Water & Flames [One Piece ~ A...

By BrightSpark4

20.8K 318 49

I won't spoil anything! Ace x OC Luffy x Nami Sanji x OC Zoro x Robin Usopp x Kaya & Many more! As found in m... More

[Chapter Two]
[Chapter Three]
[Chapter Four]
[Chapter Five]
[Chapter Six]
[Chapter Seven]
[Chapter Eight]
[Chapter Nine]
[Chapter Ten]
[Chapter Eleven]
[Chapter Twelve]
[Chapter Thirteen]
[Chapter Fourteen]
[Chapter Fifteen]
[Chapter Sixteen]
[Chapter Seventeen]

[Chapter One]

2.7K 31 9
By BrightSpark4

Romance Dawn & Syrup Village

{No POV}

After they got safely onto the Passenger Ship being raided by The Alvida Pirates, Mia was bored.

She stayed back in the shadows bored since she could tell her new Captain had been growing restless and wanted to have some fun. Of course, she still followed them and ate some food when they reached the food storage of the passenger ship.

"Do you even have a crew?!" Coby brought up in hos rant of disbelief.

"Yeah! I already have my first crew member! She's right beside you!" Said Luffy in response.

"EH?!" Exclaimed Coby turning to look beside him.

"Yo." Greeted Mia pausing momentarily from eating her 20th Apple.

"Eh?!" Exclaimed Coby.

[We'll just skip the battle scenes for now! Since this is dragging on too much! Sorry!]

-And Then!-

"So what's this Zoro guy like anyways? I gotta admit i'm a bit curious myself..." Said Mia agreeing with Luffy.

Then...she fell asleep against the mast.

After a while when they reached land she woke up and they went ashore. After a while they were passing by a restaurant when Mia decided to stop.

"Hey Captain, I'm still hungry so I'm going to go eat at that restaurant over there if you don't mind." Said Mia.

"Alright! I'll catch up with you later!" Said Luffy as him and Coby continued to walk.

Then Mia walked into the restaurant and ordered some food. Then began to chow down like there's no tomorrow.

When she was finished with half of her food, Luffy and Coby walked in with a little girl.

"Hey Captain! Over here! Ordered you some food." Said Mia still chowing down.

"Sweet! Thanks Mia!" Said Luffy running over and sitting down to eat.

"So did you find him Captain?" Asked Mia once they finished chowing down.

"Mh-hm!" Answered Luffy.

Soon the daughter and the restaurant owner explained Zoro's situation and Helmeppo burst in and went on his spiel revealing that he intended to break his promise to Zoro which made Luffy mad and had him punch Helmeppo in the face only to afterwards be held back by Mia who splashed him with a fist made of water.

"Simmer down Captain. He's not worth even looking at." Mia said while looking at a book she had in her hands about the island they were currently at.

Luffy now lazy and sluggish fell back on his butt as Helmeppo and the marines with him ran off.

Then the restaurant owner handed Luffy a towel and Mia smiled at him.

"I've decided! Today! Zoro joins our crew! Any problems with that Mia?" Said Luffy.

Mia smiled in a way that made several people shiver.

"None at all Captain... Ready whenever you are." Said Mia putting her book away in her bag and handing said bag to Coby.

"Hold this kiddo. Captain and I have got work to do." Mia said.

Soon they found themselves at the marine base in front of Zoro as the former and Luffy spoke before Luffy ran off.

"Just who is that guy?" Zoro thought outloud.

"He's the man who's going to be King of The Pirates." Answered Mia calling attention to herself as she read a book she held with one hand and worked the knots holding Zoro to the stakes with her other.

"Why would he be so keen on getting me to join his crew?"

"Our crew. I'm a member of the crew he's putting together. As for his reasons, I can't atest to them, but what I do know is that he's trying to free you before that Marine's son can have you killed like they planned on doing in who knows how soon of a time." Said Mia.

Then Morgan burst in making Mia sigh and put away her book.

"What do you want you Imbecile Asshole? Can't you see i'm reading?" Said Mia with a glare that made everyone shudder except for Morgan who just grew angrier.

Then Morgan gave the order to shoot and Luffy jumped in front of Zoro and stood protectively next to Mia who just stood there unfazed.

As the bullets shot, Luffy's body stretched back and the bullets meant to hit Mia went right through her with a splash.

"That won't work on us!" Luffy said with a smirk as he bounced his collection of bullets right back at them.

