𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐄 |short story (Mj)βœ”οΈŽ

Por sellibeau

18.3K 653 5.3K

|won best short story 2020| Michael is the CEO of a successful business organization who earns millions annua... MΓ‘s

1| One Time
2| Rings
7|Sweet Wine
10| Arias Co.-the end


2.8K 104 752
Por sellibeau

Hᴀʜ, ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɪʟ ɪᴛs ɢᴏɴᴇ


        My heels clicked against the east wing of the building as my head swayed side to side trying to find the correct room number, "Shit." I cursed. I gripped the name tag in my hand and attached it to my blazer and began to walk faster, passing a few people entering an elevator. I contemplated on entering too, but now I might just be lost.

It's my first day of work, working for one of the most successful people in California and I'm late.

I majored in business so I have a keen mind at things. But being on time for things was always a weakness. I straightened out my pencil skirt a little bit and adjusted the buttons on my blazer as I rushed through the sleek dark marble hallways. It's like the first day of school all over again

As I was about to enter another hallway, someone almost bumped into me and I stepped back immediately, "Shit, watch where you're-" I paused and realized she was someone of higher standing than me just by the looks of it. She didn't look like a beginner here

She squinted her eyes at me, "Got somewhere to be? You were damn near running." She chuckles and I checked my watch on my wrist, "Yeah I'm looking for Mr. Jackson's-"

She gasps, "Oh you're Mr. Jackson's new worker! Yes my apologies this way!" She said and started walking down the hallway as I furrowed my brows and followed her. We passed numerous of meeting rooms and people typing vigorously on their computers and everything makes me excited a little. My first serious professional job.

She stops at the door and right away I read the label right outside of it: Jackson's Meeting Room

She was about to open the door but we heard voices, almost as if they were arguing, "Take everything with you and don't come back. Is that clear Ms. Rivera?"

"You're firing me for no damn reason! Why the hell should I-"

"I've told you many times why I'm doing this. You're a distraction in the workplace and I can't have that."

The woman growls at him like a damn bear and roughly opened the door exposing me and the woman I followed and her eyes squinted at mine, "This is the new bitch you fired me to hire?"

"Just go Rivera."

She huffed and pushed her way past me, almost knocking me off my feet. If I wasn't in a professional workplace I woulda grabbed her by her damn hair-

"Destiny who's this?" The man asked the woman who guided me here and right away I read the name tag on his desk by the big windows, this is Mr. Jackson...

He wore an ebony suit and his curly hair was pulled back— half up half down style. His face held a hard authoritative expression on it and his skin...smoother than I've ever seen before-

"T-this is your new office worker sir. Uh.." she pauses and reads my names tag, "Geneva." She says and flashes a nervous smile afterwards

"Huh, another newbie." A woman sitting at the long table in a spinny chair muttered and I made sure to read her name tag too: Ysenia

Mr. Jackson squints his eyes, "She's late. Why's she late Destiny?"

She glanced at me back and forth, "Uh..well-"

"I expect all my workers to arrive on time at all times no matter what. I don't care if you're dying, sick or anything like that. Is that clear?" He asks and his eyes were staring right into mine.

I wasn't intimidated. Actually I was taken back

"Y-yes sir, my apologies." Destiny—his assistant I'm now guessing, says and she elbowed me to say the same but I cocked a brow, "He's not serious is he?" I whispered and she nodded her head, "There's not a time where he's not-"

"No small talk. Geneva, come sit down." He says and I cleared my throat as his eyes proceeded to pierce through mine. I returned the deep look he gave me and straightened out my skirt before sitting down next to a pretty girl with long brown hair: Linda

"Hi." She greets me with a genuine smile and I breathed a breath of relief. Finally, a nice person

I smiled back, "I'm Geneva." I said and she nodded her head, "I'm Linda. And it's said Leenda not the regular Linda. Just a heads up because people say my name wrong all the time. Annoying as hell." She said and I laughed a little, at the same time trying to keep my voice down

"I can relate." I said. But really I don't relate. I just wanted to make a conversation-

"What did I just say? No small talk in my meeting room. We're talking serious business here." Mr. Jackson interrupted us, making the others at the table snicker to themselves

Linda rolled her eyes up at Mr. Jackson, "Oh come on I'm tryna introduce myself for the newbie."

"Enough Ms. Carter." He silenced her and she closed her mouth rolling her eyes

He glanced at me again, biting the side of his lip and cleared his throat, "Alright before we start anything, as you can see there's a new worker working for me and only me in the room. She'll be your new coworker in place of Ms. Rivera. Is that clear?"

