Book 1: New Revelations

By CherryNoddles

12.8K 213 111

"Mom? Dad? Y-You're..." Hearing their daughter's voice, Marinette and Adrien's heads snapped up in shock, una... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Happy Birthday!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

243 7 0
By CherryNoddles

Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 24 of Book 1: New Revelations!

HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! Yes! It's finally 2020!!! I wish you all the best in the year to come!

Also, tomorrow I'm starting at a new school! I'm a little nervous, but still so excited. I can't wait! Now, without further ado, enjoy. 


Emma's POV

"Anyways, we gotta get home now. See you tomorrow girl!" Alyssa exclaimed before shooting me a small smile and ending the call. I rolled my eyes, exasperated, and put my phone down on my desk. I didn't have the energy to deal with her right now. I laid back onto the bed, sighing tiredly. How much did I even run today in total? Ten clicks? Twenty clicks? Whatever. But I was hella tired. 

I heard the front door open and close, probably Mom and Dad coming home from work. I sighed again and flopped onto my stomach. All I wanted was to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about this afternoon. I could still feel the weightlessness of flying from one roof to the other. I can't lie, it was one of the most fun things I'd ever done in my entire life. 

"EMMA!" A sudden shout startled me out of my sleepy state. What the hell was going on?! My blood ran cold as a thought struck me. Is there an akuma?! I jumped out of bed and raced down the stairs. I scrambled towards the living room and burst through the doors, running in, eyes wide and looking around frantically. 

"What's wrong?! I heard a shout. Is there an akuma..." I faltered when I saw Mom, Dad, Hugo and Louis staring at the television screen. Manon was currently reporting, "... This is some amateur footage of the incident that was taken by one of Emma and Alan's pursuers." A video of me and Alan doing parkour started playing. I didn't even know that someone had taken a video of us! Though I guess I should've expected it. 

Oh shit.

I'm screwed.

Marinette's POV

I opened the door and walked in, holding it open for Adrien and closing it behind him. "Today sure was hectic huh?" I said, taking off my shoes and headed towards the living room. "Yeah, it was." Adrien replied stretching and walking behind me. We had photoshoot after photoshoot after photoshoot. Our schedules were packed. I had to star in some of them due to a lack in female models. The only good news: Lila was completely occupied and had no time to boss around my employees, come between Adrien and me, or do anything equally as bad.

"Mom? Dad? Come quick!" Hugo's voice floated into the main hall and Adrien and I walked in. "What's wrong?" I asked, going over to Hugo. Then, I realized what had caught his attention. Manon was on screen, reporting, "Don't be bemused, it's just the news. This afternoon, Emma Agreste and Alan Lahiffe were seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop this afternoon trying to escape a mob of people that had been chasing them all over Paris."


I whipped my head around to face Adrien. He looked just as confused as I felt. "How did this happen?!" I whispered harshly to him. Adrien shrugged and replied, "I don't know." I sighed and pinched my temple. If there was a mob of people running around Paris all afternoon, how did we not hear it? Work must've been extra hectic today. 

"Whatever the case, I want answers. Now. EMMA!"

Emma's POV

"Um... uh... I can explain." I started quickly, not wanting to get into even more trouble. Judging from the look on Mom's face, I could tell she was pissed. Probably for putting myself in danger when it was "totally unnecessary". Mom gestured at me to continue, then folded her arms. "It's.. uh... it's a long story." I added cautiously. Dad shrugged and replied, "We have time."

I took a deep breath and continued, talking at a fast pace, "Ok. So, you know the rumor about me and Alan being boyfriend and girlfriend? Yeah. Everyone at school was going crazy because of it. I had to hide behind the school then rush to the classroom. Anyways, after school, Alyssa, Kira, Maya, Irene, Iris, Kace, Jackson, Joseph, Jacob and Liam all shouted, and I mean shouted, like they literally screamed, that Alan and I were at the front of the school. That's where the mob started.

