THE DARK TRIO and the Philoso...

By -ccandynecklaces

45.3K 1.5K 617

One boy shackled his whole life. One boy ignored by the rest. A girl hurt by those who think her weird. Ridic... More

The One In Which They Are Introduced.
The One In Which Everything Changes
The One In Which It Starts Off Rocky
The One In Which They Better Be...(Part Two)
The One In Which There Were Minty Eyes
Author's Note
The One In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong (Part One)
The One In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong (Part Two)
The One In Which Draco Was Knocked Down A Peg Or Two (Briefly)
The One In Which Eyes Flashed Red (Maybe) Part One
The One In Which Eyes Flashed Red (Maybe) Part Two
The One In Which Harry's Lunch Returns
The One In Which Hermione Has A Staring Contest
The One In Which Theo Wakes Up
The One In Which There Was A Red Stone

The One In Which They Better Be... (Part One)

5.2K 203 218
By -ccandynecklaces

It was already dark when the train reached the Hogsmeade Station.

All the first years followed a giant man named Hagrid who was ushering them to the boathouse to do the traditional boat riding to the castle.

"Four ter a boat!"he boomed happily.

Now here was the problem. There were five of them and they all wanted to be together....

What to do? What to do?

Harry just shrugged and clambered into a boat. Ron beat everyone else to the punch. Draco narrowed his eyes and jumped in, making it shake uncontrollably for awhile.

Theo rolled his eyes. "I'll be the bigger person here and I'll go and ride with Pansy, Tracey and Daphne,"he said before going off.

Blaise smirked and got in.

* * *

Hogwarts was stunning like Hermione knew that it would be. When she had left Harry's compartment, a blond haired girl who went by the name of Daphne Greengrass invited her to sit with her 'friends'. The other girls were a black short haired girl with chocolate eyes and a pug-like face named Pansy Parkinson and a girl with chestnut brown hair tied into two long plaits with pale green eyes named Tracey Davis.

They had been nice enough, but the Parkinson girl still didn't sit well with Hermione. She had kept quiet when she had mentioned her surname, but had pursed her lips as if to hold herself from saying something she would regret.

Hermione could just see the squabbles they'd have from here.

Daphne was more reserved and let Pansy jabber away about girlish things and the like that Hermione became bored listening to. She saw that Daphne liked sports more and told her about a game called 'Quidditch'. From the blonde's description , it seemed like it would be interesting to see a match.

Tracey was somewhere in between the fence. She liked things that Hermione did and she liked a lot of the glitz and glamor that Pansy did but would prefer Quidditch any day too like Daphne. She was also considerably warmer with Hermione in comparison with the other two girls, and she was grateful for that. She actually felt as if she were... wanted.

Now as they prepared to ride the boats, Daphne wouldn't stop scaring Pansy with stories she swore up and down were true. The brown haired boy from Harry's compartment had shown up only to find no space for him.

"Now it's time to go and sit with Terry and Ernie. Merlin's dirty underwear, those guys are pricks..."he murmured before leaving with a grin.

"You know, Pansy... I heard that the Giant Squid in the Black Lake is fed children when they get a detention too many—or just 'cause the Professors are bored. Maybe they'll feed you to it! Oh dear! You are nice and plump...."she hissed, poking at Pansy's side. The other girl squealed in terror.

"Shut up! You know that's not true...Right, Trace?"Pansy squeaked uncertainly, shooting Tracey a worried look.

Tracey and Daphne shared a malicious glance.

"Oh, I don't know...My father told me that there used to be some Slytherin boy who went by the name of Tim Roddle or Tom Riddle—something like that—who was the best student Hogwarts had and then people got jealous.

There were these boys who were his classmates who went to go and kidnap him then chop him up like a Swiss Roll and dumped him in the Lake where McSquidders had the best meal of his life!"she said seriously. She turned to Hermione and elbowed her softly to carry on with the game.

Hermione jumped in surprise, not expecting to be included.

"I read that in Hogwarts: A History! They say that the only thing left of poor Tim—Tom—whatever, were his bones,"Hermione whispered sinisterly, lying through her teeth and enjoying every moment as Pansy's facial expression got more fearful. "And they say that in the dorms you may find this little black book with his name on it...People who've opened it are never. The. Same. AGAIN!"she ended of dramatically.

