Androgynous Royal [Ninjago x...

ynnasenpai द्वारा

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His beauty is unparalleled, his charisma has no limits, his voice can hypnosis you to the great heavens above... अधिक

Character Info.
Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 2: A Chaotic Meeting

1.4K 60 31
ynnasenpai द्वारा

(F/N)'s POV

Who knew, that one day, I would meet the same man from my childhood 10 years ago.

~ Flashback ~

"Your highness, please follow proper etiquette during your tea ceremony with our guest. Your father will be very much displease if he sees you without posture and discipline." This... is my life.

At the age of five, I was force to train by royal traditions on how to be a 'proper princess'. At such a young age, I never get the privilege to have fun, I was far from being free and my fate as a princess sealed it.

"Again Your Highness."

"You're Highness, please stop slouching."

"First Princess, you shouldn't remove your vile! What if someone sees you?!"

"You're Highness, you must learn how to blah blah blah... "

"Today we will be studying the history of the Diamond Empire, it would be bizarre and laughable if the true born Princess would be ignorant on her own family's legacy."

"The Prime Minister was not pleased by your behavior Your Highness. Please do note that, one day your actions my affect our Empire and no Princes will dare to marry you."

I never realize that being a princess can hold you back from being you. And at this moment, I just want to escape my fate.

The next day, I escape.

Third Person's POV

"Have you seen the princess?!"

"Her Highness is gone!"

"Well what are you waiting for? SEARCH THE WHOLE MANSION!"

"Y-Yes Head Maid!"

Scurrying footsteps from several servants from different direction were heard from outside the mansion. There were frantic yells, sounds of shuffling and things dropping. The outsiders can see their panic cause by their shadows on the mansion's traditional sliding door. They were a mess.

If the Emperor finds out one of his children had gone missing then, it'll be off with their heads.

With her luxurious kimono dress dragging from behind, two small feet were running at her fastest as she hides her tiny figure from the guards in every encounter.

It's a good thing that her short statue of a body can easily comoflauge with the small areas around the mansion. Successfully, she manage to escape from her own mansion and walk as sneakily as she can throughout the gate.

"Freedom!" She sigh to herself. Technically, she's not free at all since she's still inside the Diamond Palace however... don't ruin the kid's fun for now. It's temporary but for her, it's worthy.

The little princess leaps with each step as she let her feet takes the lead. She's not sure of where she's going but she wanted to take in every moment of her freedom before they find her.

She was staring at everything her eyes can spot. This is her first time outside from her mansion so she is more than amaze at the luxurious sight of the giant garden full of exotic yet beautiful plants, the unique architecture of the other mansions, the beautiful landscape of each area and of course, the Diamond Palace.

"Woah.... " her eyes can't take off her sight from the Heavenly deluxe palace to each her parents resides. Everything is new to the little princess and she wants to explore more of it.

"One! Two! HA!"

"Three! Four! HIYA!"

"Five! Six! ---"

"Hmm?" Curiosity filled ears followed the sound of a familiar voice from behind the wall. She hummed in curiosity and took a step closer near the mighty walls of their palace. The royal guards were guarding the entrance like usual and getting near them would give away her hiding place. Fortunately, there was a small hole on the wall above the spots she's currently hiding, quite away from any eye's views to see.

Her radiant diamond like eyes peek at the small hole and saw a few familiar faces that she recognize.

"Big Brother?" Her eyes followed every weird movement of her brother. He was holding a long stick and is seem to be dancing, at least that's what (F/N) observes but in reality, the young prince is in the midst of a heated practice session with the both current and former Emperor.

"Papa? Oh! There's Grandpa too!" She squealed rather quietly in joy.

Unbeknownst to the little princess, a curious old man had walk up right behind her distracted form. When the figure's shadow had loom over her small figure, (F/N) was quick to notice that someone had already sneak their selves behind her back and was beginning to feel nervous to the person's identity. "Excuse me but who are you and what are you doing sneaking around?" He ask, (F/N) quickly turned pale and stiff after hearing those questions.

If this person happens to be a member of her household, the guards or the royal family, she's so dead.

She slowly turns her head to the side to speak at whoever had caught her sneaking away. Her diamond-like eyes glisten with small tears, ready to apologize for escaping. She blink her eyes then sigh in relief. Her beating heart had calm down after knowing that it was either who she fears they would be.

She observe the elderly person. He had an enormous long beard, he wears a normal white rode and a straw hat on his head, and lastly he carries around a staff to finalize his look.

The man's eyes widen as he took a closer look at the little princess.

"You must be the other twin." He pointed out and it was at this moment that she knew, she fucked up.

"H-how did you?--- " she cupped her head and realize that she wasn't wearing her veil. It's like her whole world slowed down as her body suddenly turns stiff as a rock.

'I'm so dead.. "

~ End of Flashback ~

It's like fate has brought us back together.

Third Person's POV

That one awkward moment where all you can think of is filling your empty stomach, completely forgetting your table manners, and looking like a pig for eating so loud and fast.

"Um... " The Spinjitzu Master of Creation, couldn't help but sweat drop at the sight in front of him.

