
By Jahneios

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In a dystopic future society the fallen Angels have been released from their fiery prisons for a short time t... More

Elupticus Calling

Rebirth of the Watchers

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By Jahneios

The first watchers were the accursed ones,

Who by daughters of man bore illegitimate sons.

That taught the earth; forbidden art,

The wrath of God they did impart.

Trapped in magma caves of sulfur,

10,000 years condemned to suffer.

Until final judgment; Fire raged;

To be released; imprisoned slaves.

To bring deeper wrath and condemnation,

Upon themselves and heathen nations.

Human Race would be obliterated,

Angelic beings would be exonerated.

Mankind would fall and see its blistering end.

However, there was a snare a way to defend our lot,

A problem with their plot... Whatever men they killed,

Became immortals: Watchers just as them, But the world knew them not.

Hideaway in the background fight, these brave heroes did unite.

But one they called TeHorn; possessed a greater call... Why? Only God could recall.

He awoke three days later with no recollection of who he was.

He arose dusted himself off and slowly lumbered into the nearest city. Welcome to Banks Ville a neon sign flashed. The sign had an aroma of electric refuse; the odor was nearly unbearable. Whoever he was he had a keen sense of smell.

He soon discovered his hearing and sight were paranormal, and he was strong: just how strong he was yet to discover. He beheld his reflection in the window shops, and he nearly fainted.

"Great costume dude, but it aint Halloween until tonight." He responded in a deep terrible undead voice.

"Who am I?" He seized the kid with a bit more oomph then he had expected.

"Woah dude, put me down bra. I'm just saying you have a Rockin Zombie Costume, and dude you stink like one too. Man, you've got the entire package."

"What is my name?" He demanded.

"Dude, how should I know?"

"Tell me!"

"I don't know! Dude, what's a good Zombie name? Hey bra how about TeHorn?"

" TeHorn. I am TeHorn." He released the kid, the kid collapsed. "Sorry."

TeHorn discovered that his mobility skills were sorely lacking. He knew what he was. He was a freak!


Carvarious had the gifts of a prophet, and he knew that the Watcher world had just changed forever. He sensed a newcomer, one who would be stronger and more skilled than any other of their kind. He also sensed an imminent danger. If the fallen Angels learned of him; they could manipulate him to murder his fellow brothers. It was imperative that Carvarious got to him first.

Banks Ville was a city controlled by the structure of fear and violence. Its corruption knew no bounds. Gangs governed the city with tyrannical minority factions, each one struggling to maintain its own little fiefdom. Gang war was frequent and killing was rampant. It wasn't safe to walk alone at night.

Halloween night they caused an increasing amount of trouble. The Shofeld gang and the Watson gang joined forces to terrorize the residents of the city that night for sport. They fired off deafening rounds of bullets with semi-automatic shotguns. People were terrified. TeHorn decided to intervene, with his baritone bellowing voice. "Stop scaring the kids." The thugs laughed, but when they saw him in the light of the moon, they nearly choked. "Look it's a zombie. Come to eat our flesh, have you?"

"I suggest you put down your weapons and back away." TeHorn said slowly advancing on them.

"Is this guy for real?" One of the gang members wondered.

"I aint no guy, and I aint no girl!" TeHorn rasped threat fully.

The thugs unloaded a round on him; piercing the sound barrier with their semi-automatic weapons. Nearly sending themselves ten feet backward with the intensity of their attack. The bullets struck TeHorn's chest and passed right through him.

"That wasn't nice." TeHorn grimaced.

"Let's get the hell out of here." The thugs wallowed.

"You'd better, or I might have to eat your flesh." TeHorn chuckled with a wicked glee.

"Run!" In no time, the thugs had hurled their weapons to the ground, and were now taking off like no tomorrow.

Now he was a zombie with holes in his chest, great.

"I'd be leery of walking in the human world. Most folk think zombies are mindless undead monsters, who are out to kill." A mysterious cloaked being approached him, his fiery gaze burned through his hood.

"And you are?" TeHorn asked on guard.

"I'm a friend, and a fellow "Zombie". Although to be honest we are not Zombies at all, we are "Watchers" it takes some time to assume your new form though. At first you just look like a walking corpse. My name is Carvarious. I am the protector of our kind. I see you have sustained some damage, not to worry Hannah will fix you."

"Why are you concealing your face?" TeHorn demanded harshly.

"The world is not ready for my countenance." This answer for some reason placated TeHorn.

"I am not a mindless undead creature out to kill?" TeHorn asked sceptically.

"That my friend is legend, folklore, myth. We are an intelligent species, with extra ordinary abilities." Carvarious elaborated.

