Heart Under Construction

By iamjanessaelliot

628K 19.9K 3K

After Shay THINKS things are finally cut off with her abusive/obsessive boyfriend Dante of 3 miserable years... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
:) Part 2

Chapter 4

20.1K 529 105
By iamjanessaelliot

Shay in the dress that she had to wear to the club in MM

Zechariah POV
1 Week Later

I need to get this girl Shay out the house. We should go somewhere.... Let me think...

The CLUB!!!

We going to the club tonight.

She don't like to drink but I don't give a fuck what she has to say because there be some FINEEEE ass niggas at club Karma too.... even though I can't be doing all that because I got a bae.... You feel me? But it still don't hurt to look a little 😉

Speaking of my boo, here he come through the door right now with his sexy self.

"Hey baby" I said smiling while he took his work shoes off on the place mat before he made his way to the couch that I was laying on.

"Hey" Jordan said tiredly before he kissed me briefly and went into the kitchen.

"How was work?" I asked while playing with our huge huski named Bubbles.

"It was alright except my boss is always nagging me all the time for no reason. He wants me to go on this business trip next week for 5 days" Jordan said while rubbing the back of his head, stressfully.

He always has business trips and YES they are legit. I'm way too crazy to not check.

"Awwwe imma miss you" I exclaimed frowning.

I hate it when he has to leave.

"I'll be back before you know it" He said with an encouraging smile as he slowly laid on the couch with his legs plopped up on me.

I smiled to myself.

 We started talking for awhile before I remembered our plans for tonight.

"Oh yea, do you want to go to club Karma with me, Alisha and Shay tonight? They need to get out of the house especially Shay.... Plus we gotta find her a man" I said with a grin at my master plan.

I'm genius as hell.

"I'm tired and my body is sore" He said with a fatigued look as he started to swing his arm in place while he tried moving his shoulder around with his hand.

"I got you baby" I said as I got closer to him and started to rub his shoulders.

I was rubbing deep in his tensed, swollen muscles.

"Damn...." I heard Jordan groan deeply.

I smiled evilly.

"Come on baby let me give you a massage" I said as I than freakily motioned for him to go to our bedroom with me.

You know what happened after that.....

Shay POV
7:00 p.m.

"Ughhhh... Fuuuckkkk this homework" I groaned loudly, sitting on my bed with my laptop.

I was on my last nerve trying to finish this 8,000 word essay with the topic of it as to why I want to be in the profession that I'm studying for, courtesy of my literature professor of course.

It wasn't hard because I knew exactly why I wanted to be a physician's assistant.

He's usually cool but right now... He playin.

Alisha and I are graduating early because we're taking so many damn classes at one time.... It was beyond stressful but good because we could start our lives sooner.

We were also going to USC because we were getting multiple degrees at one time, we were getting backup degrees incase we got tired of doing the same job for a couple years. But these courses of real estate management and medical fields were our first choice of course.

I was suddenly so annoyed.

This is due in 2 days anyways.... So I'll just finish it tomorrow.

I made my way downstairs and to the living room to see that Alisha was sitting on the island in the kitchen on the phone. I heard the doorbell before I was able to say anything to her.

I answered it to find Zechariah standing on our porch looking suspect.

"Where you goin lookin all fine" I asked as I gave him a hug before I stood back to look at his attire.

He was in thick, black leather pants. My eyes widened as I continued to look at him to see a grey fish net shirt and a black tank top underneath with combat boots.

I looked at his hand to see a big yellow clothing bag from a store.

"Nowhere" he said simply before speaking again.

"WE" he said motioning from me to him "are going to the club girl" he added while dancing all up on me while smiling with his tongue out.

"Uhhmmm.... Have you bumped your head?" I asked with a blank face.

He smacked his mouth and stopped dancing on me.

"Here. I got you this dress from my wardrobe at the work warehouse just now" he said while handing me the bag.

I took the bag out of curiosity and pulled the dress out.

"It's your size and I know you got them red bottoms to match too so don't even try it" he said with a mouth pop, walking past me... leaving me standing there in shock at what the dress looked like.

I slowly closed the door, studying the dress.

"Alisha where you at boo?!" I heard him yell behind me while walking through the foyer.

"In the kitchen!!" She replied.

I followed him into the kitchen slowly.

"...I'll call you back ma. Love you" Alisha said before she hung up.

"Wassup baby? You must be cheatin on me with another friend or somethin because I ain't never see you no more" she said with a laugh as they hugged.