Devouring every food on each plates, (F/N) was determine in piling up her hunger, even looking like a homeless fool for acting one. She can't help it though, she was so hungry where she won't hesitant on eating some random tree's bark if she had to.

After slurping the last noodle on her bowl, she quickly called up the waiter for the 34th time. "More please!" Unaware of the dying wallet inside of Master Wu's pocket.

"I'm so glad you found me Master Wu, don't know what I would do if I ever gone a minute without food hehe~" The man only smiled in return as she eats another bowl of ramen.

"Your welcome Your Highness. Think of it as a blessing for doing a great deed for the weak." He said. "And for the bread that you drop."

"You saw that too?" She ask.

"I was buying some HumiliTea at a market near by, and then I happen to saw the commotion. I was about to step in myself but then... " the clear image of (F/N) defending the woman had struck once again in his mind, and he couldn't be happier to see the child he cherish when he was younger. "... you came."

She blush with a smile on her face. "I had what I had to do. It was the right thing after all."

"I'm glad that within the few years of my teaching, you have grown to be a reliable man on your own." She almost chock on her noodles. Of course! She's still wearing her wig and subconsciously talking with a deeper voice. Of course he had mistaken her for his twin brother.

"Actually... about that... "



After a brief explanation...



"Wha-" She quickly covers her breaded mouth and shush him. She look right to left and saw that everyone was minding their own ramen. "Shhh! Master, you're blowing my cover." She remove her hand and fiddles with it.

"I know it seem bizarre and crazy for me to do this but... I have to." She said, head slightly tilted below as she stares at her hands. She's starting to think it was a very bad idea to reveal him her real identity but... her grandfather trusts him the most, more than her father.

"I see." She look up and saw Master Wu with a reassuring smile on his face. "Don't worry Your Highness, your secret is safe with me. After all, you're still the granddaughter of the previous emperor and my best friend. I'm glad you decided to trust me even though we barely interact during your childhood."

"I can't help it Master Wu, I do need to follow the rules." She said, a light giggle escape from her pink lips. "It's nice to have someone to talk to all these months. I've been pretty lonely after I left my home." From her steamy hot noodles, she saw her own reflection which was smiling sadly at herself. (F/N), in her short life of existence had been lonely ever since she first had her conscience as a small toddler. And even if she did have someone to talk, it was only a short amount of words exchange and then back to being lonely again. The ancient rules of the palace is what's preventing her from going out and have fun like normal children do.

Her brother and mother was considerate enough to actually visit her mansion but they too, have to follow the rules and not disturb the princess.

"Your Highne--" she cut him off before he can finish his words.

"You can just call me (Brother's/N)." She quickly added. "Atleast, for now since I am currently disguising as my brother's." She said in a low whisper as to not attract the attention of the nearby customers. It'll be a problem if they hear some juicy secrets.

"Ahh! Sorry Master Wu, that was really rude of me, disturbing you from talking an-- " She quickly apologize as soon as she realize her actions, especially towards a master like Master Wu but the elderly master reassured her with a smile which calm the butterflies inside her. "No need to apologize, I understand." Sighing in relief, she signal him to continue what he was attempting to say earlier.

"(B/N), is there a reason why you're doing all of this? From running away, masking your real identity and venturing to the unknown, what exactly are you aiming for?" Ahh the golden question. Since this is Master Wu we're taking about, the wisest of the wise and most loyal master she's ever met, she is more than relieved in trusting him.

"Actually Master Wu, I do have a reason." Her once soft features suddenly became cold, as she said the following words. "I need to search for someone."


"Um Master Wu?" Worried (E/C) orbs stared at the gigantic ship in front of them. Awed at the sight but also weirded out for she have not seen anything like this in her short life.


"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay? I don't want to be a burden all of a sudden."

"(B/N), though we barely knew each other, I once promise your grandfather I would take good care of you and your brother. And that includes helping you in time of need." She felt touch by his words. She let out a small smile;

"Thank you Master Wu."


"Master Wu, I know you meant well but isn't this a little too much, letting me stay in your... ship?" Living inside the palace her whole life, it is within her that she develops quite a courteous behavior as even the smallest things, she's always gets bashful.

But enough of that, her eyes just witness a ship on land!

"Didn't you told me you live in a temple before?" She ask and the man just chuckle after remembering his old home.

"Ahh, that was a long time ago. This is my new home now." The elderly master pat the young girl's head. "And your's as well, I hope it is to your comfort as this is all I can afford for a princess?" He joke. She let out a small giggle and nug the master lightly.

"Master! I told you not to address me such haha~" It's been a long time since she had let herself loose in front of others, now she's starting to miss her friends.

"Come on, the other's are probably back."

This had suddenly perk her interest. "You live with others?" she ask while they kept walking forward to this seemingly weird ship on land.

"Yes, I live with six rowdy teenagers. One of them is my nephew. All of them are trained ninjas with under my care. I'll introduce you to them once we've reach  inside."

"B...but I'm SHY!" You literally tagged his clothes while giving him one of your cute pout. If anyone would see this, they think he's just a childish teen begging for his granddad some attention, who would've thought that she's a princess in hiding, disguise as her twin brother? But then again, she only acts like to the people she deeply trust.