The room filled with murmurs of "Got it" "we understand" "she's fine as fuck"

"You ain't gon' survive a second bein' here. Might as well back out." A guy across from my view, Rocky, said, chewing on a piece of gum with a cocky smirk stuck to his lips. Someone then elbowed him, I read the name tag: Lucas

"Man shut up Rocky, be nice she's new." He scolded and smiled at me, making my heart flutter a little

There are some good looking people in this building and I'm happy to make acquaintance

"I'm Lucas. The nicest worker here and the one who's to be promoted soon." He brags and the woman right next to him, Ysenia scoffed, "Oh shut up Luke, don't take all the credit." She said and glanced at me, then rolled her eyes

And there also seems to be mean bitches here too. My experiences with mean bitches aren't really office appropriate-

"Geneva once again, I expect you to be on time at all times under my circumstances. You've missed half of what we were talking about earlier and it's bugging me. Be on time or you're fired. Understood?" He asked me

The room was silent and I squinted my eyes a little fixing my lips to say something disrespectful but I just said, "Won't happen again." With the most smug smile on my face and he squinted his eyes back at me, probably wondering why the hell im smiling

"Might as well fire her now." Ysenia muttered and I heard it clearly. Yeah, this bitch can just catch me on the streets.

Mr. Jackson walked away from the table and slowly paced to his desk, "As you all know, we are currently in competition with my sister's organization, Janet. She's purposely battling me, knowing I have the better benefits but we must be on guard. My team and I decided to start selling merchandise. Like for commercial use." He said and my coworkers groan

"What? We have to come up with ideas to sell things again?" Linda complained

"That's what business is. Selling. Money. Deception. I don't play with my money so you better come up with some good ideas to outrun my sister and kick her out of this business competition. This is oligopoly. I don't play."

The room was silent except for the sound of clicking pens and scribbles against paper

I just sat there looking around everywhere as my smug smile never left my face.

A timer suddenly goes off and everyone starts getting up. I read the procedures and everything but right now since I'm late—I'm lost as fuck

"It's our lunch break." Linda whispers to me and I mouthed "ohh" and got up. I noticed nobody pushed in their seats so just to be a suck up, I pushed mine in and certainly Mr. Jackson caught me. His eyes never left mine as I sauntered out the room and I smirked on my way out

"I'll show you to your area." Destiny says, leading me to the general assembly area with people typing on their computers. "This is your desk." She says, pointing to an area with my name tag. The desk had pens, papers, paper clips etc. any nerds paradise

There was a large black shiny computer in front on it that caught my eye right away. "This is where you'll be most of the time, and when Mr. Jackson wants you all, you go straight to that meeting room. Y-you understand?" She asks me and I nod my head

"This is also where you have lunch. Mr. Jackson purposely does not let his hand picked workers to eat in a proper lunchroom...mainly because there isn't one for y'all."

I nodded my head

Fucking great

"Got it." I plastered my fake smile as Linda sat at the computer next to me

In fact, all my coworkers are around me. We have to sit in the same area outside the meeting room too? This'll be fun. Ysenia sauntered her way to her desk across from mine, holding her lunch which was just a garden salad

Bitches like to eat healthy but me? I'm eating leftover fried chicken and fries from last night. Oops

"Why does Destiny seem..." I trailed off as I leaned into Linda—my obvious new work friend. She smirks, "She's Jackson's assistant and she's completely scared of him. He scares her half to death so she's always jumpy and stuttery n shit."

I nodded my head, "Oh."

"So Geneva, I've been wondering. How would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight? For two?" Rocky asked as he rolled his chair over to my section and I cocked a brow, "Excuse me?"

"Don't listen to this jerk. He does this with all the newbies. Rocky keep your dick in your pants and get lost." Linda said as I laughed to myself. He kissed his teeth, "What? I'm just' makin' small talk with the hot new girl. Ain't my fault she's fine as-"

"Ignore Rocky. He's just messing with you." Lucas said, flashing that all so charming smile again and between him and Mr. Jackson...I have a weak spot

I fluttered my eyes as he took my hand, "You're much too beautiful to be played by Rocky." He said and kissed my hand like we're in some Disney princess movie

From the corner of my eye I see Ysenia squint her eyes at me, "Lucas watch where you put your lips. You don't know where she's been." She comments and I slowly turned my head towards her. I'm tryna keep my cool but I might end up getting fired today

"Do you have a problem with me?" I asked her and she twirled the plastic fork in her hand with a grin, "No. Do you?" She asks

I didn't answer as I turned back around and exhaled.

