This Love Hate.

By writingandimagining

8.8K 105 55


This Love Hate.
This Love Hate. Chapter 3.
This Love Hate. Chapter 4.
This Love Hate. Chapter 5.
This Love Hate. Chapter 6.
This Love Hate. Chapter 7.
This Love Hate. Chapter 8.
This Love Hate. Chapter 9.
This Love Hate. Chapter 10.
This Love Hate. Chapter 11.
This Love Hate. Chapter 12.
This Love Hate. Chapter 13.
This Love Hate. Chapter 14. The Final Chapter.
Author's Notes

This Love Hate. Chapter 2.

660 7 1
By writingandimagining

Chapter 2.

I felt sick as I got ready for school, constantly shouting downstairs to my mum ''I dont feel well, I dont think I should go in, I'm not going to miss much'' and the same reply would come again ''Rachel, Your in Year 11, You'll miss important information for your GCSES, now shut up and get ready'' I sighed as I applied my make up, I didnt really wear much, just eyeliner, masacra and a little powder. I didnt really have anybody to impress.

But today I knew George would be watching my every move, and most likely pushing snide comments at me, or attempting to get me in trouble, the way he always did. Which was the main reason I was feeling sick, and pestering my mother to let me have a day off, which was failing. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the door, dreading the day ahead.

~*Later on, Last lesson*~

The day had been ok so far, I'd almost forgot about my lesson with George, almost. Until I heard the bell go and I knew I was heading for tortrue. It didn't help that I was already crap at maths, with George distracting me, I knew I was going to fail my GCSES.

I opened the door slowly and glanced over to my place, seeing George was not there, a feeling of relief washed over me. It was like that for 10 minutes, until George strolled in late, winking at our female teacher who gave him a stern look in response while others cackled. I sat there, stony faced, as I the worries swam round my head. To think I was scared of the person who used to be my best friend.

''Hey Rank Rachie'' George spoke as he sat down.

I rolled my eyes as I pretended to have the I dont care attitude, ''Thats the most pathetic thing I've heard since primary  school, Grow up George, do us all a favour''

George looked at me as he chuckled. ''You're the pathetic one here babe, Swanning round with your face caked in make up, looking for a boy to like you, when really you've only got one person, whos not of the other gender, and god knows why Irene hangs out with you.''

The words that came out of George's mouth hit me hard as my throat went dry. I really didnt have many friends, I didnt really understand why Irene hung out with me either. ''I dont have my face caked in make up'' My voice came out as a squeak but I continued anyway ''The girl you were snogging before had orange rimmed round her face mate, dont go round calling me for my make up when its the complete and utter lie.''

I paused as I waited for Georges reply. ''At least I have someone to snog, you've never even had a boyfriend Rachel.'' He laughed loudly ''You're in year 11 babe, you're probably the only one without a boyfriend, or without kissing anyone''

My heart twisted as the words left his mouth. ''Maybe I'm just waiting for the right person, and dont call me 'babe' its disgusting coming from your mouth''

Mrs Nicholson had already told me and George to be quiet, we both disobeyed her, until the point when she shouted. ''George Shelley, Rachel Jones, wait outside now, both of you. 15 minutes detention''

George shot a dirty look at me as we walked towards the door.

''Why do you always get me in trouble Rank Rachel'' He hissed as I sighed

''I told you not to call me that, George'' I replied, dreading the 15 minutes I'd have to spend with him.

''I can call you what you want your rank, Rachel, your horribl-'' George was about to insult me more before his friend, Jaymi, one of his nice ones that is, walked by, smirking at us both.

''Detention with Mrs Nicholson?'' He chuckled at us both, as George replied with ''Yes'' and I nodded timidly.

Jaymi tried to get me to join in with the conversation him and George were having, but I didn't say much as I felt George's eyes burning into me. Even though Jaymi made me feel slightly at ease, I couldn't help but dread the 15 minutes ahead of me.

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