By Weebyhumanbean

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BOOK 2 OF THE LAST LAUGH! COVER ART AIN'T MINE This is an alternate story to FGOD Error: the last laugh. What... More



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By Weebyhumanbean

He sat in the endless white abyss he called home. It was all he had ever known; all he could trust. Wait. This isn't right. Haven't we been here before? Haven't we done this before? No. I must be mistaken. Still... something's not right here... oh well. I must continue.

Though, even though this is his supposed "safe space", he still wasn't protected from Fate, the voices, or Ink. Funny... how someone can call something "safe" when it really isn't. Buuut, that's just the package deal of being the destroyer. You're never safe.

He longed for all his pain, suffering and loneliness to just subside and let him be! He wanted to enjoy life too! However... Error knew that he just couldn't have nice things. Fate wouldn't allow him to.

Error is Fate's favourite puppet. She did whatever she pleased with him. She used him to satisfy her sadistic mind. That included a LOT of torture. Wait... why is Fate pink...? Wasn't she blue before...?

When Error had free time, he would crochet, talk to his puppets and rant, and listen to the harsh words of the voices. What else was there to do when you're not wanted anywhere else? Error knew from the bottom of his shattered soul that the anti-void was where he belonged. And, the anti-void was where he'd stay. If he went anywhere else, the Sanses would scream at him, beat him, or straight up call Ink. However, one AU was different. Underswap. The Sans of that AU was incredibly gracious towards Error, even though he was the destroyer. Seeing Blue gave Error the will to continue on for another day.

But, Blue's brother... was a different story. So, Error didn't stick around for long. He was in his anti-void 77% of the time. Afterall; the voices never affected him PHYSICALLY, only mentally. Error was okay with that. He knew the voices were right about him anyway. So why deny them and try to block them out?

The abuse continued. His sanity began to reduce to zero. Anger, pain and jealousy overtook him. When Ink had attacked him, he didn't fight back. But now? Now, he was too messed up to care who the victims of his strings were.

Ink smacked him with broomie? Error smacked Ink back with his glowing blue strings. Fell punched him in the face? Error punched back. Mafia shot him? Error shot back. He was done.

Error never hurt anyone severely. Just a few scratches and small bruises. Then, when he saw his opportunity, he fled. Error's injuries compared to everyone else's... Error's were FAR worse. He had cracks all over his bones, ribs fell off, bones were snapped out of the joint and broken... but the weird thing is... only 64% of his injuries were from Ink. As time passed, Ink became less and less interested in fighting Error. Both of them were tired.

Error noticed Ink's lack of creation, and his sanity and happiness slowly crept back. Nightmare didn't like that very much, but was secretly relieved Error caught more time to sleep, do the things he liked, and visit him more. As for Ink...? He was stressed. He began to create less and less. Error destroyed less and less. Ink noticed that Error was barely destroying anymore. Error noticed that Ink was barely creating anymore.

Little did Ink know...

That he would uncover the truth due to his case of ARTISTS BLOCK.

"Heh... just wait until I ruin this timeline~"

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