Olivia's Crazy Life - An SVU...

By Happy2BeDee

6.3K 142 109

Current season. Olivia's life after Elliot... but then he comes back, and a whole bunch of crazy happens! Wil... More

An ordinary day
Dumping Dickie
The plot thickens
Wrapping it up

Getting what she wants

1K 28 37
By Happy2BeDee



Twenty minutes later, Olivia stood nervously in a corner booth at the diner a couple of blocks from her house while she sipped a mug of tea. Little Kathy was happily eating a muffin while coloring. "What's taking so long?" Olivia said to herself as she anxiously looked at her watch. She smiled when she saw the person she was waiting for walk through the door and over to the booth. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show!" Olivia confessed.

"Are you kidding? My best friend calls and says she needs me and it's urgent, of course I'd show!" she said before she hugged Olivia tight and took a seat across from her in the booth. "What a cutie pie! You babysitting?" she asked Olivia.

"No, she's mine." Olivia said, beaming.

"Uhh, come again?" Dani Beck said, in a bit of shock. She and Olivia had become best friends since Dani left in season eight – I mean since Dani left the special victims unit. Dani had walked into a bar where Olivia was one night. At first it was tense and they just sat there trying to ignore each other. But after a couple beers, they loosened up and began to talk, realizing how silly it was to dislike each other and by the end of the night they were commiserating over what an ass Elliot is. It was as if they were the sisters that neither of them ever had, but wanted so desperately.

They had been through everything together since then. Dani was the maid of honor at Dickie and Olivia's wedding and Olivia was godmother to Dani and Dean Porter's two year old daughter that Dean INSISTED they name Olivia – you know, to honor their friendship and he proudly got a huge tattoo across his chest that read 'OLIVIA 4EVER!' to honor the woman he lo- his daughter! Though, Dani probably should have been suspicious when he got an even bigger tattoo that says 'BENSON IS LIFE!' to cover his entire back and explaining that it was in honor of his favorite tv show when he was a kid. On Dani's last birthday, she and Olivia got BFF tattoos with each others' names on their wrists! Their bond was unbreakable!

"She's Dickie's." Olivia told her. Dani looked on incredulously at the café au lait colored little girl before turning to Olivia.

"Dickie's what?"

"Dickie's daughter, duh! Her mother said we could have her but Dickie doesn't want anything to do with her!"

"Um, Olivia"

"I know, I couldn't believe it either! He says I have to give her back."

"maybe you should think about that."

"Dani, I can't! Don't you get it? Six hours ago, I had nothing to live for in this world!"

"Uhhh, Dickie?"

"Right. Six hours ago, I had one thing to live for in this world. But now, I have two! When this little girl walked into my life this morning, she changed me! I'm not the same person I used to be!" Dani just sat there, a blank yet confused expression on her face.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"We've already bonded. Do you know what she called me before you got here? Miss Olivia. She called me Miss Oliva! You tell me how I'm supposed to let her go after that!"

Dani was at a complete loss for words. She knew better than to try to dissuade her best friend when she was this passionate about something so instead…

"Okay, so how are you going to convince Dickie?"

"That's why I called. Can you watch Kathy for about an hour?" Olivia asked as she grabbed her purse.

"Her name is Kathy?"

'Yeah. After his mother. Isn't that sweet?

"Sure. Where are you going?"

"To convince Dickie!"



There were loud, high-pitched screams of pleasure coming from the bedroom as the bed's headboard banged hard, repeatedly against the wall.

"YES! YES! OH GOD, OH MY GOD! YEEESSSSS!" Dickie screamed as Olivia straddled him, riding him mercilessly. Finally, he could take no more and exploded inside her, screaming even louder as he came. Olivia smiled and rolled off him, knowing that her mission had been accomplished.

"What color do you want to paint her room?" Dickie asked through labored breaths. Olivia laughed then kissed him. "Pink." She said as she got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Dickie continued to lay there, unable to move and trying to uncurl his toes.



