
By dmlanuti

327 15 3

A now sixth grade boy named Xavier Maybrook gets life changing news that will effect his life dramatically. More



122 5 0
By dmlanuti

When I woke up this morning, I was filled with this excitement and nervousness that couldn't be explained. The night before, I had made and packed my lunch: Peanut butter and jelly with a lemon soda, heavenly. All I had to do this morning was get showered and dressed. Once I did that, my bus was almost at my stop. My bus picks me up at 7:15 am. My mom was emotional (as always) when she sent me off. She placed a warm kiss on my cheek (which probably left a big lipstick smear on my face), and handed me a baggie of my medication. She hugged me and sent me off. When she hugged me, her scent filled me with happiness an releived andy worries and doubts I had about today. She smells like lilacs and carnations. It's a pretty smell, just like her. My dad was already at work so my mom had to bring me to my bus stop. We got there just in time because as soon as we got there, the giant yellowish-orangey school bus pulled up. As I got on, I looked at my mom, who was still crying, and said "I love you, see you later, bye mom!" I sent a big smile her way, and she returned it.

Middle School is the place where you find out who you are (so I have heard). I have been so excited for all of the freedom I will get through these three years. Sixth grade already, wow. But the buliding is so huge, and the 8th graders are so tall, and the teachers are so strict! Well, I don't know because i haven't walked through the doors yet... Here it goes... Oh my goodness, this buliding is perfect! I love it! It's beautiful! Then, something catches my eyes, rather, someone. Carmon Tadith. She runs up to me, being my friend, and sqeezes me so tight I could sufficate! "Avi!" That's everyone's nickname for me. "How have you been? How was your summer? Isn't this school amazing?" She always asks way too many questions for me to answer. But to be fair, I always answer the last one "Yeah, this school is incredible!" "Lemme' see your schedule." I zip open my book bag, take it out of my blue folder, and hand it to her. She smiles, "We have 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 9th period together!" I am so happy I get to start this year with a friend "That is awesome! Where is your locker? I wonder if they placed us near each other." She grabs my hand, "C'mon!" She pulls my arm all the way to the second floor and points to a locker that is right next to her 1st period teacher's classroom. I look around and find that my locker is right across the hall. "And here is mine!" I point at the one with the numbers "1217" on it. She smiles her huge smile. "Yes!" she screams, even though over the sound of everyone's chatting it sounds like a whisper. First bell rings. "We should get to home room" she says. I agree with her, we hug, and she slips into her classroom.

I step into my classroom. Alec and Parker both have homeroom with me! They come over, pat me on the back, and plop me into a seat right in between the two of them. "I can't beleive we are already in Middle School!" Alec says extremely loudly from my left. Parker responded, "Yo, it's insane!" They both laughed, I kind of faked one out. "You are being a little too quiet today. Why?" Alec says with a confused look on his face. Luckily before I can answer, My homeroom teacher starts speaking. "Hello students, My name is Mrs.Jackson. I will be your homeroom teacher for all three years of your middle school career. I feel tha-" "Career? Doesn't that mean job? Because I didn't choose it and I don't get paid to do it either." some girl in my class says with disgust. The girls I assume are her friends chuckle under their breath. Mrs. Jackson walked up to the girl, "I'm sorry, who are you?" "I'm Maria Skot. it's spelt S-K-O-T but sounds like Scott, S-C-O-T-T. Get it?" She high-fives her friends and smiles wide. "Well Maria Skot, you should keep your mouth closed if you want to do well, Get it?" The look on Maria Skot's face was priceless! She got so mad. "I'm sorry class for that... interruption. Now we are going to go around the class, say our names, and what we enjoy. Let's start with you..." I closed my eyes and blocked out the sound, it's good to take a break. I think of Carmon. I've been thinking about her a lot lately. Mostly because I've missed her over the summer, we never got to hang out because she spent her summer country-hopping. She went from Mexico, to France, to Italy, to even Jamaica I think. She definitely looked tanner than last June. When Carmon found me before, I almost let out a sigh of relief 'she's here'. I missed her bright blue eyes, her red curly hair, her small nose with freckles across it, and her soft smile. She was always pretty-

"This is the third time I'm asking you this and I'm not asking again, please tell your classmates your name and something you enjoy." Mrs. Jackson was looking directly at me, how long was I thinking about Carmon? "Um, my name is Xavior Maybrook, and I enjoy Carmon-" people were giggling and snickering. I had to save myself, "I mean like Karmin, like the band... I enjoy their music." too close Avi, too close. "Well welcome Xavior. Now you," she was now talking to Parker, did I miss what Alec had to say? I was zoned out for a while... "I'm Parker Phillips, and I enjoy Netflix and Nutella." Our class found that amusing, it's good that he got their attention away from me. "Now we are done going through the class," already? "Let's just play a getting to know you ga-" an annoying high-pitched sound came through the building, home room is over! Everyone started picking up their stuff, and exiting the classroom very quickly, I understand why. The time we have to get from class to class is three minutes. "Everyone knew you were talking about Carmon Tadith." says a snobby voice from behind my back. I turn around only to see that it is Maria Skot. I was going to say something really tough, well-thought, and clever but all I could let out was an "oh". She smirks and then covers it up with a judgmental face with her lips pressed together so hard, they turned white. "I have to go..." I say as I walk away from her. "Where? To see Carmon? Ha!" and I step out of the classroom.

I wait by Carmon's locker to meet her before second period. I spent a good 2 minutes waiting until she finally got in my view around the corner. "Hurry up!" I yell to her from across the hall. When she hears my voice, she looks up, and starts running towards her locker and me. When she quickly got to my locker, she had to catch her breath, but then started taking stuff out of her book bag just as fast as she was putting stuff in it. "I love my first two teachers" she says, while putting the last of her stuff in her bag. "I hate a girl in my home room, Maria Skot." I say with hatred. "Ugh! I hate her!" says Carmon. "We used to be best friends in 2nd grade, but then I grew closer to you and apart from her. She ended up turning mean, so I'm glad we didn't stay close." I couldn't believe that CARMON was once friends with MARIA. "Are you being serious?" I asked her with shock. "Unfortunately, yes." I must've looked like a deer in headlights at that point because, Carmon took a glance at me, then started giggling. I started to laugh too. "We have to get to second period." and all that Carmon could do was nod her head in between sets of laughs.

We got to the classroom right before the bell. Carmon took a seat next to me, and started unpacking. I did the same. Carmon took a quick look up, and said to me, "You didn't tell me that she got a job!" While I was rumbling through my book bag, I asked "who?" I saw Carmon open her mouth to tell me, but then the teacher started talking. "Hello students, my name is Mrs. Maybrook. I will be your sixth grade English teacher." Carmon looked towards me with a concerned face, "your mom." I look up to only see my mom, Mrs. Maybrook, looking directly at me, smiling the goofiest smile. My jaw dropped to the ground. All I could do is face Carmon, cringe, and whisper "oh no..."

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