Pansy shrieked. "I knew I should have gone to Beaubaxtons! I told my father that Hogwarts was freaky! Too many ghosts! Spiderwebs! Mud—!"

"Pansy— we're just JOKING! Calm down!"Daphne said in between giggles.

"You should have seen your face!"Tracey said in between her own giggles. "It was hilarious, wasn't it, Hermione?"

Hermione was surprised. This was actually the first time she could actually laugh with other girls and not be laughed at instead. It made her feel warm....

"Yes, it really was!"she replied.

"I don't like any of you anymore!"Pansy said with a pout.

"No!"Tracey exclaimed dramatically. "How will I live without your love, dear flower? I'll just wither and die!" The girl flopped over and laid against Hermione, playing dead.

* * *

"Come along children, the Sorting Ceremony is about to start,"Minerva McGonagall said to the stressed out First Years. She ushered them to get them outside of the Great Hall.

"Before we go in, I have a few words for you all,"she said. "Hogwarts is meant to be your home away from home and the House you get Sorted into, your family. Like you do with family, don't be afraid to ask for help, there is always someone there to assist you with anything. You get rewarded House Points when you do commendable acts and get them docked off for unsavoury ones. At the End-Of-Year feast, the House Cup is awarded to the House with the most points, counted by using hourglasses that you will see in the Hall..."she ended off. "Now, let's get you all Sorted."

The large doors opened up to show lots of students that made the First Years feel so small and a tad bit fearful as many eyes followed them as they traveled down the middle aisle that lead to a ratty old hat on a rickety stool.

Harry shivered as he remembered the same type of stool that he Dursleys made him use until he was seven to cook for them...They had hoped that it would break and he would get injured....

He stared warily at the stool in front of the Professors' Table.

A man with a stark white beard who sat in the middle suddenly stood up and smiled at everyone, his intense blue twinkling eyes shining at everyone. He had jovial smile that made the hairs on Harry's neck stand straight up.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! We yet again say hello to new faces and a welcome back to the old. A few notices for the year..."the old man said in a cheery voice. "The Forbidden Forest is still banned to everyone. Do not venture there if you wish to live a very long life. Do not visit the third floor corridor if you do not wish die a most painful death!"he said. Then he frowned as if trying to remember something. "Oh, Mr Filch also has added new prank items on his list that are banned from Hogwarts!" He looked straight ahead to Ron's twin brothers, Fred and George who stood up and bowed.

Harry and the others just shook their heads. The way the man was speaking was as if he actually wanted them to go and do these foolish things. Thanks, but no thanks. They all rather live to old age!

The man sat down and the ratty hat seemed to come to life and started to sing a song.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

—Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1991)—

Everyone clapped loudly for the surprisingly pleasant and catchy song.

"Let the Sorting begin!"the Hat yelled for everyone to hear.

Minerva had walked up the stairs to stand on the platform the chair was.

She unfolded a scroll and cleared her throat.

"Abbott, Hannah!"she called out. A tiny girl with light blond hair put into two pigtails walked up nervously. Minerva simply put the Hat on her head to cover her eyes. Not even a minute later, the hole in the Hat yelled:

"HUFFLEPUFF!"raucous clapping was heard from the yellow table.

The First Years were shocked. They thought that they would have to something pretty difficult to help determine their House. Ron had made it worse by saying that they would have to fight a troll. Another girl by the name of Meg Jones said that it would end up like that Hunger Games trilogy, effectively confusing the Magically brought up children and scaring the Muggle raised ones.

The next person was called up.

"Bones, Susan!"

The tall red haired girl walked up confidently, her face blank.

After a few seconds the Hat called
"HUFFLEPUFF!"for all to hear and the Hufflepuff table clapped for their second new addition as her Hogwarts Crest turned to the Hufflepuff one like Hannah's had.

"Boot, Terrence!" went to Ravenclaw. He looked pale as paper when it was turn.

It went on like that for some time until it was Tracey's turn.

