Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

178K 5.5K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124

Part 75

1K 37 7
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hi everyone.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you've all had or are having a wonderful time with your families and friends. Here's a little Christmas update for you all!
Enjoy x

*Dakota's POV*

I've been up since 5:30 with Charlotte, she's gotten a bit of a cold. But I've settled her to sleep again and I'm prepping dinner for later whilst I get the chance. I hear footsteps in the hallway that soon enough make their way to the kitchen to me.

"Morning baby.. you're up early?" Jamie yawns, frowning a bit as he wraps his arm around me. "Charlotte isn't well.. she had me up early" I pout, leaning to kiss him. "Merry Christmas" I grin kissing him again as he grins back.

"Merry Christmas baby.." he rubs my back before making himself a coffee, he asks me but I say no. "I'll get Dulcie up, she can see that Santa came" he smiles and I nod. "She's going to be so excited.." I giggle and then pout as Charlotte begins to whine.

"I'll get her, you go get Dulcie up" he smiles, kissing me once more before going to Charlotte. I head to Dulcie's room where she's sleeping soundly. Kneeling at the side of her bed, I gently stroke her hair from her face.

"Dulcie.. it's time to wake up" I say softly and she groans in her sleep, reminding me of her dad; causing me to giggle. "Come on, we need to see if Santa has been or not" I watch her as her eyes open. She turns her head to me and gives me a sleepy smile.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I chuckle and she giggles sleepily, lifting her arms for me to pick her up. I lift her into my arms and kiss her cheek as she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

I head downstairs and she gasps when we get to the lounge. I put her down and she runs to the Christmas tree, grinning from ear to ear at all the presents under it for her. "Santa came!! He came" she bounces on the spot and I giggle as Jamie puts his arm around me. "Looks like you was a very good girl this year" I grin.

He kisses my head before going to her, kissing her head and sitting down on the sofa, bouncing Charlotte on his knee gently as she holds his fingers with both her hands. "Come on then, let's open them!" I grin, taking a seat beside Jamie, my hand on his thigh as Dulcie begins to open her presents.


It's just after dinner now, Dulcie loved every single one of her presents, Jamie's just set up her new bike but it's snowing outside so she's sad she can't play on it, instead she's playing with the huge wooden dolls house we got her, she pretends to make the dollies talk quietly together as she makes up stories.

I've just fed Charlotte and she's now curled up against my chest. Jamie has his arm around my shoulders, holding me close as we watch Christmas films on TV. "So much has changed from this time last year" he whispers Kissing the side of my face. "It has.. last year, this little one wasn't even here.. she was your Christmas present" I grin, stroking my finger down Charlotte's nose as she smiles sleepily at me.

"Still the best Christmas present I've ever had" he kisses her head as her eyes slowly close against my chest. "To think, we would've been having another one already this year.." I say sadly and he tightens his hold on me. "But next year, you'll be my wife" he says and I think it's to change the subject and lighten the mood.

"And you'll be my husband" I grin, leaning to kiss him softly, my hand on his cheek. "I love you" he smiles at me, kissing my nose once more as Dulcie calls him over. "I love you too" I smile as he goes to Dulcie.

"Hey, let's set this up for Char..?" He grins as he opens the box for her Minnie Mouse baby walker we wrapped up for Charlotte to open. I grin and nod, moving to sit on the floor and help him set it up whilst holding Charlotte against my chest, who's now awake.

It take no more than five minutes to put together and I grin, sitting her into the seat carefully, strapping her in so she doesn't fall. She squeals and grabs hold of the toys on the tray in front of her, grinning up at us. "Do you like that baby girl?" Jamie kneels beside her, stroking her cheek as she bounces softly in her seat, babbling.

We step back and watch as Dulcie fusses over her baby sister. "She's getting so big!" She claps and we grin, sitting back down "she is isn't she?" I pout as Dulcie sits next to her sister on the floor.

"Do you have another baby yet Dakota?" She asks me, shyly I think, looking at me. "Not yet sweetheart.. but maybe soon" I smile, stroking her cheek as she pouts, resting her head on my lap. "Okay then" she smiles sadly and I stroke her hair from her face, Jamie kisses the side of my cheek gently and i smile, leaning more into him.

We stay quiet, watching the tv as we all cuddle together. My phone begins to vibrate and I see my mom is FaceTiming is. "Hey mama! Happy Christmas" I grin once it's connected. Jamie copies me and so does Dulcie.

"Merry Christmas guys! Was Santa good to you this year?" She asks, mainly to Dulcie. She goes into a big story telling my mom how she was so good all year and Santa got her everything she asked for and more.

"That's amazing, you've been a very good girl this year" she grins and Dulcie nods, smiling shyly. "You'll have to come and see me before you go back to your mommy's, Santa left you some presents here too!" She says causing Dulcie to gasp and I hear Jamie chuckle a bit.

