A/B/O || Jinkook

By Krydolf_tha_kin

414K 29.7K 11.2K

"Maybe a miracle happens and I wake up as a beta like the others?" Jungkook finally presents as an alpha and... More

1. A bothersome feeling
2. Mr. 8 to the rescue
3. An unexpected change
4. Pure heaven
5. Adjusting
6. Nightly appointments
7. Picture from the past
8. Awkward interactions
9. Family meeting
10. A discovery
11. Lost control
12. Family meeting nr. 2
13. Why are you here?
14. Hot
15. The solution
16. Let the training begin
17. Touchy feely
18. Planting ideas
19. Stepping up the difficulty
20. The laundry incident
21. Hate
22. Heartbroken
23. Not meant for each other
24. Unintentional stage four?
25. Give it to me
26. Strange behaviors
27. Family meeting nr. 3
28. Join me
29. Willpower of an anime protagonist
30. Heat
31. Take off my pants, bro
32. Trust
33. Mysterious package
34. A helping hand
35. Stuck
36. A painful sight to see
37. All or nothing
38. I love you
39. My boyfriend
40. This is what a real family does
42. Life goes on
43. Betrayal
44. The mistake
45. The reason
46. I don't need you
47. Family meeting nr. 4
48. Again
49. Moving on
50. Getting things sorted
51. One more step
52. There's no way
53. Let me go
54. In solitude
55. Clingy
56. Give me your... attention
57. Time out
58. Back from the depths
59. Midnight adventure
60. Omega and Alpha

41. Game Over

8.6K 547 347
By Krydolf_tha_kin

The other guys hurry on into the house and make sure the door is closed behind them while I lift Philip up by the collar only so I can punch him again.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I yell in his face.

"Wh-where is who?" he asks stupidly.

I give him another fist to the face out of anger.


"Oh, him. The dirty pool worker. I always thought you two had something going on behind the scenes."

No one calls Seokjin dirty in front of me. I lose my control for a moment and when I come back to my senses Jimin and Yoongi are doing their best to pull me away from Philip.

"Kookie, stop! If you kill him we won't be able to get any information!" Jimin yells.

I stop struggling and stare at Philip lying on the ground. His face is completely messed up, and I assume I'm the one behind that. I can't say that I feel very bad about it though. He deserves it.

Namjoon crouches down by Philips side and tilts his head so that they can look at each other.

"Tell us where he is and we'll leave you alone," he says in a chilling voice.

"S-second floor," Philip answers. "In the boss's office."

So he's with his dad. I immediately start running towards the stairs and the others follow me close behind. Right by the top of the stairs is a big door with a golden sign saying 'Office'. I stop for a brief moment outside before I burst through the door. I'm so utterly relieved when I see Seokjin sitting on a chair in front of his father's desk. Said father is sitting in his leather chair on the other side and the motorcycle gang is standing behind Seokjin's dad. Everyone looks surprised.

"JK?" Seokjin says in shock. "Wait, what are you all doing here?"

"We're here to take you back," I answer while making sure to glare at the man behind all of this.

"So this is the alpha you've been getting involved with," Seokjin's dad says in a calm manner and gets up from his chair.

He walks towards me and stops way too close for my liking. He's slightly taller than me and we stare at each other in anger. I make sure to not waver with my gaze. His eyes eventually move over to the other guys by the door. He doesn't look very intimidated.

"And who are these losers?" he asks. "Your friends? What a pathetic partner you've found, Jin. He couldn't even come get you on his own and had to ask a bunch of betas for help. How saddening. When I heard that you'd found an alpha I thought you'd at the very least would've picked a strong one, not a weakling like this."

Seokjin looks like he wants to say something, but he bites his tongue and just stares down at the floor instead. I guess it's still hard for him to stand up to his dad. I have to admit he's a bit scary, but I won't let that phase me.

The strong gaze returns to me and I feel like he's murdering me with his eyes. I can only hope I look equally as scary to him, but I doubt it.

"I'm feeling kind today, so I'll give you all a chance to forget about my son and just walk away. I suggests you take this opportunity because I'll never let the likes of you have him either way."

I just scoff mockingly at him.

"Even if you throw me out I'll come back time and time again to get him back. I'll follow you to the other side of the world if I so have to. I'll never give up on him."

