

204K 6K 366

Autophobia is defined as the specific phobia of isolation; a morbid fear of being egotistical, or a dread of... More



4.3K 128 10

Kelley's POV

"Hey Mom." I say into the phone.

"What's wrong Kelley?" Mom asks.

"Jordyn and I had a fight."


"Her meeting you guys."

"Kelley you're going to have explain more than that." My Mom says causing me to sigh.

"Jordyn asked why I wanted her to meet you guys and I told her that I wanted my family to meet my girlfriend."

"Which we both know is partially a lie."

"Damn Mom." I say.

"I'm just telling you the truth." Mom says. "And watch your language young lady."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Now why did you have a fight?" Mom asks causing me to sigh.

I explain to my Mom why Jordyn and I fought and needless to say she thinks I'm an idiot too.

"I get it Mom." I say to get my mom to stop talk. "Okay I get I fucked up. I didn't mean to hurt her, it just do I fix this?"

"I can't answer that Kelley." Mom says. "You have to be a big girl and fix this yourself."

"I don't know if I can." I mumble.

"Do you love her?" Mom questions.

"Mom we've only been dating for a month." I say.

"Sweetie there's not a right time or a wrong time to fall in love so, Kelley Maureen O'Hara, do you love her?" Mom questions again.

"Yeah Mom." I say and involuntarily smile. "I do."

"Then show her you love her."


"That's up to you Kelley." Mom says. "Only you know how to show Jordyn you care for her and love her."

"What if I can't fix it?" I ask.

"Then you can either break up with her and move on or you can spend your whole life making sure Jordyn know's you love her."

"So what your saying is I need to woman up."

"Exactly." My mom says.

"Thanks Mom." I say.

"Of course sweetheart...And we want to meet her properly again Kelley. Not because you want us to watch her, but because you want us to know the woman who holds your heart."

"Yes Ma'am." I say.

"Now go get your girl."

"You got it Dude." I say then hang up.

Once I hang I grab my things then search the hotel trying to find my girlfriend.

At least I hope she's my girlfriend still.

When I don't find her I head to Tobin's room and knock on the door.

"Hey Kels." Tobin says.

"Hey Tobs have you seen Jordyn?" I ask.

"I thought she was with you."

"We got in a fight, Jordyn walked away from me, and now I don't know where she is."

"If something's happened to her I'm kicking your ass." Tobin says then she sighs, picks up her phone, and calls my girlfriend. "Hey Jordyn."

- - - - -

Jordyn's POV

"Hey Toby."

"Jordyn where are you?" Toby asks through the phone

"I think I'm still in Paris." I say as I look around.

"Well what do you see?"

"Uh......Hold on one second." I say when someone approaches me.

"Are you lost sweetie?" The woman asks.

"Uh I think so, but my cousin's on the phone." I say.

"Would you like me to talk to them?"

"Sure." I say and hand the woman my phone


- - - - -

Tobin's POV

"HAO?" I question then I realize where my cousin is so I face palm. "Fuck's sake."

"Tobin do you know this woman?"

"It's my cousin." I say.


"Keep her there." I say and start gathering my things. "I'll be there soon."

"Alright see ya soon." HAO says then we hang up.

"Where is she?" Kelley asks.

"You're not coming." I say then look at the red head. "You're staying here and the only way you'll be seeing Jordyn today is if she wants to see you."

I collect my things, kiss my wife, then leave the room and head out of the hotel. Once out of the hotel I get in one of the rentals then I head to the Trocadéro.

20 minutes later I arrive so I park then get out and head to the Fox Sports set.

"H-Hi Toby." Jordyn shyly says as I approach her

When I get close to Jordyn I wrap her in my arms and tightly hug her.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." I say and Jordyn nods.

I then look to HAO and mouth thank you to her to which she nods then heads back to her job.

My cousin and I break our hug and I go to hold Jordyn's hand, but she cowers away from me.

"Hey." I softly say. "I'm not mad at you Bubba. I just wanna get you back safely to the hotel."

Jordyn nods so I lead her back to the car then we head to the hotel.

When we get to the hotel I park the car then we head into the lobby and catch an elevator.

While we're riding up to our floor Jordyn randomly hugs me.

"I'm sorry Toby." Jordyn says and sniffles.

"It's okay Bubba." I softly say as I run my fingers up and down her back. "You're safe and that's all I care about."

"Do I have to see Kelley?"

"That's up to you." I say. "She's probably still in my room with Christen."

"Okay." Jordyn says as the elevator door opens.

When the elevator fully opens Jordyn and I get off then we head to my room.

"JORDYN." Kelley then she runs at my cousin.

My cousin hides behind me which causes Kelley to stop in her tracks.

"Sit." I command and point to the bed.

Kelley wordlessly sits on the bed then Jordyn and I walk further in the room. Once we get to the beds Jordyn sits on the bed Kelley is on, but she sits as far away as possible.

A minute or two later Jordyn and Kelley start talking about their fight so Christen and I listen.

"Baby I really really really like you and I don't want anything to happen to you." Kelley says. "When I said I wanted them to keep an eye on you I meant that I wanted them to be able to help you if the match got to much for you."

"You said I act like a four year old." Jordyn says.

"I'm so sorry I said that." Kelley says.

"Still said it." Jordyn mumbles.

"Yes I did and I will forever regret saying it."

"As you should." I mumble.

"You're sleeping on the floor tonight." Jordyn says.

"What ever you want." Kelley says.

"And no kisses until I say so."

"Okay." Kelley mumbles.

"Come on Jordyn." Christen says and grabs my cousin's hand. "Let's go to dinner."

Jordyn nods then she lets my wife lead her to the dining room.

Once the two of them are gone I get right in kelley's face.

"If you ever make Jordyn feel like that again I will make sure you never step foot on a pitch again. Understood?" I say and Kelley quickly nods. "Good, Now go suck up to my cousin."

Kelley nods and quickly leaves the room then I take a deep breath.

What a day.

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