"Don't worry about her either. She's like that to all the newbies. She may be mean but she'll come around." Linda says "Oh, and Lucas is her ex-boyfriend." She adds


After hearing that my lips just curved into the same grin that was plastered to her face. Maybe I should fuck with Lucas to annoy this Ysenia girl since she already hates me so much

"Geneva!" I heard Destiny's voice call to me as she peeked her head out of a room, "Please come here." She says and I nod my head, biting into a fry before walking over to the room she was located in. The room was labeled, Mr. Jackson's Office

I opened the door, "Close the door." He instantly ordered me and I rolled my eyes doing so.

He beckoned me with his pointer finger like a dog and I slowly walked up to his desk as Destiny stood before me

His office matched the theme of the entire building. A black black ebony theme. The floors were white marble though, but the environment was a dark and rugged—sophisticated and classy. His desk was placed in front of the big view of Cali and he folded his hands staring up at me fiercely

"Here are some papers you are to staple and arrange. Must be done effectively by the end of today." She tells me and I took them out her hands slowly.

"Destiny I want you to give her a tour of my building tomorrow." Mr. Jackson said and she turned back at him with a confused look

"But sir, She was already given her a tour on the day of her interview." She subtly complained and he squinted her eyes at her, making her start her nonsense stuttering again

"I-I mean I will do so happily Mr. Jackson!"

"Is that a problem for you Destiny?" He asked her

"N-no not at all sir! I just thought cuz she already had a t-tour-" she paused once she saw him tilt his head to the side waiting for her excuse

"C-Cuz I'm sure she knows the building already-"

He squints at her again

"G-giving her an entire tour would probably take years-I mean not literal years but y'know hours-not hours but maybe just a l-long time-"

"Out." He interrupted her

"Yes sir." She said and quickly exited the room shutting the door behind her

Good God he scares her

"I want those papers done immediately. Before I leave my building. Is that clear Geneva?" He asks me and I crossed my arms at him instead

"Why don't you call me by my last name like the other coworkers?" I inquired and he raised a brow at me as he unfolded his hands, "I'll call you whatever I want. You work for me."

"But I think it's more professional to call me by my last name." I challenged. He squinted at me the same way he squinted at his assistant and the difference is, I'm not intimidated by it

"Are you questioning my authority?" He asks me, beginning to stand up from his seat

His blazer was off, exposing just his off white button up. His watch had to be about a thousand dollars just looking at the diamonds and his shoes are black Gucci loafers which must've been expensive. Shit-he's the real deal

"And if I am?" I asked and followed his gaze as he walked up to me, and he was pretty close. I could smell his cologne as he almost hovered over me, "You wanna go there with me huh? On your first day?"

I shrugged as my grin became wider and next thing I knew, he was pushing me into the janitors' closet all while his lips were locked to mine and I kicked the door shut with my heels. The room was dark but I felt his presence easily as he fondled me

I unbuttoned every button on his shirt as I felt his hands inch their way up my pencil skirt, "You don't know me Mr. Jackson." I breathed as he kissed up to my neck and but my skin, "Do you fuck every new girl that works for you?" I inquired as I ran my hands down his back and found his belt, beginning to unbuckle it

He chuckled, "No talking." He grunted and let his pants drop to the floor as I grazed the hem of his boxers, "Mr. Jackson." I moaned, "I must say-"

"It's Michael." He corrected me and shut me up by roughly connecting his lips to mine again. He placed my legs over his torso and carried me against the wall as we bumped into various brooms and mops. My hands snake around his neck as I felt one hand grip my ass and his other start pulling down his boxers, "This is pretty unprofessional Michael." I taunted him again as he bit his lip and looked me in the eye

He's not a talker during these things I'm guessing

I felt him dry hump me twice before he began to pull down my pantyhose, then followed by my panties which he handed to me swiftly despite it still being a little dark

"Does Geneva or Ms. Arias sound better for you?" He grunted as I squeezed him down there and I smirked, "Ms. Arias sir." I answered and then I felt him enter

I didn't scream Mr. Jackson this time

I straightened out my pencil skirt again and walked out the janitors' closet as I looked around. Some people were staring but I ignored it. Michael was still in there and decided to exit minutes after me so it won't look obvious we fucked

I laughed in disbelief to myself, I fucked my boss

My heels clicked against the marble floors towards the computers again as I met up with my coworkers. Linda looks at me and sighs with a smile, "Where have you been? You missed like the whole lunch break. And what's on your neck?"

And I grinned


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