* * *

Hermione hoped that she could end up in the same House as her since she seemed to like her more than Daphne.

"Davis, Tracey!"

"SLYTHERIN!"the Hat called.

The Gryffindor table clapped reluctantly while the others clapped loudly but the Slytherins with a more polite tone to theirs.

Tracey smirked a bit as she went to the table.

After a few more people one of the people we actually care about here was about to be Sorted.

"Granger, Hermione!"

Hermione bit her bottom lip and took a calming breath before walking up to the Hat. She sat on the tiny stool and the ragged hat covered her eyes. She could FEEL the gazes of everyone staring at her.

"Hello? Is there anybody here?"she called out mentally, instantly feeling very silly.

"Hello, Miss Granger..."a voice replied kindly.

"Who are you? What are you? Why do you exist?"Hermione asked at a rapid pace. She feeling overly curious. Did a simple voice of all things determine the fate of her school-life?

"Well yes, but actually no. I'm not 'just a voice'. Like I had told you before if you actually bothered to pay attention to my songs—it's not like I spend a whooole YEAR composing it—then you'd see that I am indeed a Sorting Hat! Whipped off the head of Godric Gryffindor himself to Sort the students when the four founders had finally passed,"The Hat stated.

"Oh, that sounds very interesting. You're actually over a THOUSAND YEARS old! That's simply amazing!"Hermione commented.

"Very. You have the thirst for knowledge like a Ravenclaw...but you will be hindered in that House for in the future your tastes will change in a way too incompatible with the House of Bronze and Blue. You think more deeply than they do and you understand how it feels to be hurt. You do have the loyalty of Hufflepuff, but the people there are just too wrong for you...So where to put you? You are as fierce as a lioness, but you like tranquility and that House will drive you insane. You will end up being somewhat of a pariah in the end. I cannot do that to you, no matter how others want it to be...Slytherin is where you'll make your true friends, my dear. You will achieve great things there...You'll already know how this will go, Miss Granger!"the Hat said with a small chuckle.

"Yes. I can't wait!"Hermione exclaimed, liking the sound of Slytherin more and more.

"You better be...SLYTHERIN!"the Hat yelled.

The white bearded Headmaster looked like he was going to choke on something. The students weren't much better either. A Muggleborn in SLYTHERIN?! That's never happened before!

The Slytherin Table was a bit too shocked to clap properly. How can someone of such dirty blood belong to their pure House? That cannot be! Then that means that she may actually have some potential...

Tracey glanced around the Hall before yelling:

"Go Granger! Show them!"and she started to clap. Harry and his own little crew started to clap too, prompting the rest of the First Years to join in with the rest of the school.

Hermione smiled faintly before sitting next to an open space that Tracey had left for her.

When she sat down, the girl whispered in her her ear:
"This is going to the start of a beautiful friendship!"

Friendship? Hermione thought to herself in wonder. Is this what being 'friends' with someone actually feels like? If so, it feels...nice.

* * *

"Greengrass, Daphne!"Minerva called.


And the names kept on coming until—

"Malfoy, Draco!"

Draco sat on the chair. The Hat barely touched a hair on his gelled, platinum blond hair before yelling:


Draco smirked widely as he made his way to the table.

After Theo and Pansy had been sorted into Slytherin and Perks, Sally-Anne into Hufflepuff, it was FINALLY Harry's turn.

Minerva couldn't help herself. She bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Mr Potter would surely shake up the boring life at Hogwarts for her. She had to admit that she looked forward to it. Knowing what she did, of course.

"Potter, Harry!"she called with barely held back glee.

Everyone in the Great Hall went silent. They watched as the boy who looked a bit too different from James Potter walked up. The Headmaster's blue eyes widened in shock as he registered who he looked like.

But he had declared dead! There's no way that he could be Harry's father....Weren't Lily and James married when they had Harry? What was going on?

Harry walked up as if he seemed indifferent to all the stares and whispers around him. He even seemed to go as far as appearing...bored with everything.

Internally, he was almost close to having a panic attack. He may seem childish or something but that chair really brought back bad memories. The room almost seemed to spin wildly while his heart kept on beating at a very fast pace. Harry really didn't like this claustrophobic feeling. It was like he was locked up again, back in his tiny cupboard under the stairs...

