little Moth

By Fake_Brit

25 5 2

"I don't need anything else. I have you, little Moth, and thats enough for me" Dahlia is alone. She has been... More

Description and Other Crazy Fun Things


9 2 1
By Fake_Brit

The rain came down in torrents, hitting the ground savagely. Thunder roared and lightning forked across the inky sky. The wind tore at the few remaining leaves on the trees, whistling and howling as it tugged on the boughs of the old oaks. Ominous clouds blanketed the sky, blocking out the stars and moon. It was completely dark accepting the light that streamed out of the windows of the tiny diner on the corner of the street. A figure stood staring out the window. Her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail and stains on her white shirt. A small brown notepad clenched in her hand as she watched the tempest rage. Sighing, she turned away from the window. 

She smiled down at the two elders sitting in the booth, their hands clasped together. A caramel colored curl drifted into her eyes and she pushed it behind her ear before speaking, “Hello Mr and Mrs. Anderson! I suppose you would like your regular order?”

The two stared up at her and Mr. Anderson kissed his wife’s wrinkled hand before nodding, “You know us old geezers, Dahlia, we’re not really ones for trying new things.”

“Alrighty then! One apple pie, to split, and two mugs of hot chocolate it is,” She tore off the receipt and placed it on the table beside there still clasped hands. She mustered one more smile before turning and heading to the cash register. The smile was replaced with a slight frown as she walked across the room, weaving between tables and hungry patrons. She arrived at the small bar and called out to Ray. 

“The Anderson’s are here!” She turned and hurried away before he could reply. She knew what he was going to say but really did not want to hear it right now. She walked to the next table. A cheerful smile played on her lips as she took the young couples order, their tiny two-year old smiling toothlessly at her. 

An hour passed quickly in the same fashion; taking orders, serving, busing the tables, repeat. The storm never wavered, but only grew in strength and ferocity. The last customer of the night exited the diner as thunder shook the entire building. The lights flickered as Dahlia cleaned a table. Beads of sweat collected on her brow as she scrubbed at a stain that was too deep to get off with a normal wipe down. Strands of dark blonde curls fell into her eyes as she rubbed harder. Sharp pains radiated off her tender feet and the muscles of her arms cried out in unison, but she couldn’t stop. She had to get this done. Come on Dahlia. She scrubbed even harder before finally giving up. It was still there, but a little lighter than it had been. She paused only a moment before walking over to the next booth. 

It was the last table to clean, and she walked slowly, feet crying out with every step. Finally reaching the booth she leaned against it. Black spots danced in front of her eyes as a feeling of weightlessness took over. She closed her eyes and waited for the feeling to subside. After a moment she opened them and turned back to the table. A pounding had replaced the weightlessness, she winced quietly as she loaded a small tub with the leftover plates, silverware, and cups before placing it on the floor beside the booth. Grabbing her rag from its resting place on her shoulder she wiped down the table, or started to. Before she could get any farther than putting the cloth on the table, a heavy hand was placed on her shoulder. 

She tensed for a moment before sighing and blowing the hair out of her eyes. Dang, she cursed under her breath. 

“You were supposed to leave four hours ago, Dahlia,” Ray’s deep, soothing voice was tinged with disappointment. She turned slowly, her eyes stuck on the floor. 

“I’m almost done. Just this one table left,” The fake cheer in her voice fooled neither of them. And after a moment of halfhearted scrubbing she dropped the rag onto the table before sitting in the booth. Ray sat across from her, staring at her with his warm brown eyes. His close cropped black hair was dusted with flour, as was his chocolately brown skin. His normally smiling face was drawn into a frown. Dahlia traced the scratches in the wood of the table. 

“Why didn’t you leave when your shift was over?” 

“I lost track time.”

“Lies. We both know you didn’t. You’re Dahlia Rallow, you don’t lose track of time.”

“Well.. I-I figured it was pretty packed tonight…” She trailed off, not even bothering to finish the horrendous excuse. 

“Dahlia this isn’t good for you. I know you feel like you constantly need to be doing something, but you need to be taking care of yourself.” The disappointment in his voice made Dahlia squirm. Her shoulders hunched as she wrapped her arms around her small frame.

“Dahlia, look at me,” Hesitantly she looked up at him, his eyes shown with concern, guilt flooded her system. She hated making him worry, but he just didn’t get it. She opened her mouth to defend herself, but was cut off with a sharp look from Ray. 