"Also, what's a ninja?" She added confuse. Being trap in that cage must've robbed her a lot of knowledge about the world. The master sigh, 'She'll know it, when she sees them'

"Now now, being shy doesn't get you any where at this point. You're going to live with us now, it's best if you have new friends to rely on too." Before she could complain more, they reach the top of the deck without her realizing it.

She gulp once Master Wu opened the room, only to see it isolated. They both entered the room, one searching for the companions and the other was amaze at the cool collective display of things she'd never seen before.

"Woah... "

"It seems the other's aren't back yet." He turned to face the distracted female and said; "While waiting for the others, why don't we have some tea for the mean time? Drinking tea with help you digest the food you've eaten earlier." He offered but the female was too amaze at the... television?... to even answer him.

Master Wu chuckled at her innocence behavior before going to the kitchen to prepare their tea.

"What is this weird contraction?" She tap the television and then began pressing some buttons on curiosity. Much to her surprise, it turned on and run it's channel.

"What a strange device... but fairly entertaining." Before she knew it, her curiosity lend the best of her and began exploring the place. Leaving the room, she was meet with things she has never seen before.

There were rooms she won't dare to enter, a training ground filled with tools and equipment, obviously for training muscles or such, then a slightly opened door made her peek inside only to see another large device similar to the one she saw earlier.

"It's the weird contraction again, but bigger this time." Aside from that, there we're buttons everywhere. She gasps at how amazingly weird it looks. Just when she was about to touch them, she heard faint laughing noises and footsteps approaching the area.

She felt her hair raising. "That must be them?" She peek at the door to see their shadows slowly growing at the far corner. She took this as a chance to run as quietly as she can back to where she was previously at, before they get a chance see a stranger touching their stuffs.

Right when she was about to turn right, she felt a sudden force collide with her body, pulling her downwards with it.

"A-ow." She opened her eyes only for them to grow wide as she stared face to face with a naked woman beneath her. The girl was as wide eyed as she is.

'Oh shoot!' Face growing a darker shade of red, she stood up and stumble backwards while mumbling incoherent words of embarrassment and shame.

'Oh God! She must've think I'm total pervert now. Forget about first impressions now! A woman's body is sacred and will only be seen and touch by the man she loves. Now that another 'man' had touch her, how will she face it for the rest of her life?!' Even if it's a small touch, she deeply remembers the sacred traditions for every women in her old country.

"I-I-I! t-that was! I d-didn't m-mean to um!! I was e-explor--"

"You are... Master Wu's guest?" She spoke, successfully cutting the female with her mumbling slash stuttering.

Now that she had gotten a closer look of her, she notice her youthful look that resembles someone near her age, hair soaked from water and a towel warp to hide her body...

She face the other direction to respect her privacy and nod. "Yeah, yes I am."

She held up a smile at his shy demeanor. "Master Wu told me earlier." Phew, she sigh in relief, at least somehow the worst part's over. She notice that they were still sitting on the floor, she stood up and held he hand. She comply and (F/N) hoist her up.

After letting her hand go, she remove her long blazer and offered it to the girl while not looking at her. "T-thank you." He's kind gesture and gentlemen behavior made her somehow taken aback as she'd barely see a stranger with a kind heart. Even after he had almost seen her naked, he just blush and back away immediately. Normally other people would've taken advantage of her but seeing him like this and even offered her jacket was seriously heartwarming.

After being covered by her oversized blazer that reached her knees. The man she dump earlier began to spoke, but this time, without any stutter. "I apologize for the unexpected turn of events... I shall leave you to dress yourself in private." Not once did he face her, and to Nya, it was admiring, but also challenging as a man to not look at a naked beauty's body.

"I'll go meet with Master Wu, have a good evening m'lady." He close his eyes and bows his head. It was at this moment where Nya took the chance to examine his features.

Long thick eye lashes that was nicely curled naturally, checks slightly flushed, slightly thick eyebrows, youthful look with no signs of pores or pimples, and a small refine nose. For a guy, he sure looks pretty.

Nya never imagine that the person Master Wu was talking about was a fine young man. She thought it was another old man with a long beard like him but then again, she's not complaining at all.

"I-it's oka--" The area suddenly started shaking. To Nya, it was a normal thing as the ship is about to float in air so she stood her ground but for the unknown man in front of her, the guy stumble on his feet and once again trip, landing on Nya as the two of them blush at the proximity of their faces.

"I-I'm sorry." She could tell that the unknown man was about to explode in embarrassment just by how red he looks.

"It's fine." Right when he was about to stood up, the worst case scenario happened; someone just walk right into them.

"You should've seen Jay's face when that kid kick his balls--" The five newcomers momentarily stop chatting once they saw Nya being pinned down by a man.

(F/N)'s POV

I did not wish for this to happen.

Not at all...



One second I was just wondering inside this ship and the next time I know is that five angry men are literally pointing their weapons at me.

"Who are you and what the heck were you doing with Nya?!" I swear I didn't do anything. Master Wu, where are you?! Help me before they kill me!

"What type of bad luck had I run too?"

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