"Stop living in a fantasy, you sad excuse of an alpha. Seokjin is going to marry an omega woman and that's final. I won't let him ruin my reputation any more than he already has. What would people say if they found out my son is an omega and on top of that decided to mate with an alpha? It's unfathomable that he left home to go live in a dumpster with scum like you."

"Excuse you, but out apartment is no dumpster," Yoongi chimes in.

Seokjin's dad glares at him, but Yoongi is not afraid to speak his mind.

"We built that place practically from the ground up and Seokjin-hyung was a part of that. He helped decorate the rooms and did all the finishing touches. It was his own choice to go live with us and now I totally see why. This place might look nice, but it sure as hell doesn't feel nice. This isn't a home, it's just an empty shell."

Yoongi's speech makes the others gain some confidence and they all man up and stop hiding behind me.

"Exactly! You might be his dad on paper, but you sure as hell don't act like one!" Jimin says. "With us he found something he never got here: Love! He found his family in people he's not even related to!"

"He's right," Namjoon says. "Why would he ever want to come back to you when you treat him like garbage? First you disown him because he's an omega and then when he goes to live his own life you suddenly want him back? You might be powerful, but it's about time your evil ways come to and end."

Seokjin's dad laughs mockingly at Namjoon.

"And how are you going to do that?" he asks with a crazy smile. "Once my minions have thrown you out the police will take you away. It's your word against mine. Why would they ever believe a thing you say about me? People have tried taking me down in the past, and you know what happened to them?"

He runs his thumb across his neck and I feel a chill go down my spine as I get what he means. I don't even want to think about it, but Hoseok yells it out for everyone to hear.

"You killed the people who tried to go against you?!"

We all go silent as we wait for an answer. Seokjin's dad smiles evilly with his gaze fixed on me.

"Not with my own hands, but I suppose I could make an exception for the bastards who tried to mislead my son. Especially you, alpha."

I only see his eyes flash red before he kicks me to the floor and presses his hands down on my neck. I can't breathe. I try getting him off of me, but I can't do much when my body isn't getting any oxygen. The other guys spring into action, but the motorcycle gang keep them from being able to help me. There are people fighting all over in the small office, but I can only focus on the scary face above me. Seokjin's dad grins as he squeezes my neck harder.

"A pathetic death for a pathetic alpha like yourself."

Black dots start dancing around in front of my eyes and I can't keep my arms up anymore. He's actually going to kill me. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. I was going to kill him, not the other way around. I was going to get Seokjin out of here and then we'd live the rest of our lives happily together. We were going to get married and he'd start his own business while I continue training to become an Olympic swimmer. We'd move to a nice house that we'd fix up exactly the way we want it with the help of Yoongi and the other guys. A house where we could raise our kids if we ever got any. Seokjin told me a while ago that he can't get pregnant. Since he took the drugs from such a young age his reproductive organs are messed up, but I still had hope that things would turn out for the better. I want to start a family with him, even if we have to adopt, but none of that will happen when I'm dead. I guess things don't always work out the way you want them to...

Just as I'm about to give up, the grip on my neck loosens and I can suck in a breath. I see that Seokjin's dad is clutching his balls, and from the look on Seokjin's face I assume he kicked him. Seokjin grabs a metal tray from the desk and slams it down on his father's head. He falls to the floor and Seokjin rushes to my side to help me up. I'm a bit dizzy and it's an understatement to say that my neck hurts, but other than that I feel just fine. I'm actually better than fine now that I have Seokjin in my arms again. Our future might be within reach after all.

"You goddamn lunatic!" he yells at me. "Do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?! He almost killed you!"

"Yes, but you saved me," I say in a raspy voice and pull him in for a kiss.

Kissing like this in front of his father feels like the biggest 'fuck you' ever. No one can take Seokjin from me. Not now, not ever.

"You can kiss later!" Jimin screams at us. "I need some help over here!"

The other four are battling against the motorcycle gang and the alpha has trapped Jimin against the wall. I let go of Seokjin and pick the metal try up from the floor. With one swift movement I hit it in the alpha's head just like I did back at the café a couple months ago. He gets knocked out and Jimin sighs in relief.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi somehow manage to win over their opponents and force them down to the floor. I glance over at Seokjin to see how he's doing, and to my delight he's sitting on his dad's back to prevent him from going anywhere.

