What's So Good About Picking...

By jhawkgrl2003

864K 16.8K 6.5K

26 year old Lyla James is living in Los Angeles pursuing her dream of being a photographer. She gets the chan... More

What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces? (Vic Fuentes FanFiction)
To Move On Is To Grow....
Warped Tour 2012 Here We Come!
The Past Has a Way of Catching Up to You
Save Me From Myself
Remember When....
Who Are You Now?
We Meet Again
What Do You Want From Me?
After Years of Silence, Why Now?
Here's to the Night
Drunken Words are Sober Thoughts
Give Me Love
Between You and I
The Truth
Everything Will Change, but Love Remains the Same
Beautifully Broken
Too Good to be True
What's Left of Me
Second Chances Won't Leave You Alone
For What It's Worth, I've Wanted You So Long
My Worst Nightmare
Now My Body's on the Floor and I am Calling Out to You
Beautiful Tragedy
Like We're Gonna Die Young
When It Won't Save You
I Remember It All Too Well
Where's Your Passion, Where's Your Fire Tonight?
You Are the Way My Heart Beats
Maybe We'll Make It After All
Saving Grace
I'd Fall Anywhere With You, I'm By Your Side
Kids In Love
You Are, and Always Have Been, My Dream
Epilogue: Forget Regret
Sequel is Posted!

With Every Move I Die

17.3K 346 104
By jhawkgrl2003

Lyla's P.O.V:

I needed out of here. I couldn't be here, not with him.

"Um, is there a bathroom around here somewhere?" I barely managed to get out. Derrik stared at me for a while, his eyes full of lust.

"Right up the stairs, first door to your left," he finally replied. I quietly thanked him and darted up the stairs as fast as I could, shutting myself in the bathroom. I paced back and forth as I started to hyperventilate, tears streaming down my face. It didn't help that I was starting to have a little withdrawl from the drugs, making me even more nervous. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and turned on the water so no one could hear me talking. I dug through my clutch for my phone and dialed the numbers, my hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Pick up, pick up, please pick up," I muttered to myself as the phone rang on the other end.

"Call to tell me to go fuck myself again?" Austin finally answered, his voice angry.

"Au-Austin!!! Austin pl-please-" I was having a hard time getting my words out as I struggled to catch my breath as the tears continued to fall.

"Lyla what's wrong? Are you okay?" He yelled, his voice transforming to panic and worry.

"I-I need you to come get me please! I'm so sorry about earlier I didn't mean it, but I-I need to-to get out of here, please, Austin!" I was bawling at this point.

"Where are you? What's going on?" He questioned as I heard him get in his car and start it.

"I-I'm at some party in West Hollywood-" I paused as I tried my best to remember the address. Surprisingly my memory didn't fail me. "998732 Mt. Vernon Blvd. Please, Austin I need you. I'm so sorry.....I'm so so sorry for everything." I cried.

"Shhh, Lyla it's okay. It's gonna be alright. I'm on my way I'm coming as fast as I can, okay?" He was trying to calm me down, and surprisingly it was working a bit. My breathing steadied and the tears began to fade. "Go wait outside I'll be there soon." We hung up and I made my way to the mirror to fix my makeup; thank God for waterproof eye makeup. I made myself look as presentable as possible and opened the bathroom door bumping into someone on my way out. "Ooof," I muttered before looking up to see who it was.


"Just came up here to check on you. You were up here for quite a while. Everything okay?" He asked, though I could tell he didn't care.

"Yeah, fine, I'm just, uh, not feeling very well so I'm gonna catch a cab home. Bye," I replied before turning to walk off. He reached out, his hand grabbing a hold of my arm, and pulled me back to him.

"Don't go just yet. I thought we could have a little fun first. Like last time." He licked his lips again as his eyes roamed my body. I felt disgusting, and my stomach was starting to churn.

"Let go of me!" I yelled trying to pull myself from his tight grasp. He pulled me down a hallway and opened a door, shoving me into a room before shutting the door behind him. "Why are you even here?!" I yelled at him and he just smirked at me as he walked closer to me. He lifted his hand to my face and I cringed.

"Who's party do you think this is, sweety," he replied as he grinned at me.

"Please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone I swear, just please." I was pleading with him, and I felt a tear escape as the memories of last time came flooding back.

"Sorry darling, can't do that. You see....there's just something about you that I find-" he paused as he moved his lips to my ear. "Irresistable. And Amy tells me that she turned you on to the powder.....this time will be even better than last time." He grabbed me and shoved me down on the bed and began to tie my arms to the headboard.

"Stop!!! Help!!! Please somebody help me!!! Leave me alone!!!" I was yelling as loud as I could. He shoved a piece of cloth into my mouth muffling my screams, and then sat on my legs leaving me utterly defenseless.

"No one can hear you so I'd save your breath if I were you," he snarled at me. He grabbed my dress and yanked hard, ripping it right off of me. He pulled his own shirt off before leaning down and kissing at my neck; I was crying and still trying to scream and thrash around but it was no good. "You like that?" he asked as he bit at my neck. "Yeah, I thought so."

He kissed down to my breasts and yanked my bra off causing me to cry even harder as he grabbed and kissed my chest.

"You are so perfect," he hissed out and I cringed at his words. He leaned up and pulled his jeans off, tossing them to the ground. "We're gonna try something fun tonight, baby. I promise you'll love it." He got up and walked over to his dresser and dug around in a drawer. I tried with all of my might to pull myself free of the restraints, but they wouldn't budge. I did everything I could think of and I was starting to get tired. He walked back over to the bed and I started to scream as loud as I could when I saw what he had in his hands.

