How To Love āœ“

By liyahhwrites

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Highest Ranks: #1 & #2 in Badboyseries #1 in Cancerpatient #1 in Cancersurvivor #1 in Tattoos || Completed... More

The Cast Of How To Love.
Novel Soundtrack.


559 10 0
By liyahhwrites


When I got home, I shuffled quickly to my room and out of everyone's eyesight, letting the tears freely cascade down my cheeks and stain my t-shirt. No to act like we broke up or that I wasn't going to see him again, but as he left to board his plane, the strings attaching us together slowly stripped away. Distance may keep two hearts apart but cant keep the love we share. A home is where your heart finds peace and comfort and my heart will always desire Lucien Matthaeus King.

In the end, it's his choice and all I could do is support him through it all.

It took me until Christmas to open the envelope. As I sit on the front patio, sipping on hot chocolate while my family from out of state all gather inside to listen to Luke and my uncle battle on the piano to see who can play the best Christmas medley, I nervously rip the envelope open and stare at its contents. I reached in for the note inside and buried underneath were a small golden key and . Mr. Chester's locket?

I wrap the locket around my finger and placed the key on my lap. I took a long drag of oxygen in and ventured to read the letter.

"I've read hundred of novels, most claiming that love is what makes us complete, that it could heal any interior damage. That it was what we needed to survive. From Catherine to Heathcliff to Shakespeare. I thought that love was only fictional, found in worn pages of books. All the same, my perspective on love changed the day I met MY Catherine Earnshaw. I never had the impression that I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another, until I discovered you. You took my hand, led me out of the darkness and showed me whatever our souls are made of. Yours and mine aren't the same. I'm not worthy of such a pure heart as yours. Yet, you chose me out of all the better men in the world. You offered me support, taught me so many life lessons. You've changed me, princess, for the better. I'm no perfect man and I know for sure that I'm far from your ideal type, but I do try to be the one you truly deserve. I owe you my heart and soul. You once asked me who I love the most in the world. I will like to be honest and say that it's you."

"Yours, Lucien," as I read in my mind, I felt myself choking on tears. I close the letter and slowly examined the key. Engraved on it wrote property of Lucien King and Amara Belle, Lancaster Art Gallery, 1988.

I grab my phone from my coat pocket and dial William's phone number. On the fourth ring, he picked up.

"Mr. Chester, hi. Merry Christmas. I hope this isn't a bad time to call," I sniff, trying to clear my nostrils.

His voice sounded vacant and I felt really awful that he had no one to spend Christmas with. He tried to hide it by cheerfully wishing me a Merry Christmas. "Is-is everything okay? You shouldn't be sad, especially on Christmas."

"No no, I'm okay, thank you for worrying. It's just-"

He cuts me off. "I know, you're missing Lucien. My, the same feeling I got whenever Josephine wasn't around."

I lightly smile. "It just feels surreal you know? Like I'm missing a part of me. Through the tough times and the wonderful times, he still chose me, we still chose each other.... and without one we aren't whole."

"Well that's true love and whenever anyone asks you for the definition, at least you'll have your own story to tell," he states and I nod to myself.

I go on to ask, "So, I really called you to get some information on this.. this key that has Lucien and I's names engraved at the back with a place? What's this all about William?" my lips quiver as I try comprehending what this all meant.

I heard lots of shuffling on his end before he finally clears his throat to explain. "I would've preferred if you heard this come out of your lover's mouth than mine but, I guess time is never in our favour. Well, a few weeks past, Lucien paid me a visit when I was still in the hospital a-a-a-and he said that... he wanted to do something.. special for you and I could've told how much he loved you, even though he constantly denied that it was too early to tell. But really, why push through all of the struggles and pain for someone you don't love? So, when I informed you about the visit to my hometown to view the screening of Wuthering Heights and that the owner was anxious to meet you..." he paused for a moment before continuing, "the visit was a surprise to you, that I'm the owner and that I was gifting the art gallery to you and Lucien for saving my life."

I sat there in bewilderment. "I-I-I..." I start to say, but no words formed.