"So Alan and I had to run away. First, we hid in the dry fountain in the middle of the park. But a construction worker saw us and posted a picture on social media. Then, we had to find another spot to hide. So we went inside a metro station. But a lady saw us and started screaming Alan's name. That attracted maybe 15 people. They all started taking pictures of us and posting them. Then the crowd that started chasing us from College Francoise Dupont appeared. By the way, that crowd had doubled by the time they got to the metro station. 

"We jumped onto the train to escape the crowd and made a run for it at Concord. People didn't manage to catch us but they posted tons and tons of pictures onto social media. After Concord, we ran maybe two blocks before Alan pointed out a thick pipe for us to climb onto the roof. We stayed there for a while, catching our breath, before the mob surrounded the building, trapping us on the roof. 

"Then, Alan asked me if I could jump 5 feet from one building to another. I thought it was a pretty weird question but I said I probably could. I mean, I do it all the time as Ladybug. Then, Alan just took a running start and flung himself off of the roof. I thought that he would fall so I reached out to grab him but his hands just managed to grip the end of the other roof and he pulled himself up. I yelled at him, telling him he was insane. But Alan just waved it off and told me to jump, saying that he would catch me. So I did. What other choice did we have? Live out the rest of our lives on that roof?

"We ran along the rooftops for a while, then Alan flipped off one roof and landed on the other. I thought that it might be fun to try it since I do it all the time as Ladybug and I did. It distracted the mob for a while. We ran some more, until I saw the Agreste Mansion and suggested that we hide here for a while. 

"We landed on the roof, and I opened the hatch you guys use as Ladybug and Chat Noir. We jumped in and I brought Alan to my room. He needed to get home somehow. I gave him a cap to hide his face and led him out the back door in the kitchen. The one the staff uses. He should be home by now, I think. Then... you guys came home." I fiddled with my hands as I finished, trying to gauge their reaction. I did tell them that it was a long story.

"Ok... I understand the running part... but did you really need to do all the parkour?" Dad asked, shaking his head. I shrugged and replied, "Not really. But it was fun. I do it all the time as Ladybug, so I thought that I would be fine. I mean, I need some physical strength as Emma." "That is not the point. You put yourself in danger. You could've died up there." Mom lectured, a look of disapproval on her face.

I couldn't say that I disagreed with Mom. I could've died. I don't even know why I did it. I sighed and rubbed my hands up and down. "But she didn't, right? You gotta admit, that was pretty awesome." Hugo interrupted, breaking the silence. Thank god for Hugo. I cracked a small smile at my brother's slight ignorance and immaturity. He always knew when to say the right things. 

"Well, I'm glad you're ok Emma. But please don't ever do that again." Mom requested with raised eyebrows. I nodded quickly and dashed out of the living room before Mom could change her mind. I laid down on my bed with a heavy sigh. Today was really... something else. Tikki flew out of my purse and exclaimed, seemingly angrily, "What were you thinking Emma?! You could've gotten hurt!" I smiled at my kwami and said, "Sorry Tikki. It was just some harmless fun." "Yeah. Harmless. It wasn't as if you could've died or anything." Tikki replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

I let out a small laugh and cupped Tikki in my hands, before continuing, "Relax Tikki. I'm Ladybug. If I can't handle a bunch of crazy fans, how am I supposed to protect Paris against Hawkmoth's akumas? And I promise Tikki, I won't do that ever again. I'm just glad Mom let me off the hook just like that."

Tikki just smiled and replied, "Alright Emma. I believe you." I fought the sudden urge to yawn and sighed tiredly. "You know what Tikki? I'm just going to skip dinner and go straight to bed. I'm way too exhausted." "Goodnight Emma." Tikki turned off the lights and flew out of the room, probably to dinner. 

I sighed again and rolled over onto my back. I was tired, but the events from today flashed through my mind, refusing to let me go to sleep. Today's probably one of the best days of my life. I had a whole ton of fun. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, letting out a soft, relaxed sigh. 

Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me.

Alan's POV

"Mom? Dad? I'm home!" I opened the door and walked inside, looking around for my parents. I'd managed to make it home safely, luckily. Thanks to Emma's genius thinking, no one recognized me. It's strange. Put a cap on a celebrity and suddenly he's unrecognizable. Just another person walking on the streets. The people of Paris really are oblivious. 

