Papa Bakugou

By LovebugOneOOne

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Katsuki Bakugou was a pro hero on his way to the top. It was only a matter of time before he gained the spot... More

Chapter 1 - How it began
Chapter 3 - To keep, or not to keep
Chapter 4 - Babysitting
Chapter 5 - Babysitter number two
Chapter 6 - Relationships
Chapter 7 - Decisions, decisions
Chapter 8 - The Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Life with a child
Chapter 10 - The Newest Member
Chapter 11 - Kitty
Chapter 12 - Old vs New
Chapter 13 - The Number Two
Chapter 14 - A run-in with...
Chapter 15 - Laughter is the best medicine
Chapter 16 - Homework
Chapter 17 - Emergency
Chapter 18 - A different type of hero
Chapter 19 - A Proposal
Chapter 20 - Adoption gone wrong
Chapter 21 - Court
Chapter 22 - Almost there
Chapter 23 - New Villain
Chapter 24 - The Job of a Hero
Chapter 25 - Home Alone
Chapter 26 - It's Not Over
Chapter 27 - It's A Trap
Chapter 28 - Papa Bakugou
After thoughts

Chapter 2 - Bunny

1.3K 39 35
By LovebugOneOOne

      Why the f*ck is there a kid sleeping in the guest bed?! Katsuki thought. The rabbit was gone, and now this small child was in his place. He decided to take a closer look. The green haired boy wasn't wearing any clothes, disturbing, and his curly green hair was identical to the rabbit. The child even had the floppy ears. Bakugou wasn't going to check if he had a tail or not, but instead pulled the covers over the kid so that everything was covered. It was pretty obvious that this child was, in fact, the bunny he picked up today. But how can he turn human?

      Katsuki decided to let the kid sleep, and left the room to think about the situation. Animals with quirks was uncommon, but not unheard of. After all, one of his classmates at UA was originally a bird that turned human due to a quirk. But, whether he's an animal with a quirk, or a human that turns him into an animal was the question. He opened the door to the guest room slightly to see the child again. Judging by his looks alone, he was either 3-5 years old. Most likely, it was either 4 or 5 if he displayed a quirk like this. Bakugou went to his own room and grabbed one of his pajama shirts, then went back to the guest room to put it on the kid. The shirt was way too big, almost going past his feet. Lucky it was short sleeved. And it was better than letting him lay there completely devoid of clothing. He let out a sigh before tucking the child in and then went to his own bed. Tomorrow was going to be hectic.


      Bakugou didn't get much sleep last night, due to constantly thinking about what to do with the kid. If he could turn human and understand human speech, it didn't seem right to dump him off at some pet shop. An orphanage seemed more like it.

      He went over his options as he sat at the dining table and drank some morning coffee. The door to the guest room then slowly opened, and the small child slowly peeked out.

      "Come here," Katsuki said as he set his mug down. He saw the child flinch, but did as he was told, walking barefoot on the tile. "So, can you speak?"

      "Y-yes..." The small child responded.

      "When were you planning on telling me about this?" The pro motioned to the kid's body.

      "I... I was hoping you wouldn't find out... But I woke up and..." He pulled a bit at the pajama shirt. Obviously, he didn't mean to transform and thought he was busted when seeing it on him.

      "Why didn't you want me to know?"

      "Because you'd throw me out like my last owner..." That answers the animal or human question. Obviously an animal with a quirk. "Y-you said you were gonna give me up, so..."

      Bakugou let out a sigh. "You hungry?"

      "Huh?" The boy's ears picked up.

      "I asked if you were hungry." The kid nodded and Katsuki got up to make breakfast. "Sit down."

      The child obeyed, but misunderstood and sat down on the floor where he was standing.

      "I meant at the table."

      "Oh..." He got up and did as instructed.

      After cooking and placing pancakes on the table, he saw the kid eyeing the fork and knife, then looked at the adult. He tried to mimic Bakugou's movements, but failed.

      "Here, let me show you," Katsuki got up and grabbed the little bunny's hands and began to help him cut. As soon as he got the hang of it, he let go, letting the boy cut for himself. "See, there you go."

      As soon as he was done, he watched Bakugou again and this time mimicked his movements for eating, a lot more successfully this time. The pro couldn't help but let a small smile come across his face. It was actually sort of cute, how the child would copy everything he did.

      After breakfast, Bakugou began to wash the dishes, and noticed the little rabbit watching his every move again. Another smile came across his face. Today was his only day off this week, so he needed to decide now what to do with the little guy, otherwise he'd be stuck with him until next week. Looking down at the bunny, the thought didn't seem so bad, actually. Either way, whether he stayed another week, or was dropped off somewhere, being under-dressed like this wasn't going to cut it. Katsuki decided to shop for some clothes for the little guy.


      "I'm home!" Katsuki called out with a bunch of bags in his arms. Before he had left, he placed the small bunny in front of the T.V. and let him watch cartoons. It was just some random show about a kid and his dog going on adventures in a kingdom of candy. When he got back though, it was some show about a boy with pink powers or something trying to save the galaxy or something. The small bunny hopped over to the adult as soon as he heard his voice. Which wasn't a good idea, seeing as his shirt would fly up and he wasn't wearing anything underneath. Bakugou quickly covered his eyes. "No hopping!"

      "Why not?" The child asked curiously. Did he REALLY not understand the problem here? Most likely it was due to either his age, being an animal, or both.

      "Just don't!" As soon as he was sure the kid was standing still, he uncovered his eyes and placed the bags down. The first thing he pulled out was a pair of underpants. "Put this on."


      "Just do it!" The child did as he was told. They fit well, and had a small hole in the back for his tail, that Bakugou figured out he had when the boy kept jumping while he tried to get measurements. Due to anyone having any quirk, special clothes like that are actually pretty easy to find.

      Next was a pair of pants, also with a hole in the back for a tail, and then an All Might themed hoodie. He also had him try on a pair of red shoes, which was taken off as soon as it was confirmed they fit, causing the boy to look at him in confusion. There were other clothes in the other bags, but Bakugou put them away instead seeing as they'd fit anyway.

      There was also a bag of toys that he gave to the child to play with. The rabbit was really confused by this, but was happy nonetheless.

      Looks like the boy was here to stay for the time being. He was starting to grow on Katsuki anyway.


 Wow, two chapters up in one day. O.O

In case anyone was wondering, Bakugou also got groceries, and put them away after giving the bunny all that stuff. Forgot to mention that. ^^;

Hoped you enjoyed, and I'll see you next time. ^^

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