original love (cliche i know)

By rora_skye

951 196 545

"Don't you dare feel bad for me." He shakily breaths, grinding his teeth in frustration. His eyes are bright... More

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118 27 92
By rora_skye

𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠

A; 4:10 No fucking way. You went in the boys locker room?!

I sigh, banging my head against my steering wheel repeatedly. The horn continuously honking the in the nearly empty school parking lot. It seems like she takes away whatever she wants from the stories I tell her.

L; 4:10 Yes abby, but again not the point.

A; 4:11 Yeah.. I know I just can't imagine them being such asshats.

L;4:12 I mean who knows what would have happened if Aris wasn't there.

A; 4:14 Yeah but it's not like he cared to be a good guy or anything he just wanted you to get out.

L; 4:15 I feel like it was something more than just that

I have no idea why I just typed that. Or why I just sent that.

A; 4:15 Your delusional.

L; 4:16 I know.

I heave a sigh, and throw my phone on the passenger seat of my car the ugly gray seats look dirtier next to my white phone.

I start the rumbling engine when I glance a few spots away to see dark brown hair, Aris Spencer getting in his white honda slamming the door causing my to jump.

Seriously I'm on edge today but I have every right to be it's not everyday you nearly get assaulted on your first day of school.

He tries to start the engine but it stalls, I watch through the poorly tinted window as he does it repeatedly getting nothing.

I have absolutely no experience with cars but I dont think its supposed to do that.

I'm not a stalker I swear well not usually.

He was the one who ended up talking to me again first afterall.

He gets out angry slamming the door, lifting the hood, smoke rising in a big cloud, I see him stepping back coughing. I feel bad he saved me maybe it's my turn.

I turn off the deafening engine and walk along the freshly planted plants toward him, regretting every step.

When I'm about three steps away he notices me and scowls, what the hell did I do?

This man seriously has some issues or something. Should I be doing this?

"Hey." I call out hesitantly, looking at him as he turns my way, his green eyes holding aggravation.

"What the fuck do you want?" He scoffs slamming the hood of the honda.  No way hes mad at me right now. Like I'm the one who made his car stop working.

"I was going to offer you a ride." I say small, looking at the ground as I talk, feeling his eyes on me. Why am I acting so stupid obviously he doesn't want mine or anyone's help.

"I'd rather walk." He states grabbing his black bag and slinging it over his shoulder, walking away from me.

Is he serious? Like what is his deal with me so what I spilled juice on him it's not that big of a deal.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask

I was just trying to be nice for once, maybe just maybe I could make friends but he gives me nothing but hostility.

With that he stops, turns around walking toward me his jaw clenched.

"What the fuck is my problem, you can't take a fucking hint" He spits harshly, flipping me off as he turns around and continues walking into the distance.

he must have anger issues or something. A hint? I offered him a ride I didn't ask him to marry me.

The thought crosses my mind temporarily and I scrunch my face up in disgust.

Fine he can walk, it looks like it's about to rain.


It did rain.

Yet all I can think about is if he made it home ok.

I cant seem to keep my mind off of him at all.

Which is just idiotic.

I shouldn't be worried he's just some asshole who happened to be at the right place at the right time.

I sigh running my hand through my wet hair, pulling it up into a ponytail as it lays against my oversized black t-shirt my gray sweatpants on underneath, Black socks. I couldn't be comfier in my own clothes at home once again. Or the closets thing to home now. Dreading tomorrow.

I'm sitting on my white comforter resting on my bed trying to tackle at least three fourths of my homework tonight. There shouldn't be this much homework for the first day back.

I frown to myself when I hear my phone chime.

UN; 10:45 Hey this is Lincoln right?

L; 10:45 Yeah?

My throat goes dry as my mind goes immediately to him.

This can't be.

Maybe he realized how much of a jerk he was and is going to apologize.

But how would he get my number?

I try to push my excitement down and focus on my anger toward him but I can't.