"I see." Said TeHorn, half convinced; half skeptical.

"Follow me." TeHorn obeyed. "We live in underground tunnels." The tunnels were cold and dark, but perfect for hiding out from the world. "Nobody but us dares to come down here. it is the ideal home for a misunderstood race."

"How many Watchers are there?" TeHorn asked curiously. 

"Hundreds, and our number are growing daily. I lead the clan known as Goriuos." Carvarious explained.

"How does one become a Watcher?" TeHorn curiously wondered.

"That my friend is a mystery you'll have to solve for yourself." Carvarious mysteriously stated.

"Doesn't it have something to do with witchcraft?"

"Only the worst kind of witchcraft; evoked by the highest-level principalities. Probe me no further; you must discover the truth in your own time." Carvarious answered only half revealing his intentions.

"Hannah!" Carvarious called into the darkness. A young angelic female emerged, who in appearance was flawless. Her hair as golden as a romantic afternoon, her skin perfect complexion. She was clearly beyond human. "She is the only one of us to remember her human name."

"Yes Carvarious?" She replied in a melodic feminine tone.

"This Newling of ours, seems to have already got himself into plenty of trouble." Carvarious chortled.

"What's your name Newling?" Hannah asked with a touch of kindness in her voice.

" TeHorn." He said gruffly.

"You're pretty obscure looking, but when the time comes, you'll assume your true self." Hannah reassured him.

"I'm not here to be analyzed." TeHorn spat.

"Touchy." She remarked.

"Hannah, he needs stitching back together, see to it that he is comfortable in his new surroundings. We have waited a long time for TeHorn." Carvarious left the two alone.

"Let me rip open your shirt." She did so with ease, she expected to find puncture holes in his chest, but what she found utterly astounded her. She found nothing. He was completely healed without even a scar. "TeHorn, how did you do that?"

"Do what?" TeHorn grunted.

"Heal yourself?" Hannah questioned.

"Don't all Watchers heal themselves?" TeHorn assumed.

"No. They have to be reattached, reconfigured, and stitched up as Carvarious said." Hannah explained.

"I guess I'm not your average Watcher." TeHorn chuckled. It made him feel special, something he hadn't felt since the onset of this experience.

"Evidently not." She responded, partially in her own wonderment. What could this mean for the watcher world?

"So, what is our purpose?" Hannah smiled and replied in a soft voice, "That is something every immortal must discover for themselves."

"Great, you are about as much help as Carvarious."


Amaros was having fun playing with a grenade Launcher. "This thing is better than any enchantment I've ever devised. Where was this when we needed it?" He aimed the grenade launcher at a small hill. It exploded on impact. "Radical!"

"Amaros we are not here to play! We just spent ten thousand years in Hell and all you can do is shoot off grenade launchers? We have a race to destroy, and moonwalkers to sire before the great and terrible Day of Judgment."

"You're uptight Shamazya, we've got plenty of time. Mmhm I love technology." He fired off another grenade. It destroyed a nearby tree.

"Idiots, I surround myself with idiots."


"You see, TeHorn Watchers don't need to eat or drink, we're dead after all." Hannah spoke; almost woefully.

"But what re-animates our corpses?" TeHorn questioned; curious.

"A miracle I guess, it gives our kind a fighting chance." She literally didn't seem to know any more then him about this enigma.

"Does every human become a Watcher?" He queried again.

"No TeHorn, but I can't answer you why as I've told you several times."

"We've got to be here for a reason." TeHorn was resolved, he needed to understand; he needed to understand his purpose.

"We are TeHorn, survival." Hannah tried to explain.

"I can't accept that." TeHorn bluntly stated.

"Well I don't know about you, but the rest of us are pretty Traumatized." She was tired of his selfishness... Who cared about purpose so long as they lived? TeHorn did.

"How many are there in our clan?" TeHorn questioned.

"I thought you didn't care about us." Hannah retorted angrily.

"How many?" He pressed her.

"Sixteen including you." She broke down and told him.

"What do you do with yourselves?" He stated sheepishly.

"We hide. It's all we can do. The human world is merciless." Hannah spoke, very uncertain about where this conversation was going, and why he kept pressing her.

"I refuse to hide! I'm going to find out who did this to me, us. Then I'm going to run them through." It was becoming clearer to Hannah what was going on.

"You can't! I mean whatever is out there is stronger than us." She tried to reason with him. Their kind did not stand a chance against 'whatever' had created it.

"What are you afraid we might die?" TeHorn mocked.

"Go then, see how far a freak gets in the real world." Hannah was near tears.