"Just what kind of Monsters are these guys?!" Questioned the Marines.

"Bullets don't even faze them!!!" They exclaimed.

"Bullets don't work on Rubber and Water. Imbeciles." Said Mia boredly.

"Who even are you guys?" Questioned a shocked Zoro.

"I'm Luffy. And I'm going to be King of The Pirates!"

"I'm Mia. And I'm going to learn about all the cultures all over the world and see it all." Mia said with a mischevious smirk before turning to Luffy.

"Captain, take care of the Marines! I'll free Zoro!" Said Mia.

Luffy nodded and went to fight handing Mia the swords.

"If I free you now, you become a Pirate and join our crew. If you refuse to join us you die in the hands of the Marines." Said Mia handing him on of his swords.

He then immediately headed to help Luffy fight as Mia got to work getting Coby out of the execution yard to safety.

After she reached the exit. She threw Coby over the tall wall and turned to the Marines chasing her with a smirk.

"Should've stayed over with the boys and gotten pummeled like good little boys." Said Mia suddenly pulling out two swords.

"Let's Dance, shall we?" She said challenging them.

After a while she took out every single one of her challengers and joined the others in leaving the execution yard.

"Anyone else?" Challenged Mia and Zoro in unison.

After that they left to go get Zoro some food. While they lounged in the restaurant, Zoro then turned to the now once again reading Mia.

"So you're a swordsman?" Asked Zoro.

"Swordswoman, not swordsman. But don't worry, I don't plan to get in your way and fight you. I plan on helping you if you want me too." Said Mia before turning to the next page.

Then him and Zoro got talking about the crew and ship.

Soon Luffy said they'd go to the Grandline straight after this Island.

"Don't be an idiot, Captain." Said Mia downing her mug of sake in one swig. "We don't have a navigator yet. We'll never get there if we don't have someone that can guide our ship there." Said Mira unemotionally.

"She's got a point but I suppose there's nothing we can do about it." Said Zoro.

"Fair Point." Said Mia in agreement.

Marines walked in and soon the three said their goodbyes to Coby and sailed off in a random direction.

Soon both Mia and Zoro learning of how Luffy came to want to be Pirate King so badly.

"Hey Mia? Are you the Vice Captain if Luffy is the Captain?" Asked Zoro.

"Don't know. Am I the Vice Captain, Captain?" Asked Mia.

"You and Zoro are my Vice Captains." Said Luffy after thinking a bit.

"Cool." They both said before taking a nap.

Then waking up later as Luffy's and their own stomachs growled in hunger.

"So hungry." Exclaimed the three.

Soon enough Luffy got stuck in a bird's mouth and Zoro and Mia rushed to catch up to him.

"Idiot Captain!"

"Who the hell gets caught in the beak of a gigantic bird?!"

As they (Zoro) rowed as fast as possible to the Island they spotted Luffy had managed to land on, they ran into three pirates of the Buggy Pirate Crew.

The three pirates tried to attack them only for Mia to kick their asses with ease and without having to even take out a sword.

As they sailed to the Island with their new prisoners rowing as fast as they could for them Zoro turned to the now once again reading Mia.

"Say Mia, how is it that you became so obssessed with traveling the world and learning about all the cultures in the world? And how did you meet Luffy anyways? How did you end up being part of a rag tag crew in the making?" Asked Zoro.

Mia smiled.

"I was born in the Goa Kingdom back on Dawn Island, and was immediately abandoned by my parents into the Gray Terminal, an area where all the hoodlums, homeless and moral-less people on the Island lived. I spent a long part of my life living there stealing and thieving to survive. It was no way to live but I managed. I was pretty content until one day I found Fuschia Village while running from some stupid bandits I had stolen some money from and saw the way they lived and thrived. It was such a new world to my young 8 year old self, I was amazed. I wanted to see more of what they did and how they acted towards each other. I wanted to see and learn of their culture and ways. I was a curious child, I suppose. And that's where my desire for my dream came from. My curiousity about others. I've always been sort of cynical since I was alone my entire life until that fateful day when I was 8. After that day I took care to visit the village from time to time and hit the libraby and buy some books about whatever I could get my hands on." Said Mia carefully putting away the book as she felt the intense stare of their prisoners and Zoro.

