If it truly is fate. | Kylo R...

By RainbowNonie

42.3K 1.2K 730

Summary: Reader is from earth, and is also a small writer. What happens if one day she randomly teleports and... More

If it truly is fate.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five
Chapter six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
about updates.
Chapter Fifteen part 1
update on updates
chapter fifteen part 2
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter One.

4.8K 116 90
By RainbowNonie

You weren't a busy person, in fact you actually thought your life was a bit boring and needed a little bit of fun in it. Unfortunately you didn't have friends who lived close to you, so you didn't have anyone to spend fun nights with.

You decided to write something, it was a book about a Person being torn between the light and the dark. You thought it was a pretty awesome plot so you kept on going with it, everytime you get home from work you'd spend time adding chapters into the book.

Today was a bit more tiring for you, your boss gave you the paperwork another worker was supposed to do, and you couldn't say no.

You entered the door of your house with a sigh. You turned on the lights and flopped down the couch, You grabbed your laptop and opened it, when it didn't turn on you assumed that the battery was drained, you reached for the charger on the table and plugged it in.

What happened next was weird, the room shifted and everything turned black for a moment before you saw that you were in a different place. You were on the ground, laying on the sand. You pushed yourself up and looked around, you managed to see a small hut just a few steps away, but before you could even take a step forward, you ware back in your living room the same position you were in before that happened.

I'm just tired. You reassured yourself, and continued what you were doing.


The next day, everything started out normal, you had your usual morning drink and walked to work. You weren't greeted by anyone, nor did you greet anyone, you've managed to stay invisible as much as possible.

You placed your bag on your work table and turned on your computer, the sound of the office made everything even more boring for you. The only things that could be heard were the sounds of the ceiling fan, phones ringing, and the muffled sound of the song coming from the headphones of the person beside you.

You noticed that it was the same song everyday, you rarely hear the lyrics but the tune was the one you recognized, you wanted to ask what song it was, but you were too shy to do so. You sighed to yourself and looked through your bag for the pen you always brought with you. As soon as your hand searched for the pen, you were in another place again.

Everything around your had a dark style on them, the place was cold and you could hear footsteps approaching. Soon, a man in dark clothes and a mask entered your vision, and he saw you.

You disappeared after that.

You came back to reality with a gasp, your hand was shaking as you pulled it out of your bad and ran your fingers through your hair. You must be loosing your mind.

"Hey, you alright?" The man beside you, the one you've been working with for at least four years talked to you for the first time. "You look like you're going to pass out."


"You look really pale and.. I think you should take a day off, I've never seen you take a sick leave or anything before, I'm sure boss will understand." You nodded at him, and took his advice. You informed your boss about it and let you go.

Once you got home, you drank some medicine and a lot of water before lying down your bed, but your body haven't even touched the cushion yet when if happened again. And this time you looked like you were in a village, you heard people screaming around you and strange gunshots, you stood up and tried to look around once again. You saw a few people with white armors on with a helmet.

And there he was again, the man you saw from earlier.

His head snapped to your direction, as if he knew you were there. He raised his hand to you, but you just stood there, he tried to do it again but it didn't work.

Is it supposed to do something? You thought to yourself.

Soon, there's men walking over to you, it was stupid not to run away but you figured that you would snap out of the whole thing soon.

The two weird looking white armored men held your arms tightly as they dragged you towards the masked man. It felt real, you could feel their tight grip on your arms and was too distracted about it to even realize that you were nearing the masked person.

"Who are you?" He asked with a robotic voice.

"U-uhm, I'm Y/n L/n." You swallowed the lump on your throat.

"Do you work for the resistance?"

"I don't even know what resistance is?" You chuckled a little. "I do work for this advertising company-"

"Take her with us."

"That won't be a waist of time for you, I'm probably going to disappear soon." Your comment was ignored though. You eyes shifted to someone behind the tall masked person. There was a guy holding up a weird looking gun at him.

He fired it and you raised your hand at him.

"Look out!" suddenly everything became even more weirder, the shot was stopped halfway and didn't hit anyone. "Oh, holy shit."

You put your arm down and the blast was sent back to the person who fired it, and now you didn't know if you knocked him out, or he was dead.

"Oh, Fuck!" You exclaimed loudly.

"You seem to be unfamiliar of what you're doing."

"I don't even know where I am." You whispered to yourself and let them take you with them, hoping that you would wake up from all of it soon.


You were put in a room, alone with the masked guy you desperately want to know the name of, you were in a chair with restraints which made you anxious. 

"Are you going to kill me?" You asked.

He didn't answer but took off his mask instead, it made a hissing sound before he pulled it off, and behind that mask wasn't a robot or a weird alien, but a person, a man, a very beautiful man.

"Where did you come from?" He asked.

"Uhm- i don't know. Earth?" You tried.

"Do you know about your abilities?" He asked again.

"No, but I'm pretty sure I've got something wrong with me. I'm not supposed to be here, I was sick and I'm supposed to be in bed, resting. Maybe I'm in another dimension or something? or I'm just a psychopath." You tried not to take everything seriously. "what's your name anyways?"

"Do you want to know about it?" He ignored your question.

"What? about all this weird...shit?"


"I guess so-"

"Then you're going to be staying here, and I'm going to teach you about the force and about all this." You didn;t even think about it. because soon (you hope) you're going to be back home, and then you're going to rest. The next day you're going to a doctor and find out what kind of sickness you have.

"Okay then, but I'm going to need your name." You smirked at him.

"It's Kylo Ren."


Should I continue?

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