Still You, Just You

Galing kay ladykika09

185K 3.6K 263

Description: Dara is a damsel who when falls in love give her all. Donghae is a hero who is kind hearted and... Higit pa

. i .
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Hero
Chapter 3: The Damsel
Chapter 4: Hopeless
Chapter 5: Uljima
Chapter 6: Consequences
Chapter 7: With You
Chapter 8: One Day
Chapter 9: Park Family
Chapter 10: Past and Present
Chapter 11: First Step
Chapter 12: New People
Chapter 13: Him Her Him
Chapter 14: The End of Us
chapter 15: Snowy Day
Chapter 16: It's Her
chapter 18: BFFs
Chapter 19: Nothing Else To Hide
Chapter 20: Uh Oh We're in Trouble
Chapter 21: Leader VS Diva
Chapter 22: Missing You
Chapter 23: Always Here For you
Chapter 24: Phone Call
Chapter 25: Remember
Chapter 26: Jealousy
Chapter 27: Your Light
Chapter 28: D-Day
Chapter 29: Are You Ready?
Chapter 30: Love Quarrel
Chapter 31: It Starts with That Kiss
Chapter 32: My Confession
Chapter 33: Love At the Wrong Time
Chapter 34: Far Away
Chapter 35: Boy Trouble
Chapter 36: A Little Closer
Chapter 37: You and I Together
Chapter 38: Selfish Wish
Chapter 39: This Moment
Chapter 40: I'm Falling
Chapter 41: The Plan
Chapter 42: Menboong
Chapter 43: What Is Right
Chapter 44: Our Official Label
Chapter 45: Bad Boy
Chapter 46: This Isn't It
Chapter 47: Before The Storm
Chapter 48: Confused Heart
Chapter 49: Hold On
Chapter 50: A Smile in Your Heart
Chapter 51: Shut Up, You're Mine
Chapter 52: Letting Go
Chapter 53: 1 + 1 = ?
Chapter 54: Shake Up
Chapter 55: Love, Trust & Choices
Chapter 56: The Chosen Path
Chapter 57: What If
Chapter 58: After Some Time
Chapter 59: In The End
Chapter 60: Still You
Chapter 61: Just You
Chapter FINAL: Always You
Author's Note

Chapter 17: His Only Valentine

2.5K 52 2
Galing kay ladykika09

Donghae’s POV

“I’m back”

I closed the door behind me and jumped toward the couch. I always hated this couch because I think it’s too hard and leather, but today it felt like the most heavenly couch of all.

Even if it’s only lunch, it was really tiring. What restaurant would have couches without backrests on them? This is different from when I am at home or Japan. This is fine dining, people tend to stay 3-4 hours talking about whatever and I am in leather pants! For the past hours, I have only thought “can we order backrest in here”

“How was your date with Jihyun?” Dana places a coffee on the table.

It wasn’t actually a date. It’s just that after Jihyun confessed to me and I gave my response, we have settled with an agreement. If on Valentine’s Days we’re single, we get to spend the day with each other. As good friends.

Last year went on smoothly, although she gave me a chocolate bar, it was simple, but today…

“She baked you a cake” Ken opened the box I brought home. “Goon was right you’re such a well-loved guy”

Well-loved guy. I scoffed. Half of my face was face flat on the couch, but I tilted slightly once I saw the basket of chocolates next to my coffee.

“Who’s that from?”

I saw Dana and Ken exchange glances first, signalling each other if they should tell me and who should tell. Dana elbowed Ken in the stomach and walks backward.

He still hesitates to talk. I sat up and checked on the card that’s attached to the basket ribbon myself.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Don’t think this is just for you, give these to all Super Junior okay? From Girls’ Generation. Xxx Jessica.

“It’s from Jessica” I said. Is that why they’re acting weird? “Was she here earlier?”

“Yeah…” Ken sighed in reply then he bites his bottom lip “…and so was Dara”

“Dara?” I glanced to the both of them. Did I hear it right? “Why is Dara here? Did the two meet?”

“Yea. We really didn’t know they’re coming, they just did. First Jessica, then half an hour later Dara came.” Dana tells the entire happening to me. Even the detail that they left together.

“We’re really sorry Hae. If only we knew, we could have handled it well”

I got up and wore my jacket again. I’m worried about how she could have felt.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to check on her…”

“Do you know where she could be?”

“It’s Jessica. Of course I know where to find her”

* * * *

Normal POV

The building where the girls went to has four levels aboveground. In the third level that’s where the coffee shop’s situated. Just from the looks of it outside, it must be a really nice place. And it was.