"It is you who has labeled yourself a freak, not humanity." TeHorn interjected, insensitive to her 'feelings'.

"TeHorn you don't know what they're capable of." Hannah tried to warn him.

"I've got to find out. Tell Carvarious I am eternally grateful for his hospitality. And I thank you as well for caring for me to the best of your ability." TeHorn had made his decision; he was going, he was going to fight.

"Leaving us so soon my boy?"

"Carvarious, I must..." Carvarious and TeHorn caught glances, and in that moment the elder understood the younger... For he too had shared such zeal; he too had walked the path of great resistance. He too had sought to change the outcome of the world, so he knew, and he had to; let him go.

"Just remember it is a brutal and cruel world out there especially to the undead." Carvarious smiled; he understood.

"I'll lead you out of the tunnels." Hannah piped up, half impressed, half terrified for him. But she knew already, nobody was going to stop 'this one' from his destiny.

"Much obliged." TeHorn politely responded.

"One good thing about you TeHorn, is despite your ghoulish exterior you're awfully polite." Hannah laughed.

"Don't bank on that." TeHorn growled.

"Good luck TeHorn. If you should ever need us, we'll know." With those words, Carvarious skillfully disappeared.


TeHorn found himself alive in a buzzing Metropolis known as Banks Ville. He couldn't move very fast, but other than that it was exhilarating to be in the open air again. Nobody paid him much attention, people in big cities dressed in odd things all the time. It was a gimmick. TeHorn barely stood out at all.

Gangs made their presence known everywhere, muggings were commonplace, but the people just lived with it. Everyone carried a gun. One false move and you could get shot. TeHorn didn't have to worry about that.

There was a buzz streaming through the city, some gang-members had captured the Mayor's daughter and were holding her for ransom. In the distance TeHorn heard a scream, and a girl begging for her life.

"Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything, anything."

"First thing you can do is shut up and pray that daddy brings the ransom, or his little sweetheart is going to go boom!" They were in an old wartime bunker; no one would find them there.

There was a loud banging on the metallic door. "That was quick, you are one lucky..."

The metallic door was smashed open, in stepped TeHorn with a vengeance.

"Goodbye Mr. Gangsta." TeHorn trod his way toward the thugs.

"Who the heck are you?"

"Your nightmare's personified."

"Quick Jimmy shoot him with your automatic pistol." Jimmy obeyed, but TeHorn did not buckle. "I must've unloaded twenty bullets on him, and it aint doing nothing."

"Let's get the hell out of this compound!"

"Too late, now it's my turn to play."

TeHorn grabbed the two gangsters by the throat and bowled them into a wall.

"Strike." The wall collapsed on their heads.

"Who are you?"


"Should I ask; what are you?"

"Do you really want me to go to that place princess?"

"On second thought, thank you."

"I'm glad to see Daddy has taught you some manners."

"Where are you going?"

"There is a big, bad city out there that needs saving. And I'm up to the task."

"I'll never forget you TeHorn."

"Please do, as many would say I'm not a pretty face."


Shamazya cast a newspaper at Sariel, "What do you make of this?"

"Mayor's daughter rescued by some mysterious cloaked man named TeHorn."

"Hey boss, who the Hell is TeHorn?"

"If I knew why I would venture to ask you?"

"Don't know boss, maybe ten thousand years in a pit of fire made you loopy or something."

"You Angels are ridiculous! The Mayor's daughter was top breeding quality, and somehow TeHorn whoever the hell he is managed to sneak into an old abandoned bunker and take out two of our best men."

"Well as a consolation prize at least they died quickly, says here they were rammed through a concrete wall."


"It says it happened right here page one."

"I don't need you to point that out to me. I want a price on TeHorn's head, one hundred G's to the man who kills him. Notify every gang member and gang leader in this city. TeHorn must die."

"Gotcha boss."


"Does the pretty lady want a bite?" A sadistic gang member gnashed his teeth.

"Stay away from me, I'll call the police." The young woman in her twenties screamed.

"What good are the police when you're dead?" He creepily stated.

"How can you kill if you are dead?" A raspy voice echoed through the boulevard.

"What, who said that?" The gang member wondered.

"Over here fat man." TeHorn goaded him.

"I'm warning you I have a knife." The gang member responded with a tremor.

"I dare you do your best." TeHorn growled.

"Come out of the shadows you coward!" The gang member stuttered.

"You will soon find out who the true coward is."


"Word spreads fast in this city."

"If I kill you the hundred grand is mine."

"Didn't know there was a price on my head. I suggest you try."

