Titanfall male reader x fem...


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(Y/N) is a soldier in the militia, son of the legendary Captain Lastimosa, veteran of the Titan Wars. Before... Еще

The Forest
Meeting The Girls
Story Time
First Day
Qna Answers
Spin the Bottle
1k reads?!
QnA 2 answers
I've done it
hollow knight clips 2
new story
Pokémon Intermission
Papa Scorch
Story preview
SCP needs your help
Home Again
The Brawl
Rescue Mission
Special Thanks

The Final Battle

913 7 24

3rd person POV

Everyone at the mansion was busy preparing for the upcoming attack. It had been nearly 2 months since the IMC scouts had come to the forest and everyone has been on edge. Everyone was powerful in their own right yes, but not even Slenda would be powerful enough to face down a whole army of titans. So Y/n, with the help of Slenda, was designing brand new weapons to help give them an edge. Mini-titans, or Javelins if you will, to help give people like Ann, Masky, and Hoodie and edge because even though they were strong, they were technically still humans. The new "Mini-titans" were now finished and everyone who needed one was currently testing them.

From top to bottom: Ranger, Colossus, Interceptor, Storm

Like the titans, they each had their own strengths and weaknesses, but their were a few similarities between them all. For one, they all had thruster similar to the viper thrusters on BT that they could all use to fly and hover for periods of time. However a hidden quirk of the Storm is that it can fly slightly longer than the others and hover much, much longer. With these thrusters, they are also able to double jump, but the Interceptor is able to triple jump to further enhance it's greatest strength: it's mobility. They also have the ability to dash much like normal titans, but due to the Colossus' sheer size and weight, it is unable to do this. The Interceptor, once again, has 3 dashes to make it faster. Storm can also disappear for this dash and become invisible for a split second. (Think Ronin's phase dash) That however is where the similarities end. From there on, every suit has their own strengths, weaknesses, and weapons.

Ranger: The Ranger doesn't lack or excel in any aspect. It is in every sense of the word, a Jack of all trades. Middle of the road damage, mobility, and speed, it is prepared for all situations. The Ranger comes equipped with a seeking missile, an incredibly powerful tool, but only be fired once before having to wait 10 seconds to use it again, but can be used indefinitely. It also comes equipped with s sticky grenade that on detonation, triggers an icy explosion that freezes enemies in it's radius, even titans and reapers. It also wields a heavily modified LMG known as the Renewed Courage, High rate of fire and solid damage with 75 RPM. It's second weapon is a modified AR known as Ralner's Blaze. Relatively low, fire rate, with high damage and is equipped with incendiary rounds to light opponents ablaze with only 5 consecutive shots. Ranger also comes equipped with a shock mace, able to deal high damage in a radius and stun enemies. While it doesn't do very high damage to or completely stun titans, it will slow them down and temporarily blind them, similar to an arc grenade. For defense capabilities, it has a bubble shield. Once deployed, it is completely invulnerable for the 20 seconds it is activated. Shots can't travel in the shield, but they can go out of it. Finally, it's ultimate ability is the barrage. Once activated, the Ranger uses the Multi Target Missile battery, which shoots a huge volley of rockets that track down enemies with enough power to take down even whole titans, the only ones who can potentially survive the rocket onslaught being ogre titans.

Colossus: As you'd expect from the name, this mech is the tank of the squad, the largest Javelin in size, easily towering over even Slenda and is able to take and deal tons of damage, it's lack of speed being the only thing holding it back. Even then, it has it's thrusters to help mitigate that weakness a great deal. It's ability, the Berserker's Cry, taunts enemies and forces them to attack the user, makes enemies more vulnerable to damage, and doubles the user's melee damage along with decreasing ability cooldowns. Colossus comes equipped with the Venom Storm. When activated, it fires 8 explosive rockets that can individually be aimed to target different areas to maximize splash damage packed with corrosive acid that melts through flesh and metal. (Anyone get that reference?) On it's arm, it carries the Solvent Green, a modified grenade launcher that fires globs of highly damaging acid that melts enemies and cripples them. For it's primary weapons, it uses the Sentinel's Vengeance, a sticky grenade launcher that fires in short bursts and detonates in an acidic explosion. It also makes use of the Shard Storm, a weapon that launches a projectile with medium damage, but upon impact, launches deadly crystals in a large radius. Colossus also uses a glove on it's right hand that can burn enemies in a large radius when slammed on the ground, dealing damage overtime comparable to the Scorch titan. It also has a ballistic shield that it trades for it's ability to dash that can be used for blocking damage or bashing enemies with it, instantly killing human sized targets with the sheer weight and force of the Colossus. Finally for it's ultimate ability, it wields the siege cannon, a heavy cannon that fires highly explosive shots. While it can only be fired 3 times before it has to recharge, it's powerful enough to send ogre titans into a doomed state with one shot, and kill every other titan. Truly a tank buster.