There were a number of couples inside; all too busy with their dating they don’t notice their presence.

Jessica hasn’t been saying a word since they arrive, too busy typing on her phone. Dara wasn’t sure how to feel sitting across her like this. She couldn’t wait to get over this and go home.

Jessica places down her phone and stares at Dara. “It’s nice to see you well”.  Last time they saw each other was at Kangin’s party and Dara was a drag.

“It’s nice to see you too. I like your dress, it’s pretty” Dara complimented.

“Oh really? Thank you” she smiles. “Hae oppa has really good taste, you see…”

Dara forced a smile. Does she really have to say that or is she just trying to daunt me…

Although she has an idea where this coffee is heading, she still had hoped Jessica hasn’t catch on about them. But who are we kidding, Jessica definitely has catch on.

Just the moment she saw her walk through that door, she knew she’s the one Donghae is seeing.

She knows Donghae has a crush on Dara and that they know each other since 2005. But she didn’t expect things to go so fast and well between them. Yeah he saved her, yeah he managed to bring her to the party, but to date?

Jessica takes a hold on to her mug, with her right point finger tapping on its handle. “So… Since when are you seeing each other?”

“Uhm… Since the party”

Jessica holds her breathe.

“But please don’t misunderstand…” Dara says to assure her. “Hae and I are just friends”

Hae… Jessica frowned but it wasn’t seen because of the cup covering her mouth. “Guess he has told you about me, huh?” She forces a laugh then takes a sip.

Dara stayed silent. There’s this sticky feeling building inside her stomach. So this is how it feels when you get confronted by an ex girlfriend… This is how uncomfortable Kiko would be if ever I confronted her. If ever I can pull it off.

On the other hand Jessica sits quietly and kept on observing Dara, who is stiff and obviously uncomfortable.

“I know what you’re thinking…” Jessica puckered her lips. “Look, I’m sorry if I may be scaring you, but don’t look at this like those in dramas and I’m the bitch.”

“A…Aniyo… Of course not…” Dara waves her hand constantly.

“Good. Coz I am not. I may be Hae oppa’s ex-girlfriend but I don’t really care who he’s seeing... I just wanted to know you better that’s why I invited you for coffee.”

Dara relaxed her shoulders a bit in relief. “You didn’t invite me to talk about Hae?”

“No... But I do want to know how come you guys surprisingly became really good friends…”

Dara chuckles softly. “Actually… I didn’t imagine we would be either… It’s just that I needed a person to turn to and he happened to be around and helped me. Until now he’s helping me out a lot”

“Ahhh It does sound like him alright” Jessica smiles. “He really likes to help people a lot, even when it’s already unnecessary… It’s sometimes unbearable but then again it’s what makes him more admirable”

“Indeed” Dara agrees. “That’s why I’m also really grateful to him. He has done already much for me while I… I have done nothing but take away his time.”

“It’s fine. I believe he prefers going out than stay in his dorm anyway…” Jessica laughs. “You see ever since the dating article got out, the more aggressive Super Junior were in questioning him”

“Questioning him?” Dara looked worried. “Don’t tell me they’re…”

“Don’t worry. He’s very secretive of you. But yes, they think it’s him” Jessica crossed her arms to her chest and laid back. “So if I were you guys, I’ll lay low on the going out before someone catches you.”

“But it’s not us”

“Still. You two fit the idols well: Beautiful girl idol then Flower boy with enthusiastic personality. People would easily misunderstand. And we don’t want that.”

“Of course. I don’t want the girl he likes to misunderstand either if ever”

The girl he likes? Jessica was sceptical when she heard that, then a wide grin was drawn on her face when she finally understands what Dara meant. Guess she doesn’t have a clue yet. Cute.

“Uhm. I’ll just go to the bathroom shortly” Dara excuses as she stands, holding on to her chick bag. Jessica smiles and lets her.

It was a long march towards the bathroom, the path passes through where the exit is.

“Phew. So I was nervous about nothing at all” Dara laughs at herself while inside the cubicle. She washes her hands after and checks her phone. Nothing… Ugh why am I even expecting to receive a text?

On her way back.

"Hey tell Goon not to touch those chocolates please. And just send them to our dorm right away” a familiar voice came to her attention. It came from a guy who just was walked inside the shop, all covered up and disguised. But truly she knows to whom the voice belongs to.

What is he doing here? Dara wondered, following him. She was about to tap him, when he stopped from walking.

He scanned through the room and at one point he smiled. “Ah… See! I was right! She is here” Donghae tells to his phone. “I’m serious! She’s wearing the dress I gave her for our 2nd anniversary right?”