“How much have you been eating?” He stared at her, his eyes focused on her face. 

“Enough,” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. 

“And sleeping?” He asked, his voice probing. 

“I’ve been sleeping just fine,” She looked past him, her eyes focused on the wall behind him. 

“Fine, Dahlia. Have it your way. You’ve been sleeping a full eight hours a night and you eat three meals a day, right?” His voice was lined with steel and his eyes showed how hurt he was by her lack of honesty. Her stomach rolled. She hated this. 

“You know I don’t have time Ray. I have things I need to get done,” she trailed off, cringing at the lame excuse. 

“Oh but you’ll have time after you’ve killed yourself?!” She flinched. The honesty of his words hit her like a sledgehammer. He truly believed she was going to end up killing herself. 

“I’m fine Ray. I’m okay. I eat and sleep enough,” Her voice cracked a little. Ray stared at her, the fight in his eyes dissipating at the small sound.. He didn’t say anything, just nodded, barely. 

He stood up and walked  to the bar, leaving Dahlia to stare after him. He grabbed the large brown paper bag sitting on the counter before walking back to her. He set it in front of her and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 

“Your favorite; hot ham and pepper jack on sourdough, with a side of fresh beignets. I didn’t forget about Farrah either. Homemade Potato Soup with extra cheese, and of course, a slice of chocolate cake.”

Dahlia smiled, her first real smile the entire night. She stood up and hugged the big man. 

“Thank you,” she whispered into his stained shirt, “I’ll tell her you said hi.”

He pulled away and grasped her forearms, “Bring her in. I miss the little squirt. But right now, you get home. Eat dinner and go to sleep. No studying for tonight, okay?”

He stared down at her before she reluctantly nodded. He wouldn’t listen to reason, so why try? He nodded, satisfied, and let go of her, but not before ruffling her already disheveled hair. 

“Let me take you home, its still raining cats and dogs out there,” He looked at her his eyes pleading.

“Ray, I’ll be fine. You’ve done enough already,” She shook her head as she made her way to the back room. She grabbed her hoodie and slipped it over her head before throwing her worn purse over her shoulder.  She grabbed the bag of food as she made her way towards the door.

“Its just a bit of rain. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She called as she leaned against the door. 

“Stay safe, alright?” 

She nodded before walking out into the storm. 


The wind hit her hard. Dahlia pulled her hood tighter over her head. She wrapped her arms around herself and walked down the sidewalk. The rain came down in sheets, soaking her hoodie and jeans alike. She continued to walk, though, completely absorbed in her thoughts. Her muscles ached from the strain of the day, her brain reduced to mush. She was on autopilot, and in result didn’t see the two pinpricks of light coming straight at her. 

The squealing of tires on wet asphalt woke her from her stupor. She screamed, staring at the grill of a truck stopped an inch away. She stepped back, her eyes focused on the vehicle, and slipped on the wet cement. She landed on her butt in a puddle. The water splashed up around her as her hood fell down. Her hair stuck to her face as the rain continued to pour. Dahlia sat in the puddle, having no energy to get up. 

“ Are you alright?!” A man stared down at her. She looked up at him, the rain streaming into her eyes. She blinked before looking down at the puddle she was sitting in. 

“You’re shaking. Are you okay?” He bent down and looked her up and down, looking for any sign of injury. 

“I-y-you almost hit me with a car…” She spluttered. She stared at her lap. Her hands were shaking as she clasped them together.

“I know…I’m sorry. Here let me help you up,” He reached down towards her. 

“No. I’m fine,” She snapped. The shock of the moment was passing, being replaced with exhaustion. She stood slowly, ignoring his outstretched hand, the water streamed off her in small waterfalls. Her clothes were soaked through and as a gust of wind hit them she shivered. The food had spilled out of the bag and into the puddle she had only just gotten out of. Rubbing her forehead she sighed. A small cough brought her out of her reverie. A boy, of probably eighteen, stood. His hands were awkwardly clenched together and he shuffled a little. His brown hair was drenched and falling into his cerulean eyes. 

“Look, are you okay?” He asked hesitantly. She stared at him before looking down at her feet with a tired sigh. 

“I’m fine, okay? No harm, no foul, so stop worrying. You didn’t even hit me,” Dahlia turned and started walking, leaving the man and the soaked food behind. 