UN; 10:46 its brylee. abbs gave me ur #, do u think u could take me and my cousin to school tmr

I can't help but deepening my frown. It's not him.

L; 10:49 oh yeah sure ig, what time?  send me directions.

UN; 10:50 Alr, 8:25? Redwood Blv. 3356 Big red brick house.

L; 10:51 ok cool see you then.

I'm taking Brylee and her cousin to school tomorrow?

Why didn't I say no?


"So then he fell forward, over the chair face first into my chest, I was just sitting there like what, when he got up and ran away." Brylee eplains yet another 'funny' story, her girly giggle driving me insane!

I swear if I hear one more fucking story, I'm going to run into a tree.

At least itll give me a reasonable reason not to go to school today.

"Want to hear another one?" Brylee asks leaning toward the back so that she can see her cousin, who disappointedly let Brylee ride shotgun.

"No!" I say a little to loudly, clearing my throat I give a small smile.

Being too nice is gonna drive me insane.

"How about music?"

I ask looking at girl sitting in the back. Clearing my throat to get her attention her gaze shifts toward the mirror.

She has long blonde hair tied up in two ribbons, a pair of corduroy jeans, a floral corset shirt and a pair of black vans.

She is pretty.

"Ari, Lincoln wants to talk to you." Brylee pouts, rolling her brown eyes.

I'm not complaining, an actual moment of silence. Even if it just is her annoyance.

I hope she doesn't think this is some sort of regular thing.

"So Ari where are you from" I ask glancing back toward her, as she slowly puts her phone down and looks up her clear blue eyes surprised.

"I moved from London." She says with a slight accent.

Perfect someone interesting for once who doesn't seem like they want to set me on fire with one glance. Shaking my head I push Aris out of my thoughts.

" I've always wanted to go there, is it pretty?" I ask watching her emotions play out, excitement, lust, and homesick.

"Extremely." She answers with a small frown.

"Oh I'm sorry." Is the only thing I can think to say, I'd never been outside of Florida until the move.

But I sure as hell wouldn't want to go back there either.

"Its fine." With that the conversation drops, leaving me to wonder why she moved here in the first place I guess I'll find out. She seems like someone I'd actually like to waste my time on.

I hope I'm right.


I pull into the school parking lot, underneath the same shade of that old birch tree. I think I want to claim this spot far away from school nobody would want to walk that far anyways.

As soon as I turn off the roaring engine with a small click, the passenger door flies open and slammed causing the old car to shake. Brylee dashes out of sight.

I wince rubbing the dashboard.

Brylee now clearly occupied by the guy she bombarded. He has dark curly brown hair fallen right in front of his goddess like face, wearing a pair of black sweatpants and white shirt.

I think I have 4th period with him.

Ari and I exchange a 'what the hell?' Look as we unbuckle and slowly open the doors in sync.

I'm not sure how Ari feels about brylee but I'm beginning to think we feel the same.

"Brylee!" Ari shouts waving her hands, not even getting a glance from her cousin.

I watch as her face drops and a nervous expression takes over.

"Hey Ari, I mean I'm freshman too I could show you the places I know." I say walking around the car, slinging my backpack on my back.

She hesitates for a moment before nodding her head and following me into the brown brick building. Walking in with someone this time seems to ease my nerves as we find our lockers.

I hope she doesn't want to know too much it's only my second day.

Then again I'm sure I could figure it out.

"So what's your first period?" I ask her at her locker which is conveniently two down from mine.

She takes out a folded yellowed paper, "English with Mrs. Weinner.

We both burst out into laughter, she's my teacher too and its pronounced Wine-er, but when Ari said it just now in her accent I swear it makes it better.

"That's my first class too, and if you want her to like you you might want to call her Winer." I say still laughing as we walk down the hallway.

When we enter the class we are one of the few here. I mean the bell rang but I've learned nobody really pays attention to those.

Mrs. Weinner is sitting at her desk scribbling away furiously on what looks like a letter, her brown desk cluttered with students paper, pens, pencils, and her breakfast. She has beautiful blonde curls that fall right below her chin, wearing white pants and a blue buttoned shirt, her nails painted a light shade of white.