We did it. We really did it! We won! I scream in joy and grab Jimin so that I can have someone to hug. He tries to get away, but I'm too excited to let go.

"Woah, I'm glad I stayed in the car," Taehyung suddenly says from the doorway while looking at the mess the office is in.

Police sirens can be heard outside the window and I let go of Jimin to have a look. After a little while four police cars stop along the road and tons of officers step out.

"How did they get here so fast?" Namjoon asks.

"I did as Jungkook said and broadcasted the sound from your phones all over the city. Everyone heard about this evil bastards plan. No matter how much money he tries to bribe the police with, they can't accept it now that the public knows what happened. It's already on the news and everything. It's Game Over, old man."

Seokjin's dad groans and his eyes burn with fury as he realizes that he's lost. I can only smile when the police comes running up the stairs and apprehends him along with the motorcyclists.

"You'll pay for this," he growls while he gets handcuffed.

"No, the only one who has to pay is you," Seokjin says and deliberately puts his arm around me. "I'm glad you disowned me because I don't want scum like you as my dad. Don't mess with us ever again."

The bad guys get taken away and some policemen stay to question us, but there's not much to tell when they already know pretty much everything that's happened. Seokjin decides to also tell them about the assault that happened at the café, the illegal drugs and the forgery of his papers and the police says that they'll look into it. We follow them downstairs and since Philip is gone I assume he got apprehended as well. Serves them right.

When we exit the house we're met with dozens of photographers and journalists who want to report on the story. This is pretty big news after all. One of the most well-known business men who turns out to be a douche and even a murderer, it's not something you hear every day. The journalists shout questions at us, specifically at Seokjin.

"Is it true that he hid the fact that you're an omega?!"

"Did he really disown you?!"

"What will happen to the company now that the CEO is going to jail?!"

"Do you know anything about the people he supposedly killed in the past?!"

Seokjin seems bothered by all the commotion, and the other guys create a circle around us to protect him.

"Sorry, folks," Hoseok says and puts up his hand to block a camera. "No questions right now. We're taking him back home."

We push our way through the crowd and with the help of the police we make it safely to the car. They can only watch in confusion as all seven of us force ourselves in. This time I sit in the front with Seokjin in my lap and Jimin gets to sit on Taehyung instead, which he clearly doesn't mind. Before Yoongi can close his door one of the officers leans in with a crooked brow.

"You know riding this many people in a car like this is illegal, right?"

"We're aware, but I think it's OK if we get a free pass this time," Yoongi answers with a smile.

The officer scratches his head, but backs off to let him close the door nonetheless. We drive off and everyone cheers happily.

"I can't believe we did that!" Hoseok says. "We actually took down that monster. No offense, Hyung, but your dad is a monster."

Seokjin chuckles and ducks a bit to not hit his head on the roof.

"No offense taken. He's a real asshole."

"So how should we celebrate this?" Jimin asks. "Should we order pizza or something? You like pizza, right, Tae? Or is that just a facade for something else too?"

"Yes, Jimin, I do like pizza," Taehyung answers.

Everyone agrees that pizza sounds like a good after saving someone who got kidnapped. I'm busy listening to the others when they are reciting the events, when Seokjin tilts my head to make me look at him. His hair looks a little rugged, but other than that he's just as beautiful as always, if not more so.

"I was hoping you'd save me," he whispers so that only I can hear it. "I'm so fucking grateful for you, Jungkook. I can't begin to describe how happy you make me. You're unbelievable."

His praise makes me blush and he smiles widely at me. He leans in even closer so that his lips touch the shell of my ear when the car turns and I can't help but to shudder at the feeling.

"What do you say we finish what we started yesterday? We never got to 'see each other' as you so kindly put it."

"Y-you mean sex?" I ask quietly and he chuckles again.

"Yes, dummy. Show me that beast you were talking about."

I'm so excited I can only nod in response. I get Seokjin back AND I get to have sex with him? This is the best day ever! Or actually, it's been the worst day of my entire life since he got kidnapped and stuff, but right now I'm feeling pretty damn great.


Yoongi parks the car and as soon as Seokjin has opened the door, I jump out and pull him with me into the house. Seokjin giggles a little while the others stare at us. They must understand what we're planning on doing because Yoongi yells after us.


