A kitten doing a commentary o...

By MeisKitten

73 1 4

I do a commentary of that brain cell losing fanfic. Doing it because I can. More

Chapter 1: The story begins
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Brain cell genocide starts

12 1 1
By MeisKitten

My comments will be bold with parentheses. 
Thanks to the person who's hosting the Starkit's Prophecy fic and also the second fic on Tumblr.

Doesn't own warrior cats or this fanfic

ALLIANCES (Pretty sure you mean Allegiance?)

ok so like i said this iks my first story be nice plz (Nah)

btw its set afte rsunset so (Just after or a bit later?)


Leader: Firestar - ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt

Deputy: Brambleclaw - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Medicine Cat: JayFeather-gray tom


Squirrelflight - dark ginger she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice, Foxpaw (No descriptions?)

Dustpelt - dark brown tabby tom

Sandstorm - pale ginger she-ca

Cloudtail - long-haired white tom

Apprentice DaisyPaw - cream long-furred cat from the horseplace (Simply just cat? Poor Daisy didn't deserve this. Pretty sure it's Daisy)

Brackenfur - golden brown tabby tom

Sorreltail - tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes

Thornclaw - golden brown tabby tom

Brightheart - white she-cat with ginger patches

Spiderleg - long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes

Whitewing - white she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice, Icepaw (Again, same like Foxpaw)

Birchfall - light brown tabby tom

Graystripe - long-haired gray tom

Berrynose - cream-colored tom

Hazeltail - small gray-and-white she-cat

Mousewhisker - gray-and-white tom

Cinderheart - gray tabby she-cat

Poppyfrost - tortoiseshell she-cat

Honeyfern- light brown tabby she-cat

Lionblaze - golden tabby tom (Here's what annoys me a lot. It is set after Sunset but she never mentions whether it took place after or during The Sight. Therefore Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather should be kits or paws at this point, And that means Jayfeather would a bit too young to father kits, and that means Starkit wouldn't be born yet. I was always wondering why others never talk about this. I have no idea about other Warriors and paws.)

Hollyleaf - black she-cat

FoxHeart-reddish tabby tom (Who is this)

IceFire-white she cat (Did Firestar become dumb during the naming ceremony?)

ToadRibbit-black—and-white tom (I am losing brain cells from these names)

RoseFlame-dark cream she cat

BriarStorm-dark brown she cat

BumbleFlower-very pale gray tom with black stipes (Very manly name.)

BlossomWind-pale brown she cat iwth a dark stripe along her spine


Fox DaisyPaw - cream long-furred cat from the horseplace (I guess Thunderclan have two cream furred cat with no gender)

FlamePaw-firecolored she cat with one grnee eye one blue eye (Who's the mentor?)

LakePaw-bright blue gray she cat with blue eyes (Again, Who's the mentor?)

The last 2 r starKits siters (There's only one cat though.)

JazzPaw-red she cat with blue eyes and a black tail (These cats don't know what music is. Also, again with no mentor.)


Ferncloud - pale gray (with darker flecks) she-cat with green eyes mother of Dustpelts kits (AKA Kit machine)

Dawnsparkle-bright tortishell she cat with garguntan blue eye's mother of Jayfeathers' ktis, formaly of Shadowclan (Does this mean her eyes cover her entire face?)

(Shouldn't Daisy be here?)


StarKit-graysh-blue-and purple she cat with molting orange eyes and a white star on her forhaed (I wonder how much inbreeding is needed to get a cat with purple fur.)


Longtail - pale tabby tom with dark black stripes, retired early due to failing sight (Nope. He went blind during Firestar quest when his eyes were scratched by a rabbit. Wonder why no one pointed this out)

Mousefur - small dusky brown she-cat

Weaslepelt-big red tabby he cat with bight yellow eyes (hes Rowanclaw's dad, he came to Thunderclan when Dawn- did0 (Why did he even come.)

LeafPool-brown tabby she cat (If Squirrelflight is still a warrior. that means Leafpool should still be a medicine cat. Plus she got her medicine cat name after she discovered the Moonpool so, she should still be young.)


