I Hate You (YiZhan FF)

Oleh InfinityLM44

2.2M 80.1K 43.7K

Wang Yibo known as most notorious Bad Boy and a heartbreaker. Xiao Zhan is known as most calmest person with... Lebih Banyak

Characters (Edited)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
New Story Alert
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52(Part-1)
Chapter 52(Part-2)

Chapter 37 (YiZhan Wedding)

38.2K 1.2K 982
Oleh InfinityLM44

3rd Person Pov

In Lu Jian Min Mansion

"Yibo.... Let me sleep.. Tomorrow is our wedding... I am already tired..." Xiao Zhan whine.

As Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan were talking since 9:30pm. Now it's 11pm. Xiao Zhan is already tired. Because of his brother wedding. And tomorrow is his wedding. So he needs some sleep. But Wang Yibo keep making him awake.

"Can't you just stay up for one more hour???" Wang Yibo asked irritatedly.

"Hmm.. Mmm...." Xiao Zhan already fell asleep.

"Idiot..." By saying this Wang Yibo cut the call.

"I guess I have to wait alone till it's 12... This idiot already fell asleep..." Wang Yibo mumble.

Wang Yibo is standing with his bike in front Xiao Zhan's its been 1 hour 30min. Now he has to wait until 12am. He goes for round with his bike to passing time. After 6 round finally its 11:50pm.
He immediately comeback. And called Xiao Zhan. After ringing 5 times then Xiao Zhan finally wake up.

"Hmm..." Xiao Zhan reply in sleepy voice.

"If you don't wake up fully now. And come out balcony... I won't marry you tomorrow..." Wang Yibo threatened him.

Listening Wang Yibo's threat Xiao Zhan wake up with a jerk. He immediately comes out to his balcony.

"Why? What happens? What I did...." Xiao Zhan didn't complete his sentence but he saw there is a flying drones coming towards him.

There is a white gift box hanging in that drones. And there is something written in that box *Will you marry me?*... Xiao Zhan already become teary.

That drones reach to him. He catch that gift box. And untie it from the drones.

"Yibo.. What's in this??" Xiao Zhan asked slowly.

"Open it Wifey...." Wang Yibo said.

"What did you just call me??" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Wife.. Wife... And my Wife... Now open it...." Wang Yibo replied without hesitation.

Xiao Zhan tears finally fall from his eyes. With happiness teary eyes. He open that gift box. There is a card in that box. Xiao Zhan take that red card. He slowly open it. More tears fall from his eyes when he saw invention card of their wedding.

"My dear wife... You are invited to our wedding.... Marry me.. Trust me I will be faithful forever..." Wang Yibo said.

"Yibo...." Xiao Zhan whisper.

He cut the call. And run out from his room. Finally he comes out in front their home. And jump on Wang Yibo.

"I will marry you... Let's get married... Let's live together till we die..." Xiao Zhan said while hugging Wang Yibo tightly.

"I love you...." By saying this Wang Yibo capture Xiao Zhan lip.

They start kissing slowly. With a pure promise. They are life going to change from tomorrow. After few minutes later. They finally break the kiss.

"Now go inside. I don't want anyone come out... And sleep immediately. I don't want you to have dark circles.. It our wedding day tomorrow..." Wang Yibo said.

"I will sleep immediately... You go home right now... I love you.. Good night..." Xiao Zhan said and kiss Wang Yibo again. Then left from there. Waving at him.

"Good night my Juliet... I love you more..." Wang Yibo mumble. And left from there.

It was 7:30am. Xiao Zhan's alarm clock start alarming. He start searching where his alarm clock with his close eye. Finally he get it in his hands.

"Let me sleep you brutal alarm..." By saying this he throw away the alarm. Then he start sleeping again peacefully.

"Mom did Xiao Zhan just broke his alarm...?? It's his wedding. He should get up first. And he is still sleeping.." Zhuo Cheng said in disbelief.

"This boy..." Crystal Zhang murmured.

Xiao Zhan's mother, sister and brother come immediately to his room. He didn't wake up yet. They have to make him wake up.

"A-Xian wake up... It's already late..." Xuan Lu said.

"Sis why even you are saying it slowly..?? He won't get up like this. Let me throw water at him.." Zhuo Cheng said.

"Cheng-A don't do anything reckless. Don't make him cry... At least today.." Crystal Zhang immediately stop Zhuo Cheng.

