Change of Plans

By Urban_Elle

51.1K 2.2K 342

Dave is breaking away the chains that have been holding him back and stealing his youth. He is on the path of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 21

994 59 15
By Urban_Elle

"Heart beatin', my mind racin' up
You can hear the screams and sirens in the cut
Howdidthe trap foldup?
See a copper, gotta drop him
That'swhy I got the .9 in my pocket for
Got the drop before he kickin' down the door."
Roddy Rich "Prayers to the Trap God"


"Awww sh*t." I mumbled. I told Eva I was going to call her right after I left my doctor's appointment, but here I am looking at a post J.Cole made about his upcoming festival. She's going to see this and get on my *ss.

I'm not sick or anything. I'm just making sure I'm alright because sometimes you don't see the signs of an illness before it's too late. I had blood drawn a few weeks ago and I came to discuss the results with my doctor.

Let me call her before she does.

The phone rang a couple of times. I almost thought it was going to voicemail before she finally picked up. Her background was completely pitch black.

"Hey babe."

"Hey baby. You okay?" Her voice was low.

"Yeah. I was just trying to get some rest. I've had a headache since I woke up this morning."

"Are you thinking too much?"

"Not really?"

"Did you eat and are you hydrated?"

"Yes, Dr. East. I'm sure it's nothing. I turned off the lights to see if it would help. Hopefully it goes away before I go out with the girls tonight."

"If it doesn't, I don't want you to feel bad and force yourself to go. Your health matters. They'll understand."

"That's true, but enough about me. How were the test results?"

"They were pretty good except for my vitamin D deficiency. I don't know how when I'm often in the sun."

"You also need to eat foods and drink things that are high in vitamin D."

"You know I hate salmon. I do try to drink orange juice at least one a week."

"Well, you need to make adjustments to get it back to its normal level. Did your doctor give you a list or a prescription?"

"She gave me both. When I get home, I'll whip something up from the recommended food list. I'll see if I can bring you some. I know you miss my cooking."

"Something like that." She slightly chuckled.

"I'll let you rest for now and call you later."

"Okay love. Talk to you soon."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

I got home in less than 20 minutes and put my chef hat, blasting some Bad Bunny in the background. That's my boy.

I emptied a bag of frozen shrimp into a bowl of water. I let it defrost as I pulled out nearly every spice jar from my top cabinet. I like my food well seasoned.

I decided to whip up some shrimp and mushroom pasta. My sauce almost got burnt when I turned the kitchen into a concert with my singing and dancing, but it turned out real good. I let the food cool down when I went to shower to get rid of the smell on me.

Once I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID to see that it was Ferg calling.

I swear, whenever I see this man calling me, my mood just changes.


"Yo, I'm going to need you to come and get your money right now."

"Why can't I get it tomorrow? I always pick it up on Fridays."

"Something came up and I need to travel out of town tonight. I won't be back for a couple of days. You already know the boss and Bagg aren't around. You have to have a witness and I'm the only one left. Are you coming or not?"

"I'll catch with you in a few." I replied, rolling my eyes. I only have a month left to deal with his bullsh*t.

"Bet." I quickly put some clothes on, along with with a jacket because it's been raining on and off all day. I stood at the stove for a good minute eating while putting some of the food in one of those plastic bowls with a red top for Eva.

I'm trying to make this stop to the warehouse quick because it's already almost 6. If Eva goes out, it'll be around 8. I want to be laying up under her for as long as possible.

I was on my Fast and Furious sh*t, so I cut my normal 20 minute drive into 8. I parked across the street and walked to the back door of the building. When I took a glimpse at the combination lock, my hands immediately patted down my pockets.

"I forgot my phone in the car." I mumbled. The code changes every week and I always keep it in my notes because I never remember it. We aren't allowed to open the door for anyone even if we know them.

Right when I turned around, I heard a voice yell from behind me.

"Don't move!"

"What the f*ck?" I looked up to see an officer with dark camo on with a black bulletproof vest, aiming his weapon at me.

"Get down on knees and put your hands on your head?" I f*cked up. I followed instructions and I felt the officer behind me pull my arms behind my back as the cold metal handcuffs were enclosed onto my wrists.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"


They both pulled me up from the ground and directed me to one of the cop cars. As I sat in the back seat, I watched as they raided the joint and dragged every person out of the building. As the vehicle I was in slowly pulled away from the scene, I sat in confusion.