"In here honey!" I heard Mom call out. Her voice sounded like it came in the direction of the television room. I headed in that direction and asked, "Hey Mom, did you see Alyssa anywhere? There's something I need to..." I faltered as I looked up and saw what was showing onscreen. Manon was currently reporting, "Don't be bemused, it's just the news. This afternoon, Emma Agreste and Alan Lahiffe were seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop this afternoon trying to escape a mob of people that had been chasing them all over Paris."


Mom and Dad turned their heads to stare at me and I felt cold sweat drip down the back of my neck. I smiled nervously and let out a small chuckle, rubbing my hands together. Awkward. Mom and Dad faced forward again as Manon had continued. "This is some amateur footage of the incident that was taken by one of Emma and Alan's pursuers." A video of me and Emma doing parkour started playing. I didn't even know that someone had taken a video of us! Though I guess I should've expected it.

Oh shit.

I'm screwed.

"Ooh. Caught on camera with the girlfriend eh?" I whirled around, only to find myself face to face with a smirking Alyssa. I didn't even hear her come in! "Girlfriend?!" Dad exclaimed, standing up, eyes wide in shock. I growled in annoyance and replied, "Only thanks to you! If you hadn't shouted out to the whole wide world where we were hiding, none of this would've happened in the first place!" "What I want to know is..." I turned around to face Mom again, who had just stood up. "What the hell were you doing up there?! With Emma?! Do you know how furious Marinette must be right now?"

Not as furious as you Mom. I gulped and cleared my throat, desperately searching for the right words to say. "They were running away from a mob of people that started chasing them. Everyone's going crazy over this boyfriend-girlfriend thing." Alyssa commented, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. I glared at her as harshly as I could. This happened all because of Alyssa. And that stupid magazine. 

"Anyways, what the heck happened?" Dad asked, folding his arms. I took a deep breath and started, talking at a fast pace, "Ok. So, you know the rumor about me and Emma being boyfriend and girlfriend? Yeah. Everyone at school was going crazy because of it. A whole swarm of girls was waiting for me at the front of the school and they practically pounced on me the minute I stepped onto the school grounds. Anyways, after school, Alyssa, Kira, Maya, Irene, Iris, Kace, Jackson, Joseph, Jacob and Liam all shouted, and I mean shouted, like they literally screamed, that Emma and I were at the front of the school. That's where the mob started. So this is all Alyssa's fault. I'm sure she's the one who planned it. 

"So Emma and I had to run away. First, we hid in the dry fountain in the middle of the park. But a construction worker saw us and posted a picture on social media. Then, we had to find another spot to hide. So we went inside a metro station. But a lady saw us and started screaming my name. That attracted maybe 15 people. They all started taking pictures of us and posting them. Then the crowd that started chasing us from College Francoise Dupont appeared. By the way, that crowd had doubled by the time they got to the metro station.

"We jumped onto the train to escape the crowd and made a run for it at Concord. People didn't manage to catch us but they posted tons and tons of pictures onto social media. After Concord, we ran maybe two blocks before I pointed out a thick pipe for us to climb onto the roof. We stayed there for a while, catching our breath, before the mob surrounded the building, trapping us on the roof.

"Then, I got an idea. We could escape by jumping onto the next roof. I mean, Emma looks pretty strong. I asked her if she could jump 5 feet from one building to another, you know, just in case she couldn't. I'm sure she thought it was a weird question, but she said she could. Then, I took a running start and flung myself off of the roof. I thought that he would fall so I reached out to grab him but his hands just managed to grip the end of the other roof and he pulled himself up. Emma yelled at me, telling him I was insane. But I just waved it off and told her to jump, saying that I would catch her. So she did. What other choice did we have? Live out the rest of our lives on that roof?

"We ran along the rooftops for a while, then I flipped off one roof and landed on the other. I thought it would be fun to try. I mean, the distance wasn't that great. Emma did it too. It distracted the mob for a while. We ran some more, until we saw the Agreste Mansion and Emma suggested that we hide here for a while.