The man let go of the woman and charged at TeHorn. "I'm sending you to the great tomorrow. I hope you enjoy Hell."

And with those words the assailant went flying back twenty feet into the nearest vehicle, setting off the air bags and alarm.

"It's true what they say about you TeHorn, you protect the innocent."

"Look lady, I don't know what possessed you to walk down Main Street in the middle of the night in the most dangerous place on the planet but rest assured next time. Well there won't be a next time."

"I just want to see your face."

"Lady believe me you're after the wrong man. Don't be stupid, do this again and I won't rescue you Tammy."

"That's what you said last time TeHorn."

"I mean it this time!" TeHorn was furious.

"One day I'll see your face."

"And on that day, you'll scream and run away."


"Women don't even tempt this menace, Tammy is the prettiest tramp we've got."

"She doesn't have a brain boss." Shamazya flared up, but then cooled his temper, "But she has a wonderful womb. It's too bad they have to die giving birth to our sons."

"Some of them survive."

"Yes, but the women in those days were much larger, today they are so petite."

"What do we do about TeHorn?"

"Let the moonwalkers deal with him."

"He won't stand a chance."

"That wise one is my point exactly."


"This city is a walking crime bomb." TeHorn uttered.

"Especially if you try to tackle it all yourself." Hannah swooped in and surprised him.

"Hannah, how did you find me?" TeHorn asked curiously.

"Carvarious is a prophet, he told me you might need help to find your purpose and destiny and all that bullarky."

"If you consider it to be bullarky then why are you here?"

"Cause I've been an immortal for a very long time and I started thinking, what if TeHorn is right? What if there is a grand cosmic plan, for us walking corpses? What if we were meant to do more than just hide away and rot for all eternity? Besides I kind of like you, um I mean I wouldn't like a Newling like you to be destroyed."

TeHorn smiled, "You're perfectly welcome to join me in my quest for bullarky."

"I shall, besides you never know when you're going to need a healers touch, even if you are TeHorn Mr. exceptional. TeHorn chuckled he liked that Mr. exceptional. Catchy.

"So, what do you do all day?"

"What don't I do?" "Sure maam I would love you to help me cross the street. Yes I have a chronic skin disorder; no it really doesn't bother me. Yes I know I'm slow."

"Some Destiny TeHorn."

"Hey ug face get out of our way!"

"Ug face? Who you calling ug face?"


"You pal now get out of the way, this is our turf."

"It's your turf Eh? Well I'm standing on it."

"TeHorn they're provoking you."

"And I'm goading them back."

"TeHorn this is completely against Watcher code..." Hannah pleaded.

"Watcher code? Out here there is no code but my code, and I intend to enforce it."

"You've taken this too far Ug face."

"I'm the one with the last word." TeHorn slowly walked toward the 59 red Chevrolet. He stepped right in front of its path.

"TeHorn what are you doing?" Hannah whispered alarmed.

The car crushed against him, like a smart car in a scrap yard.

"What the!" The youth gangbangers shouted before they dramatically died.

"TeHorn cracked his knuckles, the car was wrecked, the two men dead.

"TeHorn, how could you?"

"Don't feel for the tripe. They were gang members like most cats in this town." TeHorn responded.

"So, you just kill them?" Hannah was sick to the stomach.

"Exactly, before they kill a mother, or a child." TeHorn insisted.

"TeHorn!!!" She heaved his chest. "How could you be so insensitive?"

"I am a Watcher not a compassionate bloke."

"It doesn't mean you have to live up to your name."

"Oh, I do sweet pie. I'm a killer a steel- hearted reanimated corpse who has no idea who the hell he is. All I can do is pity myself and pretend that I pity others. But I'm too hard to feel Hannah. You know your name; you are content with this cursed life. But I'm not. I don't want to be a Watcher anymore then Carvarious wants to be a ballerina."

"But TeHorn... How can you say that? We are what we are."

"Destiny and all that bularky?" TeHorn spat.

"I think I'm starting to see what you mean..."

"The night is fast approaching, that's when they feed."

"Who feeds?" Hannah pondered.

"The true monsters, and I intend to subdue every one of them."

"By subdue do you mean kill?"

"No, I mean massacre beyond the shadows of death."


"Shamazya the first of the moon-walkers are ready."

"Baraqiel have you examined the stars?"

"I have master, they are aligned perfectly for victory."

"Whose victory Baraqiel?"

"It must be ours; we have twenty moon-walkers with capabilities I've never seen even in the old world."

"You had better not be lying to me Baraqiel."

"Were talking about one man..."

"He is not just a man that much is for sure; no man could knock two of my best fighters through solid concrete."

