Babydoll (BWWM)

By savvv3

1.4M 49.7K 21K

Kinda meant to be cliche and corny "I never said that this life was going to be all sunshine and rainbows, ba... More

1 - Gunshots & Clubbin'
2 - Mansions & Trackers
3 - Babydoll
4 - More shooting & fainting
5 - Fuck off Luca
6 - Another day Another dollar
7 - My children
8 - Ansley
9 - Nothing dangerous
10 - Liam
11 - Amelia
12 - Jealousy
13 - You're fucking crazy
14 - Andrei
15 - Stay with me
16 - Deal
18 - Weird things
19 - Pretty fire
20 - I'm a bad bitch
21 - Pre date
22 - Me n you
23 - Date night*
24 - Embarrassing
25 - She's mine
26 - You had one job
27 - Pills
28 - Backstory *
29 - Graduation
30 - Research Purposes
31 - Nosy ass
32 - Nicholas and Trevor
33 - Daddy kink
34 - Love
35 - You look so sexy
36 - Apple
37 - Panorama Bitch
38 - I don't deserve her
39 - Distant
40 - Bitch!
41 - Childish
42 - Freak
43 - After*
44 - you fucking tease*
45 - Charity
46 - trending
47 - Usher's dick
48 - Vacation*
49 - Birthday
50 - Mama
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10
Bonus #11
hey guys

17 - Her words not mine

22.6K 909 300
By savvv3

Kiona's POV

+ not edited

Seeing Adrian, Luca, and Liam cheer so dramatically made me smile. Jackson tried not to crack a smile but he did making me grin. "To celebrate, I'm going out with my friends." I say folding the blanket and putting it on the couch.

"Not y'all," I say and they frown.

"You know that there will be bodyguards and my men around to keep a watch on things right?" Jackson asks walking over to me and I nod.

"Or how about we go and you introduce us?" Liam pipes up.

"Yea you can introduce us to your friends. They're probably cute huh?" Adrian asks.

"Do you have a sister or something ya know...?" Luca drifts off jumping on the couch.

"They're 15 and 5." Yeaaa, don't ask about the age gap it's pretty weird.

"Oh nevermind then."

"And how do you want me to introduce four guys that are in a gang to my friends normally?" I ask them.

"Yes that's pretty fucking weird. Uhhhhh how about you say we fixed your car when you went on your 'vacation'" Liam suggests putting 'vacation' in quotes. I laugh.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes playfully.

"Let's go!" They pipe up. They're so childish but Ive gotten oddly close with them over a weeks span. I couldn't even be mad. I call Ziya and Trece immediately and they were so excited that they said meet them in 20. Well now I have to rush myself.

"We gotta go!" I shout down the stairs overlooking them all sitting on the L shaped couch. This house was beautifully designed and I admired it everyday I was here. It was hard to with guards everywhere.

I put on some camouflage jeans and a black shirt with a rose at the top right. I put on some plain black Jordan's and skip down the stairs. I grab my jacket putting it on waiting for them.

I was tired of having braids so I'd take them out later today. I change hairstyles too much like I have the money for that.

"Stop fucker." Liam comes down the left hallway that connects to the family room.

"I didn't do anything," Adrian shrugs. Children man. My dogs were all sleeping since I took them outside a little earlier. I get them fresh water and food before leaving.

"Where's Jackson and Luca?" I ask them.

"They take so long to get ready, they think they're so cute." Adrian rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"My hairs a mess." Luca says hopping to put his shoes on. His hair was all over the place.

"Maybe you should cut it." Jackson finally comes down the stairs. Oh wow. He looked good even in some casual clothes. He had on ripped black skinny jeans and a blue stripped shirt. I licked my lips turning back around leaning on the counter.

"See I told you, try hards." Adrian whispers in my ear making me laugh.

"I'll do something with it, now let's go." I tell him.

We were finally out of the house walking to an suv. Liam tosses the keys to Adrian who catches them smoothly unlocking the car. Liam starts running to the passenger seat, "haha too slow." He says closing his door.

They make me sit in the middle since I was the shortest and they needed leg room. Yea ok.

"Turn." I tell Luca.

