Fortuitous Feelings || Jikook

By ComfyInMySleep

24.6K 1K 191

"So it was all just a fucking bet to you?" "All you wanted is the money after you fuck me?" Jungkook is seemi... More

Chapter 1 || Coffee Shop
Chapter 2 || "Where's my Eboy bath water?"
Chapter 3 || Loner
Chapter 5 || Phone Number
Chapter 6 || Jimin's Smile
Chapter 7 || Working Together
Chapter 8 || Apple
Chapter 9 || Something in Common
Chapter 10 || A week
Chapter 11 || Cafรฉ
Chapter 12 || Parents
Chapter 13 || Hiding Your Scars
Chapter 14 || Unexpected
Chapter 15 || Alone
Chapter 16 || Staying Over
Chapter 17 || Bus
Chapter 18 || Invite
Chapter 19 || His House
Chapter 20 || Sharing is caring
Chapter 21 || Individual problems
Chapter 22 || Breakdown
Chapter 23 || Some Help
Chapter 24 || His presence
Chapter 25 || The Day
Chapter 26 || Owns Fate Pt. 1
Chapter 27 || Owns Fate Pt. 2
Chapter 28 || Owns Fate Pt. 3
Chapter 29 || Escape
Chapter 30 || For the Bet
Chapter 31 || Coming Out
Chapter 32 || Attraction
Chapter 33 || Panic

Chapter 4 || Project

954 40 1
By ComfyInMySleep

|Jimin's POV|

If I had to say I feel agitated I would be understating things - I'm fuming. That Jungkook kid has been bothering me for the whole school day, he's been sitting near me, attempting to hang out with me and talk to me. How hard is it for him to understand that I am fine the way I am; without any friends. Thankfuly it's the last lesson and then I can go home and hope that tomorrow Jungkook won't be walking behind my ass all the time like today, but for now, I have to wait until the bell rings so Jungkook can go to his seat because so far, he's been sitting next to me giving me some 'advice' on what to get to drink at the cafe he works in. Even though he was being annoying I still tried to memorise the drinks. Trying something new wouldn't hurt, right?

Finally, I heard the sweet sound of the bell, telling Jungkook to sit in his seat. I sighed in relief as the teacher walked in, hands full of some papers making all of the students go pale in fear, thinking it's a test. The petiete woman laid down the papers down before stepping in front of the class. "Afternoon all, as you may know today we were going to do an overview of hormones but looking through the previous lesson we had on them, I decided that you don't need any more lessons in hormones so I arranged something more than just a simple lesson." Observing others in the class, I could see thier faces reflect fatigue, expecting the teacher to assign us tons of homework of some sort. "So, you will do a project about puberty, but not simply just the part of hair growing out your armpits and periods. I want you to focus on what happens to the brain and include your knowledge on hormones. I will be expecting either a PowerPoint or handwritten report on that. If it's a PowerPoint you will have to present it to the class. Otherwise if it's a handwritten report you can just hand it in to me and I'll review it. Now, you will do it in pairs that I have made before hand and before I read out the pairs, does anyone have questions on this matter?" Everything she spoke about so far seemed straightforward enough that everyone were able to understand and not have any questions. "Good. Now, when I call your pair out, you must sit next to each other from now on. You'll be working on the project at school and at home. First pair..." And so, she began listing all the pairs in alphabetical order; it wasn't long before I heard my name being called out with another particular name that I honestly didn't want to hear for another million years. "Jeon Jungkook will be partnered with Park Jimin." It didn't take long before I heard the seat next to me being taken while all the students stared at how casually Jungkook did that; normally the person being chosen to be with me would try and convince the teacher to be put with someone else but in the end, I'd pull all nighters to do the project by myself.

After finishing puting students into pairs the teacher instructed us to begin discussing the plan on the project. I sighed as I turned to look at Jungkook who was reading the paper we were handed by the teacher, it seemed like it was basically all the same thing that the woman said but in more detail. Jungkook looked up at me and smiled. "Would you like to read this? It doesn't say much more than we already know so there's no need to read it but it might be helpful for you more than me." He said sliding the paper to my side, 'might be helpful for you more than me'.. is this his way of saying: 'you're doing all the work while I slack off and get drunk'? If so, then he dropped his nice act pretty fast.

"If it doesn't have anything new in it then I'm not intrested." I answered geting the page out of the way and instead I took out my note-pad where I normally set out my timeline for each homework I do. This time I wanted to lay out each part of the project but I still needed to know one thing.. "I'm guessing you want me to do a PowerPoint, right?" I questioned but for some reason Jungkook looked at me blankly before erupting with laughter, thankfully it wasn't that loud so it didn't caught anyone's attention. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry but- did you think I'll tell you to do this all by yourself?" This time I was the one staring at Jungkook blankly, did I interpret him wrong? Or did I just expect that because I'm used to it? "I knew you never were fond of people in our class but I didn't think you'd think of me so low- I'm not offended though, I understand how you would expect me to make you do this by yourself, everyone else is like that right?" Feeling a bit ashamed of that rash assumption I mentally slapped myself, I never liked being in the wrong but sometimes things like this happen and I must just understand it and improve. I was looking at Jungkook, searching for an answer to his question but instead of giving him an answer I noticed a few other people sitting on the far right of us snickering at Jungkook and me.

Looking away I kept my head low while saying: "You shouldn't be nice to me.. it'll only cause trouble for you." I mumbled out, loudly enough for Jungkook to hear. That made Jungkook look behind himself to look at the two guys that I looked at before.

"You mean because people will start making fun of me for it?" Jungkook asked wanting to know if that was what I meant to which I nodded in agreement. "So what? I want to be nice to you and try to befriend you, why should I care what others think about it?"



I'm back~~

Finally I updated the book after ages, the reason behind it was that I actually didn't have my phone for a while but also because I was incredibly busy and didn't have time to write much.


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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