Snake In The Grass (Sander si...

By lifeisshitthanks

61.8K 2.5K 1K

Virgil is a dark side. Hated by Roman, ignored by Logan and Patton...well Patton loves everyone. Him and the... More

(1) The Dark Side💜
(2)The light side❤️
(3)Letting Him Go💛
(4) Lettimg him in. 💜
(5) He's one of us now.❤️
(6) Im here for you❤️
(7) A visit from an old friend💜
(8) Accepting Anxiety❤️
(9) Once a Snake💜
(10) The Unofficial Breakup💛
(11) what now?💜
(12) Can I Maybe Take You On A Date?❤️
(13) Purple Haired Boy💜
(14)It wasnt my fault you fucked up💛
(15) A plan 💛
(16) Somethings up with Patton
(17)Staring Into His Autumn Eyes💜
(18)The End 🖤
(19) No one Teaches you how to cope with heartbreak.💛
(20) Is it to much to ask for a happy moment?💜
(21) Nervous❤️
(22) Where would we be without Patton?❤️
(23) A FairyTale Ending❤️
(24) You didnt think he meant it, Right?💜
(25) Whats Going On
(26) A family reunion.❤️
(27)A snake in the grass💜
(28) Thats What Best Friends Are For💙
(30) Lets Make A Deal❤️
(31)We'll Be okay💛
(Im sorry again) not an update but please read
(32) Hold a White Flag High💙
(33) The Letter💛
(34) A Truce?💜
(35) Welcome To The Light Side💛
(36) Still Family💜
Another update
Another important update

(29) Brotherly Love💚

983 39 21
By lifeisshitthanks


Remus hadn't left the dark side of the mind palace since exposing Virgil to his brother. He felt extreme pleasure once he did it. That was exactly what that little shit deserved is all he could think to himself. He had one job to do one simple job! He didn't think twice about Him or Deceit just left them in the dirt so he could go and be happy, he left Deceit completely broken hearted still in love with him after everything that had happened and Deceit still didn't love Remus the way he Loved Virgil after everything he's ever done for him.

That's why he lied to him that day. When he said Deceit only said all that stuff so he would come back. Because they needed him for the plan. Not because he actually cared about him.Truth being told he had no idea that he even went looking for him in the first place. The moment Virgil told him he wanted to scream. Deceit still loved him after everything he had put him through. The little Bastard left! He left them all alone and didn't care! And he still loved him!

Remus sat in his room thinking about it. He couldn't stop thinking about it since he saw Roman and Virgil that day in the living room. And although it sounded horrible to say, well not that he  even cared it was horrible he couldn't have been happier to hurt Virgil like that, he couldn't stop replying the look on both their faces, the shock and hurt and fear coming from Virgil and the pure anger in his brothers face, he wanted to laugh at the sight.

He didn't think he could have hated anyone more then his brother. When the pair had become a part of the mind palace they got on so well. Roman forever laughed at Remus's wicked and sometimes gruesome sense of humour and the two were inseparable. But then they were separated and didn't see each other for a very long time.

Then they met again.

Only for a brief moment really. But Roman treated him like dirt. Like they weren't family. He said horrible things. About them all, but mostly Virgil and him. He never really picked on Deceit. Not long after that he went back to his room where no one could see him and locked the door so no one would barge in on him and he cried.That was the first time Remus had ever cried.

And he hadn't seen him from that moment until he appeared in Thomas's video.They all treated him like dirt. Like he had crawled out of a sewer Even Virgil.

And look. Remus knee that Virgil and him were not the best of pals. But if he ever needed Virgil or vice versa they'd always have each other's backs. But ever since that day where he kissed Roman and refused to come back to the dark sides it was 100% clear in Remus head that he hated him more then he hated his brother. And that was a lot of hate.

He hated him for hurting Deceit. He hated him for hurting him. He hated him mostly for the fact that Deceit was so madly in love with him and not Remus. He hated him and all the light sides for the fact he didn't have a brother anymore. He hated them all for the fact that they were left living in a crappy, shitty, brutally horrible dump of a house that smelled and it was cold and dark rather then in a good home just like Thomas's like the rest of them.
He hated that they were treated like dirt because of how they were made and yet somehow Virgil gets seen to in a whole different light but the other two are left for dirt.

Remus decided he would do everything possible to bring them all down. To make them all suffer.
He grabbed his stuff and teleported. He felt dizzy and sick and had to stop for a brief moment to clear out his head after the teleportation. The bright lights of the lights sides home were practically blinding compared to the dark and dim half broken ones from the dark side.

'Okay Remus. Your here now just don't get caught by the others. And don't let Deceit find out you were here.'He thought to himself. He sprinted down the corridor to find a more hidden spot where he could teleport again without being seen. He found a small little closed of corner. He concentrated as hard as he could. He never teleported twice within such a short space of time.

He managed it though.

"What the hell are you doing here!" A voice yelled. The room wasn't clear to him at all so he had no idea where he was but he knew that voice all to-well. Slowly he gained back his vision and all he could see was red. He looked over to the desk beside him where his brother sat writing in a journal.

"Why Hello Roman." He said grinning widely "Its lovely to see you too."

"Get the hell out of my room you good for nothing little-." He went to start cussing him out but Remus cut him off.
"Ah Roman now that's not some very Brotherly love now is it?" He mocked a pout and plopped himself down on the four poster bed making himself comfortable.
"What the hell do you want Remus! Why are you here!" Roman said and he almost seemed worried.
"Can I not see my own brother?" He said mocking curiosity. Roman sighed. He was getting frustrated.
"I thought you might just want to have a chat. Maybe we could strike up a deal?" Romans' head turned to look at Remus properly. "What on earth do you mean?" Remus grinned and patted the seat next to him on the bed. "Sit down dear brother. We have a lot to catch up on."

Word Count
1003 words.
Heyyy I know it's been a while! (And again this is kinda short). I finished exams just the week before the Christmas break so decided to give myself a while to enjoy my last week of school with friends and take a break from all the studying and then spend some time with friends I don't get to see much inside of school and my family. Hope you all had a good Christmas if that's what you celebrate! If not I hope you all just had a good couple of weeks.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! We get to see a bit more of the Stinky Boi and his feelings about everything that's going on.
Anyway a bit of a question time

Do you think he deserves to be angry?

What do you think will happen between him and Roman?

Will the light sides and the dark sides war ever end?

And most importantly

Anyway that's it for this chapter I hope you all enjoyed

Thanks again for reading
Vote comment and share!
Have a good day


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