"It's Jordan girl. I can't get enough!!" he said with his cheeks red causing us to laugh and shake our heads.

"What you got in your hand girl?" Alisha asked mentioning my hand with the dress in it, taking a sip of her glass of water.

"This fool think I'm gonna wear this to the club tonight" I said to her, pulling the dress up for her to look at.

Alisha almost spit her water out from bursting out laughing extra hard.

I squinted my eyes while Zechariah smacked his lips.

"Shut up" I mumbled to her as her loud laugh died down.

"Let me see" Alisha said smiling. I tossed her the dress.

She examined it for a minute and than threw it back to me.

"Go try it on cause you gonna look bad as fuck. I can already envision it" she grinned, excited as if she was looking off into the future.

"RIGHT?!!" Zechariah said smiling too as they high fived.

"Whatever fine..." I mumbled, going to the nearest bathroom which was next to the laundry room.

I slipped in the bathroom and put it on... It took about 20 minutes to put it on the right way with all the rope looking things and shit.

After a lot of adjusting, I finally got it on.

I looked at myself and was in shock at how my body glowed in it.... I didn't realize how long I was in there until they started banging on the door causing me to jump in a sudden panic.

"HURRY UP WITCHO FINEASS!!!" Z yelled next to the door.

"I WANNA SEE NIGGA!!" Alisha added from the living room.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm coming out...." I said taking one last glance at myself.

I breathed out and braced myself for what they were going to say. I opened the door before slowly walking to the living room to find them laying on the couch.

"DAYYYUUUMMMMM!!!!! *Friday voice*" They both said in unison.

I started laughing at their reaction.

"What y'all think?" I asked while looking down at the dress that curved my body like a sculpture.

They got up to get a closer look.

"Did you take yo birth control pills because I think you gonna get pregnant tonight hunty!" Z said while snapping his fingers.

"You look like you wanna have sex girl!" Alisha smiled while biting her lip as she looked at my body.

They too much 😊

I laughed and shook my head to myself.

"I can't go out like this y'all" I said seriously.

"WHAT!?!!" They yelled in unison.

"This dress is too much.... I mind as well just wear a thong and nothing else to the club" I stated.

They smirked at me after looking at eachother for a second.

Here the bribes come....

"I will buy you Popeyes for a whole week!" Alisha said KNOWING that I love my Popeyes.

"I will buy you your favorite combo from In & Out for a week too!" Zechariah added.

They were bouncing their heads at eachother in approval.

"Ugghhh y'all know them is my favorites!!" I whined to them.

"All you gotta do is wear the damn dress!" They said as they were pleading with me.

"One night!!" Z said.

We were pleading for a good 15 minutes.

"FINE!" I finally said in frustration.

"YASSSSS!!!!" They said as they high fived.

I just shook my head.

"Y'all knew I couldn't say no, y'all played me. This is some bullshit" I said with my lips pursed and arms crossed as Alisha and I walked away to our rooms to get ready.

"SHUT UP AND GET READY!" Zechariah said. "YOU TOO ALISHA!" He added.

After finally getting ready... Alisha, Zechariah and I were on our way to the club at about 12.

"Ugghhh I'm gonna look like a hoe.... This is a bad idea" I said with a bad feeling while being in the passenger seat with Alisha in the backseat.

Zechariah was driving us in his all black 2014 Jeep Cherokee.

"Nigga do you want the food or not?!" Zechariah said while taking glances from me to the road.

"You don't have a choice now hoe" Alisha said laughing.

I groaned as my palms started to get sweaty and my body suddenly got cold.

We pulled up and it was PACKED. I was having severe second thoughts when it was time to get out but Alisha yanked my ass out of my seat, almost making me fall.

"Bitch" I said as we started making our way to the line.

"I heard that!" She said while walking infront of me with Zechariah.

"You was suppose to!!" I yelled back.

We finally made it to the line and it was wrapped around the entire building.

After only 3 minutes of waiting, Alisha decided she was gonna flirt with the security guard so we can get in.

"Hey there..." She said as she started flirting with him.

Zechariah started talking about the group of guys that kept staring at me that were standing outside the club.

"Girl look. All them niggas is staring at you" Zechariah said to me while I continued facing the opposite direction of the guys he was talking about.

"Yea because I look like I should be at the damn strip club talkin bout $2" I said rolling my eyes with my arms folded.


