The Karate Hedgehog

By hjzuniga4866

829 2 0

Sonic always had big dreams of learning Kung fu like the furious five. But during the election day of the cho... More

Sonic's History
The Chosen One
The Training
The Evil Bird
Learning How To Fly
The Bulldog
The Rescue Mission


95 0 0
By hjzuniga4866

In the morning, Sonic started to make breakfast for his friends, besides Sally, and telling them his dream of becoming a Kung Fu master, before he discovered he was the Chosen One.

Sonic: So I'm like, "You may be the strongest and scariest wolf in China, but you're a lousy tipper."

Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Amy were impressed of Sonic's dream, but Sally didn't found his dream so interested, because she knew he wasn't there before he began his training of Kung Fu.

Shadow: Really!? So, how did you get out of their alive?
Sonic: I don't know. I mean, I didn't actually say that, but I thought it, in my mind. If he could actually read my mind, he would be like. "What?" (Gave the chili dogs he made for his friends, besides Sally) Order up! Hope y'all like it.

Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Amy started to like the chili dogs Sonic made. Sally on the other hand, decided to eat dumplings, instead of chili dogs.

Tails: This is really good!
Amy: This is amazing!
Shadow: WOW! You're a really good cook.
Tails: I wish I had enough space to eat more chili dogs.
Knuckles: Sally, you have got to try this.
Sally: No thank you. Although, I heard that the Chosen One can survive for months without food, but the dew of a single ginkgo leaf and the energy of the universe.
Sonic: Well, guess my body just need more time to learn to survive without food.

Sonic kind of felt hurt for what Sally said to him, and wonder why she hates him so much. As Sonic finish eating his chili dog, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Shadow started to laugh.

Sonic: What?
Knuckles: Oh nothing, master.

Sonic wondered why his friends called him master? Until he saw that he has chili on his face, that made him looks like he has a mustache. So Sonic decided to play around.

Sonic: (Deep voice) You will never learn Kung Fu, until you lose five hundred pounds. (Everyone besides Sally started to laugh) What is this, laughter? I've never heard of it.

Everyone stopped laughing, when they saw Master Iroh coming in.

Sonic: Oh, master I didn't know that you were coming.
Master Iroh: Its alright, I find your acting very funny. And it is true, there are masters of Kung Fu that tell their students to lose pounds. Anyway, Sally and Sonic, I need to talk with the two of you alone. (Sonic and Sally followed Master Iroh to his room.) Sonic, I have been noticing that your skills of Kung Fu is getting better. I believe that you are ready to learn the fifth level of Kung Fu. Learning how to fly.
Sonic: Yes! Wait what? Kung Fu involves flying?
Sally: I'm surprise that you didn't know that.
Master Iroh: Of course learning how to fly involves Kung Fu. It help you learn how to balance. So I am sending you and Sally to Rio.
Sally: Wait What? Master you want me to go to Rio with him? Why?
Master Iroh: Because you are the fearless member of the Furious Five, and I need you to deliver this statue with the ruby to an old turtle friend of mine. Can I trust you two to complete the mission?
Sonic and Sally: Yes Master
Master Iroh: Good. Sonic, go tell your father that you and Sally are leaving to Rio tomorrow.
Sonic: Yes sir. (He leaves the temple)
Master Iroh: Sally, I know that you and Sonic don't get along well. But try to know him better OK.
Sally: Yes, master.
Master Iroh: Good, any how, I would also like you to try his cooking. I heard that he's a good cook.
Sally: Um master, are you trying to make me fall in love with the Chosen One.
Master Iroh: What me, the man who raised you as my own daughter. Never, I just want you two to be friends that's all.
Sally: OK, well I'm off to train outside. See you later master.

Sally bowed to her master as she exit his room to go and train. What Sally doesn't know, is that Master Iroh saw a vision of what would happen between her and Sonic. Meanwhile, at Vectors house, Sonic was up all night, trying to find a way to learn how to fly, by reading an old book about the history of Kung Fu. Because he knows that Sally wouldn't like to go with him to Rio.

