The New Guardian

By AlicePinkMe

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng is an adult in the real world, guarding the Miracle Box in Master Fu's place. She's in... More

Chapter 1: A New Visitor
Chapter 2: The Guardian
Chapter 3: The First Encounter
Chapter 4: The Sleeping Spell
Chapter 5: Soulmates
Chapter 6: The Duo
Chapter 7: Battle of Emotions
Chapter 8: A Fresh Start
Chapter 9: History
Chapter 10: Sparring
Chapter 11: Lost Girl
Chapter 13: Goodbye
Chapter 14: The Trial
Chapter 15: Forget Me
Chapter 16: Three Days
Chapter 17: A Team Once Again
Chapter 18: Home
Chapter 19: Reformation
Chapter 20: Scarlet
Chapter 21: The Cube Part 1
Chapter 22: The Cube Part 2
Chapter 23: The Cube Part 3
Chapter 24: A New Chapter

Chapter 12: The Council

366 12 0
By AlicePinkMe

2 Weeks Later:

Marinette laid in her bed, reading her kwami book. She bought it two weekends ago and had almost finished it. She could've been through it by now if her physical classes weren't so tiring. April hasn't worn her locket yet, so Marinette assumed she hadn't locked a compulsion inside of it yet, or maybe she wouldn't. Marinette didn't want to ask, so she wouldn't mention it.

There was an urgent knock at the door. Marinette and April looked at each other. They weren't expecting anyone and it was early on a Sunday.

April shrugged. "Maybe it's Rebekah."

Marinette hopped out of her covers and walked to the door. She flung it open to find a letter on the ground with no one around. Marinette picked it up and turned back to April. "A little ominous, don't you think?" Marinette ripped it open and pulled out the letter, rapidly scanning it. "It's a . . . summoning."

"Summoning?" April closed her book.

"Like a spontaneous, urgent meeting." Marinette corrected. "The council wants to see me and . . . " She flipped over the page. "It doesn't say why. There's only a time and location."

"Sounds like a trap." April chuckled. "They might be planning to kill you."

"Or maybe they think I'm overqualified to be in a class of preteens for history and want to change my schedule." Marinette suggested, moving to her closet. Jenn jumped at her feet, brushing against her leg. "I'm trying to stay positive here considering there is a fair chance the council hates my guts because of my guardian and my past. There's probably plenty of people that want me dead, but let's not think about that right now."

"Just avoid people like I do." April suggested. "The temple isn't bad if your avoid all humanity and drama." She pointed at her. "Send a bat signal."

"I'm supposed to prove myself to this terrifying council of elders. I cannot avoid them." Marinette sighed. "They could kill me. I need on their good side until later, so only positive thoughts."

"You mean panicked thoughts?"

. . .

Marinette walked down a creepy corridor that looked ancient. She held the letter from earlier in her hand as she searched for the right door. This sector of the temple was never repaired or updated at all. There was some loose rubble on the ground and the only light came from candles on the walls. Pieces of the structures were dilapidated and faded. This place was probably haunted and Marinette was probably about to die.

Marinette looked down at the paper again. Room 3 of Sector 1. Marinette could see a few doors up ahead as well as a stature. As she got closer she focused on it. She didn't recognize who the sculpture was, but it had a few chunks gone along with its nose missing. Marinette reached the first few doors.

"Four." Marinette read. She walked across to the other, smearing the dirt off as she tried to read the number. "Three." She said.

Marinette sighed and took in her surroundings. She still didn't know what the council wanted with her and she was insanely nervous, but running from this wasn't an option. Marinette steadily raised her fist to the wood before anxiously knocking. The door immediately opened before she could hit it a third time.

"Marinette, welcome." A man said, stepping aside. "Please come in."

Marinette lowered her hand and gave a shy smile before moving inside. There was a large oval table filled on one side with several elders wearing red and black laced robes. They all had stern faces and their hands laid folded in front of them. Marinette hooked her purse on the corner of a chair across from them and awkwardly sat down.

"Thank you for meeting with us, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." A woman said. "We realize our notification was a bit vague, but due to privacy reasons, we prefer to keep any information regarding the meetings in this room."

"I understand." She nodded. "So why was I summoned here?" Marinette asked, fidgeting her hands. "I hope all is well."

"We just wished to check up on you." Another said. She recognized him as the man Mint had called Master Mantis. "You are fairly new to all of this and you are uniquely special compared to our other pupils. Checking in is very important to us."

"Well the temple is amazing." Marinette spoke, her voice slightly shaking. "I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would and . . . my classes are very informative, although the teachings are a little biased."

One woman frowned, her nostrils flaring and eyes widening. "Biased? How so?"

"The lessons are taught by people who were at the temple when it disappeared a long time ago. Everything they mention is important and informative, but extremely one-sided." Marinette said. The crowd tensed. "Everything I had learned from my master was from his viewpoint, but I was glad to hear each side when I came here. It helped me understand the entire situation."

"Interesting." The woman replied.

"What about your guardianship training?" A man asked, clearing his throat, trying to ease the tension.

"Definitely . . . different." Marinette answered.

"I'm sure Fu taught you all the easy ways out." Another woman muttered, turning to the woman next to her.

"Actually his training was quite difficult." Marinette replied. "Master Fu said connecting with the kwamis and the Miracle Box itself was key to being a guardian. I spent months meditating and connecting my energy with theirs. Unlike the previous training here, I was allowed basic necessities like food and I was taught how to have a normal life. Even if the kwamis are a main priority, I'm supposed to keep them under the radar and the best way to do that is to keep a normal lifestyle."