Leader: Blackstar - large white tom with huge jet-black paws

Deputy: Russetfur - dark ginger she-cat

Medicine Cat: Littlecloud - very small tabby tom

Apprentice, Flamepaw (ginger tom)


Oakfur - small brown tom

Apprentice, Tigerpaw (dark brown tabby tom)

Rowanclaw - ginger tom

Smokefoot - black tom

Apprentice, Owlpaw (light brown tabby tom)

Ivytail - black, white and tortoiseshell she-cat

Apprentice, Dawnpaw (cream-furred she-cat)

Toadfoot - dark brown tom

Crowfrost - black-and-white tom

Apprentice, Olivepaw (tortoiseshell she-cat)

Kinkfur - tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles

Ratscar - brown tom with long scar across his back

Apprentice, Shrewpaw (gray she-cat with black feet)

Snaketail - dark brown tabby tom with striped tail

Apprentice, Scorchpaw (dark gray tom)

Whitewater - white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye

Apprentice, Redpaw (mottled brown and ginger tom)

Tawnypelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Flamewind- flame color tabby tom with green eye's (There was never a cat named this)

Tigerclaw-huge dark brown tabby tom with long claw's and amber eys (Wait... Tigerclaw why are you still alive?)

DawnFeather-cream tabby she cat (shes a different cant then the one in tC ok?) (Name is different so you doesn't need to inform the reader)

OlivePaw-bright brown she cat


Snowbird - pure white she-cat


Cedarheart - dark gray tom

Tallpoppy - long-legged light brown she-cat


Leader: Onestar - brown tabby tom

Deputy: Ashfoot - gray she-cat

Medicine Cat: Barkface - short-tailed brown tom

Apprentice, Kestrelpaw (mottled gray tom)


Tornear - tabby tom

Crowfeather - dark gray tom

Owlwhisker - light brown tabby tom

Whitetail - small white she-cat

Nightcloud - black she-cat

Gorsetail - very pale gray-and-white cat with blue eyes

Weaselfur - ginger tom with white paws

Harespring - brown-and-white tom

Leaftail - dark tabby tom, amber eyes

Apprentice, Thistlepaw (long-haired white tom)

Dewspots - spotted gray she-cat

Apprentice, Sedgepaw (light brown tabby she-cat)

Willowclaw - gray she-cat

Apprentice, Swallowpaw (dark gray she-cat)

Antpelt - brown tom with one black ear

Emberfoot - gray tom with two dark paws

Apprentice, Sunpaw (tortoiseshell she-cat with large white mark on her forehead)

Heathertail - light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Breezepelt - black tom with amber eyes


Morningflower - very old tortoiseshell queen

Webfoot - dark gray tabby tom


Leader: Leopardstar - unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat

Deputy: Mistyfoot - gray she-cat with blue eyes

Medicine Cat: Mothwing - dappled golden she-cat

Apprentice, Willowshine (gray tabby she-cat)


Blackclaw - smoky-black tom

Voletooth - small brown tabby tom

Apprentice, Minnowpaw (dark gray she-cat)

Reedwhisker - black tom

Mosspelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice, Pebblepaw (mottled gray tom)

Beechfur - light brown tom

Rippletail - dark gray tabby tom

Apprentice, Mallowpaw (light brown tabby tom)

Graymist - pale gray tabby

Dawnflower - pale gray she-cat

Dapplenose - mottled gray she-cat

Pouncetail - ginger-and-white tom

Mintfur - light gray tabby tom

Apprentice, Nettlepaw (dark brown tabby tom)

Otterheart - dark brown she-cat

Apprentice, Sneezepaw (gray-and-white tom)

Pinefur - very short-haired tabby she-cat

Apprentice, Robinpaw (tortoiseshell-and-white tom)

Rainstorm - mottled gray-blue tom

Duskfur - brown tabby she-cat

Apprentice, Copperpaw (dark ginger she-cat)


Icewing - white cat with green eyes, mother of Beetlekit, Pricklekit, Petalkit, and Grasskit


Heavystep - thickset tabby tom

Swallowtail - dark tabby she-cat

Stonestream - gray tom

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