"On my birthday a while back I was going to finally set sail to begin my adventure for knowledge, so I went to the Village's tavern where one of the only three people that tolerated me there was owner. As I ate breakfast, Luffy waltzed in for breakfast and after learning I had skills from the Mayor, he asked me to join his crew. I said yes and now, i'm the temporary doctor of the crew, a vice captain and a researcher." Said Mia pulling out a different book.

"You're a doctor?" He asked as they docked and she knocked out their prisoners with ease.

"Not exactly. I've never practiced the trade on anyone but myself, but I have a lot of medical knowledge." Said Mia as they searched for Luffy.

When they finally found him, he was in a cage surrounded by other Pirates, and a girl Mia vaguely remembered that was currently pretending to be one of them.

"You just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you?" Zoro questioned as he jumped into action.

"Does it really surprise you that much? He was almost bird chow after all?" Asked Mia to Zoro also jumping into action.

After jumping into the fray, the girl stopped the cannon pointed at them from firing and they soon fled with an Injured Zoro carrying Nami while Mia carried the cage.

"I'll patch you up once we find somewhere safe to hide in the meantime Zoro." Said Mia as they ran.

"Sure thing... But for now let's hurry and hide already... I can't keep this up forever." Said Zoro while in a lot of pain.

When they reached a safe place, Mia put down the cage as Zoro put Nami down and laid against a post.

"Alright! Let's get you out of your cage Captain!" Mia said with a bored yawn.

Then she turned her hand to water and shaped into a key inside of the lock, turning it once she filled the shape, unlocking the cage.

Luffy climbed out thanking her before looking at Zoro who was currently in pain.

"Zoro doesn't look so good." Luffy commented as Mia approached Zoro.

"He's been stabbed clean through. Normal people don't look good after something like that." Mia said taking off Zoro's waistband thing and his shirt.

Then she placed said clothing items on the floor and laid Zoro down on them carefully before turning to her bag and pulling out several medical items and two jars of liquid and a syringe.

She turned one of her hands to sterilized water and dipped the needle of the syringe in it before putting some king of purple liquid into the syringe and injecting it carefully into Zoro's veins. Zoro then feeling nothing a minute later. No pain and none of Mia's pokes in the area surrounding his wound.

"Alright Zoro. I'm going to open the external wound on your front a bit more to check for any internal damage and then i'll patch you up fully... You'll feel a slight poke as i begin to cut. Whatever you do, don't look at your woun okay?" Mia said sterilizing a scapel and getting into position.

"Okay..." Said Zoro tiredly.

Mia then turned to look at Nami and Luffy.

"You two go by the petshop we passed and make sure none of Buggy's crew members reach us while I'm working on Zoro's injury. I need this place to remain as sterile as possible while I work." She said making the two notice her gloves and face mask.

They left and she turned to Zoro.

"I owe you a barrel of sake after this is over..." Zoro said.

"You better believe it." She answered expanding the external cut slightly more.

Noticing no damage to any organs nor the spine except a slight cut on his one visible kidney, she quickly grabbed the stitching needle that she had sterilized previously and threaded it with the stitching thread and quickly stitched the cut on the kidney closed. After that she sterilized the needle again and began to stitch the exterior cut closed. Once done with that she sterilized the needle again and turned Zoro gently and carefully around.

She then got to work stitching up the cut on his back making quick work of that.

After being fully done she sterilized the needle again and put it away along with the scapel. She then got to work bandaging him and soon put everything away except her other jar of medicine. From which she then pulled out a small spoonful of green medicine. She sat him up carefully and fed him the green medicine.

"That medicine will help your body heal faster. Especially if you go ahead and get some shut eye now. It wont work miracles though so don't you dare pull out your stitches without my say so!" She said to Zoro with a glare that made him fear for his life should he disobey.

"You disobey my orders, and you die, got it?" Said Mia to him before letting her expression turn neutral once more.

"Yes ma'am!" He said sincerely.

"Good now rest for a bit while you can. I'll keep watch with the other two while you rest." Mia said.

Zoro dressed carefully and went to sleep.

Soon waking up when it was time to go fight Buggy and his men. Zoro fighting Cabaji, Luffy fighting Buggy, Nami heading off to steal Buggy's treasure, and Mia standing face to face with Mohji reading a book nonchalantly.

"You're reading?!?!?!" Exclaimed Mohji annoyed, angry, and shocked.

Mia sighed and glared at Mohji colder than even Luffy had ever seen her glare.

