Dipcifica One Shots

By Swampertman

16.3K 284 539

Some Dipcifica One Shots. These are old and likely terrible. I wrote them when I was in high school More

Northwest Mansion Mystery: The Aftermath
A Chance
The Town Dance
May God Have Mercy On Your Poor Souls
Monster Falls Part 1
Monster Falls Part 2
Monster Falls: The Golf War
Monster Falls: Northwest Mansion Mystery part 1
Monster Falls: Northwest Mansion Mystery Part 2
Monster Falls: Weirdmaggedon 1
Weirdmaggedon 2
Author's Note
Why are you still here

Why Can't Love be Simple

4.1K 48 326
By Swampertman

        Dipper Pines looked at the ceiling of his bedroom that he shared with his sister, Mabel.

"Ugh!" Dipper exclaimed. "Why can't I stop thinking about her!" Dipper rolled over in bed. He couldn't get Pacifica out of his mind. Ever since the ghost incident at her parents mansion 3 years ago, he though of nothing else but her. She turned out to be kind and funny, and had a lot of the same interests as Dipper. Not to mention, she was the most beautiful girl that Dipper had ever met. He had seen her in a new light for the first time when they hunted the ghost. But a lot had changed since then. Pacifica had moved to Piedmont when her parents sold the mansion, and since they didn't have the money for a private tutor anymore, she went to the same school as them. They had become good friends though, and he was determined not to lose that.

"Why can't 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 be simple?" He thought.

Meanwhile, Pacifica Northwest rolled over in her bed, thinking about how the next day of school was going to go. She had decided to tell Dipper how she felt about him. She laid up at night, thinking about him. She didn't know what attracted her to him at first. He was sweaty, nerdy, and overall, wasn't the best looking kid in her grade. But something pulled her towards him. Maybe it was his stupid hat. Maybe it was his cute birthmark. Maybe it was his great personality. But whatever it is, she liked him, a lot. Puberty had hit him nicely too, a nice addition to an already great person. His head didn't look so big anymore, he wasn't fat, yet wasn't buff. He was strong, but not too strong.He had also gotten quite tall, around 6'3, and even was a starter on the school basketball team. It was still way too easy to get lost in his chocolate brown eyes. It didn't look like he had a mullet anymore, as he cut his hair more often. He didn't wear anything to try to impress anyone, normally just a sweater over a T-shirt, with sweatpants or shorts, along with his signature pine tree hat. Pacifica shook the thought of Dipper out of her head. She didn't want to start squealing in the middle of the night. Her parents would freak.

"Why can't Love be simple?" Pacifica thought.


The next morning Dipper woke up with a start. Lately, he had to wake up early, because Mabel and been feeding him Mabel juice when he was sleeping. He didn't need the extra caffeine, and the days this happened he would be literally shaking in his seat. Mabel thought it was funny. Dipper did not. Dipper went downstairs to eat breakfast, when his sister Mabel handed him a plate of pancakes. Just as he was about to thank her, he looked down at the pancakes and saw that the whipped cream spelled something

I heard you talking last night

"Shit." Dipper thought.

He looked up to see Mabel giving her signature smile. Dipper sighed.

"This doesn't leave the house Mabel, do you hear me?"

"Awwww, but I wanted to have some fun."

"No Mabel. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Besides, I don't want things to become weird between us."

"Fine, but at least you're over Wendy."

Mabel stomped away. Dipper knew he couldn't always trust Mabel. She didn't have a filter, and let some secrets out of the bag, such as Candy's crush on Dipper. Candy had moved though, all the way to Houston. Dipper sighed. This was going to be a long day.

Meanwhile, at the Northwest House, Pacifica was freaking out.

"What will I say? What if he doesn't think of me that way? What if he hates me after this? What if-."
Priscilla Northwest couldn't help but laugh. Her daughter was extremely nervous about telling Dipper how she felt. She knew how Pacifica felt, because she had once felt that way about a boy, but never told him, because she ended up in an arranged marriage with Preston. Preston was ok. He had really mellowed out in the last few years. He wasn't so rude, and stopped using that damned bell that even Priscilla had started to hate.

"Pacifica, it's ok honey. If he doesn't feel the same way, at least you'll know that, instead of never knowing." Pacifica smiled. "Although I'm confused as why you would like him over all the people who have asked you out. Heck, the Captain of the football team, who is probably the best looking guy in the school, asked you out. But you said no."

"You know mom, a few years ago you wouldn't have approved of this." Priscilla frowned.

"I prefer to forget about those times. I didn't like myself then." Pacifica nodded.

"Sorry, I won't bring it up again."
Preston entered the room, and handed Pacifica her backpack. He then looked down at his watch.

"We better get going, don't want to be late for school, right?" Pacifica smiled.