Interceptor: Where the Colossus focuses on tanking damage and being on the frontlines, the interceptor focuses on speed and flanking. It makes up for it's weak armor with speed and agility unlike any other javelin, with the speed to go toe-to-toe with Ronin. It comes with Serpent's Veil, an acid grenade that deals high damage over time to enemies and makes them more vulnerable to Interceptor's blade attacks, and can even melt titan armor, given enough time. It also utilizes the Specter's Flash, a ghost that the user deploys that seeks out up to 5 enemies and strikes them with blades much deadlier than the user itself, instantly killing targets more often than not. While it's not enough to kill titans, it does do considerable damage to them. Interceptor also uses the Slayer's Furor, a mark that it puts onto a target for itself and allies to see through walls and makes it much more vulnerable to damage, before moving on to another target once the enemy it's marking is killed. It uses the Deathstalker Blades stored on each arm. Blades that are tipped with venom, poisoning enemies unfortunate enough to come within range of the Interceptor. The blades become more deadly the closer the target is to death. For primary weapons, it uses the Rainmaker, a weapon that uses seal technology to fire a beam of volatile energy, and the Flashfire, an energy beam launcher that fires electricity beams to deal massive damage to both infantry and titans. Finally for it's ultimate, it uses the Assassin's Blades. When activated, the Javelin repairs itself and becomes completely invulnerable and is restricted to only using it's blades. In return, it's dashes recharge much faster and the blades deal up to 10x more damage.

Storm: The storm javelin is the most advanced javelin in terms of design. It has thrusters optimized for maximum hovering time and has special gauntlets on it's arms to be able to unleash elemental attacks. It also has a short range teleportation device to be able to dash short distances to dash behind cover or close the distance between enemies. The gauntlets have 2 different attacks. One is the Winter's Wrath, a series of icy cold explosions that deal high damage capable of freezing enemies frozen solid. It also uses the Steam Vent, Spears that are launched from Storm's hands that can either burn enemies or freeze them and deal high damage. It's primary weapons are the Elemental Rage, a low rate of fire high damage AR that makes enemies more vulnerable to the elements over time. It also has the Rainmaker, the same as the Interceptor's Rainmaker, but the projectiles cause fire damage over time. It also has the Lightning Surge, an electric punch that shocks enemies and is able to send out a lightning bolt for more range while restoring Storm's shield. It also uses the Wind Wall, an air barrier that is strong enough to stop even Titan weapons in their tracks. Finally, it's ultimate is the Elemental Storm. When activated, Storm will fly up in the air and launch down massive attacks of fire, ice, and lightning, each powerful enough to instantly destroy titans.

(1516 words introducing the javelins, that's longer than most of the chapters in this book. What the actual fuck is wrong with me? whatever)

People piloting Ranger: Clockwork, Hoodie, Masky

Colossus: Gates, Tami, Jill

Interceptor: Jess, Jane, Benny, Kake-Gao

Storm: Ann, Jackie, Angel

No Javelin: (Y/n)/Slenda (She doesn't fit in any of them cuz she's tol as shit)

Even BT had some upgrades. He can now fly while using other loadouts to their fullest. He was able to do it with legion's minigun before, but only with his core added because it was built into the gun. So in other words, he can be a flying ronin...or a flying ion... or a flying anything he desires. The thrusters can also fly indefinitely without needing to touch down to recharge fuel. You wanna know why? 

M A G I C (literally)

Finally, all kits can be used on every loadout, just like Legion's Dreadnought aegis upgrade in Frontier Defense. The girls were very excited about the Javelins and were having a lot of fun testing them, Jess, Jane, and Gates in particular. Fortunately Slenda teleported them to an isolated location far outside the forest so they wouldn't destroy it.