I practically fly up the stairs and Seokjin barely manages to keep up with me. I fumble with the key to the apartment and after a while I successfully unlock the door. I throw off my shoes and help Seokjin with his when I think that he takes too long.

"JK, calm down. I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not be, or I'll come find you again."

When he smiles I can't help myself and I capture his lips with my own. Without breaking the kiss we stumble into Seokjin's bedroom and I manage to lock the door behind us. Taehyung won't see anything inappropriate this time. I step out of my clothes as quickly as I can and when Seokjin struggles to even get out of his shirt I decide to just rip his clothes off again.

"Hey, I liked that shirt!" he says while I move on to his pants and underwear.

"Yes, but you like me more," I respond with a knowing smile, and he can't seem to argue with that.

I push him down on the bed and let my hands roam freely over his perfect body. He's slightly cold from being outside, but my heat will rub off on him in just a few moments. His eyes turn blue when I touch him and he's so pretty that I have to remind myself that this is actually happening. I'm not dreaming. Seokjin is here in front of me again.

As soon as I feel the smell of his slick I run my hand along his inner thigh and push a finger inside. He moans and I slide another one in right away. My dick is already begging to be inside of him, but I can control my urges. I'll make him feel good this time. I'll make him moan my name in pleasure.

"W-we don't need a condom," he says right before I put in a third finger.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... I can't get pregnant either way. B-blame my dad I guess. But... I also kinda wanna feel your cum inside of me."

I can spend my time hating his dad later. For now I want to focus on loving Seokjin. His walls stretch nicely around my fingers and I want to dive into him already. He can probably tell what I'm thinking because he parts his legs for me. I take my fingers out and slowly replace them with my dick. I refrain from kissing him because I want to hear his sounds, even the slightly bad ones. He whines a bit, but once I'm fully inside he seems quite content.

"Come closer," he says and I happily oblige.

"Hey, Hyung, I've been thinking..."


"Is it OK if I leave my mark on you this time?"

To my surprise he actually moans from the thought of it and he licks his lips as he nods.

"Yes, Jungkook, mark me," he says lustfully. "Show everyone that I'm yours. Show the whole world who I belong to."

He rocks his hips a bit and we both shudder from the feeling. I carefully move a little, and I'm dead set on taking it slow so that it doesn't hurt for him. I'll make him come untouched. He moans with every thrust and when he even tries to meet my movements I can tell that he's really enjoying this. It feels even better for me this time when there's nothing keeping me from feeling him directly.

Eventually I dare to speed up a tiny bit and the sounds coming out of his mouth are still moans, only a bit louder. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me down to give me a sloppy kiss. He runs his tongue over my fangs and it reminds me that I'm going to mark him. Where should I put it? Right on his scent gland maybe?

After picking up the pace a little more, I start feeling the buildup in my lower stomach. To my utter delight I hear my name roll off Seokjin's tongue when I hit certain spots inside of him. This couldn't be any better. I break away from the kiss and move over to the crook of his neck instead. He hugs me as if to tell me to do it and I finally bite down on his skin. He lets out a little pained sound and I can taste the blood, but he quickly pats my head to show that he's fine.

Suddenly he tilts his head back and I quickly look at his face when he squeezes around me. I saw it. I finally saw it! I saw Seokjin having an orgasm, and holy fuck it was amazing! With his fucked-out face in mind I only last a few seconds before I release inside of him. Thankfully I don't black out this time and only collapse on top of him.

Several minutes pass without either of us moving or saying anything. It's first when I hear the other guys screaming about pizza in the hallway that I prop myself back up on my arms.

"You did it. You marked me," Seokjin says with a small smile.

"I did. Now everyone will know you're mine. We don't have to hide anything anymore. All your secrets are out in the open."

"I guess they are. It feels nice actually. It's as if I can finally be myself without having to worry about anything. With you by my side I feel like I can do anything."

"That's my line," I say with a pout and Seokjin laughs a little.

With Seokjin by my side I really feel like I can do anything. At first I never wanted to tell him how I felt, and I even disliked being an alpha, but thanks to him we've both gotten so far. I'll be forever grateful for him, and thankfully I can spend the rest of my life showering him with my unconditional love. I love him, and finally I have him.

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