"Of course not dad."
Dipper got off of the bus and looked around to see if he could spot Pacifica. He did not. He shrugged and walked into the school, only to see a Senior had cornered Pacifica. Pacifica looked uncomfortable so Dipper walked over. Neither of them noticed him there, but Dipper heard what the Senior was saying.

"Come on Pacifica, you know you want to. You have denied everyone in this school, including me, and I'm the most sought after person in this school. Tonight, we should go on a date. I'm loaded, so I can pay for everything, and then, you can come to my house and stay the night." He winks suggestively. Dipper shudders at the thought.

"N-No thanks Todd, I-I'm good." Pacifica stutters.

"Cmon Pacifica."

"Todd please leave me alone."

Todd then grabs Pacifica by the throat.

"No, you will go with me, you don't ha-" he was cut off when he was hit in the jaw by a quick punch.

"WHO DID THAT!" He turned around to see Dipper Pines in a fighting stance. The whole hallway was now turned towards the source of the noise.

"Leave Pacifica alone. She asked you nicely, but I had to butt in. Quit it, now." He said in a calm, but deadly, voice.

"Ooooh, so little nerdy boy is gonna protect his princess." Todd said mockingly. Dipper stayed calm, which annoyed Todd even more.

"You CAN'T beat ME! I am the CAPTAIN of the FOOTBALL team! You are just some DUMB NERD who only plays basketball and CAN'T get a girlfriend. Do YOU really think YOU can beat ME?! Todd was literally screaming at this point. Dipper smiled.

Todd lost his patience and swung a right hook. Dipper grabbed his hand menacingly. Todd then threw a left handed punch. Dipper grabbed that hand too. Todd tried to play dirty with a kick to the sack, but Dipper let go of his left arm and grabbed his foot. Then dipper flipped him on his back. Todd got back up, but this time Dipper reacted first, throwing a punch into his jaw. Pacifica watched as Dipper beat the shit out of Todd. Todd finally backed down after the principal showed up. Both of them got a week of detention for fighting. They also had to do extra homework. But to dipper, it was worth it. He had saved Pacifica from being seriously hurt.

Although she hated fights, Pacifica was glad Dipper had helped her. She wasn't ready to lose her virginity, especially to someone that much older than her. She texted Dipper a message, since she wouldn't see him for the rest of the day because of detention. The message read:

Meet me at the pasture by my house after detention

It didn't take too long for Dipper to answer with a simple Ok.


Pacifica wanted everything to be perfect. She had set up a little picnic for Dipper to show her gratitude. She was wearing an pink off-shoulder sweater with black leggings. She had Dipper's favorite foods with her too. She sat down, thinking. She didn't know what she would say to him. She was too busy thinking, that she didn't notice Dipper sneak up on her. He put his hands on her shoulder and said "You're mine now!"

Pacifica screeched and jumped up. She turned around to see Dipper laughing uncontrollably. Pacifica huffed.

"That was NOT funny!" Dipper just smirked.

"Oh come on, it was a little funny." Pacifica couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Ok, it was a little funny."

"Anyways, what did you call me here for?" Dipper had a questioning look on his face.

"I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to keep my virginity. So I made some of your favorite food and set up a picnic." Dipper offered her a soft smile.

"Thank you, and besides, it was no big deal, I just wanted to help you out." Pacifica blushed a bit as he said this.

"Well, anyways, I'm starving, lets eat." Pacifica said as she pulled out the food.

Pacifica and Dipper ate and talked about life, debated crazy anime theories, sports, etc. It all ended too soon for Pacifica, as the sun was setting and Pacifica had packed up the supplies. They stopped for a moment, just staring at the sunset. Pacifica made her move.

"D-Dipper, I-I have something to tell you." Dipper looked at her.

"W-Well ever since that night at our old mansion, y-you know, when we went hunting for t-that ghost?" Dipper nodded.

"I-I kind of liked you." Dipper froze. He couldn't believe she just said that. She liked him. SHE liked HIM. Dipper spoke nervously.

"I, um, kind of, um like you too." Pacifica stopped breathing for one second.


"Yeah, probably since you came to Piedmont, I couldn't get you out of my head." It came out a bit more blunt the he really wanted it to.

Pacifica had turned very red. She couldn't believe it. Dipper liked Pacifica too. Suddenly, Dipper and Pacifica noticed how close they were. They looked deep into each others eyes. Dipper leaned in and kissed her. At first, Pacifica didn't react, but then she melted into it and kissed him back. They kissed for a few minutes before Dipper got up, helped her up, and spoke.

"Guess I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Pacifica smiled.

"Of course Dipstick." Dipper laughed at the pet name.

"Really? Dipstick?"

"Ok then dork." Dipper laughed again.

"I prefer that one." He said.

"Ok, see you tomorrow dork." Pacifica lightly punched Dipper's arm.

"Alright Pazzy." Dipper waved goodbye.

As soon as Dipper was gone, Pacifica started screaming.


Pacifica was glad 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 wasn't simple.

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