Past Only Hurts When You Let...

Par WeiLan1819

74.5K 3.5K 1.6K

Shen Wei and Yunlan meet again in their next life. However, Yunlan was born with his past memories of how She... Plus

Past Life
Faith Bring Us Together Again
New Secretary Shen Wei
Who are You?
Agreement Between the Two
Hot Twins
First Day at Work
The Party
The Party Part 2
Lunch Date
Brother's Time
Truth Part 2
The Morning After
Parents' Plan
Mt. Kunlan
Yezun's Memories
Yezun's Memories 2
Yezun's Past
Yezun's Past 2
Yezun's Past 3
Yezun's Past 4
Present Time
Date Before Storm
Hot Night Before the Storm
Stormy Journey 1
Stormy Journey 2
Stormy Journey 3
The Search Party
The Search Party 2: Mysterious Cave
History Behind the Jade Stone
Back to Dragon City
Mysterious Note & Yunlan's Plan
FairyCat Cafe
FairyCat Cafe 2
Back to Zhao Company
Da Quing's Reason
Zhang RouNan
Cooking Disaster
Dragon Police Shooting Ring
Threat to Zhao Yunlan
Will Yunlan Follow The Note?
Yunlan POV
Forgotten Memory
Meeting Parents-In-Laws
Plan of Catchment
Getting Together
Final Battle
Final Battle 2
Final Battle 3
Mischievous Yezun's Plan
Battle for Attention
Battle of Attention 2
Rough Passion
True Love is Manifestation of a Miracle

Clearing Misunderstanding

936 41 19
Par WeiLan1819

"Babe, does your apartment have guest room?" Yunlan ask while driving. 

Shen Wei is sitting in front passenger seat and Da Quing and Yezun is sitting in the back. Da Quing  was looking out the window and turning his back to Yezun , totally ignoring him. Yezun on another hand is too tired to do anything so he gradually fall asleep in the car and laid his head on his side of the window. Yunlan's bodyguard is driving Yezun's car from behind

"No, we don't. Why?" Shen Wei ask back

"Good then. That will make things easier to solve if they share one room." Yunlan softly said to Shen Wei, so Da Quing can't hear them.

"Yunlan... are you sure this is good idea to force them to solve the problem?" Shen Wei worriedly ask, and look at the rare window viewing mirror and peek at Da Quing and Yezun.

"Babe, I don't want to meddle into their affair if I'm given a chance. It just... I can't help seeing past us between them right now. They definitely share the same sentiments but simple  misunderstanding preventing them from being happy... And let's be honest, you felt the same as me when we saw how broken Yezun was at Mt. Kunlan." Yunlan said to Shen Wei, who can't help but to agree with Yunlan's thinking.

"I hope they can solve their issue soon. I only wish them the best. I can't help but be worried..." Shen Wei confess.

"Yeah, babe. Let's hope..." Yunlan said while peeking a glance at Shen Wei and gently pressing Shen Wei's with his free hand.

After good 30 minutes of driving, Yunlan parked his car in the parking lot where the twins usually park their car. Shortly after, the bodyguard brought Yezun's car and park as well. 

"Guys, listen carefully. I want you guys to guard us all the time. Switch with somebody if you need rest so there is always somebody guarding." Yunlan said to his bodyguards.

Ling Jing, Da Quing will be guarding us from inside the apartment, so don't worry about booking him a room to rest. You guys, make sure to book rooms to sleep for these couple days to come, but stay alert. The enemy is everywhere, so be cautious!" Yunlan added and he close his distance with Ling Jing and whispered:

"Ling, the cops is also guarding with their own methods so put a blind eye to them when you spot them. Also, keep me update with every single change, and I mean EVERY single change. Is that clear?" Yunlan order and ask confirmation

"Yes, boss!" everyone answered in unison.

"Good! Now, I will be going, do your tech thing, Jing." Yunlan close the discussion and remained Ling Jing to installed spy cameras around the apartment for evidences as they planned before.


"Babe, Yezun up yet?" Yunlan ask when his guards left them in the parking lot. Yunlan ordered them to stay inside car until he come back.

