Our Endless Shadows of Darkne...

By ABC_Author

415 35 1

After deciding to leave her family behind and follow her instincts of living alone, things turn for the worst... More

Chapter 1 ~ Trapped
Chapter 2 ~ Danger
Chapter 3 ~ Courage
Chapter 4 ~ The Battle
Chapter 5 ~ Worst than Death
Chapter 6 ~ Relocation
Chapter 8 ~ A Strange Feeling
Chapter 9 ~ A Dangerous Pervert
Chapter 10 ~ There will be... Rain?
Chapter 11 ~ Shattered
Chapter 12 ~ AROUND the Mountain?!

Chapter 7 ~ The Flower

23 3 0
By ABC_Author

I awoke before dawn, the roomier den permitting me a lot more space to stretch and wake up properly. It was almost like yesterday Grim had decided to just pour out his whole past on me. Oh wait, that was yesterday. I couldn't help but feel betrayed by my sister, my dead brother, and by the cold rogue. Was no one caring and honest to each other anymore? The thought saddened me and I held in the wail that threatened to force its way out of my throat.

I looked at the entrance of the den, where no bramble screen stood. Nothing blocked it except two furry shapes... Wait, furry shapes?! I breathed in the scent and identify two other wolves, seemingly guarding the den well. Grim suddenly barged past them, his head high with authority as he let out a loud howl. I shrank back, my ears flattening against my head. I really pissed him off yesterday, and now I was going to pay for it.
"My dear Twilight, how beautiful you look this morning." Grim said softly. I looked around, now confused.
"Are you talking to me?" I asked when he eyed me sternly.
"Yes, stupid. Who else would Twilight be?" He growled bitterly. I sank back to the ground, not in the mood for for his mood swings.
"Well, if you're going to punish me you may as well do it now." I sighed.
"Punish you? For what, my precious?" Every word on his tongue felt like a new lie he was creating. I winced slightly, now feeling awkward.
"For, umm, making you rant about your past? Yesterday? Remember any of that?" I narrowed my eyes, my ears pricking. I have a hypothisis: Grim hit his head, forgot about everything, still thinks I'm his, and has become crazy in the head!
"The past is in the past, dear." Grim crept closer to me with a grin.
"Really? Because that's not what you said yesterday." I huffed. Although I didn't like the way he was looking at me.
"Eat as much as you want, my sweet." He tossed me a doe carcass.

It smelled sweet and had a touch of blood tang, but it was enough to make my mouth water. I ripped the meat off the bones, letting myself stuff as much as I could until I was full. About a third of the carcass remained, but Grim didn't seem to notice my sudden appetite that seemed to have extended its limit.
"I don't suppose you've met the new guards, Tusk and Viper yet." Grim said. I shook my head, identifying each guard as they turned to face us.
Tusk was a white female with a scar across her eye and a few teeth that stook out of her jaw. Viper was a dark brown male with a thick coat. The female had an amazing posture, eying me with rather serious eyes. But the male had something like amusement in his eyes as he gazed at me. I suppressed the shudder that wanted to roll off of me.
"If you need anything, dear, you can ask them and they will tend to your every need. Don't be shy when asking." Grim grinned. He took a step forward, giving my cheek a lick before he padded out of the den. I let out a shiver before I felt the pressure in my rear return.
"I assume you have to go make dirt?" Tusk said. I shyly nodded.

The two wolves escorted me out of the den, theirs eyes staring around as if danger was lurking everywhere. I smiled when we passed by the stream, the water shinning as the sunlight reflected off of it. I stopped for a moment, gazing at the waterfall as it reflected off rainbows. If only I could see other colours than black and white.
"Hey, priss, keep up." Tusk snapped. I whipped around, quickening my pace to catch up to the bulkier wolves. We entered a small clearing, farther away from the den. Just now did I notice that Grim moved the den closer to an unclaimed oak and maple forest. I guess he remembered my love for maples and oaks. Is that why we moved? I shook off the thought, doing my dirt when the guards turned around. I buried it and followed after them. A few moments later the den appeared and I padded inside, surprised when a thin moss nest was set in one of the two corners. Grim was no where around, so I flopped in it.