"Shut up girl" He said with a laugh. "They really cute though".

"Uhhmmm...." I said uninterested until I eventually looked to see that there was this group of about 12 guys together that were staring at me.

I scanned them briefly and was about to turn around when there was only one guy that caught my eye.

He had his arms crossed while leaning against the hood of an expensive looking car... Everybody around him was talking but he wasn't.

I studied his tall body type.

He was built to the point where it looked like his muscles were about to rip through his shirt but his shirt wasn't small or tight so he was just built like that.

I also quickly realized that he was slightly covered in tattoos with sexy little curls on his head.

I must have been really looking because when I looked at his attractive face, he was slightly smiling at me.... Damn he was fine.

I quickly remembered what dress I had on.

"Fuck" I mumbled.

I had just turned around to see Alisha giving us the signal so we went into the loud club.

I was walking into the club to immediately seeing guys staring while licking their lips at me EVERYWHERE.

I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this....

*Hours Later*

After drinking one light drink, barely dancing and letting lose a little.... I needed some air.

"Hey gimme your keys, I need some fresh air" I said to Zechariah who was twerking on Alisha in our booth.

He threw the keys at me. I caught them while he continued to dance on her.

I was making my way outside as niggas tried to holla at me.

?: Wassup baby?

?: Let me taste you.

?: I jus wanna put my face in her booty cheeks and put them over my ears to warm me up.

?: Let me get the 10 ?

I hear all the same shit.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when I was finally outside and there wasn't that many people outside either.

I was almost to Zechariah's jeep when somebody yanked me by my waist.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled turning around to see this tall and strong black guy that was probably around 25.

"Give me some girl" he said smiling creepily, trying to kiss me.

"GET THE FUCK OFF!!" I said as I started to fight him off and hit him but he grabbed me by my neck and slammed me harshly against the jeep.

I'm really surprised the alarm didn't go off.

My neck really hurt but I needed to save myself so I kept fighting him.

He eventually got sick of it and stomped on my ankle. I still had my heels on so I heard my bone snap and shatter viciously as I felt my skin being pierced with an electric pain sensation that went through my leg, letting me know my ankle was cleanly broken.

He DEFINITELY shattered my whole shit.

I screamed in pain and he punched me in the mouth.

My shoes flew off and it took everything in me not to start crying but I couldn't hold in the painful tears.

There was no use in fighting anymore because he was tall and strong... But I couldn't just give up like that.

Carter POV

"Bruh it's so damn hot in here" I said while this girl was trying to dance on me. She tried to kiss me but I moved my head away and dodged the kiss, getting up.

She didn't have my dick on hard AT ALL.

"Imma be back my nigga" I said to Ky, who was talking to a Latina chick.

He waved me off as I started walking outside. There wasn't really anybody outside.

I was walking to the car when I saw the same fineass girl that was staring at me, who was dressed like a hoe from earlier.... I slightly squinted my eyes to see through the night, it looked like somebody... a man was trying to drag her to the alley on the side of the club.

I squinted my eyes more and saw his hand around her mouth and part of her face. She was trying to fight him off with her arms but both of her legs look limp.

I noticed that there was blood all over one of her legs.

"Oh hell naw" I said I quickly started my way to her direction.

Shay POV

He started to drag me off to a dark place.

I couldn't see because he started to cover my mouth with his huge hands.

My mouth still hurt very bad from when he punched me.

I knew I was doomed at that point. I still wasn't gonna give up though, so I kept fighting with my arms.

We were almost out of sight and into the alley when I heard a masculine voice... The man holding me froze, I was breathing hard through the cracks of his fingers.

I closed my eyes for a second because my leg hurt so bad.

"AYE!! What the fuck is goin on over there!?" The deep voice said walking.

"Nothin mane just go mind your business" The man holding me disrespectfully said.

"Nigga do you know who the fuck I am?!" he said stepping into the light. He was the same fineass guy I was looking at earlier.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't see you boss" the man holding me said, letting me go quickly.

I screamed in pain when my broken ankle came in contact with the cold ground.

I punched the man in the face as hard as I possibly could before I kneed him in the balls with my bad leg so that I could hold myself up with the other one even though it hurt like a bitch.

He quickly fell to the ground, squealing like a little hoe.

After that, I attempted to hop away from him but the pain was too much from my foot dangling in the air so I only got about 3 feet away.

I looked down at my ankle to see my bone out of my skin and I noticed I was bleeding.... A lot. I grabbed the fence to hold myself up while I continued trying not to cry in pain but it didn't work.