Why didn't I see Ferg anywhere?

"How about we start with why you were at the warehouse?" I looked into the eyes of the female detective sitting across from me at the center table in the cold interrogation room.

"It would be in your interest to cooperate with us." I heard the male detective, who was leaning against the wall behind me, say.

"I want my lawyer." The two of them looked at each other and shrugged.

"Suit yourself."

"Make the call." He slammed the dial phone onto the desk before giving me a look and following his partner out of the room. Good thing I memorized my lawyer's number.


"Malik. This is Dave." I said in a hushed tone.

"What number are you calling me from?"

"I'm at the police station."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. Look, I just need you to come get me."

"I'm on my way."

"Don't—." He dropped the call before I could finish. I was going to tell him not to tell Radric and Keyshia that I was here.

I laid my head down as I waited. I'm thirsty, but I'm not going to accept any drink from these cops. I know they're going to try and get my DNA.

"David, let's go!" My head popped up and I couldn't be happier to see Malik.

"Make sure you don't allow your client to leave town. We'll need him to come in as this investigation continues."

"Do you have anything on my client?" The detectives didn't utter a word. "That's what I thought. There won't be any need for that, but if that situation may arise, I'll be here. Until then, this conversation is over." I got all my stuff back except for my car which I have to pick up tomorrow. We walked outside the station and over to his car. I saw Ric and Keyshia leaning against it.

I'm done for.

"So, the chief said they've been watching that warehouse for some time now after an anonymous tip."

"What's at that warehouse?"

"It's basically a weed farm and distribution center."

"What the h*ll were you doing there?"

"It's not what it looks like."

"Then explain it to me!"

"Maybe y'all should go home and talk about this."

"You're right. Thank you for getting here so quick."

"Thanks man. I owe you big time." I shook Malik's hand.

"Just stay out of trouble. I'll keep in touch. Have a good night."

"Get in the car." Keyshia is pissed and I don't even blame her.

The whole ride was silent. I was so scared to say anything. I didn't even know whose house we were going to. I couldn't even find the words to explain what happened. I didn't want to play down the situation, but I didn't want things to blow up anymore than they have.

Ric drove us to my place and I was dreading the conversation that was about to happen as I unlocked the front door.

"What did you need that we didn't provide for you? I could choke you out right now. Don't you remember where you came from? Are you trying to go back?"

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake."

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Keyshia asked Ric.

"What do you want me to say? That I'm disappointed that my nephew, who I thought had became a responsible man after I fought tooth and nail to get him out of prison, decided to risk everything for a car and an apartment."

"Ric, it's not like that. I couldn't come to you for every single thing. I wanted to be able to stand on my own. I needed the money to make things happen for me."

"And selling weed under the table was the best idea?"

"I never actually touched or sold anything on my own. Besides, it's not a hard drug that will kill people like heroine."

"That's not the point. If the government doesn't make you an authorized seller, you don't get yourself involved in that kind of sh*t."

"You know what's funny? I planned to surprise you when you would come and tell me what you decided to do with your life. Do you know what that surprise was?"


"A house, a car, and $500,000. I put all of that in safe keeping so that when you wanted to start whatever you were interested in, I could give them to you. I wanted you to give it all your focus and not worry about paying rent, taking public transportation, or buying the little things you would need. When you told us out of the blue that you bought a car, I felt proud that you were already growing into the man you wanted to be. I didn't think that it was that crazy for you to be able to afford a car, but the condo surprised me a little bit. I even sat down with you and asked you questions. The fact that you lied to my face, I'm speechless."

"You had everything going for you. We wouldn't have hesitated to give you an arm and a leg because we saw you like a son. If you wanted your own place, we would have gotten you one. If you wanted a car, we could have you given one of the ones in our compound or bought you one of your choice. You can't even say you wanted designer clothes or the latest shoes because we got you everything. Does Eva know anything about this?"


"Well, she's going to find out because she's on her way here."

"Wait, you called her?"

"Of course I did."

"Why the f*ck would you do that?"

"Who do you think you're talking to like that?" Ric got in my face.

