New Man

By DeamPluviam22

857 24 0

Luke begins to develop feelings again for the mother of his child, but problems arise when he finds out she h... More

Part 1: The Drop Off
Part 2: Date Crasher
Part 3: The Meeting
Part 4: Symptoms
Part 5: The Appointment
Part 6: Announcements
Part 7: The Beach
Part 8: Vacation
Part 9: Phone Calls
Part 10: Hospital Visits
Part 11: Showers
Part 12: DNA
Part 14: Questions
Part 15: Test Results
Part 16: The Birthday Before Halloween
Part 17: Shattered Glass
Part 18: Bar Brawls
Part 19: The Last Straw
Part 20: Papers & Pangs
Part 21: Delivery
Part 22: It's A. . .
Part 23: New Life
Part 24: Epilogue

Part 13: Love & Lust

33 1 0
By DeamPluviam22

     Your eyes stared intently at the clock and for some reason you could hear the loud ticking it produced even in the busy office space. You let out a deep sigh and tried to focus on the spreadsheet you were supposed to be making for this article. You were finally getting back to work after being away for nearly a month. It was a change and you were desperately trying to get on top of your things. Interviews had to be conducted and articles had to be made. It wasn't all that bad, working for a popular magazine company had its advantages. Your disadvantage at the moment was that you were stressed. It was just five minutes until you were able to leave and all you could focus on was yourself. Your eyes adverted to the top left hand corner of your computer screen to see you had received a new email. The cursor hovered over the tab and you clicked on it. It was a message from Scott:

Hey Beautiful,

I hope your day is going well. It's day three of hell week, but thinking about you and the baby keeps a smile on my face. Anyway, I have to get back to work so stay safe and I love you!

Scott xoxo

Scott was on a business trip for the week. You knew you should have felt as if you missed him, but honestly you were glad to be able to breath. Ever since Miami Scott had been extra clingy and it had started to annoy you. You stared at the message with a bored look and hesitated on hitting the reply button. You let out another sigh and then began to type out a response just to let him know you were doing alright and that the DNA results hadn't come back yet. Once you had hit the send button you looked at the clock with a smile and began to pack up your stuff. It wasn't like you didn't enjoy work because you did. Being a journalist was your dream job, but all day your mind had been on something else or more so someone else. After you had packed everything up and clocked out, you made a dash for the elevator. "Someone's in a rush!" your coworker, Talia, chuckled as she held the elevator door open for you. You laughed at her words and stepped inside the elevator before leaning up against the wall out of breath.

"I just have some errands to run," you told her, pulling out your car keys. You pulled out your phone and began to dial Luke. Raine was going to be staying with his parents for the weekend which allowed you to think about a lot of things. Luke had answered the phone on the first ring. Nowadays anytime you called he was usually on standby just in case something had happened. "Hey!" you chirped into the phone.

"Hey is everything okay?" Luke questioned. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip at the sound of his voice and you had to stop yourself from blurting out what was on your mind.

"Yeah it is," you told him, "I was just calling to see how you were." Silence filled the line after that and you could tell Luke was probably taken aback at your words. You hadn't asked him this question in a long time.

"I'm good thanks for asking," Luke chuckled. You could hear snickering in the background and soon heard Luke tell someone to shut up. "What are you up to?" Luke asked, placing his attention back on you. You exited the elevator and began to make your way towards your car.

"I just got off work...hey do you want to have dinner tonight?" you asked him, one eye squinting after you had asked the question. Your heart began to slam hard against your chest as you waited for Luke to answer. You had been thinking about a lot lately and you for some reason you wanted to talk to Luke about it all.

"You want to have dinner? With me?" Luke mumbled out in confusion. He went quiet once again. "I don't have anything else going on tonight so sure," he responded. You could hear the smile in his voice which only made you smile.

"Okay good I'll see you later then. Dress casual," you lastly said, hanging up the phone and tossing it onto the passenger seat. You felt a buzz of excitement run down your spine and drove off to head home and to get ready for the night.

