Babydoll (BWWM)

By savvv3

1.4M 51.2K 21.6K

Kinda meant to be cliche and corny "I never said that this life was going to be all sunshine and rainbows, ba... More

1 - Gunshots & Clubbin'
2 - Mansions & Trackers
3 - Babydoll
4 - More shooting & fainting
5 - Fuck off Luca
6 - Another day Another dollar
7 - My children
8 - Ansley
9 - Nothing dangerous
10 - Liam
11 - Amelia
12 - Jealousy
13 - You're fucking crazy
14 - Andrei
16 - Deal
17 - Her words not mine
18 - Weird things
19 - Pretty fire
20 - I'm a bad bitch
21 - Pre date
22 - Me n you
23 - Date night*
24 - Embarrassing
25 - She's mine
26 - You had one job
27 - Pills
28 - Backstory *
29 - Graduation
30 - Research Purposes
31 - Nosy ass
32 - Nicholas and Trevor
33 - Daddy kink
34 - Love
35 - You look so sexy
36 - Apple
37 - Panorama Bitch
38 - I don't deserve her
39 - Distant
40 - Bitch!
41 - Childish
42 - Freak
43 - After*
44 - you fucking tease*
45 - Charity
46 - trending
47 - Usher's dick
48 - Vacation*
49 - Birthday
50 - Mama
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10
Bonus #11
hey guys

15 - Stay with me

24.9K 937 120
By savvv3

Jackson's POV

+ not edited

Looking up, a SUV was on fire and gunfire was being exchanged heavily. That was going to leave a mark for sure. Kiona dusts her pants off standing up and pulling me up. "What do we do." She asks breathing heavily.

I bring the gun that Garrett gave me to the front of me getting ready to use it. "Stay close."

There was just piles of wooden crates, cars, and the rest of the lot was out in the open. I hate myself, we really walked into this shit.

Crouching down behind one of our vans I get a good look at their warehouse. "Luca! Adrian." I call out and they respond over the communications system we had. Digging through the car I pull out two bulletproof vests. I put it on her and do the same for me. "Watch her, protect her, kill anyone that tries to touch her." I say before getting up. I was pissed off.

"Wait but I thought I was safer with you." She softly speaks making my heart beat.

"I'll be back." I say running behind some crates. I wanted to kill this fucker today. Now.

I spot Andrei running behind whatever was right outside of his warehouse doors. I was as close as possible hiding behind some crates. Now let him show something and I'd pop his ass. Biting my lip aiming, I shot him in his chest and immediately more gunfire breaks out. I stay in the same position shooting people one by one, maybe not their head but somewhere that hurt.

"Fallback! Fallback." I hear a loud deep voice call out and loads of people file back into Andrei's warehouse. I could finally breath properly. I wanted to rest, I really did but I couldn't. I run back to where I left Kiona, Luca and Adrian, but they weren't there. I went into full panic mode taking my handgun out walking around slowly.

"Pack it up!" I shout nodding at my crew. I hear several doors shut and engines turn on. Oh thank fuck. I run over to them all seeing Kiona climb into the backseat of an suv.

"She's crying." Adrian whispers awkwardly. I climb into the back with her.

"Luca, take my car back. Adrian drive this suv." Luca nods running to the lambo and Adrian closes the door next to me walking around to start the car.

"Babydoll, what's going on?" I question softly. She was sniffling and wiping her face. I take the gun off of me throwing it in the third row taking my other guns out of my pockets also throwing them in the back.

"I don't know? Do you know how close to death I was?" She whispers. As she explains I take the gun out of the back of her pants. "I mean I've been close... but not this close." Her voice breaks as she speaks.

"I saw a lot of dead people and blood. I mean I've seen something like this back home but I wasn't involved. I had a fucking gun held to my throat!" She exclaims and leans into my side. She had to be very overwhelmed by everything. I open my arms and she leans into my chest.

"I'm going to have nightmares." She mumbles gripping my side extremely tight. I didn't know how to comfort people well. At all. I started listening to her sniffles turn into light snores. Her grip onto my shirt got looser by the minute letting me know that she was falling asleep.

Well I felt like shit. I wanted to be home already but this drive was long. I drift off resting my head on hers.

"Boss we're here." Adrian says opening the door activating the bright lights in the car. I woke up slouched over while she was sleep still with her head in my lap. Not wanting to wake her up, I slide her head off of my lap going to the other side to pick her up.

She cuddled into my chest mumbling incoherent things. "Jackson..." She mumbles off. Is she sleep talking?

"I'm scared, please. Keep me alive a f..." she starts frantically mumbling. I felt extremely bad. She flinches in her sleep a few times before waking up. She gasps, clenching on my shirt. "Oh sorry." She mumbles removing her hand.

"It's nothing." I reply back. I carry her to her room as she yawns and rubs her face. "After you shower come see me." I demand closing the door behind me.

I get into the shower thinking. Thinking about a lot of things that my head started to spin. I need to get things under control. Fast. I wash myself grabbing a towel getting out just to stare at myself in the mirror. I was losing it. My eyes were almost bloodshot red. I haven't slept in so long except for an hour in the car then waking back up feeling like I've been asleep for five minutes. I wipe my face cracking my back. I was sore as hell and needed a chiropractor or something.

I put on some random shorts that I pull outta the drawer. I yawn not knowing what I was going to do next. I turn the tv down some hearing a knock at my door. "Come in."

Kiona walks in yawning. She looked exhausted and her eyes were still puffy even after a shower. I close the door behind her telling her to follow me into my bathroom. She was wearing shorts and a light long sleeved shirt with her hair wrapped in a scarf.

"What're you doing?" She asks softly yawning again. I lift her onto my counter.

"Looking at your legs, they're all scarred up. And plus I kinda did tackle you down earlier." I say and she laughs lightly.

"Nothing terrible." She mumbles resting her head against the mirror.

"Kiona, this one's pretty deep." I comment lifting her right leg.

"I'll be fine." She mutters. "I cleaned it already please do not put more alcohol on it, that hurt like something else." She says her eyes flinging open. I mutter an 'alright' as she jumps down.

"Stay with me tonight?" I mumble out, slowly regretting asking. I was ready to kick myself. I turn off the bathroom light walking to my bed. A shame that it was a california king size and I got 0 sleep in it.

She looks extremely shocked. "I mean yea sure." She mumbles looking at me droopy eyed. Probably too sleepy to care. Don't know why I asked knowing I can't sleep. I'd just disturb her. She kicks off her slides, getting under the blankets with me. This was weird. Or was I just making it seem that way?

"I'll be back." I quietly say hearing her hmm in response. I got a water bottle from the kitchen walking back upstairs shutting the door again.

She was sprawled out already luckily this bed was extremely big. I chuckle to myself getting under with her. I turn off the lights, the tv screen shining on her face.

I put my arm behind my head staring at the ceiling. It read 1:34am. I started running through a list of things that I had to complete tomorrow, until I feel a tight grip on my side.

I bite my lip holding back my smile. Fuck I sound stupid. She mumbles something incoherent moving into my chest more.

"Goodnight babydoll."


Y'all, I still have no clue who the cast should be lmao. I have some ideas but I'm lost for Jackson's character, Adrian's and Luca's character

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