"What if that girl was waiting for you in that car? Her life and future would have been in jeopardy. You know damn well she doesn't deserve to be lied to." The doorbell suddenly rung three times.

"Are you going to get that?" Ric glared at me.

"I'll get it." Keyshia announced. "Hey Eva. You look nice."

"Hey Keyshia. Thank you. I tried to get here as soon as I could. Is he ok? What happened?" I know that concern is going to turn into anger. I keep asking myself how did I get into this mess. If I could I would turn back the hands of time because getting arrested brought back some bad memories.

"Honey, I'm going to need you to calm down and take a deep breath."

"Okay. Sorry, I was just really worried when you called. I was out with my friends and I rushed over here without telling them anything. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, thinking of the worst possible scenarios."

"You're too pretty to die for that fool. His stupid *ss was released. He's in the kitchen."

"Baby!" She ran over and embraced me.!"I hope they didn't hurt you."

"No, I'm fine."

"What's going on? Why were you arrested?"


"If you lie, I'll bury you alive."

"They picked me up in front of a warehouse."

"What were you doing there?"

"I went to check on some inventory."

"You didn't tell me you had a business."

"I don't."

"So, you were meeting with a vendor to start one?"


"Then what? I am confused."

"I was making sure some orders were going out correctly."

"Wait. You went to a warehouse where they have inventory and you were doing order processing, but it's not your business."


"Okay. Let me believe that you're a worker. That still doesn't add up about why you were arrested. What kind of products are we talking about?"


"Oh, like medical marijuana."


"But you're licensed."

"Not yet."

"Oh my God." She slapped her hand onto the counter.

"I swear I have never smoked any of it or taken anything home before." Eva started laughing.

"David, tell me the real reason because I pray to God that you're not that stupid."

"That's the truth."

"I can't believe you were selling drugs again! I thought you left that in the past."

"It's just weed."

"I don't care if it was bubble gum. If something is illegal, you shouldn't be anywhere near it. I don't care if the law is going to change tomorrow, you still have to go through the legal channels. Did you enjoy being locked up behind bars like a caged animal?"

"Ask him again."

"No, but—."

"Hold on a second. So, is that how the money for the car and house came up?"


"How could I be so stupid? I asked you the source of your income countless times and every time you told me how you got a raise, did overtime, or Radric gave you money. I trusted your word when in reality, you were a dope boy! I can't listen to this anymore. I do not want to be a part of this."

"Why are you acting like you didn't benefit from the sh*t I was doing? I didn't just do this for me."

"I never asked for anything. I certainly never would have encouraged you to get involved into something like this. Since you said I reaped the fruit of your labor, you can have single thing you gave me back. I'll make sure of that. We can start with this." She pulled off the promise ring I got her a few weeks ago and placed it into my hand.

"It hasn't come to this."

"Unfortunately, it has. You better get your life together and stop living this fast life because from the way you're going, the only place you'll end up is behind bars or even in a body bag. I'm done. I'll see you two another time."

"Drive safe, baby girl." Keyshia called out after Eva.

"Geneva!" I stood in the doorway, watching her leave in tears. How could I hurt someone I love so much?

"I am really disappointed in you."

"You're lucky they didn't find anything on you or your *ss would have been locked up for the rest of your life. Next time, you're on your own." The two of them left and I immediately felt so alone.

"F*ck!" I threw one of my vases at the wall and watched it break into little pieces as the flowers dropped the ground.

I would've never believed that my life would turn upside down in an instant. I saw my phone ringing on the island. I don't feel like telling to anybody. I saw Bagg calling so I picked it up.

"Yo Dave! You good? I heard what happened."

"Man, it's been crazy these past couple of hours."

"I just landed and saw a bunch of missed calls from Ferg. I called him back and he gave me the rundown." How would Ferg know if he wasn't there. It better not be what I'm thinking.

"I thought it was a wrap for me even though I didn't have anything on me."

"I told you that you needed to get out. You've got enough money. You should start working on the music you were talking about. I can hook you up with a couple of producers to get you started ."

"That's true. I might not be behind bars, but I feel like I lost everything."

"What do you mean?"

"My folks are disappointed and Eva hates me."

"Damn. Just take it easy for tonight. I'll meet up with you tomorrow."


If I find out Ferg set me up, he's going down.

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