     The smile on Luke's face was huge as he looked up at the LED lights of the restaurant. A small laugh left his lips and he turned back to look at you. "When's the last time we been here?" he questioned, turning back to the building. You stared out at the building too and thought back in order to answer Luke's question. It had been a long time since you last went to this place. It was some local eatery that resembled Dave & Buster's but instead of having a server coming to take your order, you had to order at the register and grab the food yourself. Your and Luke had plenty of dates at the place when the two of you were together.

"Um when I was pregnant with Raine I think," you responded. Luke's face lit up at your words and soon he was laughing at a memory.

"Oh yeah. You had me go back and ask the cook to make your dish without the lemon," he laughed, unbuckling himself and opening the door to get out. "Man you were a picky eater when you were pregnant with Raine," Luke said, shaking his head in amusement. It was true. The two of you could barely go out to eat because you'd always end up sending the dish back with some requests to have something taken off of it.

You followed in Luke's actions and stepped out of the car. It was good to actually step foot in your favorite place after so long. It still smelled the same and just like usual, the sound of people playing skee ball filled your ears. "Looks like they got new games," you commented, walking pass the game area and towards the restaurant part. Lots of things had changed over the years. Both you and Luke changed in so many ways for the good and somehow you both found your way back to this place like the last time you left it: you pregnant and with Luke by your side. Only this time the child you were carrying could be the product of you and Luke or you and Scott. You and Luke made your way towards the registers and was immediately greeted with a smile from the person behind it.

"What can I get you two?" the woman questioned, looking between the two of you.

"Can I get the California Cheese Burger with Cajun fries and she'll have the Super Chicken, extra on the lemon herb sauce please," Luke automatically said, knowing your order by heart.

"What size drink?" the woman asked this time. Luke looked over to you in question.

"Medium please," you smiled. The employee nodded and then grabbed the cups from off to the side and sat it in front of the two of you.

"Alright your totally is twenty-eight ninety," she said, you reached inside your bag for your wallet, but before you could even pull it out Luke was handing over his card. "Your meal will be ready soon," the woman said, handing over the cups. Luke mumbled out a thank you and steered you towards a booth.

"I invited you out for dinner you didn't have to pay," you told him, sliding into the booth and getting comfortable in your spot.

"I know it's just a habit I have. I always ordered our food when we came here," he explained. You nodded at his words and then scanned over the place. It wasn't as packed in the restaurant part as it was for the gaming area. Silence grew between the two of you, but it was loud all around. You began to fiddle with your empty cup and then spoke up.

"We should try something new and order something that's not our usual," you said, Luke smiled at your words.

"I could have sworn we tried that once," he commented. Your lips parted at his words and then closed shut. "What do you want to drink?" he asked, grabbing your cup.

"If they still have it then the passion fruit tea, but if not Sprite please," you requested. Luke nodded once and soon was off to grab your drinks. You shifted in your spot and your left hand came down to rest at your growing belly as the other fanned yourself. You were extremely nervous and when that happened you began to sweat. Only it wasn't just nervousness you were feeling. There was also a mix of arousal in your veins. You grabbed a napkin from out its spot and began to make small tears in the paper. You and Luke barely begun the dinner and already you felt light headed. Luke came back to the booth a few minutes later and handed over your drink.

"You're in luck they still had the te-are you okay?" Luke questioned, noticing how flustered you looked. His blue eyes bore into your skin and you bit onto your bottom lip before nodding quickly. "So my mom said it took a while to get Raine down for sleep, but overall she's doing good," he told you.

"That's good. What have you been up to?" you asked him, trying to make some small talk.You grabbed your cup and began to sip on your drink. Luke let out a deep sigh at your words and ran a hand through his hair.

"The usual working on the album a few shows here or there," he responded. "So you're back at work?" Luke said, eyebrows raising up at his words. You swallowed the cool drink and then sat the cup back down on the table.