"Whoever he is I pity him. Twenty human angel hybrids, versus one lone slightly talented man, he's history."

"There is no room for mistakes!"

"The stars do not lie."

"You'd better be certain."


"You'd better walk away! Look me in the eye and say that one more time, and you're charred meat!"

"I didn't mean to offend you sir."

"TeHorn he's just a misguided teenager."

"I, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. Wait? May it be that it is young people just like him who join gangs that traffic drugs as well as humans? You'd better call me sir; cause next time I see you pulling some Juvenile punk trick you're going to wish you were never born."

"TeHorn..." Hannah sighed.

"Now what do we have here? Hey guys check her out, she has to be the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen."

"Pretty...." Stated another one.

"Guys get out of here before you all go crying to your momma's." TeHorn spoke full of conviction.

"What the hell is he?" One of the moon walkers asked.

"Duh, he might be a leper?" Another one surmised.

"Hey you, hot stuff, who's your boyfriend?" Mocked another moon walker.

"We don't want trouble." Hannah hesitated.

"But we're gonna have it." TeHorn blasted back.

"Awfully brave for a leper."

"What do you guys have there?" Yrkle the leader questioned.

"Fresh meat." Responded a lower one.

"Meat, more like minced pies." Another moon walker squealed.

"Time to die mortals." Yrkle proclaimed.

"Mortals? I resent that remark." TeHorn fervently stated.

"You're dangerously mouthy for being outnumbered twenty to two." Yrkle discoursed.

"You are the mouthy one." TeHorn shot his insults back.

Yrkle the leader zoomed against TeHorn, with the reflexes of a supernatural being. The other nineteen Moonwalkers surrounded them on all sides, prepared for the strike. The moonwalkers moved so fast they were a blur. TeHorn with his slow reaction times could not do much to avoid them. Hannah was quicker, but not that much quicker. The two were literally trapped in the middle of an inclosing circle.

"Death is calling honey, you should have told your boyfriend to keep his trap shut."

"I don't think you understand, it is not I who dies today." TeHorn Vowed.

Yrkle scoffed, "I'd like to see you try to live, when we're through with you."

TeHorn seized one of the moonwalker's throats and squeezed until the moonwalker combusted into black ash.

"Who are you?" Yrkle asked astounded?

"I'm your Hell." TeHorn replied with sheer confidence.

"Kill him!" Yrkle roared like a male lion getting consumed by a dragon!

One of the moonwalkers happened to tare off TeHorn's arm.

"No blood Yrkle."

"These two are definitely not human." One of the moon walkers professed.

Wasting no time, the severed arm latched onto a moonwalker's throat, he too combusted into black ash.

"Let's get out of here!" Thundered a trumpet call amongst the moon walkers.

"You're mine." TeHorn's severed arm attempted to attack Yrkle, but Yrkle spewed fire at his arm. His arm exploded into minuscule particles. The arm reformed, as if that was just something arms do, and reattached itself to TeHorn.

"Unbelievable, I'm out of here" Like a cowering tree against a hurricane worthy gale Yrkle sped away.

"How did we get out of that one?" Hannah asked stupefied.

"Those were no ordinary criminals. I don't think they are done with us yet." TeHorn reasoned.

"I must inform Carvarious, we face a threat that could wipe us out."

"I'm sure he is well informed."

"What do you mean TeHorn?"

"He keeps his secrets closer to his chest then his undead heart."


"What!!! We lost two moonwalkers to that freak of nature?" Shamazya was incensed. "Tell me Yrkle, what'd he do!"

"I don't quite understand it myself father. He choked Gunthar and Boheman to death with his severed arm. I destroyed the severed arm with fire, but it melded itself back together and reformed where it was lost."

"So, you're saying we're dealing with some kind of superhuman mutant?"

"Yes father and he was not alone."

"There are more of them? Great, just what we need menacing aberrations." Shamazya ranted.

"We'll take care of them father."

"I trust that you will. Or I'll take care of you."


Hannah ran as fast as she could and caught up with TeHorn, which wasn't very difficult.

"Why am I so freakishly slow?"

"You can't be gifted at everything."

"Why are you following me Hannah don't you have something better to do?"

"TeHorn I'm a Watcher, I can either follow you, hide, or go around attacking people."

"Do some Watchers do that? Well I wouldn't doubt it, it is in our nature."

"Must you be so cynical?" TeHorn ignored her. What he needed to know was who were those super-powered beings and what did they want with him?

"Hannah if I were you, I'd go back to hiding, I have a sense it's time to kill or die."

"I've pledged to help you; I cannot go back on the Watcher code."