My pain tolerance was VERY high so that's how I knew that it was serious.

I managed to turn around for a small second to take a glance at the man who was talking.

"I suggest you get out my face if you don't want your funeral to be in 7 days" he said lifting up his shirt to show his 9 mm in his waistband.

The man tensed up and stumbled back while getting off the ground. Disappearing into the darkness.

Seconds later, I heard footsteps coming towards me with my head hung down with my hands gripping the cold fence.

My body started feeling really heavy and light at the same time.

"Are you okay lil mama" The masculine voice in a sincere tone.

I tried not to cry at the genuine tone he spoke in so I sniffed a couple times before I began to speak.

"I'm okay. Thank you" I said trying to keep myself together and let him go back in the club.

I looked down and blood was just flowing out of my leg. I was feeling like I was gonna lose my consciousness.

"No your not" he said completely unconvinced.


I sniffed and let my eyebrows scrunch. I didn't want to cry...

"Really, I'm fine. Go back in-" I began but got cut off by him gently picking me up bridal style before taking me to what I'm guessing is Zechariah's car.

I winced in pain with every one of his footsteps. He must have realized because he started to walk slow and gentle.

He grabbed the keys off the ground and my purse before he sat me in Zechariah's jeep. Than he got in the driver's seat and started driving.... To the hospital I'm guessing.

For some reason I felt very comfortable with him.

My body started to go numb and tingly. I looked at his face and whispered a small "thank you...".

He looked at me and started speeding... I had no choice but to let the heavy feeling take over my body.

*Hours Later*

I woke up in a hospital bed.

I put my hands on my sore neck and frowned at the feeling of the bruises. I put my fingertips on my mouth and winced harshly.

I looked down to see a hospital gown on my body and a green cast on my right foot. I glanced over to see my X-rays that have plates and screws in my ankle...

They did surgery?

I look up to see Zechariah and Alisha quietly walking in the room with flowers and big teddy bears.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Zechariah said worried.

"BOO!!!!" Alisha says while kissing my cheek and hugging me.

"What happened Shay?" They said at the same time.

I had to sit there for a minute and think about what happened until it all came back.... I told them and they were in shock. They also felt guilty for not going with me outside.

I was still thinking about the guy that saved my life.

My body felt heavy and my mouth hurt from getting punched but I still continued to talk.

"It's not your fault" I whispered to them.

"Yes it is!" Zechariah said frowning.

"If we went with you, you wouldn't be in this hospital right now" They said in guilt.

"It's okay I'm fine.... Can you give me a mirror though?" I asked gently.

Alisha hesitates before she reaches in her purse and very slowly gives me her mirror.

I raise the mirror up and look at myself.

I started to get teary eyed, examining my neck and face while the memories came back...

😔 Flashback 😔

I wake up naked, cold and in severe pain all over my body especially my neck, face and female parts. I look around and realize that I'm tied to the bed. I look down to see blood inbetween my legs and all over the bed in that specific area.

What's going on?

I quickly remembered last night.

*Last Night*

"OH SO YOU WANNA FLIRT WITH THE WAITER RIGHT INFRONT OF MY FACE NOW!!?" He asked while picking me up by my neck which leaves me fighting for air with him yelling in my face as soon as we stepped in the door to our apartment.

"No he was j-" I began pleading but got cut off but Dante punching me repeatedly in the face and stomach.

It must have been a million punches, kicks and slaps before he stopped, well.... took a break. I thought he was gonna leave me alone but he roughly dragged me by my hair, to our room leaving carpet burns all over me.

I was crying in pain.

"I'M GONNA TEACH YOU A LESSON!!!" He said letting my skin burn while I slid across the carpet before he picked me up by my neck and threw me on the bed.

He quickly got some rope and roughly tied me to the bed before he viciously ripped my dress off and I knew what was going to happen.

I couldn't do anything about it.... He brutally raped me that night.

😔 Flashback Over 😔

"It's alright Shay" Alisha said as I came back from my past experience and realized I had waterfalls coming out of my eyes.

They both hugged and comforted me even though I hate crying infront of people.

"I'm gonna be alright you guys" I say with a fake smile on my face when I knew I was breaking on the inside.

"We love you" They said, laying in my hospital bed with me.

"I love you guys too" I replied to them, falling asleep from the strong sensation of pain medication....

30 Votes and comment y'all :).

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