"You don't have to say anything further Amara. Just accept it and move along," William jokes and cackles on the other end. I couldn't help but exhale a breathy laugh myself, clutching my chest.

"This! I'm glad we saved you that day William Chester. Thank you for this amazing gift...and thank you for everything," I exclaim, earning an all the best.

"If you like you can visit me so I can give you directions as to where the place is located. Well, I know how advanced the world is now so you'll probably have no hassle in finding it yourself," he chuckles.

"It's in Lancaster not so? I've visited the state three or four times wo I know my way around," I admit.

"Well then that's settled. And Amara?" he calls out.

"Yeah?" I respond, waiting or him to inquire.

"Hold on to the locket and never let it go, just like your relationship with Lucien. You must be able to give yourself the opportunity to stand alone, even if it's for a while, and at some point when you're both reunited, you'll be stronger than you were before."

I beam at his wise words, forever grateful for everything William has taught me about love.

"I will, have a great day Will," I say for the last time before hanging up. I leaned back in my seat and stare into space for a few minutes, taking everything in.

I sigh as I stare at the locket that is poised between my fingers. I slowly open it and I gasped. Inside was a picture of Lucien and I together in a carnival photo booth with the photo being taken when he placed a big kiss to my cheek and my eyes closed, mouth turned upwards in a wide and bright smile.

The tears came rushing down my cheeks like a waterfall and I let them run, not wanting to conceal how vulnerable I am.

I planned to go visit the art gallery right after Christmas before the New Years.

When the day finally came, I had my parents take me through the 8 hour and 20 minute drive to William's hometown.

"This is it," my mom says, unbuckling her seatbelt as we came to a stop in front of the quaint looking building.

"I'm nervous, I can barely breathe," I say in a fit of nervousness.

"As opposed to normal?" Luke teases, earning a glare from me. We all step out of the car and Luke locks it, then made our way to the front. At the front wrote: Lancaster Art Gallery, 1988.

Mom intertwines her fingers with mine and smile own at me, asking me if I was ready. I nod and return the smile, looking over to Luke who then joined us.

I take the lock out of the pocket in the case of the oxygen tank and turn the key into the lock of the front door, which opened with ease. We all walked in together in search of light switch, since on the inside was a bit dim.

"I'll feel around the walls for one. Be right back!" Luke says and leaves mom and I to head into the other direction. A few minutes later, we heard the flicker of a heavy light switch turn on and when it did, a gasp escapes my lips.

There were well displayed paintings of me! They filled every wall and all of his pieces of me really captivated my heart. I don't know how he did it but... he captured me in my truest form, giving the paintings so much meaning.

"M-M-Mom?" I choke out. She stood right beside me as I stare onward to a single frame on the back wall that displays me sitting in the park Lucien and I always go to, with my hair decorated with lilacs, a book in hand, the sunset glowing beautifully in the background.

"I know!" she gushes, staring all around in awe.

"He really loves you Amara and I know the feeling is mutual between you two. I have never seen you so happy in the length of time that I've known you. I've watched you grow up Mars, so I'd know when you were really happy and when you were faking it. This guy is your antidote," Luke comments, coming to stand behind me. He rubs my shoulders gently and places a kiss to my head.

"I can't believe it," I whisper.

But I could've believed it. I believed that when two people are destined to be together for a lifetime, the magic is in the way they're able to give each other that sense of stability and boost to have faith and hope. To feel safe in their presence and to build a home within them.

Its as true as destiny, twin flames, soulmates and the belief you place in such things.

At times, you may not be able to describe the emotion you feel. You may not even realize you have it. But have you ever just clicked with someone that you knew was supposed to be in your life? You just fall together like the two last pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together? They just fit and everything just makes sense.

Some people arrive in your life and you know they're supposed to be there. You don't know how you know. You don't know why they're there. They just are and your bond is immediate.

They may not be meant to stay for the long term. They may not be meant to stay for a year or even a month. But you know they're supposed to be there right now.

Enjoy it while you have it. All too often, its fleeting. But if it's genuine and true, things will work out.

Nothing's ever incomplete until it is.



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