Ten Wishes For Mr. Genie

By Bethany_V

36.6K 1.6K 100

Brittney Reynolds grew up in love with fairy tales. She only thought genies come from lamps you rub and are g... More

Before You Read
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank you!

Chapter 1

4.4K 124 10
By Bethany_V

Not edited sorry! Haha. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!


I sighed as I placed my purse and keys down on the kitchen table. "Ugh, I hate work..." I mumbled to myself as I made my way to the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and opened the fridge. "No milk?" I closed the fridge and banged my head on the handle.

I've been living by myself for at least five years already. I had no man in my life and I hardly visit my family. I worked for a company called Trina's And Tenny's or TAT for short. It's a fashion company and I was one of the designer's and I run around a lot. Though, there was always time for me to sit down and relax and watch a movie or go out with some friends.

My phone rang and I walked to my purse that sat on the kitchen table. I opened my purse and rummaged through until I found my phone. I slid the Answer button across the screen. "Hello?" I answered as I held the phone to my ear. "Yes, it's Xavier," he said and I bit my bottom lip. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. "Yeah, where are the designs you made?" He asked and I froze. I held the phone against my ear with my shoulder as I rummaged through my purse. "Um, Xavier, I had left them on your desk then. I can't find them," I said as I walked to my office room.

I opened the door and flicked on the light. I checked all my drawers on my desk. "They weren't on my desk." I sighed as I planted my hand on one hip. "Well, crap, I don't know where they went." I grabbed the phone with my hand and switched it to the next ear. "Come over to TAT then because they're not my designs! The deadline for them is tomorrow morning and you're running late Missy!" He hung up and I groaned in frustration.

I ran out of the room and grabbed my purse and my keys. I dashed out the front door, closing it behind me and clumsily dropping my keys. "I don't have time for this Brittney!" I said to myself as I picked up my keys and locked the door. I quickly made my way to my car and got inside and turned it on. I reversed out of the driveway as I buckled my seatbelt on.

I pulled into the parking lot of TAT and I threw my phone in my purse and stepped out of my car. I locked it and threw my keys into my purse and I walked into the Lobby. Carol smiled at me and I smiled back as I rushed to the elevator and pressed '8' hard. My knee bobbed impatiently as I waited for the elevator to reach the eighth floor.

As soon as the elevator dinged and the doors open, I ran out and made my way to Xavier's office. "Brittney, go find the designs," he said rudely as he turned back to his computer screen. I walked out of his office and made my way down the hallway to my office. I opened the door and flicked on the lights and approached my desk. I placed my purse on the desk and I checked all my drawers. "Where could those damn papers be?" I muttered and there was a knock on the door.

I turned to see Mary standing there. "Hey, you okay?" She asked as she made her way into my office, taking a seat at one of the chairs. "No, I'm not. I'm about to lose my job if I can't find two stupid papers!" I raised my voice and she nodded slowly. "I'll help you look for it," she said and I sighed. "Alright..." I nodded and she smiled. She stood to her feet, "Have you checked Alice's office?" She asked. "Why would we need to go there?" I asked back and she grinned.

"She hates you Brittney. She probably has stolen your ideas. Wait here, I'll go retrieve them." She dashed out the room and I stood there thinking hard. "She's right..."

Flashback: Three Months Ago

I walked down the hall carrying the tray of cups full of coffee for all my coworkers. I gave everyone and saved the last cup for Alice. I approached her office and I knocked on her door. She yelled "come in" and I entered and her face turned to an annoying expression as soon as she saw me. "Here's your cup," I said as I placed it on her desk.

"Ha! From you? What makes you think I'm going to accept things from you?" She grabbed the cup and threw it at me. Coffee splashed everywhere and I gasped as I glared at her. "Have fun," she smirked at me and then hurriedly grabbed napkins and began dabbing at my clothes.

"What happened?" Xavier said as he came in. "It seems Brittney spilled some coffee on herself," she said as she continued dabbing at my clothes. I stood there with the loss of words. I had nothing to say and even if I said it was Alice who threw the coffee, no one would believe me. "Oh my, I'm sorry. You can go home and get changed. But, you'll have to come back right away," Xavier said and I nodded.