Shaking and exhausted she walked down the sidewalk in the dark. She slipped a little with each step on the slick cement, but kept going. Not stopping, even when a car began to drive beside her. 

“Let me take you home? You’re turning blue,” He called from his open window. She ignored his call and continued walking. Her mind was on home. She still had homework and Farrah would need to get to sleep as soon as possible. She trudged on. 

“At least borrow my phone and call someone to pick you up, no one should be out in this weather,” His voice was pleading. She stopped. Turned toward him and just looked. His eyes held a sparkle of hope. She squirmed an odd feeling in her stomach. She tightened her arms around her stomach. The cold soaked deep  into her bones, freezing her entire body. Your crazy for even considering this. He’s a stranger. He could be a rapist or a murderer! She fought with herself for a moment longer before the cold finally won out. 

“I don’t get in cars with strangers,” Her voice came out in a whisper. Surprised flickered over his face before he chuckled, catching her off guard. 

“You’re oblivious, you know that. We’ve been in the same English class since eighth grade,” His eyes twinkled in the light of the street lamps, “You’re Dahlia and I’m Hunter. Now get in the car.”

Hesitantly she walked toward the passenger door. She paused a moment before opening the door and sliding in. She pulled the door shut and reclined, relishing the warm air that flooded out of the vents. 

“Thank you,” she croaked, her throat felt tight and hot. 

“I almost hit you with my car, spilled your food, and probably terrified you. I think we’re even,” He looked at her sideways as if she was a puzzle and he was trying to put her together, “What were you doing anyways? Its dark and stormy. Do you generally go for walks in the middle of the night?”

She shook her head and looked out the window. Leaning against the cool glass she closed her eyes, “ Can you drop me off at 2415 Poland Street? Or close to there, I can walk the rest of the way.”

She could feel his eyes on her, but she didn’t acknowledge him. The rain pelted the car with a ferocity that made Dahlia wince. 

“Thank you…again,” She whispered, fighting a yawn. The yawn won, though, and Hunter chuckled beside her.  

“Its no problem,” He hesitated, Dahlia opened her eyes and looked at him. He hadn’t started the car and he was just sitting, staring, “You know… you  look really tired. You could sleep for a bit. Its a good twenty minutes away in this weather.”

Dahlia sat, slightly shocked. He was practically a stranger, and yet it seemed like he almost cared. Its guilt, stupid. He almost hit you with his car, don’t mistake guilt with caring. She nodded slightly, it was guilt that made him seem concerned, he probably just didn’t want a lawsuit for almost hitting a girl walking on the sidewalk.

“I’m fine. Besides your practically a stranger. Getting a ride is one thing, but sleeping and trusting you to go where your supposed to, thats entirely different,” She made an effort to lighten her voice and make it seem carefree, it seemed to work as Hunter laughed. 

“You make a good point, Rallow!” He laughed a little longer before sobering up, “But honestly, you should sleep. I’ll take you right home, Scouts honor.”

He held up three fingers and Dahlia smiled, but shook her head. He nodded, but his eyes still showed the inner battle that was going on inside his head. She cocked her head at him as he looked at her again. He smiled, showing off a dimple on his left cheek, before turning the key in the ignition. The car rumbled to life and the stereo flicked on. The sound of a piano and a harmonica streamed through the speakers. A deep, melodious voice followed, Dahlia held back a smile at the bittersweet lyrics. 

“You like Billy Joel?” Hunter asked glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. He sounded surprised and she frowned.

“Is that a bad thing?” 

“No!” He said quickly shaking his head, “Just unexpected. Most kids our age barely know him.”        

She nodded and looked out the window. A pounding had started behind her eyes. Her shivering had slowed, but every now and then she would be hit with another bout. Her eyes were growing heavy and felt swollen as the song changed to Vienna. Hunter hummed quietly next to her. The warmth mixed with the song, rain, and soft vibration of the car wasn’t helping Dahlia’s attempt to stay awake. Her exhaustion faded away as the song crescendoed. Her eyes closed on their own accord, but she snapped them open. Don’t fall asleep. Stay awake. She told herself. Sitting straighter in the seat, she stared out the windshield, watching the windshield wipers as they went back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Her head found its way back to the window, resting against  it as her eyes closed. The dark lulled her into its warm embrace, singing a lullaby with a silver tongue. 


So here it is. First chapter and all that jazz. Hope you like it, if anyone decides to read it that is:)

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