"No, he must be really tired.. I think he lost some weight too, now that I have a close look at him.." Shen Wei said sadly while rubbing his didi's cheek.

"Hmmm...let's not wake him up then. Someone will carry him up then." Yunlan said and directly look at Da Quing when he said that.

"It's okay, Yunlan. I will carry didi up, Da Quing, you guard us." Shen Wei said when he saw Da Quing was feeling uncomfortable

"But wifey... we are suppose to be lovey-dovey for Zhang RouNan's spy to see us. How will we do that if you carry your didi?" Yunlan honestly said, although that was not the real problem Yunlan is concern about. He just wanted to pressure Da Quing to accept carrying Yezun up.

"But...." Shen Wei was about to protest when Da Quing said

"It's okay, Shen Wei. Let me carry him up. Yunlan is right. We can't afford to let our guard down now. The sooner we catch her, the better off everyone will be." Da Quing said with assuring smile to Shen Wei.

After that, Da Quing carried Yezun in bridal style to the apartment and both Shen Wei and Yunlan follow behind him. Yunlan has his arm wrap around Shen Wei's waist lovingly. Once they all were inside the apartment, Da Quing laid down sleeping Yezun on his bed slowly and left Shen Wei inside the room and met with Yunlan in the living room.

"Care for a drink?" Yunlan ask Da Quing when he saw Da Quing come out from Yezun's room

"Sure, why not, boss." Da Quing with tired face

"Here, coke. Drink it like alcohol since you will probably never going to find alcohol beverage in this fridge." Yunlan said with chuckle and Da Quing also chuckle understanding what Yunlan referring too. The twins don't drink unless they have too. Especially Shen Wei, since he has zero alcohol tolerance. Yezun only drinks outside and don't bring alcohol home because of Shen Wei.

"So, how is your new job?" Yunlan ask while drinking. Shen Wei is still inside Yezun's room.

"It good...." Da Quing said

"If it's good, then why you look like a death person?" Yunlan again, but this time, Yunlan was staring at Da Quing with intense gaze

"......... I'm just tired, boss" Da Quing said, hiding his feeling

"Tired.... perhaps you are not suited for being bodyguard?" Yunlan said testing how Da Quing will respond.

"No! Please don't switch me with anyone! I want to carry out this duty until the end!" Da Quing beg, he refuse to trust anyone to guard his beloved devil than himself, even if it mean he has to suffer

"Oh? Why are you so desperate in guarding him?" Yunlan ask with smirk on his face

"You know why, Yunlan!" Da Quing said, dropping the formality all of sudden

"Hahhaha, sorry, Da Quing. I can't stop teasing you. It just I notice you are avoiding him when you told me you gonna chase him until he accept you. So, what happen to that talk? Were you bluffing everything that day at the cafe?" Yunlan ask, now with seriousness.

"No, I wasn't bluffing anything! I meant everything I said to you that day!" Da shout to Yunlan with frustration in his voice

"Then why? What happen between you two?" Yunlan ask and took another sip of coke.

"I don't know. I'm not confident in myself anymore, Yunlan" Da Quing admitted

"Hey, cat. I can't help you guys if you are so vague like that!" Yunlan shout in mad, he is losing patient with these two.

"Yunlan, yelling at him will not solve anything.." Shen Wei said coming out from Yezun's room and went to kitchen to get something to drink.

"But wifey.... how am I suppose to help if I don't understand what exactly happen to make their relationship worse..." Yunlan whine to his wifey and not happy that his wifey scolded him for losing his patients.

Shorty after, Shen Wei joined the two on the couch with tea for himself, seeing the other two already helped themselves.

"Still, yelling at someone will not solve anything, Yunlan.." Shen Wei said after settling down on the couch near Yunlan.

