Souls of Bygone Scars

By xBTSxJeongguk

41 1 1

Story: Unfinished -- Updates to be made. -- If only you'd known that it was easier to frown, than it was to s... More

1. Amor Recipis
2. What If?
3. New Phone
5. Warm Up
6. The Lightest of Warnings
7. Money CAN Buy Happiness
8. ? X 2 = 100

4. Suspect

3 0 0
By xBTSxJeongguk

You woke up to golden rays shining through your blinds and gleaming right into your eyes. And, as peaceful and beautiful as it sounds, it brought you warmth. The rays that come out from behind the clouds after a storm are always the warmest. And these rays brought a sort of comfort that you'll be forever longing for. Because all you feel, is a forever loneliness. Everything that happened in your life lately, good or bad, has always managed to bring tears to your eyes. You are being constantly reminded of how unlucky you are. Of how much of a worthless human you are, as you're just a waste of space without a partner. What on earth had you done in your past life to deserve this?

You were hopeful. You were confident that you would be able to find this boy; your love. But after Doctor Kim's death, and the news of an unknown, on the loose murderer, all you've felt is restlessness. A certain unease that keeps you awake until early in the morning, only to wake you up when the sun rises. This leaves not only a tired Y/n, but also a very hungry and very moody Y/n. Hence the reason for the lack of disturbance present from your mum. "Keep out, stay out," she says. So, basically, she's avoiding you.

If only you could do the same. You wish you could have the ability to transfer bodies and forget about the previous life. 

If only.

Because it only gets worse from here.

"Open up, this is the police!"

You can hear a fist banging repetitively on your front door. A sudden surge of anxiousness rises like the screams of a boiling kettle. And something inside you tells you: That if you're not screaming now,

You will be.

You open your window just a crack so that it's not noticeable, but you'll still be able you hear the conversation going on beneath you.

"Good morning," Your mum greets with a fake smile that you can literally hear. It's that obvious.

"We are here to take your daughter in for questioning, we have found her suspicious in dealing with the murder of Kim Seokjin." The policeman's voice is monotone with no heartfelt emotions regarding the Doctor's death. 

"Excuse me? My daughter was here last night at 5:46 pm! I beg your pardon, but you're wrong." Your mother argued and you felt so proud.

"Your going to need proof, and I suggest that you get a very good lawyer as all evidence leads towards her. She's the only suspect."

Your mother hymphs and closes the door on them, leaving a lasting impact. But the police continue their rampage of breaking down the door.

"Miss, we still need your daughter." 

The sense of pride and trust for your mother is lost as she calls you downstairs. She was never one to fully stand up to police, so you guess you couldn't have expected much. But right now, you have no trust in anyone, not even yourself. You're afraid that you'll say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and then you'll be the girl who murdered the Doctor that informed you of your percentage.

Like, it's quite possible to be accused of murder, especially since the victim was the person who discovered your recipis. Your recipis that brought you such horror. The police probably believe that this was your reasoning. They must have done some very thorough research in such a short amount of time to have put all these pieces together. Even if the outcome is false.

You got up to leave your room, giving it a final glance as it felt like it would be just a memory very soon. You admired the purple parallel strip that lined up perfectly with the shiny wooden panels which were nailed with such precision into the floor. The feature wall, with all its cascading Japanese cherry blossom petals, told the story of your life in such specific detail. Your soft bed with the galaxy duvet cover. An alluring ombre where you couldn't quite work out where the pink stopped, and where the blue begun. Everything about your room was so you and you didn't want to leave its protective arms of safety.

As soon as you stepped out into the hallway, your heart was screaming at you to return. Angels were telling you to be honest and just go through the procedure, but the demons were saying to run and look guilty. The latter would be so much easier to do.

Lifting your head high, you walked confidently down the stairs and straight to the front door.

"Y/n L/n?" The police officer asked.

"Yes, sir." You replied politely.

"Come this way." He took a step back and led you out the house. 

After giving your mum a last look that held more than just the words of "Good bye," you got in the Police car. No handcuffs, no being tasered, you even got to sit comfortably in the passengers seat. Something told you that even though that stuff only happens in movies, this was still way to casual.

"So, what'd you have for breakfast this morning?" The female officer asked, breaking the once comfortable silence.

"Ughhh, a strawberry milkshake?" You half questioned yourself, half questioned her.

"Nice." She commented, now commencing the awkward silence. 

After a good 15 minutes of staring out the window at the passing by city, you finally brought up the courage to ask, "Where are we going?"

Out of the rearview mirror you noticed the policeman that was driving had side eyed the woman sitting next to him. "To the Police Station of course."

You made direct eye contact through the mirror as you reminded him, "We've already gone past the Police Station, sir." You jerked your thumb behind you in a confused manner.

He began to go into a coughing fit, forcing the woman to make up for his mistake. 

"Ah, yes. But we just wanted to stop at a cafe to grab a coffee. Oh, and to ask you a few questions!" She spoke as if she forgot that you were the supposed "murderer" of Doctor Kim Seokjin.

"Ummm, okay?" You were confused and were too tired to hide it. If anything, these guys seemed more suspicious than you.

You all arrived and entered the cafe to find it empty. You looked up to the officers with questions waiting to be asked, but they were already able to answer them.

"We reserved it all so no suspicious people will find anything out." The woman answered.

"People the reporters?" You asked, still not quite sure at what she was getting at.

"I mean, yeah... But there are others." She said, going up to order her coffee.

"You'll find out soon." The male officer spoke and followed her lead.

"This is more confusing than my mother's relationship status," you muttered to yourself, knowing that it is very complicated.

After ordering your citrus slice, you all took a seat at a cute table in the middle of the room.

"Okay, so we just need to clarify one thing, and then we can explain to you everything." The male spoke in a low tone.

"Sure." You felt like you were sacrificing yourself to some cult or something, but you knew it was different.


"Cool," The woman said, "take it away, Chad."

"Yes, yes, Angela." He smiled at her in a heart warming way. "So, Tessa. 

What were your fingerprints doing all over the victim's murder weapon?"

A/n: I forgot I was supposed to upload this 😬🤭

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