Meanwhile with the IMC, the final preparations were finishing. In just one hour, they would move out to the alternate universe and start harvesting resources to rebuild their former glory. Blisk was so eager to go and get his revenge he was caught trying to use the teleporter by himself multiple times and had to be stopped. The new titan had come out perfectly. Using 2 badly burnt vanguard chassis from  the Battle of Demeter, they were able to build an all new titan with it's own loadout: The Monarch. They replicated it's above average advanced AI, it's body design, and battery system perfectly. However they were not able to give it they ability to use any titan weapon it finds like the Militia vanguards. They didn't have the blueprints so it was far too complicated for them, and it's not like they had the resources to do that anyway. But that will soon change. Finally, everything was ready. The teleportation process began with every teleporter they were able to build and it was successful. The explosion they heard could be heard from miles away. Slenda quickly teleported everyone back to the mansion. She let them know it had officially begun.

Then, that's when they saw them.

The army the IMC had procured was nearly innumerable. So many infantry and titans. Leading the charge was Blisk with his modified Legion titan accompanied by a Monarch chassis, piloted by one of the IMC's top pilots, Codename: Lionheart, a cloak pilot by default but had several pilot tacticals that he had stolen off dead Militia bodies. Pulse blade, grapple, holo pilot, and even some stim shots. To say that most of the girls were rather nervous would be an accurate statement. However they were confident in their abilities, having practiced in the Javelins for several hours on end. On top of having Slenda and one of the most elite pilots with easily the strongest titan in all of the frontier on their side, they were sure they would win. Blisk then opened the hatch on his titan and spoke.

"Oi, hero! Yeah I'm talking to you. Drop your weapons and call back your fancy suits and we'll consider sparin' your life." (Y/n) knew that was bullshit. He opened BT's hatch. "Fat chance, bud! "I killed your entire team, and I'll end finish that job with killing you!" (My boi Blisk just got bud'd. Disrespect 100) This pissed off Blisk beyond belief. He closed the hatch on his titan and revved up his minigun with murderous intent. Then, Lionheart spoke into his earpiece. "Blisk he's just messing with you.  Dont't let him get in your head, that only lets him win." Blisk calmed down knowing he was right. Being distracted like this would only let that damn hero win. He calmed down a little bit and gave the signal to the IMC forces to attack. They charged forward, which prompted the pastas to charge as well. It was an all out battle. IMC forces dying left and right, even titans were falling to the Javelins and their ultimate attacks. Soon it was down to a few select titans on the side of the IMC and a majority of the girls. Thankfully, there were no casualties on their side, but a few of the girls in the more squishy titans, namely Benny, Jackie, and Hoodie had to sit this out final stand along with Ann, who was tending to them. Everyone one else had only minor injuries if at all, but could still fight. The remaining pilot/titan partners were BT/(Y/n), Blisk and his titan, Lionheart and his Monarch, a Northstar, and a ronin. The girls were left to take care of the Ronin and Northstar while BT and Y/n was left to fight Blisk and Lionheart. BT flew up in the air which made Blisk realize he was using Viper's thrusters, which made him go full on ballistic mode, shooting his gun wildly directly at BT. Unfortunately for him, he and Lionheart fired their guns directly into BT's vortex shield and when it's use ran out. all of the bullets went right back at Blisk's titan, instantly crippling him and sending him into the doomed state. Y/n went in for the kill and finish Blisk off, but then was crippled by Lionheart's siphon shot, who then began beating BT senseless with his fists until he was in critical condition, but not quite doomed yet, but still was literally on fire from the excessive damage. BT knew he was going to die...

...But his pilot certainly wasn't. He knew what he had to do.

"Pilot, I don't think I'm going to make it out of this alive." "BT, what are you talking about? We can still win this." "No, we are not. I appreciate your optimism, but it's the end of the line for me. We had a good run." BT then started the auto-ejection sequence and before it launched Y/n into the air, he saw a message on the screen that said "Take care pilot. I'll miss you". Y/n then automatically cloaked and was launched into the air so he wouldn't be found. From the air, he could see the Ronin pilot whose titan was destroyed but able to knock all of the girls unconscious with the Northstar pilot pull out two of BT's batteries from his side, making him power down before he landed in a bush far away enough so that he wouldn't be spotted. Before he went unconscious he heard Blisk say "Nice work everyone. Let's bring the titan in so we can get a proper vanguard. Bring those suits in for studying as well. Marder would love to have a look at those." Then, the Militia pilot blacked out. Did they...

...Did they just lose? 

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