"Yes, I am... Is there a problem with that, Loudmouth Polar Bear Hair?" Mia asked angrily before turning her attention back to her book.

"Yes! There is! This is a fight! Not a library! Just fight me already!" Said Moji angrily.

Mia sighed in annoyment and put away her book into her bag. She then looked Mohji and his precious little kitten over and got into a fighting stance.

No weapons drawn just her hands curled into fists after signaling him to go at her.

They came at her and before they could even blink her fist crashed strongly and heavily into Mohji's gut knocking him out cold and one of her legs doing the same into the lion's face. With both of her opponents out cold she turned to see Luffy cradling his hat angry beyond belief at the sight of it stabbed.

"Captain, do I have permission to take over this fight?" Said Mia to Luffy feeling suddenly pumped up to fight.

"Only if you kill him in my stead." Said Luffy.

"Of course, Captain. I'll be only 5 minutes. I shall return promptly and see if I can repair your treasured hat." Said Mia with swift nod at her Captain.

"What can you even do little girl? I can dodge any attack you throw at me and I can stab you or cut you into pieces." Said Buggy cockily failing to notice Mia's harshest glare yet.

"I can kill you." Said Mia before suddenly disappearing and reappaering right before his eyes using her powers to soak him to the bone in water weakening him considerably.

"What in the hell did you do to me?!" Exclaimed Buggy in shock weakly unable to split apart to rinse himself dry.

Then Mia got into a stance similar to that of Luffy's 'Gum-Gum Bazooka' except her arms were closer together.

"Hel-" He began to say before Mia announced her attack.

Said attack going right into his mouth and down his throat.

After a few minutes Buggy, now dead, fell to the ground as Mia's attack stopped.

Her eyes and face showing no remorse.

"Nobody, and I mean nobody... messes up my Captain's treasure and lives to see another day..." Said Mia to the now dead body on the ground.

She then turned to the rest of the now dead man's crew.

"Leave this place at once. Or I'll drown every single one of you to death." Said Mia coldly causing all of them to get up and run for it.

She then turned to Luffy, Nami and Zoro. Zoro silent in respect for Mia's devotion to her new nakama, Nami pissed off at Mia's actions, and Luffy silent in respect of the events that just transpired.

"Why the hell did you do that?! Why did you kill that annoying pirate?! Even if he's a despicable pirate there was no need to kill him! This is why I absolutely hate pirates!" Nami said angrily.

Mia glared right back at her.

"Listen very carefully girl! I don't care if the Captain wants you as our Navigator, I did what I had to do for my crew, my nakama. I understand you hate pirates and I know for a fact you threatened to try and kill my Captain. If you ever so much as try and hurt or kill my Captain or my crewmate, I won't hesitate to kill you. Just like how I killed that Splitting Bastard for trying to kill my Captain and destroy his treasure. This is your ONLY warning." Said Mia suddenly pointing a sword straight at her brain before putting it away as Nami trembled in fear and crumbled onto her knees.

"That's enough Mia. Let's just go to the ship. I need you to check my injury since that acrobat guy kicked it so many times." Zoro said leaning onto Mia.

Mia grabbed onto Zoro and took him to the ships giving Luffy time to talk with Nami before they headed to the ships to join Mia and Zoro. Soon setting sail with Zoro and Mia chatting peacefuly and Nami and Luffy arguing at first to then chat as they headed to another Island nearby to get supplies and new ship from.

Soon after reaching the Island and meeting Usopp and Kaya.

Nami was shocked to see Mia so relaxed and moved by everything. She was more often than not reading or gulpind down food or knocking back a barrel of sake easily, but she seemed at peace and of course her and Mia eventually patched up and became pretty much best firends possibly even sisters.

She was reading books about the culture and such of the Island's people, Nami noticed momentarily.

Of course she also seemed to have purchased books on medicine and medical care of this island as well.

Eventually they ran across Jango and she was suddenly closed off from everyone.

So when it came time for the battle on the slope with the Black Cat Pirates, Nami was shocked to see Mia reading while effortlessly fighting Jango through kicks not even dodging the hits from Jango's blade as they just fazed through her.

"Why the hell are my blades not affecting you?!" Jango exclaimed in angry shock as he continued to hit at her.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to finish this chapter on heart surgery. Unless you want me to steal that blade and practice on you the surgical procedures I just studied, I'd avoid hitting my book. This cost me money you crass weirdo. I'm running low on money so I'd rather not have to buy a new copy if you don't mind." She said not bothering to answer.

