we were infinite - the mandal...

By icedmintae

137K 5.8K 3K

"I hate you." "I know." -------- Assassin Mia Azadi and the infamous Mandalorian are sent on a on an almost... More

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n i n e

4.9K 217 174
By icedmintae

"SEE THIS COLOUR IS TOO BRIGHT, but this one has these dangly things." Mia observed the two gowns in her hands. "They're equally hideous."

They had located a small boutique shop where exquisite clothes were being tailor fit to the wealthy. The two definitely felt out of place, but had decided that their whole plan was a waste of time if Mia didn't look the part of a rich Cantonican gambler.

Fashion had never really been a component of Mia's life. Farmers were most practical in loose woven tunics, and assassins worked best in tight leotard type clothes. Dresses were nothing but a nuisance.

However, some small part of Mia's femininity reached out to the soft, expensive fabrics, she was ashamed of how they were beginning to lure her in.

"Just pick one, hurry up." The Mandalorian snapped.

She huffed, "You're no fun to shop with."

They didn't need to hurry at all, they had all afternoon to play dress up, but he'd rather spend that time anywhere else.

Mia walked away from them, eyes wandering around the rest of boutique. Cantonican fashion was so elaborate, outlandish and crazy - she was not.

In the midst of the sparkly gowns, a midnight black gown caught her attention, it's long drapes and silk like material embodied luxury, yet subtlety.

"That one." She pointed.

The Mandalorian followed her gaze before nodding, "Go get it, I'll pay."

Mia handed over the gown to the boutique owner whose eyes lit up with excitement, "Is this for you? You'll look beautiful in this."

Mia shook her head, "But will I be comfortable? I doubt it."

"Of course not," The lady accepted the credits and packed up the dress, "Beauty comes at a price."

Mia shot a glare towards the Mandalorian, "See? I'm suffering at the expense of being a woman."

"It's about time you did something." He managed to say before she shoved him harshly.

Her competitive side had a tendency to peek out, she knew she had contributed to this bounty hunt as much as him, but the problem was that he was apparently as competitive as she was.

The owner smiled at the pair, visible wrinkles appearing at the sides of her ageing cheeks.

"I'd suggest to go light with the jewellery, maybe some dramatic eye makeup," Said the woman, "and you definitely need heels with this dress."

Mia exchanged a brief look of confusion with Mando, before turning to the woman once more, "Jewellery? Shoes?"

The woman glanced speculatively between the pair. She wasn't accustomed to such kind of customers. But she didn't judge.

"Oh my dear," She leaned closer from behind the counter, "the dress is about 50% of the final look."

Mia's cheeks reddened. Some foolish part of her thought that one spectacular gown would magically transform her into a a beautiful creature of Cantonica. But it was just a dress after all.

The Mandalorian sensed her unease as she stiffened beside him, and with a reluctant sigh he turned to the boutique lady.

"How much to fix... this?" He motioned to Mia.

"I hate you." Mia muttered.

"Your event is tonight?" The lady trailed her eyes across Mia in thought, "I can get her ready for a fair price, and throw in some accessories too."

"Do it." Said the Mandalorian, "But make it quick."

Mia jittered. She hadn't necessarily agreed to being...transformed. Yet, she didn't pull away as the lady excitedly pulled her to the dressing room.

Mia sat patiently as her hair was pulled in various directions, twisted up and down into some elaborate up-do. Her eyes were painted colours of black and glittering gold, extenuating her honey-brown eyes.

Her face winced slightly at every glance she took in the mirror, as each time she became more and more unrecognisable. Yet, the boutique lady seemed to be enjoying herself, and the permanent smile on her face indicated that she was very pleased with her work.

But as the hour dragged, Mia's mind wandered to a time when she would feel her mother's nimble fingers in her hair. Each morning, little Mia would watch the suns rise over the horizon of their vast lands as her mother wove her hair into a delicate yet unmoving braid down her back.

The feeling of hands in her hair brought back that feeling, but in a twisted kind of way. She was no longer on the farm, her mother was not here and her hair was certainly not being bound into a braid.

She was different now. Blood on her hands, a queen's life at the expense of her own, a hardened expression had taken over her once untroubled, innocent one.

"Are we done?" Mia stood, suddenly reaching an urge to get the evening over as quickly as possible.

"Yeah," the wrinkled lady smiled, "You look beautiful."

Mia reluctantly returned the smile, "Thanks for your help."

"Thanks for your payment." She smirked, a devious spark in her eye.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, relief washed over the Mandalorian as Mia approached him.

He swallowed, the eyes beneath his visor taking in the sight. She stood in a long, black silk gown, a slit up the side revealing her tanned leg. It pinched in at the waist as her cascading brown hair was twisted elaborately. It was definitely a sight - he had no doubt that the plan would work.

"Do I look that bad?" She asked as she fixed the strap on her heel.

He stood, "You look...like a Cantonican."

"So hideous?" She grinned.

Handing the lady her payment, the pair left the boutique, stepping into a world of darkness and bright lights.

The Mandalorian pretended not to notice as Mia stumbled a few times in her heels, though he was amused to hear the curses she muttered under her breath.

Glancing up at the towering casinos of Canto Bight, Mia suddenly felt a pit of unease in her stomach. Suddenly she was taken back to their incident on Sorgan. The taste of enemies' flesh on her lips flooded her memories. Tonight wasn't going to end like that, she'd get the information seamlessly and quickly.

She slipped the stolen access key between her fingers as they approached the back entrance to the casino.

The moved in the shadows, avoiding a single glance from the line of dazzling people waiting to enter from the main entrance.

"Shit," Mia mumbled as the key bleeped before the door slid open, "I hope this plan works."

She was never really one to be nervous, but flirting didn't come as natural as slitting throats to her. This was uncomfortable territory, and the outfit made it ten times worse. She would have to rely purely on her cunning nature to surpass tonight's task which only caused a pit of nausea within.

Blaster up, the Mandalorian was the first to step into alcove, followed by Mia as the door slid close behind them. They were in.

He could sense her unease. From a glance, she looked incredibly out of her element. Usually quick on her feet and a dagger in her hand, Mia was certainly in new circumstances here.

"Take this." He held a spare blaster towards her. He didn't like seeing her weapons-less, it was unnatural.

"No, I've tucked some blades into the bracelets," She juggled her wrist, "and I've got some back up daggers stashed in my underwear, I'm good."

He stilled. No wonder she was walking a little funny, he thought.

Mia fluttered her eyes shut for a brief second, her shoulders lifting as she took slow breaths.

It was at that moment the Mandalorian had witnessed the beauty of Mia Azadi. It wasn't the midnight silk that extenuated her curves, nor the red colour that stained her full lips.

But the notion that Mia has realised that she was not her exterior, she was not her weapons. Unlike him who wore his fearlessness on his armour, his mask forever shielding his weakness, she didn't need it.

He witnessed beauty the moment Mia opened her eyes and stepped into forward into the abyss of the tunnel ahead, the moment she had realised that she was a magnificent weapon within herself.


I love you guys merry christmas 🎄

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