"Ok then I have a better idea... Xiao Zhan, Yibo is getting married another person..." Zhuo Cheng said evilly.

"A-Cheng...." Crystal Zhang scold him.

"No.. No... No... Nooo..." Xiao Zhan immediately get up while repeating no.

He is about to cry. Zhuo Cheng immediately put his hand on Xiao Zhan mouth.

"Stop it you whiney adult kid... God... You are going to married today. Still you are whining..." Zhuo Cheng said still clutching Xiao Zhan's mouth.

"Don't do that... Didn't I say don't make him cry today..." Crystal Zhang while slapping Zhuo Cheng hand.

"Don't cry Xiao Zhan.. Wake up now.. Did you take all things in your luggage??" Crystal Zhang said.

"Yes mom I did..." Xiao Zhan replied in sleepy voice.

"Sorry A-Xian.. My brother get up now... We have to reach there fast. As Your wedding suits is there. So we have to do everything in hurry...." Xuan Lu try make Xiao Zhan understand.

"Ok.. I am getting ready now..." Xiao Zhan replied while yawning.

After freshen up Xiao Zhan get ready to go there. It's now 9pm. Xiao Zhan's all luggages are ready. They are now moving towards their cars. Finally all cars start driving to direction of Shen Xiao Hai mansion.


In Shen Xiao Hai Mansion

At 9:30am they reach there. Lu Jian Min family, James Huang and Xiu Qing family already reach at Shen Xiao Hai's mansion. There is guest also start coming.

In Dressing Room

Xiao Zhan finally see his suits. As a emotional person. He is already crying. Not just him. Everyone becomes bit emotional. They didn't see Xiao Zhan's wedding suits too. They are seeing it first time. Wang Yibo didn't allowed anyone to see Xiao Zhan suits.

"My son becomes so much sensible. Isn't he???" Carman Lee asked in cracking voice.

"Yes he is..." Crystal Zhang replied.

"Come on.. Get ready now... Marriage ceremony will start in 1hour.. Fast.. Fast everyone..." Carman Lee said to everyone.

Xiao Zhan start getting ready... But seeing everyone doing work in hurry. And those hustle bustle. All things making Xiao Zhan nervous.

In few minutes later he finally wear his suits. His phone buzz suddenly. It was message from Wang Yibo.

Message: *It's ok wifey.. Everything is OK.. Don't get nervous.. Your husband is with you...*

"I love you.. I know you are with me..." Xiao Zhan replied him.

After 38min later Xiao Zhan finally get ready. Now it's time to go wedding aisle. It's not like everyone is new to him. All of them his family. He knows everyone. Still he is getting nervous. It's not like he don't know Wang Yibo. But after few minutes later he will be his lawfully husband. There is different between now and then. And all things making him more nervous.

"Dad...??? Why you..." Lu Jian Min cut Xiao Zhan.

"Why do you even think I will let you go to the aisle alone...?? I didn't even take LuLu at her aisle... But I will take you... You are the diamond son.. You are my little Xiao Zhan who is getting married today.. You are my little Xiao Zhan who said *dada will tale (take) me anywhele (anywhere)*... And please don't cry now. Your mom will beat me later..." Lu Jian Min said and chuckle. While taking Xiao Zhan's hand in his elbow.

"Thanks dad..." Xiao Zhan mumble.

He was clutching his father's elbow tightly. In other hand he is clutching his rose wedding flowers.

His eyes were down all the time. Xiao Zhan can see Wang Yibo make the aisle runner with rose petals.

Finally he looked up. And get astonish by seeing all decorations.

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I will love you for a thousand years

"He decorated our wedding place under this tree.. Where we made so many promises without knowing those meaning... No.. No.. Not now I can't cry now..." Xiao Zhan thought himself.

"But where is he... Shouldn't he present here first..." Xiao Zhan again thought himself.

Finally they reach to the stage.. Lu Jian Min also start looking here and there as Wang Yibo still didn't come yet.

"Why you are looking here and there??? Didn't you asked me to come as a Pinche Chaming ( Prince Charming) by horse when we were kid...??" Wang Yibo shout from afar.

Wang Yibo was riding a horse. For the first time racer Wang Yibo riding horse to make his WIFEY happy. To make his WIFEY dream come true.

Xiao Zhan smile wholeheartedly. Wang Yibo reach at the stage. Didn't wait for Lu Jian Min give Xiao Zhan's hand to him. He already take Xiao Zhan's hand from Lu Jian Min.