I feel bad for her she looks so young and work has already taken over her.

It always does.

I trail my eyes around the classroom looking for my seat throughout the rows of wooden desks. Blue cabinets make up the back wall of the classroom, my seat is at the back next to a girl that dresses like it's Halloween everyday.

The other side of me nobody sits there.

I hope Ari sits there.

We were surprised when we found out we are both in the same class its an advanced english class and not many freshman get in.

Me Ari and one other kid, who I haven't met yet are the only freshman and sophomores who got in.

However Mrs. Weinner sits Ari two seats in front of me, oh well.

The final bell rings, as kids settle in their seats the door then opens to reveal no other than Aris Spencer. He just has to be everywhere now doesn't he?

"About time you came to class Mr. Spencer, and if I may why weren't you in my class yesterday?" Mrs. Weinner challenges raising her thin eyebrows.

"Yeah I'm sorry my godmother died, we had an early funeral, then I had to go home and change so I wasnt able to make it in time for first period." He says with an apologetic look his green eyes holding no emotion.

What kind of pity excuse is that?

He was here before school even started yesterday morning.

At least think of something more believable.

I purse my lips and scoff as she sends him to a seat.

I realize the seat available is the one next to me. Great.

He's wearing dark jeans and a black shirt wearing the same gray beanie as yesterday.

His face reads soworfull but his eyes tell a different story.

His godmother didnt die, and the fact he used that excuse is ridiculous.

I stare a him with pursed lips trying to see past his fake facade, getting nothing I frown looking away.

"You know you should take a picture it'll last longer." He says under his breath not wasting a glance in my direction, he rolls his bright green eyes in annoyment.

"I would but that wouldn't really be taking a hint would it"

"Just shut the fuck up." He whispers, glancing at me a quarter of a second.

"You're the one who started it."

I swear I saw him flash a smirk.

"Alright for everyone who was here yesterday." Mrs Weinner says empathizing the here looking directly at Aris with a tight smile.

Apparently she doesn't believe his lie either I mean who would?

I see Aris out of the corner of my eye looking down at his phone in his hand, as he opens spotify, hes listening to some rock band I don't recognize.

"So I have your pretests back, and I would like to say some of you need help, that's why I've come up with the buddy system, starting tomorrow you all will have a buddy to work with the rest of the year." She chirps her hazel eyes excited as she passes out our tests from yesterday the only desk empty is of course Aris.

"Mr. Spencer since you were absent yesterday you're going to have to spend the rest of the class making up by doing your pretest." She states setting three pieces of thin white paper in front of him.

I now see he has put on white earbuds, under his shirt and beanie making sure you can barely see the cord.

That's something I used to do back home, when I wasn't really allowed to listen to music. Well I wasn't really allowed to do anything.

"Is there something else you would rather do Mr. Spencer?" Mrs. Weinner asks glancing down to where his eyes trail every few seconds.

He looks up with an innocent expression and confused features, his black browns furrowed softly his green eyes filled with fake innocence.

" Of course not Mrs winer." Aris says sweetly? As he gives a small smile?

She studies him for a minute before turning swiftly and walking back to her desk.

Pulling my attention away from their interaction I dig through my bag for my books. I slide my bookbag back under my desk.

I can't help but notice Aris staring at me with a wide smirk.

What do you want?

I turn my gaze to him raising my eyebrows confused, he just smiles wider casting his gaze to the floor and back to me.

I look down to see a pair of my underwear on the floor. In the middle of Aris and I. Did I mention in the middle of me AND Aris?

My cheeks turn a dark shade of red as I quickly pick it up stuffing it back into my back not even glancing at Aris's mocking smirk.

Maybe he likes what he sees.

What the hell am I talking about?

Seriously I am delusional.

I know.


Authors Note-

Short chapter. Again If you have suggestions let me know.

What's your favorite song?

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