Dara takes one step back. And her smile lessens a bit.

“Is it bad to be worried?... Fine… Fine… I’ll call you later, Bye”

Dara stayed silent, she watches him walk toward their table and greet Jessica. The latter was in complete surprise. He must be so worried for her when he heard we met…Worried to what she could have felt after seeing me.

A smile curved in Dara lips as she sees the two were smiling lovingly at each other.

She sighs deeply.

And instead of joining them, she takes the near exit.

* * * *

Donghae’s POV

“Guess Ken and Dana told you huh?”

“Where’s Dara?”


I took a chair from the next table and sits it between Dara and Jessica’s. I rested my arms on the table and faced her. “What did you tell her?”

“Nothing. We were just talking…” Jessica lets her coffee turn cold. “Are you that worried I might say something mean to her?”

“Aniyo… I’m just…”

“It’s okay. Dara thought the same aswell” she laughs, crossing her arms to her chest. “I really like her. She suits you well…“

I smiled and scan the menu.

“But before you guys can have my blessing, can you atleast pay for my coffee today as Valentine’s.”

I looked at the table, and there’s only one coffee on it. It seems Dara didn’t order anything. “Fine”

 She cheered happily and quickly signals the waiter for a bill out.

“Ma’am. Your bill was already paid”

“What?” Already paid? Jessica checks the receipt. “How can that be? I haven’t even—“

“The woman you’re with paid over the counter before she left”

Woman she’s with? Does she mean Dara? “Left? When?”

“Just a few minutes ago”

Could it be? She saw us?

“Go” Jessica says after the waiter left. “She might still be around the area”


“Don’t worry about me. Actually the reason why I invited her here is that I can buy you time to get back” she smiled warmly. “I know if there is a chance to spend Valentine’s with her, you would take it… Well this is the chance so go”

I quickly got up and left the place.

I walked the streets, searching for that one petit girl.

If I am Dara, where could I possibly go? Come on Hae. Think. Well she did say something about Han River… so maybe?

I was about to call for a cab when my eyes landed on a shop across the street.


“I told you you’ll get sick if you keep on eating that” I whispered. Dara turns around, wearing this very cute surprised look on her face. A spoon was hanging in her mouth. She looks behind me like checking if Jessica’s with me or not.

“Where’s Jessica?”

“Why did you leave just like that?”

“I’m giving you time together” she says facing back the counter. “How much is it?”

“2,500 Won, maam”

I blocked her hand down and pulls out my wallet. “Let me”

She smiled at me. “Thanks but you don’t have to really”

“Nah. It’s Valentine’s Day, I could atleast buy you this”

“Even if you’re against it?” she commented then we started walking together. I’m not really against it, I just don’t want her to get sick. “So what are you doing here? Aren’t you going out with Jessica today? That’s why you came to the coffee shop in the first place, right?”

Ah she did see us. I placed my hands inside my pockets. “Nope. I came because I was worried about you”

“About me? Whyyyy? It’s not like Jessica’s going to do something bad to me.”

“It’s not that. Knowing you came to the restaurant to see the trio, I wondered if there’s something’s up like a problem or anything.” I said. “Then hearing you met Jessica, I was worried if you got more uncomfortable”

If someone hears me, for sure they’ll have an idea how much I care for her, or that I like her. But she’s not like everybody else. She’s completely oblivious. She just smiles at me and treat my words like they’re just sweet talks.

While we were walking, we passed by this pool of dogs in the sidewalk. All cute and adorable. I bent down to pet some of them, but because they are a bit huge, Dara was too scared to come near.

“Come. They won’t bite” I reached out my hand to her. But she shakes her head.

“No. I’m scared” Ironic how eating ice cream doesn’t freeze her but just a bunch of cute dogs makes her a complete stone. “I didn’t know you’re a super dog person, I though you like cats”

“I do. But I love dogs too. Especially I have Mio and Bada”

“Mio and Bada…” She recites their name cutely. “Are they small?”

“Yep” I nodded. “Do you want to meet them?”

“Sure!” her eyes sparkled brightly. “You should bring them some time”

“Some time? Well… How about you meet them today?”

“Today?” She checks her cellphone, as if she has been waiting for something. And there’s only one person that could possibly be.

“Not a good time?” I said. I think there was some bitterness in my tone.

“Nah… It’s not like I have a Valentine anyway”

“How about me?… Can I be your Valentine?” I said heartedly.

She chuckles like it was a joke, it hurt me an inch but none of it mattered when she wore the sweetest smile and said “Yes”

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