"Look I don't know about this Watcher Code, but I have a city to protect from forces I don't understand."

"TeHorn if you don't let someone in, you're going to destroy yourself. Watchers work in numbers it's like you said part of our nature."

"I defy nature."

A family with three children walked by, the mother was pushing a stroller the father holding two of the little children's hands.

"You see TeHorn that is what I'm fighting for. They are so valuable, yet so vulnerable. I guess I see the good in humanity."

"I see injustice, poverty, greed and disease."

"Why are you doing this TeHorn?"

"Because I need to find my purpose."

"Please don't be harsh with me, I'm trying to help you." Hannah wept.

"Has anybody ever told you that you have a kindred soul? Especially for a Watcher."

"I defy nature." Hannah giggled. TeHorn was slightly embarrassed. But he refused to let it show.

"I'll help you TeHorn." Hannah promised.

"Help me with what?"

"I'll help you find your destiny."


The leader of the Shofeld gang Carlos Moritto, and The Watson gang Ben Strobal shook hands, "We take out the university tonight. They'll chalk it up as a terrorist attack, while we capture some of the brightest minds in Banks Ville."

"We're talking global domination."

"That's right Ben."


It was mid-noon at the University of Banks Ville. Matthew Charleson was a genius, and as usual Matthew Charleson was late for class.

"Mr. Charleson your tardiness is as usual a lovely tidbit of joy for us all. One more time and I flunk you. Understood?"

"Yes, sir perfectly understood."

"Take a seat Mr. Charleson." Many in the class laughed, as Matthew fumbled his papers, he also fumbled his bible. He took his faith with him everywhere.

"It seems to me Mr. Charleson that your thinking comes right out of the stone-age. This is quantum Astronomy, and as brilliant as you might think you are Mr. Charleson you are no Canis Majoris. (The class laughed.) In fact, you may find that you're not even Atom, Atom and Eve, as you would describe it." The class found this uproariously hilarious. It was turning out to be quite the day for Matthew, it was only about to get worse. He was speaking to himself in between lectures.

"Amanda we should court. Amanda, I like you a lot, and I think you're really swell. So how about a date?"

"In your dreams Mattwad." Somebody tossed a wrinkled-up paper at his forehead.

"That wasn't appropriate." Matt calmly stood up for himself.

"Mr. Brains thinks he can do whatever he wants." One of his bullies spoke with animosity.

"More like Mr. Bible." Added another one of his bullies.

"How about it Matthew, do you wanna fight?" The bully proclaimed.

"I'm perfectly entitled to be a Christian."

"As I am perfectly entitled to kick you hard." The bully tried to trick him, but fell flat on his face.

Matthew turned the other way and ran; he was a very fast runner.


Shamazya consulted Azazel, "The University tonight?"

"Yes, there are some beautiful girls there, fine breeding material."

"I trust you will do their makeup."

"You make me laugh sometimes Shamazya."

"There's no time for laughter! This is serious business."



"There has to be something relevant in these ancient texts that applies to today." Matthew sorted through his bible. "The sons of God slept with the daughters of men. Who were those sons? Were they the sons of Seth, or were they the watchers, described in the book of Enoch? Moses also mentions Nephilim and how there were giants in those days: I'm baffled. What does it all mean?"

Matthew enjoyed talking to himself, and God at the same time.

"It says in Revelation that after the thousand years are over Satan will be released from his dungeon for a short time, and he will deceive the entire world the Gog and the Magog. What if there is some connection between Satan and the watchers? It says they will attack the city that God Loves, who are they?"

What if there was truth to the legends? What if the Watchers had been released for a short time to cause chaos on the earth? It boggled his mind even thinking about it. It was growing dark. Suddenly he heard a piercing scream coming from the direction of the girls' dormitories. "Amanda!" Without thinking and with a rush of Adrenaline he rushed out of his dorm room and into the middle of a hostage situation. Gangs!

"Let her go! Let them all go!"

As he spoke there was gunfire in the vicinity.

"Boss we're not alone."

"Send the Moonwalkers, I'll deal with this one."

"By what authority do you make your demands?"

"Let them go by the authority of Jesus who is my Lord."

The name struck fear into Shamazya, for he knew his time was short. So, he did the only thing plausible. He killed him.

He rushed at him like a tempest and struck him with his poison talons. Matthew died in a matter of seconds, but Shamazya couldn't leave the body there. So, he took flight into the night sky and dropped the body into the Ocean, where no one would ever find it again.


"Somebody infiltrated our heist boss." A bloodied gang soldier returned reconnaissance to Ben Strobal. "They weren't normal either, I swear I saw one of them kill ten gunfighters at once. With his bare hands! The rest of us fled, if it weren't for their leader calling them off us, we all would have died."