"Will you answer my damn question?!" Asked Jango.

Then, he accidentally nicked the cover of the book.

Mia now angry at her book being damaged, put the book away and effortlessly kicked Jango in the balls and punched him hard in the gut. Knocking him out of commission.

"I'm a water woman you fool. Blades nor bullets work on me." She said before spitting on his face as if he were just a pesky bug.

Then she turned to Kaya and looked her over.

Noting the fever was getting high, she pulled out a small jar of Flu medicine and gathered a spoonful. Pulling out a waterbottle soon after along with a small bottle filled with pills.

"Here Miss, take this medicine... It'll help treat your fever enough to get you home safe and sound so I can then treat your injured staff member. These pills should help you to deal with your depression from now on until you can fully move forward. Here's some water. You should take only one pill daily, with food. The pills are anti-depressants. They wont heal your depression but it will help you cope with it until you can fully cope with it on your own. So you should be able to move around freely without breaking out into a fever or coughing fits. Only take them as needed." Mia instructed pulling out a small cold compress and pressing it gently to Kaya's forehead.

"Are you...a doctor?" Asked Kaya.

"Not exactly, i'm the temporary doctor for my crew because I know so much about medicine. But that's all." Said Mia.

Then Usopp, Zoro and the three children approached.

"Is Miss Kaya going to be okay?!" Questioned the kids.

Mia smiled at them handing them each a lollipop.

"She'll be just fine given proper time to heal... For now get yourselves back to Miss Kaya's mansion. I'll treat all injuries there. I'll go get Nami real quick since she'll bleed out if her wound is left untreated and I'll tell the Captain to join us as soon as he's finished with his fight." Said Mia.

"Will you even have enough supplies to take care of all of us' injuries?" Zoro asked.

"Yes, but i'll be running low soon enough if I don't resupply while I still can so I was going to resupply while we're here anyways." Said Mia.

Then she was gone back to the slope for several moments before coming back with an injured Luffy and Nami in tow.

Her carrying Nami and Luffy both effortlessly. She carried Nami bridal style and Luffy piggyback.

With that they all went to Kaya's mansion where Kaya was laid down in her bed by Zoro gently so she could rest, and the others were spread out along the room that Merry was in.

Soon after pulling out her supplies, Mia immediately got to work and stitched up Merry setting up a blood transfusion for him with the help of one of the staff members that returned because they forgot something.

Then she moved on to stitch up Nami and set her up with a small blood transfusion as well.

Then it was Zoro's turn as he didn't have the healing abilities of a Devil Fruit User she immediately worked on stitching him up and made sure his stitches from his previous injury were still intact. She then worked on cleaning up Luffy and stitching up the few cuts that weren't able to heal on their own.

Once done patching up everyone she bandaged them all up and turned to the employees that didn't help.

"Get the hell out of here! These people need proper rest damn it!" She scolded viciously.

They ran in fear shouting a "Yes Ma'am!" Loudly in fear.

Then Mia sighed in annoyance before getting up and looking at Merry.

"Where's the kitchen?" She asked.

"Through the door down the hall to the right." Said Merry slightly fearful.

"Any of you move an inch and you die by my hands, got it?" She said to her patients viciously.

They all said a quick yes ma'am in fear and she quickly left the room to go to the kitchen.

Soon returning with a bunch of fruits and some food on four different trays she began handing food to her patients and medicine to those who needed to take some. After that she sent the blood donors away and sat down boredly against a wall after returning the trays to the kitchen.

"I'm not good at cleaning, so I apologize for leaving a messy sink in your kitchen, Miss Kaya, Merry." Said Mia boredly as she pulled out a read.

"Rest now. Tomorrow we can all worry about what happens next. If you don't rest willing you i'll sock you straight to dreamland." She said viciously as she began to read.

"Hey Mia!" Called Luffy half asleep from the medicine.

"Yes Captain?" She answered looking at the boy in question only to find him smiling at her.

"Thanks for taking care of us! You're the coolest!" He said before falling straight to sleep.

Mia smiled slightly.

"It's no problem idiot captain. Just sleep for now." She said continuing to read for the remaining hours of daylight.

Then she fell asleep peacefully.

Unaware of the four people who had awoken to see her sleeping peacefully that were smiling gratefully at her.


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