"Yeah the day was pretty stressful," you sighed, shaking your head to get work off your mind. "Um I actually wanted to talk to you about something," you said in a soft voice. Your words sounded almost inaudible and Luke would have missed it over the loud music playing in the place. Your gaze tore away from his and went to focus on the patterns scattering the table. Before you could open your mouth to say something else your order number was being called and Luke was once again out the booth. You watched as he showed the guy his order number and then grabbed the tray from off the counter. You were taking in his appearance. Luke's hair was longer than usual and the ends of it was curled. He was in a long sleeved black and white striped shirt and wearing some black jeans. Luke looked absolutely gorgeous and your attraction towards him only seemed to grow as you continued to stare. "I'm starving," Luke mumbled, once he had gotten back to the table. He slid the tray over to you and grabbed the plate that held his burger off of it. You watched as he began to devour the food. Luke had gotten two bites in when he realized you were staring at him. "What?" he mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Nothing," you smirked, grabbing your garlic bread and biting into it. Luke gave you a funny face before smiling and going back to eating. After Luke had gotten enough bites of his food, he began to tell you a long story about his trip to Brazil and how he lost a bet which resulted in him wearing a very revealing Carnival type outfit as the two of you ate.

"So now I know how you feel when you wear thongs," Luke laughed, "Those things are not fun and no one should be wearing it!" Your stomach was hurting in a good way as you laughed at his story and soon it died down and you were able to catch your breath. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something," Luke said out of nowhere. You perked up at his words, almost forgetting about the real reason you had wanted to meet up for dinner.

"Oh right," you said, sitting up straight and wiping your hands. You cleared your throat and sucked in a deep breath. "So I know things have been a bit weird between us since we kissed," you brought up.

"I don't think things have been weird," Luke truthfully told you. "I just think you've had a lot on your mind, but we did kiss and we haven't yet talked about it," he said. You looked down at your hands in shame at his words. It was true you and Luke hadn't talked about the kiss at all. You knew it was wrong of you to string Luke and Scott along, but after some thinking you had finally made a decision.

"About that," you started to say, "There was a lot going on between us during that time and I let my emotions get the better of me."

"Don't tell me you choose him," Luke said in a low voice. The smile on his face beginning to fade at your words. "Please tell me you didn't choose Scott. Not after everything we've been through. After everything we tal-"

"No Luke no," you quickly said, cutting him off. You reached out to grab his hand and you let out a shaky breath. "I wanted to just forget about everything that went on between us. All the heartbreak and the pain, but I couldn't," you explained. "You were right. I don't love Scott; I tried to make it work with him but anytime I see his face or he messages me I just get sad. I'm unhappy being with him and I couldn't figure out why." You began to intertwine your fingers with Luke's and then you continued to talk. "Then we kissed and after that I couldn't get the thought of you out of my head. I missed you Luke. I really fucking miss you! I miss waking up to your face every day. I miss having your body lying next to me at night. I miss your smile and how you would make french toast and sausage on a Sunday morning. I miss having you touch me," you were beginning to tear up and you felt Luke squeeze at your hand. "I want you. I love you, Luke and please just-just touch me please," you whined out. You finally looked up at him and used your other hand to wipe away a few tears that had spilled. You were laying it all out on the table now. For the third time you were ready to give Luke your heart once more and all you could do was hope that he was ready to give you his. That he was ready to go through life along with you too.

"I love you too. I always have and always will love you," Luke responded, "I've been waiting so long to hear you say those words again." You smiled in relief watching as Luke lifted your clasped hands up and kissed the back of your hand. "So what're you going to tell Scott? From what it seems like he's not going to let you go that easily," Luke questioned. Especially if you were going to get back together with Luke, Scott wasn't going to take the news well at all. Depending on how the paternity test went Scott could either be in both yours and Luke's lives forever or he'll just go off and find someone new. Your eyes squeezed shut at Luke's words and you shrugged.

"I don't know what I'll say to him. He's away on business right now and I don't want to be that person that breaks up with someone through a text message," you said. In all honesty you hadn't fully thought about how you choosing Luke would affect your relationship with Scott. It was already on a breaking thread, but Luke's question made you realize you didn't exactly know what you were going to tell Scott. "I'll figure it out," you muttered, "In the meantime, I just want to be with you." You had squeezed Luke's hand in return.