He sat on my legs again to keep them steady. "If you thought the powder made you feel good this will rock your world!" he said as he put some crack rocks on a spoon and began to heat it up, melting the rocks down into a liquid. After it was melted to his liking he sucked it into a syringe and smirked at me. He leaned up and untied my right arm and as he did so I managed to clock him right in the jaw. "You bitch!" He smacked me across the face so hard it disoriented me, and I cried even harder because of the pain. He pulled my arm down and used his knee to hold it down, the pain immense from his weight pressing down on my tiny wrist.

He tied a piece of rubber around my upper arm and pulled it tight. He lined the needle up with one of my veins and without warning plunged it into my skin, pressing it down and allowing the liquid to invade my bloodstream.

The feeling was horrible; it felt like my skin was on fire and I cried out as I felt it travel through my veins. He leaned down and kissed at my neck as the drugs started to overtake me. "Just give it a minute baby. You'll be screaming my name any time now." I started to feel disoriented and tired, my vision beginning to blur.

I literally felt like I was going to die.


Austin's P.O.V:

I made it to West Hollywood in record time, going almost 100 mph the entire way, but I didn't care. I needed to find Lyla. I was in full-on panic mode; I had no idea what was happening to her and it was killing me. I drove through several neighborhoods until I finally found the address that Lyla had given me. The driveway was packed with cars so I left mine parked across the street and took off sprinting towards the house. I made my way to the front where two security guards were standing. Shit.

"Woah, there. This party is invite only," one of them scolded as I approached. I didn't even slow down; somehow I managed to shove my way through them and disappear into the massive sea of people. I had no idea where to even begin to look for her.

I wandered through the crowd towards the bar, and as if almost by fate I spotted that Amy girl. I ran to her and grabbed her arm. She turned and gave me a dirty look.

"Where's Lyla?" I barked. She smiled at me.

"You're that Austin guy, right? I-" she put her hand on my chest and I pushed her off, interrupting her mid-sentence.

"Where the fuck is she?" I yelled.

"Dude, chill out. She went to the bathroom upstairs quite a while ago and I haven't seen her since." I pushed through the masses of people towards the stairs and climbed them two at a time. I reached the bathroom and cursed under my breath when I saw it was empty.

"Lyla!!! Lyla!!" I yelled. I walked down the hall looking for her, and as I turned around to go back downstairs I heard a muffled scream and lots of movement from behind a door. I grabbed the door knob and forced my way inside. I exploded with anger at what I saw.

There was Lyla; she was tied to a bed, a cloth shoved in her mouth. She was almost naked and some guy was on top of her shoving a needle into her arm. His head shot over to me. "Excuse me, we're kind of busy-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before I grabbed him and slammed him to the ground as hard as I could. I dug my knees into his chest as I punched his face over and over until he was no longer struggling with me. I stood up and kicked him hard in the side and he yelped in pain. I turned my attention to Lyla and ran back over to her. I pulled the cloth out of her mouth and began to untie her arm from the bed.

"Austin....." she mumbled quietly, her voice sounding weak.

"Lyla, I'm here. It's going to be alright. I'm here now he can't hurt you anymore." I managed to free her wrist and I grabbed her other arm and freed her arm from the rubber tourniquet. I looked at her face and saw a big, red handprint across her delicate cheek. My heart was breaking as I saw my best friend like this.

"Austin.....I don't feel good....." she whimpered, her eyes struggling to stay open.

"Hey. Stay awake, okay? You're gonna be fine, Lyla, alright. Just try to stay awake. I know it's hard, but just stay with me," I said in utter panic. I pulled my tshirt off and slowly sat her up, slipping it over her bare upper body. I grabbed her purse from the floor and then lifted her into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck. I turned to walk out but paused. I turned around and looked at the man rolling around in pain on the floor. "If something happens to her I swear to God I will kill you myself," I muttered to him angrily.

I made my way down the stairs and through the crowd, receiving strange glances from people probably wondering why I was shirtless. I made my way outside and bounded through the lawn to my car. I opened the door and laid her out gently across the backseat. She had passed out at this point, but she was still breathing. I drove quickly back towards my house, and I called Alan and told him to meet me there. Alan used to have a girlfriend who did drugs, so I figured he would be able to help me figure out what to do. Everytime I stopped at a red light I turned around to make sure she was still breathing, and thankfully she was.

By the time I reached my house Alan was already there pacing outside of my front door. I threw the car in park and jumped out. Alan ran over as I carefully pulled her limp body out of the backseat and I explained everything that I knew as we walked into the house. I carried her up to my room and laid her gently on the bed.

"Okay, put this cool rag on her forhead. We just need to keep an eye on her at all times. As long as her heart rate remains steady and her breathing doesn't slow she should be okay. She probably passed out from a mixture of stress and the drugs. It shouldn't be more than a few hours before she comes to." Alan paced the room and I sat on the bed next to her, one hand holding the rag to her head, the other clinging tightly to her hand.

"She has to be okay, Alan. She has to be. I'm gonna kill that bastard," I was getting angry again just thinking about it.

"Calm down, dude-" I cut him off.

"You should've seen her Alan. She looked so.....helpless, so scared. What if I would've gotten there sooner? Or what if I wouldn't have answered the phone when she called...." I trailed off as I felt a tear fall down my face. Alan walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You got there as soon as you could. She's going to pull through, alright? You did everything you could so don't think like that." He patted my shoulder and I nodded my head. I leaned down and kissed her swollen cheek.

"Please wake up, Lyla. I love you so much and I can't lose you. Please," I whispered.

It was going to be a long night.

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