Olivia walked through the church doors. She was confused as to why they were meeting here of all places. She never really felt comfortable in churches, especially not with the huge mangled Jesus staring down at her from that life-sized cross above the altar! "Sheesh!" She looked around the church until she saw him. He was sitting there in an empty pew. It was mid-morning and the whole church was practically empty. When he noticed her, he smiled and motioned with his head that she should follow him. She did, and found herself entering the confessional. She nervously took a seat upon entering the dark booth.

"Elliot, what is this about?"

"I know that I'm the last person you want to talk to, but please, just hear me out." He said from the booth adjacent to hers. If only he knew how wrong he was. Though she was happy with Dickie, Olivia never stopped loving Elliot. The fact that they'd had no contact these last 3 years was all him, which was why she'd been completely shocked and confused when her phone rang last night as she was leaving the 1-6. She froze when she heard his voice on the other end. He'd wanted to meet with her last night but she couldn't and so they'd agreed upon this morning. She was driving herself crazy wondering what he wanted after all this time.

"I'm listening."

"It was Kathy. I didn't contact you all this time because…she convinced me that it would be best for everyone if I didn't."

"So what's changed?" he was silent for a long moment.

"She left me, for good this time."

"I've heard that before."

"Yeah, well, this time it's different."


"She left me for another man, Liv."

"What? When? Who?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"A month ago. Some loser ex con she met volunteering at a halfway house. William Lewis. She's crazy about him, says he excites her. Why the hell does she need excitement at her age?" Olivia couldn't believe her ears. Perfect Kathy ran off?

"I talked to her about 2 weeks ago." He continued. "She finally picked up her phone but rushed me off saying they were busy. He had to get cigarettes and stop by the hardware store before they went camping. Then she screamed at me and told me to just let her be happy and never call her again.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, Liv, I want another chance. I know I messed up but I need you! I never stopped needing you…I never stopped loving you!"

"Don't say that!" There were tears in her eyes, then silence between them.

"I saved them."

"Saved what? What are you talking about?"

"Your messages. Every call, text, email…I saved them all."

"Oh, El!" he had gotten them all. She felt so warm inside, and it wasn't just the Whiskey she'd drank to calm her nerves before coming here.

"Every iMessage, every facebook, every tweet, every instagram."

"El…that's so beautif-"

"Every vine, every snapchat, every Kik, Keek and – "

"I GET IT, you saved them!"

"I saved them because I love you, Liv. Come back to me!"

"El, do you have any idea what you're asking me to do?"

"Yes. Leave him. Leave my son and love me! We can make it work, you, me and Kathy. We'll be a family, just the three of us…oh, and Eli. She left him too!"

"Elliot…what about Dickie?"

"Fuck Dickie!

With words that poetic, how could any girl resist? "Oh El, I love you!" she exclaimed, tears streaming her face. She had prayed for this day to come. The day that Elliot Stabler would finally realize that SHE was the woman he couldn't live without. Riding around with him in that car and screwing him behind Kathy's back all those years had finally paid off! She wasn't even mad anymore about the 7 abortions he'd forced her to have over the years because he couldn't risk Kathy finding out. NOOO, Kathy could NEVER find out about his dirty little secret. Then he would have to audacity to rub it in her face every chance he could that she wasn't a mother. You don't get it, you're not a mother! Your opinion is invalid, you're not a mother! Shut the fuck up, and stop crying, you're going to the clinic and I don't wanna hear another goddamn word about it, YOU ARE NOT A MOTHER! But hey, the past was the past, right? And she would never hold it against him. He was the love of her life and she would forgive him anything.

"I want this. I'm gonna need some time to break it to Dickie, but, let's do it!"

"So you're not creeped out by the whole 'me being your Father-in-law' thing?"

"It's just a formality."

"Hey, Liv?"

"Yes El?"

"Can I bang you now?"

"Yes El."

He came into her booth and they did it, right there in the confessional, hard and sloppy! Afterwards as they left the church, he stopped to dip his hand into the holy water and cross himself.

S/N: the Priest might wanna change that water!


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