"What the bloody hell? Who else in the entire universe, would on the same night try to ransack a University? Somebody leaked! And I'm going to find out who."

Carlos Moritto was equally enraged those ten gunfighters were his.


A body washed up on Banks Ville's shore three days later. It arose in rags with no recollection of who or what it was. "I've been expecting you. Although I'm surprised, you're the only one."

"What?" Before him were two of the most fascinating creatures he'd ever seen. Or at least he thought he'd ever seen.

"Let's be blunt. We are Watchers. You are now a Watcher, we have come here to welcome you to our secret war."

"Watchers? Aren't they the evil Angels that fell out of grace during the days of Enoch?"

"Yes. However, when they kill a human being, they... I think introductions are necessary." Said the female.

"I am TeHorn."

"TeHorn or Thorn? As in a letter in the ancient Norse alphabet?"

"Thorn is a poky thing that gets stuck in your buttocks and causes an infection!" TeHorn insisted.

"Woah, is he always so touchy?"

"Yes, I am Hannah, and this is..."

"Carvarious. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Carvarious, are you done hiding away in your pit?" barked TeHorn.

"TeHorn always a pleasure."

"So who am I?"

"He needs a name." Carvarious insisted.

"Name him TeHorn, for I sense he has already decided his allegiance."

"I don't need any followers!" TeHorn spat in defiance.

"Try to be civil TeHorn."

"You boy, whom do you follow?" Asked Carvarious.

"I want to save the world, from whatever made me a Watcher! I don't want to be a fallen Angel; I want to live with the Lamb of God!" Carvarious smiled. TeHorn shook his head in exasperation. Finally, he uttered, "Fine. Your name is Marth, I sense you are going to be nothing but a headache."

"Great TeHorn, I think I'll go for a run." Before TeHorn was able to say, "Run, ha", Marth dashed off with a burst of speed comparable to a Moonwalker.


"Never assume anything my fledgling friend." Carvarious chuckled.

"Oh boy." TeHorn shook his head with disbelief.

"By the way he's smart too, but not at all a warrior." Carvarious laughed and disappeared into the Shadows.

"Great!!! An inept kid to deal with."

"But look at him run." Hannah grinned.

"Hannah, we have a world to save!"

"One person at a time." She deduced.

"Marth are you done with your hot dogging?"

"No, I can't believe I can run this fast!" Marth glided with glee.

TeHorn sighed, neither could he.


Just how intelligent Marth was, was evident in the next couple of days.

"There is a tangible force binding our bodies together, an element not yet discovered on the periodic table, if I could analyze it break it down into compounds then maybe I could shed some light on this undead mystery."

"You go for it. Meanwhile we get trampled over and shredded to pieces by highly organized yet slightly stupid villains! Don't you get it kid? You follow me or hide; those are the options."

"Don't you think you're being rather harsh on him TeHorn?"

"Baby in this world I'm spoon feeding him cake."


Shamazya was livid. "We need to take out the Christians, they are the ones with true power over us."

"Is it wise to be messing with God's own people?" Chazaqiel asked blatantly.

"You're right. I thought your head was up in the clouds. We'll leave them alone for now." After all the Christians had been safe with Christ reigning for a thousand years.


Carvarious summoned Hannah, and TeHorn decided to arrive uninvited to the underground secret abode. Carvarious had something to express. He just hoped that she would listen to him, for he loved her like a daughter. "My Hannah darling. I didn't know if you were going to make it."

"I'm fine, I'm a watcher after all."

"Yes, and you are a darn good one. I don't trust TeHorn. What if he snaps?"

"I can assure you that TeHorn is the least of our worries. Have you heard about the moonwalkers? They're causing lawlessness and anarchy in this city."

"There are always gangs young daughter."

"These guys or creatures are not regular gang members! They are supernatural just like us, and they are huge, and well built."

"Don't tell me it's the return of the giants!" Carvarious became melancholy, even to the point of fear.

"The giants?" Hannah questioned.

TeHorn made his presence known, "You mean like the football team?"

"What are you doing here TeHorn?"

"Thought I'd gain some reconnaissance; I know you don't trust me. I know you downright loathe me, but I never knew Hannah would stick up for me like that. So, tell us the story Carvarious, it's what you intended to do all the time."

Carvarious tried to sting TeHorn with a devious glance. TeHorn was oblivious. So Carvarious decided to continue his story, addressing Hannah and ignoring TeHorn.