"And Da Quing. I sort of heard what happen at Dragon Police Shooting Ring with Sang from Yezun yesterday. As his gege, let me tell you something about Yezun. Yezun likes to tease people, a bit too bold for other people. Like to sweet talk, always cheerful making people attracted to him from all directions. He will flirt with anyone but only with those he knows that the other party is also only flirting. Our childhood friend Sang Zan is another person, similar with Yezun He will tease people endlessly, flirt with good looking people, a sweeter talker if you say it mildly. That might seems too much for most people, but to them, it just normal with understanding. That's way, you have to tell him right out if you don't like something, make him understand your point. Their character might tell you that they will not understand you,  but please trust me when I say that, Yezun will always listen to you if you sincerely ask him to listen. And he will solve the problem if you can make him understand. So, Da Quing, running away or avoiding him will not help solve your problems. As I said, Yezun thinks flirting or sweet talking with Sang is normal to them, in fact, they have been doing that since kids, so he didn't understand your sudden change of mood.." Shen Wei explained it to Da Quing like telling a lecture to student

*Chuckling sounds* "But I'm surprise that he was able to sense your changes. That is unheard of  before..." Shen Wei said, making Yunlan and Da Quing look at him weirdly 

"Wifey, what did you mean by that?" Yunlan ask and Da Quing also nod because he also wants to know

"Well, you see I was surprise when I was talking to him yesterday about his day, he said he was tired from long day at work and being ignored by you." Shen Wei started and look at Da Quing.

"What more surprising is that, didi is even aware that you change when you guys met with Sang. However, he still didn't understand why. After talking and realizing that you were jealous of Sang and his relationship, he was honestly stun with himself. If it were before, you can ignore him for several weeks but he will still not know you are avoiding him. He is that type of person."

"Basically have the air that tell people to trust and talk with him about anything, but the person himself will never truly let you get close to him." Yunlan finished it for Shen Wei and Shen Wei nod in agreement.

"Yes, Yunlan. In the past, Sang lost several girlfriends because they were jealous of how Sang sweet talk with Yezun. They think that Sang like Yezun and Yezun also like him, making them frustrated and dump him. There are even couples where they ask him to break his relationship with Yezun but Sang would refuse. Sang might be flirtatious and carefree but he is honest and trusted friend. You can count on him if you need help and he will help without asking anything in return."  

"....." Yunlan and Da Quing was surprise that they didn't know what to say  

"So you see, if you are not important to him, he will not notice the changes in you and be worried about it. Actually, he was going to explain it to you about this but he told me that he couldn't because of all the operations." Shen Wei said apologetically to Da Quing about his twin.

"Well, here you have it. All you need to do now is talk with Yezun and talk your problems out instead of sulking like a kid!" Yunlan said cheerily and hug is wifey happily

"I'm not a kid!" Da Quing retorted back to Yunlan who just give him grin and Da Quing can't help but to smile at his boss

"Thanks boss and Shen Wei." Da Quing honestly said to the love bugs.

"My pleasure, Da Quing. Please take care of him from now on." Shen Wei said sweetly

"Ayiah, why are you calling my wifey by name and I'm only boss?" Yunlan ask with dissatisfaction

"Because, Shen Wei's explanation is more understandable than your~~" Da Quing said and quickly dodge the Yunlan's kick and stick his tongue out to Yunlan.

Yunlan was about to chase the cat but his wifey stopped him

"Ah Lan... it's late now. I'm sleepy. Can you guys postpone your little fight for morning?" Shen Wei ask 

"You are lucky my wifey stopped me, or else you are dead cat!" Yunlan said and took Shen Wei's hands and walk toward Shen We's room."

"Wait! Where will I be sleeping?" Da Quing

"Where else, Yezun's room, of course!" Yunlan said with evil smirk when he saw Da Quing sweat and went inside the room.

"Seriously!?" Da Quing ask himself and went inside Yezun's room. Shen Wei already changed his brother into pajamas.

"Your gege sure love you... " Da Quing lovingly said to sleeping Yezun. 

"We will talk tomorrow, my devil.. sleep tight." Da Quing said and kiss Yezun's temple making Yezun stir in his sleep

"hmm......" Yezun said and continue sleeping. Da Quing join him and fall asleep too since he was tired too. Shen Wei and Yunlan already sleeping as well due to exhaustion.


A/N: hello everyone~~~ Please enjoy~~~ This is the only chapter for today...... Don't feel like typing anymore tonight....😅😅😪

Continuer la Lecture

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