is very dangerous, as powerful if not more so than even Garp and Kuzan. The marine forces there are terrifyingly powerful. So powerful i'm not even sure if we'd all be able to make it out alive if we were to fight Marines there as we are now. Which is why I have been trying to speak with Luffy about the possibility of taking some time off, not much, maybe just three months somewhere safe for us, all of us together. To train enough to have better odds. But it's too late to turn back now. We've already starting going deep into the den of monsters when we ran amock in Enies Lobby and our bounties are through the roof now. We'll have to do our best to avoid any conflict while we resupply and get the ship coated. If we can't we'll all have to do the best we can to survive this mess." Mia explained.

Nami was aghast as Robin spread the new wanted posters of them all on the table.

[I'm making it so they didn't see their changed bounties after the Enies Lobby ordeal because they were too busy celebrationg to read the news at all.]

Straw Hat Luffy - 300,000,000

Water Queen Mia - 280,000,000

Roronoa Zoro - 120,000,000

Sogeking - 30,000,000

Cat Burglar Nami - 16,000,000

Black Leg Sanji - 77,000,000

Rogue Rena - 65,000,000

Nico Robin - 80,000,000

Angel Aisa - 14,000,000

Tony Tony Chopper - 50

"To those bounties we also have to add Brook's bounty now that he joined our crew..." Added Mia as she placed the old wanted poster of Brook down on the table with the rest of their posters.

Humming Brook - 33,000,000

"That brings us to..." Nami said quickly doing the math before gasping in utter shock.

"A total Pirate Crew Value of 1,015,000,050 Berris?! That's a lot of money! There's no way we won't be having some trouble of some kind when we get to Sabaody. What would you say our survival odds are?" Nami said in whispered shock.

Mia sighed.

"At best with various issues, and VERY good luck mind you, we're looking at a 25% Survival Rate. But that's with the very good luck of an aquaintance of Luffy's that he met at Thriller Bark helping us by sending us away. Of course, but that's not something we should start going crazy over right now. We have to enjoy whatever time we have left at peace like this as much as possible. So let's raise our mikan juice glasses and celebrate our new crew member and our unborn children!" Mia said warmly but seriously.

They shared a smile and did a toast like Mia had suggested and celebrated joyfully.

And so...relaxing and enjoying life while training as heavily as they could,they spent the remaining week and some days of their journey to the Sabaody Archipelago...

Unaware of the hell that was fast approaching them.


I am so amped! I know this isn't a very good story so to those of you that have been reading it faithfully, I'm really glad you stuck around! It means A LOT to me! I really hope I do a great chapter for the Sabaody Arc! I already have several ideas for that one and for the Summit War Arc. Also be warned I haven't gotten past the Fishman Island Arc in the anime nor in the manga because i've been super busy since I finished High School.

In the next chapter

Mia will be officially Three months and one week along

Nami will be just Two months and two weeks along

Robin will be One Month along.


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