"Really? That's silly of him!" Dulcie giggles and we chuckle with her. Charlotte babbles and squeals from her walker and Dulcie says bye to my mom before going over to her sister.

"Mel, you didn't have to get Dulcie anything for Christmas" Jamie smiles shyly and I watch them, grinning "I wanted to.. couldn't get Charlotte some without Dulcie" she smiles.

she asks us what we both got and I show her my birthstone earrings from Tiffany & co. "We decided that, we have everything we wanted this year, so we wouldn't get each other loads" I smile shyly, looking up at Jamie as he grins and kisses me.

"that's sweet.." she watches us. I show her the canvas Jamie got me of Charlotte and Dulcie from my birthday party. Jamie then shows her the watch I got him with all four of our initials on it, then the 'book for cool dads' that Dulcie picked. She laughs at that.

"I have to go, but I phoned because, we're going to Aspen for new year.. you guys should join us!" She grins and I grin too. I love my moms Aspen house!

"We'll have a talk about it mama! Thank you for the invite. We love you" we all say bye to her and i blow her kisses as she hangs up. "It's up to you whether we go to Aspen or not" I smile a bit at Jamie. "I don't mind baby" he smiles and I nod. He doesn't really seem Interested.

Charlotte begins to whine after a while and I glance at the time. "It's nearly six... she'll need to be settling down soon" I pout and watch as Jamie stands.

"I think I'll give her a bath, Dulcie you want a bath with your sister?" He says and she grins, nodding. "Yes please!" I giggle and lift her into my arms, we carry them both upstairs and Jamie runs the bath and sorts Charlotte whilst I sort Dulcie.

Once it's got enough water in, we sit them both in, Charlotte is sat in her bath seat that lets her sit up by herself. We give them a few toys and they play together. Charlotte gets excited every time Dulcie gives her a toy and they splash a few times.

I slide my arm around Jamie's waist and curl into his side as we watch the girls. "You okay baby?" He asks kissing my head softly. "I'm okay.. just a little tired" I pout a bit and he rubs my arm. "We can head to bed as soon as these two are down for the night." He kisses my head once more and moves softly, washing Dulcie's hair.

Once they've done we get them out. I lift Charlotte into a fluffy towel and Jamie takes Dulcie. We dry them and we all change into our matching Christmas pyjamas. Jamie's say 'daddy bear' mine says 'mommy bear' Dulcie's say 'little bear' and Charlotte's say 'baby bear'.

"Aww look at us! I want photos of us" I grin as Jamie holds Dulcie and I have Charlotte. I grab my phone and hold it at arms length, making sure our tops can be seen as I snap a few photos of us. One of us all grinning and then Charlotte sticks her tongue out like Dulcie does and Jamie kisses my cheek causing me to close my eyes and giggle as I take another.

"My favourite girls" he grins as we flick through the photos. "I love them!" I smile shyly putting my phone down. "Daddy and Dakota please can we watch a film in your bed?" Dulcie grins, jumping up onto our bed when Jamie puts her down.

"I suppose it won't hurt one night" he laughs softly and I feed Charlotte carefully whilst they pick a film. Once she's fed and burped we sit in bed against the headboard and Dulcie lays to the side with her head on Jamie's legs. I rest Charlotte in my arms and she's soon asleep.
Jamie kisses my head as I rest it on his shoulder, yawning softly.


I jump awake. Jamie's carefully taking Charlotte from my arms, but he's stopped mid-air. "You scared me" I mumble, rubbing my eyes. "Sorry baby I didn't mean to.. you were both asleep, I'm going to lay her down" he kisses my forehead and walks to her bassinet, laying her in before coming back to the bed and getting In. I yawn and shuffle down so I'm laying beside him.

"I'm so tired I'm sorry" I whisper, frowning. "Hey don't worry about it baby.. you was up early, We've had a busy day too" he kisses my head repeatedly and pulls me closer to him.

"I was dreaming of our wedding. It's going to be a beautiful day" I whisper sleepily and he grins, kissing my cheek. "With you there, I don't doubt that at all" he whispers and I lift my head to gaze at him before kissing him gently.

"Thank you for my Christmas gifts, today was the best" I kiss him again and he smiles shyly. "Thank you for mine.." he says and we fall silent. I kiss his chest and he strokes my hair softly. "Baby?" He whispers after a few minutes "hmm?" I wrap my arm over him more.

"The day after tomorrow I booked a jet for us to go Aspen" he kisses my head and my head shoots up to look at him. "Wait really?!" I grin, my eyes filling up. He nods and kisses me gently.

"Thank you so so much" I grin, stroking his cheek as I kiss him again. "I know how much you love it there.. I've never been to Mel's Aspen house" he smiles shyly. "You'll love it! I love you so much" I gaze at him.

"I love you so much.. now sleep baby, I'll wake with Charlotte if she needs anything" he kisses my forehead softly and I curl myself into him again. He holds me close and slowly, my eyes close, sleep washing over me once more as I hold onto the man I love with everything I know.

Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

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