My Missing Piece (Millie x Fe...

By finwlfhrd

164 8 1

"You were the missing piece to my puzzle." - Y/n Wolfhard Y/n Wolfhard, the younger sister of Finn Wolfhard... More

Quick Summary

1- Insta/Real Life

91 5 1
By finwlfhrd

"Y/n, we're here." Finn said, with a smile on his face. I grabbed my mini backpack, and stepped out of the car. As I got out of the car, I stared in awe. "I know it's cool right?" I nodded my head.

"Hey, Finn! Oh, you must be Y/n?" One of the Duffer's said. I once again, nodded. "Well, I'm Matt and this is Ross! So, you are here to audition, correct!"

"What!" I looked at Finn, who was just smiling like an idiot. "Oh, I'm so gonna kill you, when we get home." I whispered to him, he only chuckled.

"Yes she is, so let's get these auditions started!" Finn said with a smile, before dragging me into the audition room. 

"Ok Y/n, you will be reading for the part of 'Angela Harrington." Ross told me, with a smile on his face. I shrugged, as Finn handed me the script. 

"You'll do great." He whispered to me before walking away, smirking.

"Are you guys dating, or something?" Caleb said. Me and Finn looked at each other, before laughing. Everyone was staring at us. "What's so funny?"

"S-She's my si-sister." Finn said in between laughs. Everyone, oh'd and we laughed. 

"Ok Y/n, Millie will be reading this scene with you. I will give you guys 10 minutes to practice." Matt said before starting a timer. I discovered that, my character has a pretty messed up background. She was born in the lab, like El, but she was to strong, so they gave her back to her family. She is number 36 (11 telekinesis + 8 hallucination + 5 pyrokenesis + 2 shapeshifting + 3 telepathy + 6 invisibility + 1 precognition). 11 and 36, used to date before before she got sent to her family. Angela eventually, gets control of her powers, but she can still use them. Angela lives in Hawkins, Indiana with her mom and her brother. Being a Harrington, Angela is the most popular girl in school. She used to be a part of the party until, they heard a rumor and cut her off. 

"Dang." I said, getting a laugh from the cast. "This is kinda harsh." I said laughing. They all nodded in agreement. 

"Ok, 10 minutes is up. You may start."


"Listen to me!" I screamed, trying to get 11 to listen. 

"No! You left me 36! We were going to escape together!" Millie said as tears started to form in her eyes. Man she's good.

"I didn't leave you!" I paused since it said I had to pause, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks at this point, "They took me! They brought me back to my family!"

"You lie. You lie 36."

"I'm not lying!" I said, now tears were streaming down my face at lightning speed.

"Just stop! I don't care anymore! I moved on."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm dating Micheal Wheeler."

"You're dating... my ex-bestfriend?"

"I- Save it. Oh and tell Mike that Angela said 'Hi'."

---End Of Scene---

"Holy- Language!" I said cutting of my brother, who only laughed. "No but seriously, that was amazing, Y/n!" Finn said picking me up and spinning me around.

"Where did that come from Y/n?" Millie asked looking at me in awe. 

"I don't even know. I just acted like it was real life." I said shrugging.

---Time skip 4 days--- 

"Y/n!" Finn called from downstairs. I walked down the stairs and gave him a 'What do you want?' look. "You got the role!"

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