"We landed on the roof, and Emma opened a hatch. We jumped in and Emma brought me to her room. She gave me a cap to hide my face and led me out the back door in the kitchen. The one the staff uses. Then, I walked home and... here we are now."  I fiddled with my hands as I finished, trying to gauge their reaction. Mom and Dad are pretty ok with most things, but still. I'm sure flipping from roof to roof isn't part of that list of things.

"Pfft. We were wondering when you'd figure out the Agreste Mansion is practically a fortress and no one can get in." Alyssa remarked, biting her bottom lip. I glared at her as harshly as I could, trying to get her to shut up. Her comments weren't exactly helping my case. Mom and Dad still looked furious. Well, Mom looked furious. Dad looked amused. He was pretty chill that way. 

"Anyways, we were only trying to get away from the mob. Trust me, I didn't want to jump all over Paris either." I said, glancing warily at Mom. Right now, she was like a ticking time bomb, ready to blow at any second. 

Mom took a deep breath. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. This meant that she was mad. Like, really really really mad. "You risked your life for nothing. Running around is ok. I understand trying to escape. But jumping? 50 feet of the ground onto another building 5 feet away? And doing parkour while you're at it? No way mister. You are grounded." Mom lectured firmly, glaring at me. 

"Oh come on Alya. Chill." Dad said, putting his hand on her shoulder. Mom whirled around and exclaimed angrily, "Our son could've died, and you want me to chill?!" I glanced at Alyssa warily and she shrugged helplessly. We had no idea what Dad was doing. He was practically digging his own grave at this point. 

Dad just rolled his eyes and replied, "Seriously Alya? You put yourself in dangerous situations all the time when we were younger. Remember when you were pinned under a car while trying to film the old Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Mom turned red, either with embarrassment or anger, I couldn't tell. I knew Mom was a little reckless when she was my age, but I didn't know was that reckless.

"That is different." Mom hissed, clenching her fists. "How so? Come on Alya. Alan's a teenager. He can take care of himself. And I'm sure he won't do this again. Right, Alan?" Dad asked, raising his eyebrows. "Yes. Of course I won't." I replied hurriedly. I didn't want Mom to go supernova on me. Mom sighed in defeat and relented, "Fine, fine. Alan, you're un-grounded. But don't you dare do that ever again. Now go to your room, both of you. I better call Marinette before she has a heart attack."

Alyssa and I walked out of the room and up the stairs. "Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Alyssa suddenly asked, breaking the silence. I glared at her and replied, "No, we're not. Don't forget that this all happened because of you. What were you thinking anyway?" Alyssa shrugged and continued, "Maybe Emma likes you?" Seriously... I rolled my eyes and said, "That has got to be the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Emma doesn't like me. At least, not like that. You gotta stop coming up with these weird theories. Goodnight."

I walked into my room and slammed the door shut. Plagg flew out of my jacket immediately and complained, "Do you know how hot it is in there? And sweaty? And gross? Gosh kid. Give me some Camembert now." I rolled my eyes and tossed him a slice from the secret stash that I kept in my room. 

"You know, Alyssa might be onto something. Maybe Emma really does like you." Plagg said, tossing the entire slice of cheese into his mouth and swallowing it whole. "You don't actually believe what Alyssa said right? Come on. I've been her friend for years. If she has a crush on me, I think I'd be the first one to know." I replied, rolling my eyes again.

I sighed and laid down on my bed. "Well, goodnight Plagg. If you're hungry in the middle of this night, feel free to eat as much cheese as you want. Just don't make too much noise ok? I'm hella tired." I mumbled to him, flopping onto my stomach. I didn't care if he finished the entire stash. All I want now is some sleep. 

I sighed again and rolled over onto my back. I was tired, but the events from today flashed through my mind, refusing to let me go to sleep. Today's probably one of the best days of my life. I had a whole ton of fun. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, letting out a soft, relaxed sigh.

Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me.

Plagg's POV

I am seriously starting to hate humans.

I rolled my eyes and laid down at the edge of Alan's pillow, staring at him as he slept. This kid really is oblivious. Anyone who isn't blind can see that Emma likes Alan. This love square thing is really getting on my nerves. The faster Emma and Alan can figure it out, the shorter I have to suffer.