"So you did cheat our traditions?" The first woman growled. The man to her right grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"I trained diligently." Marinette defended herself. "Master Fu was the best teacher I ever had and even though my classes here are great, I still believe that. My guardianship classes have strengthened my knowledge about the job and have made me a better holder. I will admit that, but Master Fu's training was still valuable. I-"

"I think that's enough for today." The second woman said, cutting her off.

"Thank you for with meeting us, Marinette." One of the men stood up and held out his hand. "We look forward to future discussions."

Marinette stood and shook his hand. "I do as well."

Marinette awkwardly turned and left the room as most of them glared. Luckily that situation was done and over with. That was too much anxiety and awkwardness for today. Every elder in that room practically despised her. No matter how hard they tried to hide it, their anger practically bled through their words.

Marinette felt for her phone, but noticed her purse missing. She must have left it in the conference room. Marinette turned around and walked back to the door, but stopped when she heard talking. The conversation sounded a lot more outspoken and louder than it was a minute ago.

"Can you believe all that nonsense praise she had about Wang Fu?" One woman asked, pouring a drink. "That brat has no right to sputter such things."

"Fu completely corrupted that girl's mind." A man scoffed, shaking his head.

"Marinette hasn't been here very long to acclimate to our ways, so it's no surprise." Mantis said. "It'll take time for her mind to understand our ways before she physically shows evidence of our teachings."

"Luckily we won't have to wait for that nightmare to happen." The other woman laughed, opening another bottle. "That girl was never one of us to begin with. She shouldn't have been given this opportunity to prove herself in the first place. It won't fix her."

"Oh please!" The first woman argued, laughing. "She wasn't even given a chance to begin with. She never was. That wasn't part of our plan and when we follow through with the rest of it, that'll show true."

"Marinette could've been great if Fu hadn't stepped in when he did." Master Mantis said, taking a drink.

"I don't know where this soft spot of yours came from, Mantis, but you need to cut it out." The first woman growled. "Once the trial is over . . . hopefully we'll never see that dreadful creature again."

"She must be charged for her heinous crimes, Mantis." A man said. "And I'd advise you not to communicate with her again till we're met in a court room." Mantis nodded.

"Why are we waiting to begin with?" The second woman crossed her arms. "She should be imprisoned immediately."

One man swirled his drink in his glass. "Maybe we should move the date up."

Marinette gasped, slowly stepping away from the door. She needed to get out of here. This entire temple and her training was all a big lie. She'd have to leave or else she'd be unfairly tried for crimes she couldn't stop. Marinette's heart sped up and she took off, sprinting down the long hallways through the temple. She needed to pack what she could and bolt.

What would Chat Noir think? No! She couldn't worry about him or at least she shouldn't. If she has to flea, the only place she can go at the moment is her old apartment, but that's in Paris. Marinette will see him again and the idea of it made her heart hurt. Every possible scenario of running into him flashed in her mind. What if it ended horribly? Oh who was she kidding, wasn't her luck bad enough already? She could handle nearly breaking her nose during class, but facing the man she's loved for years, well that's a death sentence.

Marinette reached the dorm areas of the building. She turned down her sector and continued sprinting. Her room was over two hundred doors away. Even if the council wasn't chasing her, she felt like her clock was ticking too fast. She needed in her dorm now, but it seemed to get further away.

. . .

Marinette burst through her door, panting as she scanned the room. Her breath hitched. Chat Noir sat relaxed along the windows, twirling his belt tail. His eyes were shut and relaxed, unlike herself. No April in sight.

"I was wondering when we'd see each other again, M'Lady." He smiled. "I surely hope that letter wasn't a goodbye." Chat's eyes opened as he turned to her, jumping at the sight. He gulped and his body froze. "M-Marinette . . . " He breathed, gaping.

"Chat Noir . . . " Marinette shut the door behind her without breaking eye contact. "You're here."

"I am." He replied, speechless.

Marinette's heart pounded. "Wh-"

"You're Ladybug." Chat said, taking a step forward. "I didn't know it was you when I got here." He explained. "Your room was under the name Ladybug, so I found it and I snuck in to see you, but I guess I know your identity now. Unless you're a miraculous holder at this temple too and I have the wrong room." He put his fist under his chin and looked up in thought. "We haven't really seen each other since graduation a few years ago, Marinette, so I suppose you could have been attending this school the whole time without my knowledge. Maybe I am in the wrong room."

"No, you . . . had it right." Marinette smiled and moved forward, beaming up at his emerald eyes. "I am Ladybug."

Chat's hand dropped to his side, his eyes widening. "You really are?"

"Of course. How could you be so blind?" Marinette grabbed his hand and held it. "I've been waiting here for you this whole time." She sprung forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him tight.

"Really?" Chat hugged her back, happier than he's been in awhile. "I beat myself up over you leaving this whole time that I never thought you wanted me to come find you. I thought I was only intruding."

"Then why did you?" Marinette asked. "Why did you . . . find me?"

"You know me . . . always jumping into situations." He sighed. "I was thinking with my heart. I needed to speak to you even if it meant I'd lose you. Even if I had to chase you all the way to Tibet."

"Of course I know you." Marinette stared up at him. He was so handsome. His eyes sparkled when he looked at her. "I'm so happy you found me." Marinette slowly moved on her tippy toes, leaning her head closer to his, their lips inches apart. "I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't." She beamed, closing her eyes.

Chat Noir released a breath of laughter. Marinette blinked her eyes open as Chat pressed a finger to her lips. "I'm sorry, I'm saving that for the real Ladybug." He announced.

"That too bad. You were really good looking." Marinette's demeanor changed as she fell back on her heels and crossed her arms. She smiled. "How did you know I wasn't her? I thought I was convincing."

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