"Before the flood came there were giants. It has been written that the sons of God (Angels) saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, so they lusted after them and sired giants. These illegitimate children began to revel in all kinds of heinous sins, orgies, murder, witchcraft and all abominable practices. So, God destroyed them, and locked the Angels in the pit of Hell for ten thousand years, before they would in the end before the judgment wreak havoc on the earth once more. They will in a matter of time join forces with Satan and deceive the race of man so badly that Armageddon will unfold, and no one will be able to stop it."

"So, you're telling me you're a Christian Watcher? Isn't that sacrilegious?"

"No, it is not! We all have choices to make in our lives! It's not what we are it's who we are! I wish you'd get it through your thick cranium that the watcher code is crucial. You are our brother, and we want and need to stick together.

"What is this code?" TeHorn demanded.

"One word my brother and you must discover the rest."

"Give me the word!" TeHorn thundered louder.

"TeHorn, you must learn patience and tact. You are more likely to get your way if you are kind about it."

"Please give me the word." He softened slightly.

"That's better TeHorn. The word is Love."

"Love?" TeHorn asked incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"I am so serious I died fighting for it."

"So, everything is based on love? This entire masquerade party is based on love. This is infuriating! "

"Yes, you see God is love, so obviously He's going to sew it into the fabric of His creation. You'll soon learn that love is the most powerful ally in the world."

"Great another kook." TeHorn stated exasperated.

"Give it time TeHorn. You'll see."

"What exactly will I see Carvarious?"

"Only time will tell."

"Oh, so you are one of those..."

"One of what may I ask you?"

"Ministers. They never give you a straight answer."

Carvarious just chuckled; he loved the younglings tremendously. TeHorn just needed to learn his lessons, just like the rest of humanity.

"One more thing TeHorn, be careful... It's a terrible world out there right now, even for Watchers." It was the first time that TeHorn realized that Carvarious cared for him.


Ben Strobal watched the gorgeous ladies dance as he smoked his Cuban cigar. This was his nightclub, one of ten that he owned in the city. He wasn't cheap, his clubs were first class entertainment, but full of debauchery. That night he had his mind on other things, other than women.

"What's wrong baby? You're so knotted up. You need to relax."

"Carla now is not the time..."

"But Ben."

"Seriously Carla I've got a load on my plate, as the cliché goes."

"What's troubling you?"

"Just some super-human mutant that is ransacking all my plans."

"That sounds tough baby, perhaps a little loven will help you out."

"No Carla, not tonight. Leave me alone for a bit okay?"

Slightly hurt Carla was about to say something but decided against it. She obeyed and left him to his own thoughts. A stranger interrupted him shortly thereafter.

"That girl of yours is mighty fine."

"Who the in the bloody Hell are you?"

"I'm your new best friend. You see we have common ground. I want that freak of nature dead just as much as you do, and I'm here to help you."

"You mean that mutant they call TeHorn?"

"The one and the same."

Ben was interested but he knew there were conditions.

"What is it that you want out of this?"

"I want women. Good breeding women."

"Really? That's it? You'll kill TeHorn for women? I think we have an agreement."

"Yes, yes we do." The two shook hands, a binding pact of allegiance. Little did they know TeHorn was no ordinary mutant.


There was an army. Now this army could not be numbered it was as great as the sands on the shore, and they were all encamped around a city: a glorious city.

The General of the Army was a dragon, a beast with many heads and horns. Stationed behind them were a thousand legions of Giants! They were fierce and merciless, terrible to behold. There was this dis-configured beast, and atop the beast was a naked woman, constantly pleasuring this beast. There was a militia, few that came against the Devil and his hordes. Hannah awoke with a sweat. It had been so real.

"TeHorn I saw the Holy city! And I saw the Satans and the whole world coming against it! I saw the city that God loves!" Hannah exclaimed, awakening TeHorn and Marth from their stupor.

"Jerusalem, land of peace? I've heard legends of that place. The sun shines seven times brighter, the air is crisp and clean; a child can play with a cobra and not be harmed. . . How I long to be there." Marth reflected, melancholy.

"Why is this place such a Dung-heap?" Asked TeHorn incredulously.

"Ultimately it is run by the Satan." Hannah answered in despair. "He is a cruel maniacal dictator who seeks to destroy all that is good in the world."

"He was bound for a thousand years in a bottomless pit as our Fathers lived in peace but released to wreak havoc on earth once again."

"He's the one I want then!" blurted TeHorn with resolve.

"Nobody knows where he resides."

"Christ would... He's the Prince of the City of glory."

"How do I find this Christ?" TeHorn growled.

"You can't," stated Marth, "He finds you."

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