"We can do that. I'm with you every step of the way," Luke reassured. He looked down at his empty plate of food then out at the game area. "Should we finish off this date like we used to? Air hockey and skee ball?" he suggested, thumb softly rubbing over your skin. You hadn't realized how long the two of you had actually been eating. Being so engrossed by Luke's story from earlier you failed to realize time was flying by. You shook your head at his question and Luke's eyebrows furrowed in response. "Since when do you pass on a game of getting your ass kicked in air hockey," Luke teased, tugging on your hand as he slid out the booth.

"I always let you win," you commented, smirking when Luke's mouth fell in feigned surprise. "Besides I have something a lot more fun in mind," you told him, eyes beginning to scan up and down his body in lust.

"And what could be more fun than air hockey?" Luke asked, head tilting to the side as he looked at you. Your eyebrows rose up twice at his question and began to chew on your bottom lip in an attempt to stop yourself from voicing what you wanted. You didn't even have to say anything. The look you were giving him said enough and Luke looked genuinely surprised now. "Oh," he muttered, "You want to do that?" You nodded rapidly.

"I've been aroused all day and you looking like that is not helping at all," you admitted. Luke scratched at the back of his neck at your words. Your hormones had been all over the place lately and you desperately needed some type of release. You of course could have done it yourself, but it was almost as if your body craved to have Luke touch you. "Please Luke, I need you." His eyes scanned over your face for a few seconds and Luke licked his lips as his eyes trailed down your body. They flickered back up to look you in the eyes and then flickered down towards your lips. Luke wanted you too.

     The first time you had had sex while you were pregnant, you were seven and a half months along. You could practically remember it like it was yesterday. You had been aroused throughout the day and with much convincing on your part, Luke agreed to do the deed. It was a bit hard to get it on with a large baby bump, but somehow the two of you found a way to make it work. It was both a sweet and funny experience for you and Luke. In the end the two of you were both satisfied. As of now you felt vulnerable to Luke's eyes scanning over your naked body. Your arms wrapped around your body as you attempted to hide yourself from Luke's view. You were nervous. It had been nearly five months since Luke had last seen you naked and you were slowly starting to realize this fact. You avoided his gaze and began to look around at his bedroom to try and distract yourself. Only your attention was brought back to Luke when he grabbed your hands and kissed at your palms. "Hey you're okay," Luke whispered, carefully pulling you towards his body. Your breath hitched in your throat as your chest pressed flush into his.

"I look like cow," you mumbled out in a pout. Luke let out a hearty laugh at your words which only made you frown even more. "It's not funny! I don't feel sexy at all!" you whined, looking down at your protruding stomach with a small glare. Luke's pointer finger rested under your chin and he lifted your face up until you were looking at him.

"You look absolutely stunning," Luke told you, "More beautiful than I could imagine." He leaned down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss and you relished the taste of his lips. The kiss began to grow a lot more passionate and Luke began to move forward which made you step back until his bed was touching the backs of your knees. The kiss broke and Luke dipped his face into the crook of your neck to suck on your sweet spot. You were dripping wet. The arousal between your legs growing as Luke touched you some more. "Lay down on the bed for me," he softly requested, sending a feather like kiss to your temple. The wind felt as if it was being sucked out of you at his gesture and you compiled by turning around and crawling up towards the headboard to allow the pillows to rest under your back. You suddenly felt giddy at the fact that your desires were about to be met.

Luke's lips were back on yours, his tongue slipping between your lips and massaging your tongue. You moaned into the kiss and trailed one of your hands down to grab at his clothed cock. Luke let out a strangled moan at the feeling and the kiss broke so that he was able to kiss the skin at your neck. Luke's lips began to trail further down and soon his kisses that were once desperate and full of need turned tender and full of love. You watched with panted breath as he kissed between the valley of your breasts and then lightly kissed at your baby bump. Your giggle filled Luke's ears and all he could do was grin as he continued to send kisses along your stomach. Soon he was between your legs and your laughter had turned into moans as Luke ran a finger between your folds. "You're soaked," Luke said in a raspy voice, his finger still running between your folds. Your legs shook at the sensation and Luke's head bent down so he could take a tentative lick up your slit.