"I will take care of him with my life dad..." Wang Yibo said.

Lu Jian Min smile emotionally. He patted Wang Yibo's shoulder. Left from there to sit with his wife.

"So we are gather here for Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan wedding..." The priest said.

"Please repeat after me..." Wang Yibo cut The priest.

"We are going to say our own vows.." Wang Yibo said.

"Ok as you both want..." The priest said.

Wang Yibo slowly turn his face to Xiao Zhan side and smile. Take Xiao Zhan's both hands in his hands.

"I admit that, I was afraid to love..."
Wang Yibo said and stop here for few seconds.

"But each day, each hour
I feel that you are destined for me with implacable sweetness..
I don't know when, how or from where I start falling for you..."

Wang Yibo again paused here, take a long breath and continue again.

"You have changed me
I love you with every piece of me
I promise to love you and protect you until I die..."

Wang Yibo smile a bit see his emotional WIFEY face.

"I Wang Yibo, take you Xiao Zhan as to be my lawfully wedded husband My love from this day forward.."

Everyone already crying after hearing Wang Yibo's vows. The priest also becomes emotional. It's now Xiao Zhan turn to say his vows.

"I wish I could fall for you from the beginning
Whatever I did you were always with me
As my shadow without my acknowledgement..."

Xiao Zhan chuckle here a bit. Remembering those things Wang Yibo did for him.

"I will respect you and honour you
Always and in all ways
To have and to hold
To tears and in laughter
In sickness and in health
To love and to cherish
Till death do us part..."

Xiao Zhan pause here. Take a deep breath and continue his vows.

"I will love you and love you and love you... Until I have nothing left
I will love you till I die
I Xiao Zhan, take you Wang Yibo to be my lawfully wedded husband
My love from this day forward..."

Everyone becomes more emotional. Crystal Zhang and Carman Lee already start crying seeing their sons promises.

"I declared Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo husband and husband.. You may..." Before The priest could continue. They start kiss each other already.

(Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan Outfit)

Fireworks starts everywhere with their kiss. Everyone cheer for them and some of them laugh seeing their actions.

"My idiot brother...." Zhuo Cheng mumble and wipe his tears.

"Finally you find your happiness Xiao Zhan...." Huang Jingyu said while his tears rolling down from his eyes.

(Huang Jingyu Outfit)

Finally its time to cut their wedding cake. Wang Yibo order all rose cake for Xiao Zhan.

"Why all things made by roses?" Xiao Zhan whisper in Wang Yibo's ear.

"Because my wife love roses..." Wang Yibo whisper back in Xiao Zhan's ear.

Xiao Zhan shyly smile. They cut cake together.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo finally married now. It's already becoming evening. The evening party starts. All lights of that tree start shining. Fireworks still happening everywhere.

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan dancing slowly. Some of them eating or chatting with each other. Huang Jingyu finally come towards Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo.

"May I have dance with Xiao Zhan now..??" Huang Jingyu asked while rolling his eyes.

"Go away..." Wang Yibo replied while rolling his eyes too.

"You are married with him now... Stop getting jealous.. For God sake.." Huang Jingyu said.

"I am not jealous ok.." Wang Yibo about argue with Huang Jingyu Xiao Zhan cut him.

"Yes you can.." Xiao Zhan said.

"But..." Xiao Zhan again cut Wang Yibo.

"It's ok...." Xiao Zhan said.

After Xiao Zhan said that. Huang Jingyu take Xiao Zhan hand from Wang Yibo's hand and start dancing slowly.

"You are looking beautiful today Xiao Zhan..." Huang Jingyu said.

"Thank you Jingyu-A.. You are looking handsome..." Xiao Zhan replied with a smile.

"Don't you expect any gift from me...?? Or you are forgetting about your demanding gift..??" Huang Jingyu asked.

"What gift you are talking about???" Xiao Zhan asked confusedly.

"This gift..." Huang Jingyu said.

"Start now..."Huang Jingyu scream.

Finally artificial snow start falling in November. Xiao Zhan take one snow in his palm. It was soft. Maybe it's a emotional day for him. He is getting too much surprise and getting emotional.

"Snow...?? You still remember it??" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Why won't I?? You asked me to make snow before December.. This is the perfect time.. I did it.." Huang Jingyu replied.