*~*~*Flashback: Harry, age 7*~*~*

It was an awful day for Harry. Petunia and Vernon were going to have guests over for an important dinner party. Harry had been making the house look spotless while Petunia and Vernon treated him worse than they usually do.

He was so thirsty and very, very hungry. He had used up what little energy he had following all the strenuous instructions he had been given. Currently, Harry was salivating at the smell of the roast chicken that was in the oven. He sat on his rickety stool in front of the oven after he had tidied everything away. He was finally going to get something to eat!

Harry didn't realise that his eyes were drooping and before he knew it, the tiny little boy was snoring lightly as he used his thin hands to act as a makeshift pillow.

The roast chicken had been burnt, yet little Harry still slept on.

Vernon had heard the smoke detector beeping and sort of ran in a weird fashion to get to the kitchen. His face turned an ugly puce as he watched Harry sleeping soundly for a second before stomping to the drawers and took out a wooden rolling pin.

He beat Harry awake using the pin, aiming for only his arms and sides. The boy cried out in pain.

"Why did you fall asleep, Freak?!"Vernon bellowed angrily. He had ceased the repetitive strikes after deeming Harry 'awake enough'. "How dare you burn the food! Now it's all wasted. Take it out of the oven and prepare a new one! Don'r even THINK that you'll go to sleep with a meal today! After all we've done for you, you disgusting little brat, you do this?!"

Tears flowed down Harry's face as he watched his uncle.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Vernon! I didn't mean to! I-I was s-s-so tired and—and I didn't know I feel asleep!"he sobbed. He held his sore arms closer to him as he looked up at pig-like man.

"Save it, you little Freak. It's always your fault!"

*~*~*Flashback End*~*~*

Harry's emerald eyes widened as he sat down on the stool hesitantly. When the Hat covered his eyes, he held back a small scream.

"I don't like this. I REALLY don't like this. Idontlikethisidontlikethisidontidontdont —"Harry thought in panic before a gentle voice soothed him.

"Hush now, child..."It said.

"Who are you?"Harry asked nervously.

"The Sorting Hat, of course,"the Hat replied simply.

Harry frowned. "Don't you have a name? It would be pretty dumb to call you Sorting Hat or Sorting or even just Hat."

The Hat chuckled softly before replying to him.

"Yes, I do, Mr Potter. I am Alistair. Now with those introductions done, please do keep silent as I look through your head..."

Harry growled at that. "What's in my head is private stuff that I wish not to share with ANYONE! Things that I don't want getting out and having people pity me! Get out."Harry ordered angrily.

"No need to get like that, Mr Potter! I promise no one outside you and I will know of this...It is essential that I analyse your whole true personality to choose your House. Trust me, Mr Potter."

Harry deflated a bit. The rest of the school were basically on the edge of their seats, wondering what was taking the Hat so long.

"Fine. But if you do tell anyone what you know about me, I'll burn you somehow...."Harry threatened.

The Hat made an indignant noise. "So much like the other boy. You two would have been formidable together..."it murmured wistfully.

"Who now?"Harry asked incredulously.

"No one important for me to tell you about...."Alistair replied evenly. "Now where to put you? The Hufflepuffs are out. You have an alternative version of loyalty and you would be done with them within a week! Ravenclaw would irritate you as being there wouldn't let you explore your full potential. So it's out.

Gryffindor.....It wouldn't be too bad since you do meet some of the requirements, but you would be moulded into someone who you were never meant to be, always having to live up to difficult expectations...No. Slytherin is where you truly belong. You would do great things Harry Potter and Slytherin would help you there. You aren't afraid of using slight underhanded tactics to reach your goals. You were meant to make a change in this world, but just not the way certain people want it... you better be... SLYTHERIN!"

"WE GOT POT—Wait, WHAT?"the Weasley Twins yelled from the table which they stood on.

3261 words? Longest chapter yet!

How can I improve?
Was the flashback unrealistic? If so, tell me so that I can work on it.... :))

Please review. It only takes thirty seconds...of your life.

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