"Oh and here." I say giving Adrian the directions. Luca's hair was long and fluffy. "Oh my." I say playing with it and Jackson snorts.

"Shut up not everyone can have to loose perfect curls like you." Luca grumbles at Jackson.

"Uh...face me." I didn't know what to do with it really. I decided to braid the sides putting it into a bun at the back.

"Are you tender headed?" I ask him.

"Huh? Ouchh!" He screams giving me my answer.

"I barely touched your hair!" I exclaim. His hair was somewhat frizzy making it easier to braid but he making such a big deal.

"Jesus fuck that hurts!" He screams hurting all of our ears.

"Awe Lukie, do you need a tissue?" Jackson taunts from next to me and I glare at him to shut up. "I want you to pull my hair like that." Jackson comes right next to my ear saying that. Jokingly I hope. I close my eyes and take a deep breath pushing his face back while he laughs.

"Okayyy I'm done." I sing making Luca face me. "Awe Lukie I'm sorry." I say pouting getting outta my seat hugging him.

"Kiona get your ass outta my face." Jackson says sounding strained.

"Stop looking damn." I say sitting back down. We arrived and I was happy that I could breathe. It was a local breakfast place which wasn't that crowded.

"Oh my god!" I hear to the left of me when I walked in. Trece and Ziya basically tackle me into a hug.

"We've been your apartment deprived." Trece says jokingly.

"I know we had to go to mine." Ziya says laughing. "Are you good? I feel like I haven't seen you in awhile?"

"Yea I'm fine, how are y'all?." I ask with a smile. I've been through some shit that I wish I could tell them.

"I knew you said you were bringing friends but I didn't expect them to look like this or be all guys for that matter." Trece says eyeing all of them. Perks of going both ways as she always says.

Trece leads us back to our table in the back of the restaurant. "So how'd you find these fine ass pieces?" Ziya says quietly across the table.

Well fuck. "M-my car broke down when I was leaving town and they helped jumpstart my car and we became friends surprisingly." I look at Adrian who winks at me with approval of the lie.

"Which ones yours?" Trece asks.

"Sis huh?" I question.

"Ya know... the one you want, the one you wanna get it on with." She says lowly. I roll my eyes at her.

"You're too much, girl calm down we just met." I say then looking up at Jackson who was next to me.

"Yea mmhm he's yours ain't he?" Trece says. "Hi I'm Trece, since Ki didn't wanna introduce us. This is Ziya." She says pointing to Ziya too. The guys introduce themselves as well.

"So Jackson huh..." Trece asks and Jackson looks amused. I glare at her while Ziya was too busy eyeing down Luca and Adrian and talking to them.

"Only you would get help from four hot ass guys, lucky hoe. Your awkward ass talking to four fine ass men, what the fuck! Trece says making me laugh.

"Awe thank you," Adrian winks from across the table making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm yours huh?" Jackson speaks lowly in my ear.

"Not my words, hers." I say picking up a menu and pushing his face from me.

"Alright alright." He says putting his hands up like he's surrendering. I look at Luca who's too busy typing away on his phone. Hmm. This wasn't a total disaster and I was surprised that nothing went wrong, but let me not jinx it before breakfast is over.

Ordering, eating, and paying went fine and it was time to go.

"I'll see y'all tomorrow." I say hugging both of them. They nod and Trece speaks in my ear.

"Girl if you don't get with Jackson's sexy ass, I will. Did you not see him glancing at you the whole time?" Trece whisper shouts.

"No I was too busy noticing you flirting with Liam and Ziya flirting with Luca." I raise my eyebrow at both of them.

"Shut up you know I like flirting." Trece retorts. "Now I know Ziya's clueless ass didn't see you and Jackson but we'll talk later." We finally release from the hug departing.

"Well," I sigh. "That wasn't a disaster." I say genuinely happy that nothing went wrong. "I think Luca's got a new girl. But listen here." I start out leaning to the front. "If y'all get together and you cheat on her, Jackson will cut your balls off."

"Huh? Why me?" Jackson perks up hearing his name and I glare at him. He looks down at me chuckling.

"You're fucking crazy, Ki."


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