"Thank you Jingyu-A..." By saying this Xiao Zhan hug him.

"Ok that's enough..." Wang Yibo disturb their moment.

"Ok.. OK don't get jealous you monkey.. Take care of him. He is all yours now... If you ever make him cry. Trust me. You will see my worst side..." By saying this Huang Jingyu give Xiao Zhan hand in Wang Yibo's hand.

Few minutes later everyone starts cheer for them. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan ready to go for their honeymoon now. Flowers shower start at them. They are going Alaska. As Xiao Zhan wants to see Northern Lights. Huang Jingyu is standing in corner and seeing them going.

"Move on heart. He and me are not 10 anymore..." Huang Jingyu mumble himself with a dry smile.

Suddenly his phone start ringing it was from his room. He saved his roommate number as *Roommate*. He receive the call.

"I am here at FB restaurant..." Xu Weizhou said.

"Ok.. I am coming..." Huang Jingyu replied.


Zhang Bai Jia was standing outside of Shen Xiao Hai mansion all the time. She see those fireworks still going on.

"Still fireworks going on... I heard Wang Yibo did so many things for his wedding..... Finally marriage goes smoothly... Congratulations brother... Congratulations Xiao Zhan...." By saying this Zhang Bai Jia left from there.


At FB Restaurant

Huang Jingyu reach at FB restaurant with a big smile. He still don't know why he is smiling like a fool. He takes out his phone and call Xu Weizhou.

Conversion between Huang Jingyu and Xu Weizhou :

Huang Jingyu: Where are you??

Xu Weizhou: At corner table.

Huang Jingyu: Which colour t-shirt you are wearing?

Xu Weizhou: Blue...

Huang Jingyu: Wait maybe I find you..

By saying this Huang Jingyu cut the call. He goes near to the corner table. There is a guy who is sitting there. Huang Jingyu can see his back side.

"Xu... Xu... Weizhou??" Huang Jingyu called out from his back.

Xu Weizhou finally turn back. And both of their eyes become bigger when they see each other face.



Both of them said that in unison with in disbelief.

"What the fuck you are doing here???" Huang Jingyu shout.

"What the fuck you are doing here?? Wait a minute... You are Huang Jingyu???" Xu Weizhou asked in disbelief.

"You had hit me in that shopping mall first... And still you didn't say sorry..." Huang Jingyu said angrily.

"You were at fault... You know what... Fuck with your help... Fuck with your act... Fuck you... I am leaving..." By saying this Xu Weizhou left from there.

"Hey... Stop... Where are you going?? You didn't say sorry yet..."Huang Jingyu go to Xu Weizhou behind.

"Just go away..." Xu Weizhou scream.

"I won't..." Huang Jingyu scream too.

Both of them are fighting or sometimes screaming at each other. Or trying to smack each other. But still walking together side by side.


In South Korea

"Mom you get it... Right??? His name is Wang Yibo.. He proposed me. He said he loved me mom. And you know mom I was the one who always allowed to go to his changing room during race time. He especially allowed me..." Chen Zhuo Xuan said excitedly.

It's been 5 hours now.. Chen Zhuo Xuan saying story about Wang Yibo and her.

"Mom he must be worried for me mom... We have to go back Beijing immediately...." Chen Zhuo Xuan again said.

"We will baby... We are going to back Beijing tomorrow... Now take rest..." Li Man Yi said while caressing her daughter cheek.

"Yes mom.. If I sleep early I will get up early.. And see my Yibo early too..." Chen Zhuo Xuan said.

"Mom.... My Yibo.... Right???" Chen Zhuo Xuan asked hopefully in cracking voice.

"Yes... Your Yibo... Anna now go to sleep..." Li Man Yi said.

Li Man Yi still caressing her daughter hair. She called by her nickname Anna to calm her down. After making her sleep she comes out from her daughter room.

"Ma'am that detective is calling you.. Should I call him back now???" Li Man Yi's secretary asked.

"Yes..." Li Man Yi said while sitting down in sofa.

"Ma'am.. He receive it..." Li Man Yi's secretary said.

"Yes.... Say what's you find out about that accident..." Li Man Yi asked.

"Ma'am.. Maybe it was accident... But his driving skills... I am still confused.... It was accident.... That boy name is Xiao Zhan...." Li Man Yi's detective said.


That drones and card pictures I made it. See they are happily married without any problems. I am sorry for the grammatical error 🙏🙏

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