He walked away and Alice pulled back, throwing the napkin at me. "Oh no, your clothes are ruined," with sarcasm in her tone. She laughed and went back to her desk. "Now, get out."

Mary rushed back into my room, closing the door behind her. She had two papers in her hand. "Are these it?" She asked as she waved them in my face. I took them from her and looked over at them. "Yes they are... Where did you find them?" I asked her. "They were sitting on Alice's desk. I convinced the janitor to unlock her office for me," she said and I smiled. I hugged her tightly, "Thank you so much. How did you convince the janitor?" I asked her. "I'll tell you later, right now, you need to make your way back to Xavier's office and hand him those papers."

I nodded as I walked passed her, opened the door and rushing out. I made my way down the hall to Xavier's office. His door was open and I walked in. He looked up from his computer screen, he had his glasses on. I held the papers up and he took of his glasses, placing them on his desk. "Well well, where did you find them?" He asked as I placed them down on his desk.

I couldn't tell him they were in Alice's office or he will never believe me. It'll anger him that I was blaming one of his top workers. "They were in one of my drawers. I guess I forgot about it," I stepped away from his desk and he nodded. "See? You just had to look a little harder." He scanned over my designs and nodded slowly. "They are beautiful designs... But I'm afraid this is plagiarism."

"Huh?" I said, confused. "Those are my ideas."

He shook his head, "These are Alice's, she showed them to me earlier today."

"N-No no no, those are mine. I worked on those ideas for two weeks, trying to find the best. I've had enough of her humiliating me. I had to deal with her for two years here at this job. Everything she has done and always blaming me. I can't believe you take her side!" I raised my voice and he simply sighed.

"Brittney, you are 28 and you're acting like a kindergartner. This was Alice's idea, she even signed her name at the bottom of each paper." He lifted them up and pointed to her signature.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks and I shook my head. "Brittney, why are you crying like a little baby?"

"You said the deadline is by the morning right?" I asked as I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "Yes, what about it?"

"Even though those were my ideas, I'll come up with some new ones! Just wait, I'll give them to you by morning!" I shouted as I ran out of his office. I stopped by my office, Mary was sitting there waiting. "Brittney! Are you okay?" She asked and I grabbed my purse. "I'll talk later, just lock my office for me." She nodded and I ran out of my office.

I made my way out of the building and to my car. I drove my way home, speeding over the speed limit, but luckily no cops were there to pull me over. I got inside my house and rushed to my office room and began getting on to my computer. "I'm so glad I saved these," I said as I pulled up my backup designs. "I loved the other ones better, but these will have to do."

I took out a large sheet of paper and began drawing the designs onto the paper. It took about an hour to get all the information onto the paper and I printed out the instructions and materials.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I grabbed the papers and my purse.

When I got back at TAT, I showed my designs to Xavier and he nodded. "It seems you put a lot of effort into these designs," he said satisfied as he scanned over my papers. "I put a lot more in the other designs, but I like these as well."

I didn't forget to print my signature at the bottom of all papers and stamped my fingerprint on them. I knew it was a little overboard, but I was fed up with Alice and her lies. Xavier smiled and he looked up at me, "I love these designs. Thank you and now you may leave." I nodded as I exited his office with my purse in my hand. Mary saw me and she ran up to me. "What happened?" She asked and I sighed. "Alice." She nodded at her name. "What did she do?"

"She ready showed him my designs and took my work as her own."

"Didn't you try to convince him it was yours?"

"You think he would believe me? Alice is one of his close and top workers. They wouldn't ever believe a nobody like me."

She hugged me and patted my back. "At least you tried," she said and I nodded. "I went back home and remembered I had backup ideas on my computer. I had to draw it out and print out the information and materials and I got it to Xavier on time."

"You are incredibly amazing. To do all that in what, a few hours? You're just so skilled," she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I smiled, "It was exhausting. Now I can get back home and rest," I said and she nodded. "Of course, mind if you can give me a ride home?" She asked and I nodded. "I don't mind. After all, I am grateful you were able to get into her office and snatch my papers back for me."

"Anything for a great friend."

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