I'm sure Alyssa already has another plan to get these two idiots together.

Alyssa's POV

I sighed and rolled my eyes as Alan walked into his room and shut the door behind him. "What are we going to do with you, my oblivious brother..." I muttered as I walked into my own room. This was going to be harder than I thought. Emma and Alan are both so stubborn, I should've expected it. 

I laid on my bed with another sigh. Plan A had failed, but not completely. Emma and Alan are a lot closer than they were before. Who knows what they talked about while on the run? I smiled as Plan B slowly started to take form. Oh, everyone at school is going to love this.

Emma and Alan won't know what hit them. 

Marinette's POV

"Goodnight Mom, Dad." Hugo called out as he dragged a whining Louis out of the dining room. "Goodnight." I replied with a heavy sigh. Adrien and I cleared all the dishes and dumped them in the dishwasher, then we sat down on the couch to watch a movie or something before going to bed.

I flipped through the channels, stopping on one just long enough to see what was playing. My mind wasn't focused on the television at all. After the fortieth channel, Adrien plucked the controller from my hand and switched off the television. "Ok. What's on your mind?" Adrien asked, putting the controller down on the coffee table.

I sighed and replied, "I just can't believe Emma would put herself in danger like that. And with Alan too! Alya must be furious. Ugh, she's going to kill me." I groaned in frustration and leaned my head against Adrien's shoulder. "Don't be like that. At least the both of them are safe and sound now." Adrien reassured me, stroking my head. "Yeah..." I replied, smiling.

Suddenly, my phone rang, interrupting the comfortable silence. "It better not be work." I muttered as I reached for it. The caller id read Alya. "Speak of the devil." I said dryly, showing Adrien who had called me.

Alya's face popped up on screen the moment I picked up. "Hey girl! Sorry for calling you so late, but I need to ask. Have you seen the news yet, by any chance?" I nodded and Alya's eyes widened in shock. "And you didn't go crazy?! Girl! I'm so proud of you!" Alya exclaimed. I let out a small chuckle. Alya really was the best. 

"Yeah. Sorry about this mess. I made Emma promise never to do that ever again." I apologized sheepishly. "I did too. That was way too dangerous. I mean, they could've gotten themselves killed!" Alya said, shaking her head.

"But you gotta admit. Emma and Alan looked pretty cute together." Adrien remarked with a small chuckle. I looked up and raised my eyebrows. "Oh? I never thought that you'd be Mr Matchmaker." Adrien shrugged and replied "I mean, I need to ship my daughter with someone. If not my best friend's son, then who?" "OMG! How cool would that be? We'd be related Marinette!" Alya squealed, eyes shining with excitement. "Alyssa did say that they were boyfriend and girlfriend." Nino added thoughtfully. Everyone was getting way too excited. Though highly likely, it might not even happen. I rolled my eyes and smiled. 

"Let's just let the kids figure it out."

Lexi's POV

"Don't be bemused, it's just the news. This afternoon, Emma Agreste and Alan Lahiffe were seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop this afternoon trying to escape a mob of people that had been chasing them all over Paris."


I rushed out of the kitchen and stopped in front of the television. Emma and Alan are on tv?! Together?! Manon continued, "This is some amateur footage of the incident that was taken by one of Emma and Alan's pursuers." A video of Emma and Alan doing parkour started playing. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened in pure shock. First, the magazine. And now this?! 

"UGH!" I yelled in outrage, throwing a cushion across the room. All I could see was red. I hate Emma Agreste. How dare she steal Alan away from me?! I stormed back to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I was furious. 

I paced around the room, screaming in outrage. No words can describe my anger. My blood was boiling. I swear, steam was coming out of my ears. That's how angry I was. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the various papers strewn over my desk. It wasn't always this disorganized, but I'd been working on a very special project recently. And I think it's time to put that plan into action.

Soon, Alan will be all mine.

And Emma, nothing but a distant memory...


The parents are playing matchmaker too?! Then this ship must happen!

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 24 of Book 1: New Revelations. I'm sorry if the last sentence was a little morbid. 😅 Trust me, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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