"Stop teasing," you whimpered, eyes closing in bliss when he took a longer lick and the tip of his tongue played with your clit. You gave Luke a closed mouth moan in return and in response to this sound he took a nip at your clit to elicit a louder verbal sound from you. You could feel his warm breath fan over your core and before you knew it Luke was full on eating you out. "Fuck," you huffed, legs opening further to accept Luke like an award as he slipped a finger inside of your heat. Luke added in another finger, his digits stretching you in the most wonderful way. You wanted him. No you needed Luke badly. Your moans bounced off the walls as he continued to suck at your clit and thrust his fingers. Hips rocking on his fingers as you felt your release approaching fast. Just as you were starting to clench around Luke's fingers he pulled away making you cry out in frustration. "Why are you torturing me?" you sighed out, trying to catch your breath as the pleasure left you. Luke snickered at your words and you watched with hooded eyelids as he took off his boxer briefs. His cock was leaking with precum. Luke stroked at his cock as he searched in his drawers for a condom. It had been a while since he had gotten off and to be buried within you once again had his hair standing up in anticipation. Once Luke had gotten the condom on he climbed back onto the bed. The two of you were once again involved in an intense makeout session. Your lips had to be swollen from how much Luke was nibbling at them and you smiled.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luke whispered, resting his forehead against yours. His eyes opened to look you in the eye and your licked at your lips before softly nodding.

"Yes," you whispered back. Giving him a verbal response. You shifted until you were laying on your side. Your back being pressed up against Luke's chest. After the two of you shifted a bit more, you felt him rub his cock between your folds. Luke slowly pushed in as you let out a choked moan.

"You feel so fucking amazing," Luke whimpered, pushing in even more until he was all the way in. Your breath had increased in pace and your body shook at the sensation. Luke rested inside of you for what felt like forever and soon you felt him slide out till just the head of his cock was in and then slide back in. You began to push back into him to meet his thrusts. Luke began to groan in pleasure and his fingertips dug into your hips as he increased the pace a bit. His large hand was wrapped around your thigh, spreading your legs further apart to as much as it could go. Your skin felt on fire as Luke continued to thrust into you. His face buried into the crook of your neck and Luke nibbled at your skin. He pulled out of you making you whimper at the loss of no longer having him fill you up. The position wasn't doing much for the both of you, but it had done enough. You curiously watched as Luke grabbed at your calves and pulled you towards the edge of the bed. He grabbed a pillow and placed it under the small of your back so that you were comfortable.

"I love you," you hummed feeling him thrust back inside of you, hitting your g-spot this time. Your back arched off the pillow and your hands fisted in the sheets.

"Love you," Luke whispered, leaning down to give you a feverish kiss. He gave you a sharp thrust making a high pitched whimper leave your lips. Luke repeated the action and your legs wrapped around his waist to allow him to go in deeper. Luke's strokes were long and you were starting to see stars as your orgasm approached. You began to whine out in pleasure letting Luke know just how good he was making you feel. Your chest rose and your arms wrapped around Luke's neck, holding him close as you came undone. His thrusts began to lose its steady rhythm, becoming irregular as he chased at his own orgasm. A few swears left his lips as he hunched over, his grip at your hips setting your skin ablaze. You brought Luke into a passionate kiss, catching your breath as you came down from your high. While Luke went to discard of the condom you went to use the bathroom.

You were curled up in bed next to Luke wearing one of his long t-shirts. Your head was resting on his chest and the feeling of his fingers caressing down your spine was making you drift off. Luke's heart was beating fast and you realized the two of you were in the same position you were in about five and a half months ago. Laying semi-naked in his bed and wrapped in each other's arms. Except this time there was a comfortable silence in the air and the two of you weren't talking. The last time you were in this position Luke had proposed. "We're screwed," you yawned, your legs intertwined with Luke's to the point that you couldn't figure out where he began and where you ended.

"How so?" Luke mumbled, sending a kiss to the top of your head.

"I just cheated on Scott and if he finds out I'm sure all hell would break loose," you whispered. Luke licked at his lips at your words and he pinched at your hip.

"I don't care if he finds out. I can handle him don't worry," Luke replied. You just had done the unthinkable, but you knew this was right. You knew who you wanted to be with and was no longer going to deny yourself from happiness. You were going to have a good night's rest. The type of rest you haven't had in such a long time because now you were finally in the arms of someone you loved. 

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