Love At First Sight

By Tyleeshaaaa

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I am introducing you guys to my new upcoming book called," Love at First Sight." This book would be starring... More

End of Summer

Love sucks....

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By Tyleeshaaaa

Ronnie POV

What is love? How can I trust again? Was it me? Did I make her feel like she had to cheat? Was I not there? Wish I knew...

I recently got out of a depressing relationship. I was depressed because I found out she cheated on me with my "best friend." I was shocked, I thought I was in love with the right one. My heart been broken too many times. You would think once you turn 17 , your partner would be mature, loyal, and supportive.

It wasn't like that for me. I don't know what I saw in her. I don't know what lead her to cheat, especially with my best-friend. Also, I wonder why my best friend allow it. She surely didn't love me. When I caught them two in action, I couldn't do nothing but feel betrayed. I just wanted to do the unexpected. I just felt like I shouldn't be here.

I cried for nights. It still continues, although it happened a year ago. It's like they didn't care that I was depressed. Every time I walk down the hall and see them I feel like an idiot. Although, I am not the type of person to hold grudges, I forbid myself to ever hang out with him or her.

It has been hard for me to trust again, especially to love again. But, it's like my life is so fucked up now! I can't even trust my own loved ones. I can not figure out why I feel like this,but I do. It's like I lay down every night feeling like I am alone.

I do not even have a supporting family. If you didn't know I was adopted, at birth because my father ran off with some women, and my mom she couldn't provide for me so she gave me up to my auntie. It might sound good that I was given to a family relative of mines, but it's not. You see, my family do not know how to show love, it's like they show it threw money. I do not want material things I just want to have love and support.

This is why I was so broken when I found out about my ex girlfriend and ex best-friend affair with each other.

I just want to be loved..

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