Sonic: Huh, a Kung Fu Master can only start to fly, when their hearts are open, and are not afraid. Well lucky me, I'm not afraid to fly and I have a big heart. So, if I start flying right now, I won't have to go to Rio with Sally. (At the rooftop)OK, let's see,enough space, check, somewhere to jump off, check, arms and legs to help me to fly, check. I am ready to fly.

Sonic started to run as fast as he could, and jump off the roof. But instead of flying he began to fall down. When Vector heard a crashing sound, he went outside to see who made the sound, until he saw his son on the floor, that's when Vector realize that Sonic doesn't want to go. In the morning, Vector and Sonic started to talk before Sonic head to Rio with Sally.

Vector: Son, ever since I found and welcome you to my family. I knew that I had to prepare you for something special. And I promise to be a good father to you. Did I ever broken that promise?
Sonic: No
Vector: (Sigh) Look, I know that going somewhere place far away from home can be scary, but its a start to try new things and that's what heroes do, try new things. Believe I've been there. And once you learn how to fly, you'll be back home as soon as possible. OK?
Sonic: OK Dad, I'll go.
Vector: Good. Pack your stuffs! You'll be leaving at only two hours!
Sonic: Yes sir.

After Sonic and Sally got all their stuffs ready, took the statue with them, and said goodbye to their friends and family, they started to travel to Rio. Sonic tried to get along with Sally by asking her questions about her life, which he already knows.

Sonic: So, did you ever met your parents.
Sally: Of course I did. I was only nine, when they died and I was taken to the orphanage and you know what happen.
Sonic: You had problem getting along with the other kids, getting adopted, until one day, Master Iroh came to show you how to control your strength, then you got along with the other kids, and at the end, he took you in and raised you as his own daughter.
Sally: Exactly. Sonic, why do you ask me so many questions about my life? Since you know the Furious Fives origins.
Sonic: I don't know. I just that may there's stuffs that I don't know about you like. (Gasp) What's your favorite color?
Sally: (Sigh) I don't have a favorite color. OK
Sonic: Well, everyone has a favorite color. Like I do. Well actually, two favorite colors. Because when I was a kid, I was thinking which color do I like the most. Then I thought that blue is way past cool because is the color of water and my fur color. Then I thought that red can be way past cool because is the color of fire and your hair color. I started to have problems to which of the two colors, I like the most. Until I discover that red and blue makes purple, so I decided to chose both of them instead.
Sally: (Sigh) Listen, I don't care about your color problem, and once we arrive to Rio, we give the statue to Master Iroh's old friend, you will learn how to fly, then we go back home and still keep training Kung Fu separately. OK?
Sonic: OK, If you say so.

As Sonic and Sally arrived to Rio, they were amazed of how different their town looks from their home, and arrived to the old turtle, Master Speed, home.

Master Speed: Well hello young pups. Come in, make yourself at home. (Sonic and Sally came inside) I see you have brought the statue that my old friend Master Iroh send for me. Please put it out side, while I prepare the tea.

As Sonic and Sally were placing the statue outside, ten crocodiles came out of the bush and put chains on Sally's left hand and Sonic's right hand.

Sally: Hey! What are you guys think your doing?
Captain Crocodile: We're taking you to our leader.
Sonic: You'll never get away. Master Speed will stop you guys.
Captain Crocodile: I don't think so. The old turtle is asleep because of the smoke bomb. Take them away boys.

The crocodile took Sonic and Sally to their leaders hide out. What they don't know is that their leader is also an old fried of Master Iroh. As Master Speed woke up, he notice that his home is trash and that Sonic and Sally are missing, so he send a letter to Master Iroh. When Master Iroh received the letter, he send Tails, Shadow, Amy, and Knuckles to find Sonic and Sally in Rio.

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