The Reminiscent

By Aria_Saorsa

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Reset. Reset. Reset. " I don't know how many times I can keep doing this, but I promised I would. I promised... More

~Author's Note~
~Author's Note~
~Author's Note~
Chapter One: Back Again
Chapter 2: Enter the Mayura
Chapter 3: Running Like A Wolf, Soaring Like An Eagle
Chapter 4: The Mark of The Lion
Chapter 5: To Uncover A Peacock Uncovers Other Things
Chapter 6: Questions and The Truth About The Time Loop
Chapter 7: True Vulnerability
Chapter 8: Stop and Talk With The Roses
Chapter 9: Good Moments Don't Last
Chapter 10: Part Two~ "I Am Back"
Chapter 11: The Realization That No Longer Can Be Pushed Down

Chapter 10: Part One~I Am Here

12 2 2
By Aria_Saorsa

I bolt upright, unsettling the log as I jump up. My head swivels to the right, then to the left, then to the right again. I cock my head up as if I can hear better this way, my eyes scanning the forest carefully for movement. Nothing is catching my line of vision. Then, another bloodcurdling scream sounds out all around me. My face snaps in the direction of the scream. Oddly, it sounds close by. Before I realize it, I already take off into the direction from where the agonizing sound came from.

I run as hard as I can. Faster and faster, I push myself. A light, the light from the sun starting to set, breaks out. And this moment, this moment reminds me of when I was running from Purple in the time loop. When I broke out into the middle of a meadow where the sun was my only hope, and yet, he had still been waiting for me there. However, it was not Purple waiting for me this time. Instead, there is a new enemy as well as two people to protect.

I come to the clearing where I heard the scream come from. Roy and Benji stand in the middle. From what I can tell, there are five assassins circling around them, stalking them like they are the rarest meat. I stop at the edge of the treeline, accessing the situation first. A part of my mind wanders to how they got here. How did they get past Bahir’s sensors? I shake my head. No, Bahir would have known about this. Maybe this is what he had been preparing for in his free time. He knew they were coming. But why let them get so close to the house?

I do a quick survey. No, these assassins are not Energy users. The extreme threat that they pose is their ability to fight and their stealth, and who knows how good they were at that? First things first, I have to get Roy and Benji to safety. I do have the possibility of a surprise attack on my side. They may get blade happy though. The reality is they are closer to Roy and Benji than I, and that is what counts.

So, I decide to do the unthinkable and just stroll up to them. I casually walk up, getting closer and closer as if I had no care in the world, like I have a death wish. Maybe I do.

“Hey there,” I say in the most civilest of tones. They stop their dance and glance up at me. I am shocked when all faces become surprised when I come into line of sight. One steps forward and bows down at my feet. I hear his mumbles even with his face to the ground.

“My liege,” he sputters out. I tilt my head to the side.

“Your what?”I question him.

“Our ruler.”

Shaking my head, I say, “I think you have the wrong person.”

“You don’t remember,” another replies, also stepping forward. The one on the ground looks up at me.

“We must remind you,” he says, getting back up. I step back a little, uncertain.

“Remind me of what?”

“Of who you really are.” The one closest to me answers. They mean to fight. Well, if they want a fight, it is a fight they will get. And I will have to do it in the state I am in now. My eyes close for a moment, and I find my peace. The wind rushes through the trees and comes to me, caressing my cheek and blowing my hair in my face. The breeze encourages me to fight, telling me how I will win. A crunch interrupts my moment of serenity. My eyes flash open, and I throw the Energy sword I had been creating behind my back at the nearest assailant. He dodges and jumps back, but I regain my footing and prepare myself for the next onslaught. The Energy sword, instead of it sticking into the rough skin of the tree it got latched on, disappears into tiny particles and is taken away by the breeze.

“You wanna dance? Then, let’s dance.” I say calmly. Another assassin charges at me, but I dodge out of the way. One comes up behind me, but I crouch before his blade cuts me. I then reward him with a roundhouse kick.The other two attack me at the same time. As they charge me, I jump up and they collide into one another. Taking advantage of their vulnerability, I summon another sword and knock both assassins unconscious. I quickly turn to face the two I had evaded earlier. One lunges at me, but I move to the side before his dagger can nick me. The other throws a punch towards my face, but I grab it before it can make contact, but I don’t stop it. Instead, I go with it and project the move onto the attacker’s companion, who still seems a little dazed and is shocked a girl can actually fight. The dazed one receives a nice blow to the face, and before he topples over, I take the dagger from his hand with a polite “Thank you.” These may be enemies I am fighting, but it doesn’t mean I still shouldn’t have manners around them. With the knife, I slip it into the skin between the attacker’s rib bones. I don’t want to hit any of his main arteries. After all, I am trying to disable him, not kill him. Once I am done with those two, another pair come at me.

And it continues this way for a good bit. I take on one fighting, and when they can take no more and are in need of a break, another couple come running at me. And I won’t lie. I am having fun. A cheeky smile creases my lips the whole time I am attacking, dodging, and defending. I remember, I remember how good this feels. Oh, the freedom of fighting, but not killing. Never killing.

Oh, but it is so much fun. The voice, which seems to be getting louder, purrs, but it doesn’t affect me. I am enjoying myself too much to bother with its words.

But, it wouldn’t last. Even as I stare at a recent duo’s tired, slumped bodies on the ground, their chests rising and falling to show that life still flows through and within them, a whistle catches my attention. I look up, and immediately my Energy sword dissipates.

There is a knife each pressed up against Roy and Benji’s neck, which stops my attacks instantly. My brain flies into overanalyze mode; decision-making is pressured to the forefront of my mind. My pause takes too long though. A swift punch is aimed at my abdomen. I double over, falling to my knees. Surprise and unexpectedness overwhelm and fill me to the brim with shock. It is because of the two latter, I find the blow more impactful. I grab my stomach, clenching my teeth.

“She is starting to find it again,” says the assassin that was on the ground earlier.

“She is not fully there yet,” remarks the other one who was talking earlier. “We have to break her heart in order to release who she truly is.” He says, closing his eyes. As I listen to what my fate will become, my quick breathing reverts into short pants. The blow to my core was not to be taken lightly. The pain is excruciating.  

Time is running out. The daylight slowly slinks into evening. A thousand other hooded figures had come join their comrades. They must have been lurking in the dark spots and in the crevices of the trees where the shadows concealed all those who sought shelter, no matter how dark their purposes. Now they begin to set up camp, and some dance around a fire that sits in the middle. It grows as the dance continues, and the flames climb higher and higher as the dancers encourage it. The assassins who partake in the ceremony aren't moving in a normal human way but like their own shadows. They slink, crouch, and move in shifty ways. It is a fluid movement that is easy to follow. A chant starts to rise among not only the dancers but the others as well. It doesn't take me long to hear what they are saying. Suddenly, all stop and turn towards me as the orchestra comes to its full volume.

“La Leona Roja. La Leona Roja. La Leona Roja.” The Red Lioness.

I close my eyes, and everything slows down. The sound of their chanting is blocked out. At least, at least, I was here this time. I am here when I am needed the most, and that is what matters the most. It is enough.

And you know? I miss home.

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