I'd say about a couple hours later, after briefly falling asleep and talking to myself in thought, Grim returned with nothing. Nothing. 2 hours doing nothing. He did carry another scent, a muskier one, but it was faint and it seemed that he rolled in something to mask it.
"My love, I have brought you something." Grim dropped a flower at my paws. I flinched when he called me 'my love', but I didn't argue.
I inspected the flower. It was a full blossomed rose, a white one, which was very rare, with only a couple thorns that were quite small. I looked back up at him, his expression impatient and waiting for my answer.
"It's beautiful, Grim. Really." I said. He seemed quite happy, for he let out a grin. But it wasn't the kind of smile you want to see on someone's face after you thank them. This was more or less a smile of achievement, of victory.
"Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" Grim persisted. But I shook my head, drawing the rose closer with one of my paws, trying not to prick my soft pad on the thorn.
"I think," he paused, picking up the rose careful in his jaws. "it will look better here." He mumbled around the flower. He softly dropped it beside my ear, the flower sticking against it. As most of the stem had been cut, it was short enough to cling to my thicker pelt for a bit until the wind would blow it off. I couldn't see what the flower looked like on me, but his expression brightened and he stared at me.
"Come." Grim orderded slightly. I rose to my paws slowly, trying not to cause the fragile flower to fall.

He led me out of the den, following the stream, but not allowing me to look at the reflection of myself. He didn't rush me, like he usually did, and I was thankful that he kept a steady pace. After walking for quite a bit through the oak forest, passing by tall and graceful oaks and maples, a lake loomed up ahead. Only then did I realize, as we came a few steps away from it, that it was the lake Grim chased me from a few days ago. I looked into the gently lapping water, my reflection shining off of it. I could see why Grim was staring at me earlier.
My white coat was nice and groomed, only small tufts of fur sticking out, but barely. The rose settled nicely beside my ear, somehow adding an older air to me. But I wouldn't admit that I was, or not, beautiful. Something pressed up against me and I gasped when I saw Grim.
"I-I'm sorry." I apologized. "I just didn't see you." He merely shrugged.
I looked up to the sun, surprised to see it setting. Was it already the end of the day? Time went by really fast... shockingly. Grim laid his tail on mine, and I didn't react negatively. I then got an idea. I shook out my coat, letting the white rose plop in the water.
"What-" I silenced Grim. The white rose floated softly along the water, the waves not even bringing the delicate little flower underwater.
"Beauty is best kept in motion, where it may flow to another." I recited. My mother had told me this when I was a pup. Rain wasn't too interested in what our mother told us, all the lessons, but I would always listen to them. And the little things have caught up and made me who I am. Grim didn't respond, but pressed closer to me.

As the sun faded behind the trees, and the moon rose out of hiding, I could feel weariness rise in me.
"This was, nice." I paused, blinking and turning to him. Grim narrowed his eyes a little, speechless for a few moments.
"Yes. I, I guess it, was." He stumbled in his words, but I didn't call him out for such a small mistake. "It's getting late, we should be heading back." He then said. I slowly nodded, getting up and following him. I was quite tired and I lagged behind him. Grim slowed down, letting me catch up to him. I don't know what had made me so tired, considering I basically did nothing all day, but all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep. Grim's pelt brushed against mine, but I didn't refuse it surprisingly.
Soon the den came in sight and he led me inside. I flopped onto the thin moss nest, quickly curling up into a ball. To my surprise, he had curled up beside me with his head near my nest. I listened as his breaths faded into a soft, rhythmic breathing and I knew he was asleep. I had struggled to stay awake during those few minutes, letting out a yawn occasionally. But soon enough, I had drifted off. The last thing I remembered before sinking into sleep was a warm feeling against my pelt, and I was overflowed with a light-hearted feeling.

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